Beispiel #1
function GetLookupValues($Sql)
    global $LnkType, $LnkFld, $LnkCount, $LnkDisp1, $LnkDisp2;
    $conn = ew_Connect();
    if ($rs = $conn->Execute($Sql)) {
        $rsarr = $rs->GetRows();
    // Output
    if (is_array($rsarr) && count($rsarr) > 0) {
        if ($LnkType == "2") {
            // Auto fill
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < count($rsarr[0]) - 1) {
                $str = $rsarr[0][$i];
                $str = ew_RemoveCrLf($str);
                if (strval($rsarr[0][$i + 1]) != "") {
                    $str .= ", " . ew_RemoveCrLf(strval($rsarr[0][$i + 1]));
                echo ew_ConvertToUtf8($str) . "\r";
                $i += 2;
        } else {
            $rsarrcnt = count($rsarr);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $rsarrcnt; $i++) {
                if (intval(count($rsarr[$i]) / 2) == intval($LnkCount)) {
                    // Process link field
                    if ($LnkType != "1") {
                        $str = $rsarr[$i][$LnkFld];
                        $str = ew_RemoveCrLf($str);
                        echo ew_ConvertToUtf8($str) . "\r";
                    // Process display field
                    if (intval($LnkDisp1) >= 0) {
                        $str = $rsarr[$i][$LnkDisp1];
                        $str = ew_RemoveCrLf($str);
                    } else {
                        $str = "";
                    echo ew_ConvertToUtf8($str) . "\r";
                    // Process display field 2
                    if (intval($LnkDisp2) >= 0) {
                        $str = $rsarr[$i][$LnkDisp2];
                        $str = ew_RemoveCrLf($str);
                    } else {
                        $str = "";
                    echo ew_ConvertToUtf8($str) . "\r";
Beispiel #2
 function GetLookupValues($Sql)
     $rsarr = array();
     $rowcnt = 0;
     $conn = ew_Connect();
     if ($rs = $conn->Execute($Sql)) {
         $rowcnt = $rs->RecordCount();
         $fldcnt = $rs->FieldCount();
         $rsarr = $rs->GetRows();
     // Output
     if (is_array($rsarr) && $rowcnt > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $rowcnt; $i++) {
             for ($j = 0; $j < $fldcnt; $j++) {
                 $str = strval($rsarr[$i][$j]);
                 $str = $this->RemoveDelimiters($str);
                 echo ew_ConvertToUtf8($str . EW_FIELD_DELIMITER);
             echo ew_ConvertToUtf8(EW_RECORD_DELIMITER);
 function cGiftCertificates_add()
     global $conn;
     // Initialize table object
     $GLOBALS["GiftCertificates"] = new cGiftCertificates();
     // Initialize other table object
     $GLOBALS['AdminInfo'] = new cAdminInfo();
     // Initialize other table object
     $GLOBALS['Customers'] = new cCustomers();
     // Intialize page id (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'add', TRUE);
     // Initialize table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'GiftCertificates', TRUE);
     // Open connection to the database
     $conn = ew_Connect();
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (v_hoja_manteniminto)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["v_hoja_manteniminto"]) || get_class($GLOBALS["v_hoja_manteniminto"]) == "cv_hoja_manteniminto") {
         $GLOBALS["v_hoja_manteniminto"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["v_hoja_manteniminto"];
     // Initialize URLs
     $this->ExportPrintUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=print";
     $this->ExportExcelUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=excel";
     $this->ExportWordUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=word";
     $this->ExportHtmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=html";
     $this->ExportXmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=xml";
     $this->ExportCsvUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=csv";
     $this->ExportPdfUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=pdf";
     $this->AddUrl = "v_hoja_mantenimintoadd.php";
     $this->InlineAddUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=add";
     $this->GridAddUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=gridadd";
     $this->GridEditUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=gridedit";
     $this->MultiDeleteUrl = "v_hoja_mantenimintodelete.php";
     $this->MultiUpdateUrl = "v_hoja_mantenimintoupdate.php";
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'list', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'v_hoja_manteniminto', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
     // List options
     $this->ListOptions = new cListOptions();
     $this->ListOptions->TableVar = $this->TableVar;
     // Export options
     $this->ExportOptions = new cListOptions();
     $this->ExportOptions->Tag = "div";
     $this->ExportOptions->TagClassName = "ewExportOption";
     // Other options
     $this->OtherOptions['addedit'] = new cListOptions();
     $this->OtherOptions['addedit']->Tag = "div";
     $this->OtherOptions['addedit']->TagClassName = "ewAddEditOption";
     $this->OtherOptions['detail'] = new cListOptions();
     $this->OtherOptions['detail']->Tag = "div";
     $this->OtherOptions['detail']->TagClassName = "ewDetailOption";
     $this->OtherOptions['action'] = new cListOptions();
     $this->OtherOptions['action']->Tag = "div";
     $this->OtherOptions['action']->TagClassName = "ewActionOption";
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     global $UserTable, $UserTableConn;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     $this->TokenTimeout = ew_SessionTimeoutTime();
