Beispiel #1
 public function save_f()
     if ($this->config['is_vcode'] && function_exists('imagecreate')) {
         $code = $this->get('_chkcode');
         if (!$code) {
         $code = md5(strtolower($code));
         if ($code != $_SESSION['vcode']) {
     $id = $this->get('id', 'system');
     if (!$id) {
     $project_rs = $this->call->phpok('_project', 'phpok=' . $id);
     if (!$project_rs || !$project_rs['status']) {
     if (!$project_rs['module']) {
     if (!$this->model('popedom')->check($project_rs['id'], $this->user_groupid, 'post')) {
     $array = array();
     $array["title"] = $this->get("title");
     if (!$array['title']) {
         $tip = $project_rs['alias_title'] ? $project_rs['alias_title'] : P_Lang('主题');
         $this->json($tip . ' ' . P_Lang("不能为空"));
     $tid = $this->get('tid', 'int');
     $array["status"] = $this->model('popedom')->val($project_rs['id'], $this->user_groupid, 'post1');
     $array["hidden"] = 0;
     $array["module_id"] = $project_rs["module"];
     $array["project_id"] = $project_rs["id"];
     $array["site_id"] = $project_rs["site_id"];
     $array["cate_id"] = $this->get("cate_id", "int");
     $array['user_id'] = $_SESSION['user_id'] ? $_SESSION['user_id'] : 0;
     if ($tid) {
         $get_result = $this->model('list')->save($array, $tid);
         if (!$get_result) {
         if ($array["cate_id"]) {
             $ext_cate = $this->get('ext_cate_id');
             if (!$ext_cate) {
                 $ext_cate = array($array["cate_id"]);
             $this->model('list')->save_ext_cate($tid, $ext_cate);
     } else {
         $array["dateline"] = $this->time;
         $insert_id = $this->model('list')->save($array);
         if (!$insert_id) {
         if ($array["cate_id"]) {
             $ext_cate = $this->get('ext_cate_id');
             if (!$ext_cate) {
                 $ext_cate = array($array["cate_id"]);
             $this->model('list')->save_ext_cate($insert_id, $ext_cate);
     $ext_list = $this->model('module')->fields_all($project_rs["module"]);
     if (!$ext_list) {
         $ext_list = array();
     $tmplist = false;
     if (!$tid) {
         $tmplist["id"] = $insert_id;
     $tmplist["site_id"] = $project_rs["site_id"];
     $tmplist["project_id"] = $project_rs["id"];
     $tmplist["cate_id"] = $array["cate_id"];
     foreach ($ext_list as $key => $value) {
         $val = ext_value($value);
         if ($value["ext"]) {
             $ext = unserialize($value["ext"]);
             foreach ($ext as $k => $v) {
                 $value[$k] = $v;
         if ($value["form_type"] == "password") {
             $content = $rs[$value["identifier"]] ? $rs[$value["identifier"]] : $value["content"];
             $val = ext_password_format($val, $content, $value["password_type"]);
         if ($val) {
             $tmplist[$value["identifier"]] = $val;
     if ($tid) {
         $this->model('list')->update_ext($tmplist, $project_rs['module'], $tid);
         $this->json(P_Lang('内容编辑成功'), true);
     $this->model('list')->save_ext($tmplist, $project_rs["module"]);
     if ($project_rs['etpl_admin']) {
         $email_rs = $this->model('email')->get_identifier($project_rs['etpl_admin'], $this->site['id']);
         $email = $this->model('admin')->get_mail();
         if ($email_rs && $email) {
             $tmp = array_merge($tmplist, $array);
             $tmp['id'] = $insert_id;
             $this->assign('rs', $tmp);
             $this->assign('page_rs', $project_rs);
             $this->assign('user', $_SESSION['user_rs']);
             $title = $this->fetch($email_rs["title"], "content");
             $content = $this->fetch($email_rs["content"], "content");
             $this->lib('email')->send_admin($title, $content, $email);
     if ($project_rs['etpl_user']) {
         $email_rs = $this->model('email')->get_identifier($project_rs['etpl_admin'], $this->site['id']);
         $email = $this->get('email');
         if (!$email && $_SESSION['user_id']) {
             $user_rs = $this->model('user')->get_one($_SESSION['user_id']);
             if ($user_rs) {
                 $email = $user_rs['email'];
         if ($email && $email_rs) {
             $tmp = array_merge($tmplist, $array);
             $tmp['id'] = $insert_id;
             $this->assign('rs', $tmp);
             $this->assign('page_rs', $project_rs);
             $this->assign('user', $_SESSION['user_rs']);
             $title = $this->fetch($email_rs["title"], "content");
             $content = $this->fetch($email_rs["content"], "content");
             $this->lib('email')->send_admin($title, $content, $email);
Beispiel #2
 function setok_f()
     $id = $this->get("id", "int");
     $array = array();
     $array["user"] = $this->get("user");
     $array['avatar'] = $this->get('avatar');
     $array['email'] = $this->get('email');
     $array['mobile'] = $this->get('mobile');
     $pass = $this->get("pass");
     if ($pass) {
         $array["pass"] = password_create($pass);
     } else {
         if (!$id) {
             $array["pass"] = password_create("123456");
     $popedom_id = $id ? 'modify' : 'add';
     if (!$this->popedom[$popedom_id]) {
         error(P_Lang('您没有权限执行此操作'), '', 'error');
     $array["group_id"] = $this->get("group_id", "int");
     if ($this->popedom["status"]) {
         $array["status"] = $this->get("status", "int");
     $regtime = $this->get("regtime", "time");
     if (!$regtime) {
         $regtime = $this->time;
     $array["regtime"] = $regtime;
     $insert_id = $this->model('user')->save($array, $id);
