Beispiel #1
function usage()
    global $argv;
    exitProg(basename($argv[0]) . " - the OOBD GPG group key create tool\nPart of the OOBD tool set (\n\nUsage:\n\t" . basename($argv[0]) . " appPassPhrase.gpg userlist pubkeyfile seckeyfile\n\nappkey.gpg: contains the application pass phrase in the last line of text, encrypted with the key masters gpg key\n\ngrouplist.txt : contains the name of the groups to be generated, one per row\n\npubkeyfile, seckeyfile: File to store the new keys in\n\n" . basename($argv[0]) . " writes the gpg config file to stdout, where gpg takes this as input with 'gpg --batch --gen-key -'\n\n\n", 0);
Beispiel #2
function usage()
    global $argv;
    exitProg(basename($argv[0]) . " - the OOBD Script Installer Generator tool\nPart of the OOBD tool set (\n\nUsage:\n\t" . basename($argv[0]) . " useraccesslist username groupfile nsistemplate licencefile scriptinputdir outputdir\n\nuseraccesslist: the file containing the users and their groups\n\nusername: the particular user for which the file shall be made for\n\ngroupkey: the groupkey file of that user\n\nnsistemplate: the template for the nsisfile, where\n\t\$\$user represents the username\n\t\$\$files the script files\n\t\$\$groupfile the groupkey- file\n\t\$\$installerpath the location of the generated installer.exe\n\t\$\$licencefile the location of the licence text\n\t\nlicencefile: The file containing the licence text of the pack\n\t\nscriptinputdir: directore, where the access group subdirs are in\n\noutputdir: directory, where the finished installer should be placed\n", 0);