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (bank)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["bank"]) || get_class($GLOBALS["bank"]) == "cbank") {
         $GLOBALS["bank"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["bank"];
     // Table object (user)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['user'])) {
         $GLOBALS['user'] = new cuser();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'delete', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'bank', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect($this->DBID);
     // User table object (user)
     if (!isset($UserTable)) {
         $UserTable = new cuser();
         $UserTableConn = Conn($UserTable->DBID);
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (nilai)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["nilai"]) || get_class($GLOBALS["nilai"]) == "cnilai") {
         $GLOBALS["nilai"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["nilai"];
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'delete', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'nilai', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
Beispiel #7
 function ctbl_user_level_edit()
     global $conn, $Language;
     // Language object
     $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Table object (tbl_user_level)
     $GLOBALS["tbl_user_level"] = new ctbl_user_level();
     // Table object (tbl_user)
     $GLOBALS['tbl_user'] = new ctbl_user();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'edit', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'tbl_user_level', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     $GLOBALS["gsTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     $conn = ew_Connect();
Beispiel #8
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language, $UserAgent;
     // User agent
     $UserAgent = ew_UserAgent();
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (usuario)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["usuario"])) {
         $GLOBALS["usuario"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["usuario"];
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["usuario"])) {
         $GLOBALS["usuario"] =& $this;
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'forgotpwd', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
 function cKitchen_Report_22D2_report()
     global $conn;
     // Initialize table object
     $GLOBALS["Kitchen_Report_22D2"] = new cKitchen_Report_22D2();
     // Initialize other table object
     $GLOBALS['AdminInfo'] = new cAdminInfo();
     // Intialize page id (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'report', TRUE);
     // Initialize table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'Kitchen Report 2-2', TRUE);
     // Open connection to the database
     $conn = ew_Connect();
 function cAllergies_list()
     global $conn;
     // Initialize table object
     $GLOBALS["Allergies"] = new cAllergies();
     // Initialize other table object
     $GLOBALS['AdminInfo'] = new cAdminInfo();
     // Intialize page id (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'list', TRUE);
     // Initialize table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'Allergies', TRUE);
     // Open connection to the database
     $conn = ew_Connect();
     // Initialize list options
     $this->ListOptions = new cListOptions();
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language, $UserAgent;
     // User agent
     $UserAgent = ew_UserAgent();
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (realmcharacters)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["realmcharacters"])) {
         $GLOBALS["realmcharacters"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["realmcharacters"];
     $KeyUrl = "";
     if (@$_GET["realmid"] != "") {
         $this->RecKey["realmid"] = $_GET["realmid"];
         $KeyUrl .= "&realmid=" . urlencode($this->RecKey["realmid"]);
     if (@$_GET["acctid"] != "") {
         $this->RecKey["acctid"] = $_GET["acctid"];
         $KeyUrl .= "&acctid=" . urlencode($this->RecKey["acctid"]);
     $this->ExportPrintUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=print" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportHtmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=html" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportExcelUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=excel" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportWordUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=word" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportXmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=xml" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportCsvUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=csv" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportPdfUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=pdf" . $KeyUrl;
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'view', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'realmcharacters', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
     // Export options
     $this->ExportOptions = new cListOptions();
     $this->ExportOptions->Tag = "span";
     $this->ExportOptions->TagClassName = "ewExportOption";
Beispiel #12
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (Report1)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["Report1"]) || get_class($GLOBALS["Report1"]) == "cReport1") {
         $GLOBALS["Report1"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["Report1"];
     // Initialize URLs
     $this->ExportPrintUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=print";
