function addOpenID() { global $openid_list; $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); if (empty($_GET['openid_identifier']) || strstr($_GET['openid_identifier'], ".") === false) { exitWithError(_t('오픈아이디를 입력하지 않았거나, 도메인 없는 오픈아이디를 입력하였습니다.')); } $currentOpenID = Acl::getIdentity('openid_temp'); $fc = new OpenIDConsumer(); $claimedOpenID = $fc->fetch($_GET['openid_identifier']); if (in_array($claimedOpenID, $openid_list)) { exitWithError(_t('이미 연결된 오픈아이디 입니다') . " : " . $claimedOpenID); } if ($_GET['authenticated'] === "0") { header("Location: " . $context->getProperty('') . "/owner/setting/account"); exit(0); } if (empty($currentOpenID) || $claimedOpenID != $currentOpenID) { loginOpenIDforAdding($claimedOpenID); return; } if (!in_array($currentOpenID, $openid_list)) { for ($i = 0; $i < OPENID_REGISTERS; $i++) { $openid = Setting::getUserSetting("openid." . $i, null, true); if (empty($openid)) { Setting::setUserSetting("openid." . $i, $currentOpenID, true); break; } } } echo "<html><head><script type=\"text/javascript\">//<![CDATA[" . CRLF . "alert('" . _t('연결하였습니다.') . " : " . $currentOpenID . "'); document.location.href='" . $context->getProperty('') . "/owner/setting/account'; //]]></script></head></html>"; }
function loginCheck($f_bAct = false) { global $db; // session if (empty($_SESSION[SESSION_NAME])) { return exitWithError($f_bAct, "Invalid session!"); } $arrSession = $_SESSION[SESSION_NAME]; // variables if (!is_array($arrSession) || !isset($arrSession['uid'], $arrSession['ip'], $arrSession['hash'])) { return exitWithError($f_bAct, "Invalid session!"); } // ip check if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] !== $arrSession['ip']) { return exitWithError($f_bAct, "Invalid session!"); } // user check in db $arrUser = db_select(TABLE_PLAYERS, "id = '" . $arrSession['uid'] . "' AND hash = '" . $arrSession['hash'] . "'"); if (1 != count($arrUser)) { return exitWithError($f_bAct, "Invalid session!"); } // update online time db_update(TABLE_PLAYERS, array('last_online' => time()), 'id = ' . (int) $arrSession['uid']); if (!defined('USER_ID')) { define('USER_ID', (int) $arrSession['uid']); } return true; }
} break; case "get": if (!isset($_POST["id"])) { exitWithError("ID not set."); } if (!is_numeric($_POST["id"])) { exitWithError("ID not an integer."); } $recordId = $_POST["id"]; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT `data`, `fileName` FROM `schematics_tempholder` WHERE id=?"); $stmt->bind_param('i', $recordId); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($fileContents, $fileName); if (!$stmt->fetch()) { exitWithError("No record found with ID {$recordId}."); } $stmt->close(); $fileSize = strlen($fileContents); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $fileName . '.schematic'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . $fileSize); echo $fileContents; //Delete the record: $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("DELETE FROM `schematics_tempholder` WHERE id=?"); $stmt->bind_param('i', $recordId);
$descriptorspec = array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w")); $proc = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes); fwrite($pipes[0], $data); fclose($pipes[0]); $stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); $stderr = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); fclose($pipes[1]); $return = proc_close($proc); if ($return == 1) { exitWithError("FAILED: cmd: {$cmd}, return code: {$return}, stdout: {$stdout}, stderr: {$stderr}"); } elseif ($return == 2 || $return == 0) { $regex = '/info from server: "processed: (\\d+); failed: (\\d+); total: (\\d+); seconds spent: (\\d+\\.\\d+)"/'; $processed = 0; $failed = 0; $total = 0; $secondsSpent = 0.0; foreach (explode("\n", $stdout) as $line) { if (preg_match($regex, $line, $matches)) { $processed += (int) $matches[1]; $total += (int) $matches[3]; $secondsSpent += (double) $matches[4]; } } echo "OK [{$processed}/{$total} processed in {$secondsSpent}]\n"; /*echo $cmd . "\n"; echo "stdout: {$stdout}, stderr: {$stderr}\n"; echo "data: " . print_r($data, true);*/ } else { exitWithError("Unknown return code {$return}"); } }
/** * Validate a course's existence (and proper integer) based on its courseId value. * Optionally, validate that the current user has proper access for this given course * (the given course must be within the nodes subtree that the current user belongs to). * * @param int $courseId - The course's id * @param boolean $checkOwn - Optional validation (if true) of current user's node access */ function validateCourseNodes($courseId, $checkOwn) { global $tool_content, $head_content, $tree, $course, $user, $uid, $langBack, $langNotAllowed; $notallowed = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>{$langNotAllowed}</div><p class='pull-right'><a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}'>" . $langBack . "</a></p>"; if ($courseId <= 0) { exitWithError($notallowed); } $deps = $course->getDepartmentIds(intval($courseId)); if (empty($deps)) { exitWithError($notallowed); } if ($checkOwn) { $atleastone = false; $subtrees = $tree->buildSubtrees($user->getDepartmentIds($uid)); foreach ($deps as $depId) { if (in_array($depId, $subtrees)) { $atleastone = true; } } if (!$atleastone) { exitWithError($notallowed); } } }
