function SetupPopup() { global $conn, $ReportLanguage; global $Report16; // Initialize popup // Build distinct values for paper_name $bNullValue = FALSE; $bEmptyValue = FALSE; $sSql = ewrpt_BuildReportSql($Report16->paper_name->SqlSelect, $Report16->SqlWhere(), $Report16->SqlGroupBy(), $Report16->SqlHaving(), $Report16->paper_name->SqlOrderBy, $this->Filter, ""); $rswrk = $conn->Execute($sSql); while ($rswrk && !$rswrk->EOF) { $Report16->paper_name->setDbValue($rswrk->fields[0]); if (is_null($Report16->paper_name->CurrentValue)) { $bNullValue = TRUE; } elseif ($Report16->paper_name->CurrentValue == "") { $bEmptyValue = TRUE; } else { $Report16->paper_name->ViewValue = $Report16->paper_name->CurrentValue; ewrpt_SetupDistinctValues($Report16->paper_name->ValueList, $Report16->paper_name->CurrentValue, $Report16->paper_name->ViewValue, FALSE); } $rswrk->MoveNext(); } if ($rswrk) { $rswrk->Close(); } if ($bEmptyValue) { ewrpt_SetupDistinctValues($Report16->paper_name->ValueList, EWRPT_EMPTY_VALUE, $ReportLanguage->Phrase("EmptyLabel"), FALSE); } if ($bNullValue) { ewrpt_SetupDistinctValues($Report16->paper_name->ValueList, EWRPT_NULL_VALUE, $ReportLanguage->Phrase("NullLabel"), FALSE); } // Build distinct values for grade $bNullValue = FALSE; $bEmptyValue = FALSE; $sSql = ewrpt_BuildReportSql($Report16->grade->SqlSelect, $Report16->SqlWhere(), $Report16->SqlGroupBy(), $Report16->SqlHaving(), $Report16->grade->SqlOrderBy, $this->Filter, ""); $rswrk = $conn->Execute($sSql); while ($rswrk && !$rswrk->EOF) { $Report16->grade->setDbValue($rswrk->fields[0]); if (is_null($Report16->grade->CurrentValue)) { $bNullValue = TRUE; } elseif ($Report16->grade->CurrentValue == "") { $bEmptyValue = TRUE; } else { $Report16->grade->ViewValue = $Report16->grade->CurrentValue; ewrpt_SetupDistinctValues($Report16->grade->ValueList, $Report16->grade->CurrentValue, $Report16->grade->ViewValue, FALSE); } $rswrk->MoveNext(); } if ($rswrk) { $rswrk->Close(); } if ($bEmptyValue) { ewrpt_SetupDistinctValues($Report16->grade->ValueList, EWRPT_EMPTY_VALUE, $ReportLanguage->Phrase("EmptyLabel"), FALSE); } if ($bNullValue) { ewrpt_SetupDistinctValues($Report16->grade->ValueList, EWRPT_NULL_VALUE, $ReportLanguage->Phrase("NullLabel"), FALSE); } // Process post back form if (ewrpt_IsHttpPost()) { $sName = @$_POST["popup"]; // Get popup form name if ($sName != "") { $cntValues = is_array(@$_POST["sel_{$sName}"]) ? count($_POST["sel_{$sName}"]) : 0; if ($cntValues > 0) { $arValues = ewrpt_StripSlashes($_POST["sel_{$sName}"]); if (trim($arValues[0]) == "") { // Select all $arValues = EWRPT_INIT_VALUE; } $_SESSION["sel_{$sName}"] = $arValues; $_SESSION["rf_{$sName}"] = ewrpt_StripSlashes(@$_POST["rf_{$sName}"]); $_SESSION["rt_{$sName}"] = ewrpt_StripSlashes(@$_POST["rt_{$sName}"]); $this->ResetPager(); } } // Get 'reset' command } elseif (@$_GET["cmd"] != "") { $sCmd = $_GET["cmd"]; if (strtolower($sCmd) == "reset") { $this->ClearSessionSelection('paper_name'); $this->ClearSessionSelection('grade'); $this->ResetPager(); } } // Load selection criteria to array // Get paper name selected values if (is_array(@$_SESSION["sel_Report16_paper_name"])) { $this->LoadSelectionFromSession('paper_name'); } elseif (@$_SESSION["sel_Report16_paper_name"] == EWRPT_INIT_VALUE) { // Select all $Report16->paper_name->SelectionList = ""; } // Get grade selected values if (is_array(@$_SESSION["sel_Report16_grade"])) { $this->LoadSelectionFromSession('grade'); } elseif (@$_SESSION["sel_Report16_grade"] == EWRPT_INIT_VALUE) { // Select all $Report16->grade->SelectionList = ""; } }
function SetupPopup() { global $conn, $ReportLanguage; global $CustomView2; // Initialize popup // Process post back form if (ewrpt_IsHttpPost()) { $sName = @$_POST["popup"]; // Get popup form name if ($sName != "") { $cntValues = is_array(@$_POST["sel_{$sName}"]) ? count($_POST["sel_{$sName}"]) : 0; if ($cntValues > 0) { $arValues = ewrpt_StripSlashes($_POST["sel_{$sName}"]); if (trim($arValues[0]) == "") { // Select all $arValues = EWRPT_INIT_VALUE; } $_SESSION["sel_{$sName}"] = $arValues; $_SESSION["rf_{$sName}"] = ewrpt_StripSlashes(@$_POST["rf_{$sName}"]); $_SESSION["rt_{$sName}"] = ewrpt_StripSlashes(@$_POST["rt_{$sName}"]); $this->ResetPager(); } } // Get 'reset' command } elseif (@$_GET["cmd"] != "") { $sCmd = $_GET["cmd"]; if (strtolower($sCmd) == "reset") { $this->ResetPager(); } } // Load selection criteria to array }
function GetFilterValues(&$fld) { $parm = substr($fld->FldVar, 2); if (ewrpt_IsHttpPost()) { return; } // Skip post back $got = FALSE; if (isset($_GET["sv1_{$parm}"])) { $fld->SearchValue = ewrpt_StripSlashes($_GET["sv1_{$parm}"]); $got = TRUE; } if (isset($_GET["so1_{$parm}"])) { $fld->SearchOperator = ewrpt_StripSlashes($_GET["so1_{$parm}"]); $got = TRUE; } if (isset($_GET["sc_{$parm}"])) { $fld->SearchCondition = ewrpt_StripSlashes($_GET["sc_{$parm}"]); $got = TRUE; } if (isset($_GET["sv2_{$parm}"])) { $fld->SearchValue2 = ewrpt_StripSlashes($_GET["sv2_{$parm}"]); $got = TRUE; } if (isset($_GET["so2_{$parm}"])) { $fld->SearchOperator2 = ewrpt_StripSlashes($_GET["so2_{$parm}"]); $got = TRUE; } return $got; }