     $this->ExportExcelUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=excel";
     $this->ExportWordUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=word";
     // Table object (account)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['account'])) {
         $GLOBALS['account'] = new caccount();
     // User table object (account)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["UserTable"])) {
         $GLOBALS["UserTable"] = new caccount();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'report', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'Report1', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
     // Export options
     $this->ExportOptions = new cListOptions();
     $this->ExportOptions->Tag = "div";
     $this->ExportOptions->TagClassName = "ewExportOption";
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     $this->FormActionName .= '_' . $this->FormName;
     $this->FormKeyName .= '_' . $this->FormName;
     $this->FormOldKeyName .= '_' . $this->FormName;
     $this->FormBlankRowName .= '_' . $this->FormName;
     $this->FormKeyCountName .= '_' . $this->FormName;
     $GLOBALS["Grid"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (cuenta)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["cuenta"]) || get_class($GLOBALS["cuenta"]) == "ccuenta") {
         $GLOBALS["cuenta"] =& $this;
         //			$GLOBALS["MasterTable"] = &$GLOBALS["Table"];
         //			if (!isset($GLOBALS["Table"])) $GLOBALS["Table"] = &$GLOBALS["cuenta"];
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'grid', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'cuenta', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
     // List options
     $this->ListOptions = new cListOptions();
     $this->ListOptions->TableVar = $this->TableVar;
     // Other options
     $this->OtherOptions['addedit'] = new cListOptions();
     $this->OtherOptions['addedit']->Tag = "div";
     $this->OtherOptions['addedit']->TagClassName = "ewAddEditOption";
Beispiel #14
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (deudas)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["deudas"]) || get_class($GLOBALS["deudas"]) == "cdeudas") {
         $GLOBALS["deudas"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["deudas"];
     // Table object (socios)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['socios'])) {
         $GLOBALS['socios'] = new csocios();
     // Table object (usuario)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['usuario'])) {
         $GLOBALS['usuario'] = new cusuario();
     // User table object (usuario)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["UserTable"])) {
         $GLOBALS["UserTable"] = new cusuario();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'add', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'deudas', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
 function ct_promotions_vins_list()
     global $conn, $Language;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Table object (t_promotions_vins)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["t_promotions_vins"])) {
         $GLOBALS["t_promotions_vins"] = new ct_promotions_vins();
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["t_promotions_vins"];
     // Initialize URLs
     $this->ExportPrintUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=print";
     $this->ExportExcelUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=excel";
     $this->ExportWordUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=word";
     $this->ExportHtmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=html";
     $this->ExportXmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=xml";
     $this->ExportCsvUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=csv";
     $this->ExportPdfUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=pdf";
     $this->AddUrl = "t_promotions_vinsadd.php";
     $this->InlineAddUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=add";
     $this->GridAddUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=gridadd";
     $this->GridEditUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=gridedit";
     $this->MultiDeleteUrl = "t_promotions_vinsdelete.php";
     $this->MultiUpdateUrl = "t_promotions_vinsupdate.php";
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'list', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 't_promotions_vins', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
     // List options
     $this->ListOptions = new cListOptions();
     // Export options
     $this->ExportOptions = new cListOptions();
     $this->ExportOptions->Tag = "span";
     $this->ExportOptions->Separator = "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
 function cAdminInfo_edit()
     global $conn;
     // Initialize table object
     $GLOBALS["AdminInfo"] = new cAdminInfo();
     // Intialize page id (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'edit', TRUE);
     // Initialize table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'AdminInfo', TRUE);
     // Open connection to the database
     $conn = ew_Connect();
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (servicio_medico_prestado)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["servicio_medico_prestado"]) || get_class($GLOBALS["servicio_medico_prestado"]) == "cservicio_medico_prestado") {
         $GLOBALS["servicio_medico_prestado"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["servicio_medico_prestado"];
     // Table object (cuenta)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['cuenta'])) {