     $ext_list = $this->model('user')->fields_all();
     $tmplist = array();
     $tmplist["id"] = $insert_id;
     foreach ($ext_list ? $ext_list : array() as $key => $value) {
         $val = ext_value($value);
         if ($value["ext"]) {
             $ext = unserialize($value["ext"]);
             foreach ($ext as $k => $v) {
                 $value[$k] = $v;
         if ($value["form_type"] == "password") {
             $content = $rs[$value["identifier"]] ? $rs[$value["identifier"]] : $value["content"];
             $val = ext_password_format($val, $content, $value["password_type"]);
         $tmplist[$value["identifier"]] = $val;
     $note = $id ? P_Lang('会员编辑成功') : P_Lang('新会员添加成功');
     error($note, $this->url("user"), "ok");
Beispiel #3
function ext_save($myid, $is_add = false, $save_id = "")
    if ($is_add) {
        $tmplist = $_SESSION[$myid];
        if (!$tmplist) {
            return false;
        foreach ($tmplist as $key => $value) {
            $val = ext_value($value);
            $array = array();
            $array["module"] = $save_id ? $save_id : $myid;
            $array["title"] = $value['title'];
            $array["identifier"] = $value['identifier'];
            $array["field_type"] = $value['field_type'];
            $array["note"] = $value['note'];
            $array["form_type"] = $value['form_type'];
            $array["form_style"] = $value["form_style"];
            $array["format"] = $value["format"];
            $array["content"] = $value["content"];
            $array["taxis"] = $value["taxis"];
            $array["ext"] = $value["ext"];
            if ($value["ext"] && $value["content"] && $val) {
                $tmp = is_string($value['ext']) ? unserialize($value["ext"]) : $value['ext'];
                if ($value["form_type"] == "password") {
                    $val = ext_password_format($val, $value["content"], $tmp["password_type"]);
                $array["ext"] = serialize($tmp);
            $insert_id = $GLOBALS['app']->model("ext")->save($array);
            $GLOBALS['app']->model("ext")->extc_save($val, $insert_id);
        $_SESSION[$myid] = "";
    } else {
        $tmplist = $GLOBALS['app']->model("ext")->ext_all($myid);
        if (!$tmplist) {
            return false;
        foreach ($tmplist as $key => $value) {
            $val = ext_value($value);
            if ($value["form_type"] == "password") {
                $tmp = $value["ext"] ? unserialize($value["ext"]) : "";
                if (!$tmp) {
                    $tmp = array();
                    $tmp["password_type"] = "default";
                $val = ext_password_format($val, $value["content"], $tmp["password_type"]);
            $GLOBALS['app']->model("ext")->extc_save($val, $value["id"]);
    return true;
Beispiel #4
 function ajax_save_f()
     $id = $this->get("id");
     $chk_rs = $this->check($id);
     if ($chk_rs["status"] != "ok") {
     $p_rs = $chk_rs["info"];
     $m_rs = $this->model('module')->get_one($p_rs["module"]);
     $title = $this->get("title");
     if (!$title) {
         $note = $p_rs["alias_title"] ? $p_rs["alias_title"] : P_Lang('主题');
         $this->json($note . P_Lang('不能为空'));
     $_chk = $this->get("_chk");
     if ($_chk) {
         if ($_chk == 'title') {
             $sql = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list WHERE project_id='" . $p_rs['id'] . "' AND site_id='" . $p_rs['site_id'] . "'";
             $sql .= " AND title='" . $title . "' AND module_id='" . $p_rs['module'] . "' LIMIT 1";
         } else {
             $tmp = $this->get($_chk);
             if (!$tmp) {
             $sql = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->db->prefix . "list_" . $p_rs["module"] . " WHERE project_id='" . $p_rs['id'] . "' ";
             $sql .= "AND site_id='" . $p_rs['site_id'] . "' AND " . $_chk . "='" . $tmp . "' LIMIT 1";
         $chk = $this->db->get_one($sql);
         if ($chk) {
     $array = array();
     $array["title"] = $title;
     $array["dateline"] = $this->system_time;
     $array["status"] = 0;
     $array["hidden"] = 0;
     $array["module_id"] = $p_rs["module"];
     $array["project_id"] = $p_rs["id"];
     $array["site_id"] = $p_rs["site_id"];
     $array["cate_id"] = $this->get("cate_id", "int");
     $insert_id = $this->model('list')->save($array);
     if (!$insert_id) {
     $ext_list = $this->model('module')->fields_all($p_rs["module"]);
     $tmplist = array();
     $tmplist["id"] = $insert_id;
     $tmplist["site_id"] = $p_rs["site_id"];
     $tmplist["project_id"] = $p_rs["id"];
     $tmplist["cate_id"] = $array["cate_id"];
     if ($ext_list) {
         foreach ($ext_list as $key => $value) {
             $val = ext_value($value);
             if ($value["ext"]) {
                 $ext = unserialize($value["ext"]);
                 foreach ($ext as $k => $v) {
                     $value[$k] = $v;
             if ($value["form_type"] == "password") {
                 $content = $rs[$value["identifier"]] ? $rs[$value["identifier"]] : $value["content"];
                 $val = ext_password_format($val, $content, $value["password_type"]);
             $tmplist[$value["identifier"]] = $val;
     $this->model('list')->save_ext($tmplist, $p_rs["module"]);
     $identifier = "content-" . $insert_id;
     $i_array = array();
     $i_array["id"] = $insert_id;
     $i_array["site_id"] = $p_rs["site_id"];
     $i_array["phpok"] = $identifier;
     $i_array["type_id"] = "content";
     $this->json(P_Lang('添加成功'), true);