// { //RIGHT LIMITATION END if ($cmd == "myprof") { $go = cmsg("A_MY_PROF"); displayconfigtblsd(); exit; } // CFG OPT FUTURE TODO: // Убирание меню в редакторе и поиске. // nomnu=1 включать для unframedmode //if (!$pr[8]) echo "DEBUG MODE:dont try to fix me im not broken<br>"; echo "<cite>" . cmsg("A_WELC") . $prauth[$ADM][15] . " <br></cite>"; if ($nokeys == 1) { nokeys(1); } if ($daysleft < 1) { expire(); } if ($write == 1) { $act = "Write data"; logwrite($act); write(); dispref(); exit; } if ($write == 2) { $act = "Write tbldata {$tbl}"; logwrite($act); writeconfigtbl(); dispref(); exit; }
$update_equipment = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET drink_end_time='{$time}'+'{$drink_time}' WHERE id='{$id_user}'"); $update_equip_table = mysql_query("INSERT items_equiped (id_item,id_user,type) VALUES ({$id_item}, {$id_user},{$type})"); $update_stats = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET power=power+{$new_power}, fastness=fastness+{$new_fastness}, agility=agility+{$new_agility}, energy=energy+{$new_energy}, endurance=endurance+{$new_endurance}, money=money-{$money} WHERE id='{$id_user}'"); Header("Location: ./?m=shop&item_type=3"); } } } } } if (isset($_GET['item_type'])) { $item_type = $_GET['item_type']; } else { $item_type = 1; } if ($item_type == 3) { echo '<b>You need to wait ' . expire($user['drink_end_time']) . ' until you can buy a new drink</b><br>'; } // find out how many rows are in the table $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM items WHERE type={$item_type}"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("SQL", E_USER_ERROR); $r = mysql_fetch_row($result); $numrows = $r[0]; // number of rows to show per page $rowsperpage = 6; // find out total pages $totalpages = ceil($numrows / $rowsperpage); // get the current page or set a default if (isset($_GET['currentpage']) && is_numeric($_GET['currentpage'])) { // cast var as int $currentpage = (int) $_GET['currentpage']; } else {
<?php #Weird method to replace generation files with real cache #if(J10){die(pre($_GET));} #recrée le fichier html - appelé depuis chaque fichier en cache html local #et donc, si le fichier appelle un header, le fichier html final mérite bien de charger le localcache expire('90000'); e(',localcache'); #,Av($a,U,is_file($x)); $x = DR . U; /*$_ENV['c']['htmlcache']=Array($x,'<?require_once RT."localcache.php";?>','<!--cache:localhtml-->');*/ #av(__FILE__.__LINE__,preg_match("~\.(html?)~i",U)); if (is_file($x) && preg_match('#\\.html?#', U)) { #pour les fichiers php qui n'acceptent aucun paramètre - sauf qu'on ne le sait qu'à la fin !!!! if (is_file($x . '.inc')) { unlink($x); rename($x . '.inc', $x); require_once $x; kill(); } else { unlink($x); } #or else it has nothing to do here !! #Av($a['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],$x); if (0) { #||$_ENV['htmlcache']=1 if (filemtime($x) < NOW && filesize($x) < 15000) { #expiré if (is_file($x)) { e(",{$x} is file"); #L'url correspond bien un fichier physique de Génération HTML
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" class="trans"> <tr> <td width="100%"> <span style="font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;color:#1E7BBB ;"><?php echo $lang['menu_premium']; ?> </span><br/> <br> <?php if ($user['premium'] == 1) { $premium = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM premium_history WHERE user_id='{$user['id']}'")); ?> Already using premium services. Your premium account expire after <?php echo expire($premium['premium_expire']); ?> . <?php } else { ?> <b>Use premium account and get our bonuses.<b><br/> +<?php echo $web['premium_bonus_force']; ?> force, +<?php echo $web['premium_bonus_agility']; ?> agility, +<?php echo $web['premium_bonus_endurance']; ?>
if (!$find) { error('<h2>錯誤</h2> <p class="error">刪除錯誤:密碼錯誤</p>'); } $act = ''; } elseif ($act == 'down') { $qry = 'SELECT * FROM upload WHERE id = ' . intval($id); $rs = sqlite_query($conn, $qry); $row = sqlite_fetch_array($rs); if (!$row) { error('<h2>錯誤</h2> <p class="error">下載錯誤:此檔案找不到</p>'); } if ($row['tlim'] || $row['dlim']) { if ($row['tlim'] && time() + $tz * 60 * 60 >= $row['utime'] + $row['tlim'] * 60 || $row['dlim'] && $row['dcnt'] >= $row['dlim']) { expire($id); } } $qry = 'SELECT * FROM upload WHERE id = ' . $id; $rs = sqlite_query($conn, $qry); $row = sqlite_fetch_array($rs); if (!$row['utime']) { error('<h2>錯誤</h2> <p class="error">下載錯誤:此檔案已失效</p>'); } $txt = "<h2>下載</h2>\r\n<form method=\"post\" action=\"{$PHP_SELF}\">\r\n<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"act\" value=\"get\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"{$row['id']}\" /></p>\r\n<h3>下載檔案</h3>\r\n<p>您將要下載檔案 {$prefix}" . padNum($id) . ".{$row['ext']}。</p><fieldset><legend>備注:</legend>{$row['com']}</fieldset>"; if ($row['dpwd'] != '*') { $txt .= '<p>請輸入下載密碼:<input type="password" size="10" name="downpass" maxlength="10" class="box" tabindex="3" accesskey="3" /></p>'; } $txt .= "<p>檔案名稱:<label><input type='radio' name='name' value='gen' checked='checked'/>{$prefix}" . padNum($id) . ".{$row['ext']}</label> " . ($row['upfile_name'][0] != '*' ? "<label><input type='radio' name='name' value='user'/>{$row['upfile_name']}</label> </p>" : '') . "\r\n<p><input type=\"submit\" value=\"下載\" tabindex=\"8\" accesskey=\"8\" /></p>\r\n</form>\r\n"; error($txt);
function h($x) { #£good:universal headers control if ($x != 200) { e(',h!200,noperf'); } switch ($x) { case 'xsl': case 'gss': expire(); header("Content-type: xslt+xml"); break; case '200': header('status:200', 1, 200); break; case 'jpg': expire(1200000); header("Content-type: image/jpg", 1, 200); break; case 'rss': expire(); header("Content-type: application/xml"); break; case 'css': expire(3600); header("Content-type: text/css"); break; case 'js': case 'j': expire(3600); Header("Content-type: application/x-javascript"); break; } }