if (false === $fh) { exitWithError("Failed to open the hosts file."); } fwrite($fh, $startToken . PHP_EOL); foreach ($siteList as $site) { fwrite($fh, "\t{$site}" . PHP_EOL); fwrite($fh, "\twww.{$site}" . PHP_EOL); } fwrite($fh, $endToken . PHP_EOL); fclose($fh); shell_exec($restartNetworkingCommand); break; case 'play': $hostContents = file($hostsFile); if (false === $hostContents) { exitWithError("Failed to open the hosts file."); } $startIndex = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($hostContents); $i++) { if (trim($hostContents[$i]) == $startToken) { $startIndex = $i; } } if ($startIndex > -1) { $hostContents = array_slice($hostContents, 0, $startIndex); file_put_contents($hostsFile, $hostContents); shell_exec($restartNetworkingCommand); } break; } function exitWithError($error)
$strSchemaFile = $objDOM->getElementsByTagName('pages')->item(0)->getAttribute('xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation'); if (true === empty($strSchemaFile)) { exitWithError('config-file has no schema associated; do not worry, you probably only need to upgrade its ' . 'structure. This can be done automatically. ' . '<a href="../upgrade/index.php?config=' . $strConfigSuffix . '">Click here to upgrade</a>'); } $intConfigurationVersion = $objDOM->getElementsByTagName('pages')->item(0)->getAttribute('lib_version'); if ($intConfigurationVersion < LIBRARY_VERSION) { exitWithError('Your configuration is not suited for the current version of the library/editor; ' . ' do not worry, you only need to upgrade its structure. This can be done automatically. ' . '<a href="../upgrade/index.php?config=' . $strConfigSuffix . '">Click here to upgrade</a>'); } $strSchemaFilename = sprintf(SCHEMA_FILENAME, $strSchemaFile); if ('.xsd' !== substr($strSchemaFilename, -4)) { exitWithError('schema-filename of config-file is not compliant \'' . $strSchemaFilename . '\'.'); } // .. as a fully qualified filename $strSchemaFQFilename = realpath(simplifyPath($strConfigPath . ($isDemo ? 'demo/' : '') . $strSchemaFilename)); if (false === is_readable($strSchemaFQFilename)) { exitWithError('schema-file of config-file does not exist \'' . $strSchemaFQFilename . '\' (\'' . $strSchemaFilename . '\').'); } // disable output of validator ob_start(); // validate the configuration $boolValid = $objDOM->schemaValidate($strSchemaFQFilename); // and flush the validators output ob_end_clean(); if (true === $boolValid) { // everything is good header('Location: editor.html?config=' . $strConfigSuffix . ($isDemo ? '&demo=true' : '')); exit; } else { // not everything is good, have check_config look at it. header('Location: ../check_config.php?config=' . $strConfigSuffix); exit;
break; case 'play': $hostContents = file($hostsFile); if (false === $hostContents) { exitWithError("Failed to open the hosts file."); } $startIndex = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($hostContents); $i++) { if (trim($hostContents[$i]) == $startToken) { $startIndex = $i; } } if ($startIndex > -1) { $hostContents = array_slice($hostContents, 0, $startIndex); file_put_contents($hostsFile, $hostContents); shell_exec($restartNetworkingCommand); } break; default: exitWithError("usage: " . $argv[0] . " [work | play]"); } function exitWithError($error) { fwrite(STDERR, $error . PHP_EOL); exit(1); } function iniToArray($iniFile) { $iniContents = parse_ini_file($iniFile); return array_map('trim', explode(',', $iniContents["sites"])); }
$streamJson = json_decode($matches[1]); if (!$streamJson) { exitWithError("No proper json received"); } if ($streamJson->success) { $streamUrlWithHash = $streamJson->stream; if (DEBUG) { echo "Stream URL received: " . $streamUrlWithHash . "\n"; } } // Increase iteration number $i++; } if (!$streamUrlWithHash) { exitWithError("No URL could be retrieved in " . MAX_TRIES . " tries"); } // Now retrieve the actual URL $url = $streamUrlWithHash . "&callback=finalMethod&_=" . mktime() * 1000; $finalJs = file_get_contents($url); if (!preg_match("/\"(.+)\"/", $finalJs, $matches)) { exitWithError("No proper response from stream URL with hash"); } $finalUrl = json_decode($matches[0]); if (DEBUG) { echo "Final URL: "; } // Store final URL $channelData["stream"] = $finalUrl; $channelData["success"] = true; echo json_encode($channelData); echo "\n";