         $GLOBALS['cuenta'] = new ccuenta();
     // Table object (servicio_medico)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['servicio_medico'])) {
         $GLOBALS['servicio_medico'] = new cservicio_medico();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'add', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'servicio_medico_prestado', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
Beispiel #18
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (usuarios)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["usuarios"]) || get_class($GLOBALS["usuarios"]) == "cusuarios") {
         $GLOBALS["usuarios"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["usuarios"];
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["usuarios"])) {
         $GLOBALS["usuarios"] =& $this;
     // User table object (usuarios)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["UserTable"])) {
         $GLOBALS["UserTable"] = new cusuarios();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'changepwd', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language, $UserAgent;
     // User agent
     $UserAgent = ew_UserAgent();
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (rbac_account_permissions)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["rbac_account_permissions"])) {
         $GLOBALS["rbac_account_permissions"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["rbac_account_permissions"];
     // Initialize URLs
     $this->ExportPrintUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=print";
     $this->ExportExcelUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=excel";
     $this->ExportWordUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=word";
     $this->ExportHtmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=html";
     $this->ExportXmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=xml";
     $this->ExportCsvUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=csv";
     $this->ExportPdfUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=pdf";
     $this->AddUrl = "rbac_account_permissionsadd.php";
     $this->InlineAddUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=add";
     $this->GridAddUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=gridadd";
     $this->GridEditUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=gridedit";
     $this->MultiDeleteUrl = "rbac_account_permissionsdelete.php";
     $this->MultiUpdateUrl = "rbac_account_permissionsupdate.php";
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'list', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'rbac_account_permissions', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
     // List options
     $this->ListOptions = new cListOptions();
     $this->ListOptions->TableVar = $this->TableVar;
     // Export options
     $this->ExportOptions = new cListOptions();
     $this->ExportOptions->Tag = "span";
     $this->ExportOptions->TagClassName = "ewExportOption";
Beispiel #20
 function cinstitution_delete()
     global $conn;
     // Initialize table object
     $GLOBALS["institution"] = new cinstitution();
     // Intialize page id (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'delete', TRUE);
     // Initialize table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'institution', TRUE);
     // Open connection to the database
     $conn = ew_Connect();
 function cPromoCodes_delete()
     global $conn;
     // Initialize table object
     $GLOBALS["PromoCodes"] = new cPromoCodes();
     // Initialize other table object
     $GLOBALS['AdminInfo'] = new cAdminInfo();
     // Intialize page id (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'delete', TRUE);
     // Initialize table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'PromoCodes', TRUE);
     // Open connection to the database
     $conn = ew_Connect();
 function corder_list()
     global $conn, $Language;
     // Language object
     $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Table object (order)
     $GLOBALS["order"] = new corder();
     // Initialize URLs
     $this->ExportPrintUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=print";
     $this->ExportExcelUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=excel";
     $this->ExportWordUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=word";
     $this->ExportHtmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=html";
     $this->ExportXmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=xml";
     $this->ExportCsvUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=csv";
     $this->AddUrl = $GLOBALS["order"]->AddUrl();
     $this->InlineAddUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=add";
     $this->GridAddUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=gridadd";
     $this->GridEditUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "a=gridedit";
     $this->MultiDeleteUrl = "orderdelete.php";
     $this->MultiUpdateUrl = "orderupdate.php";
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'list', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'order', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     $GLOBALS["gsTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     $conn = ew_Connect();
     // List options
     $this->ListOptions = new cListOptions();
Beispiel #23
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language, $UserAgent;
     // User agent
     $UserAgent = ew_UserAgent();
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["usuario"])) {
         $GLOBALS["usuario"] = new cusuario();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'logout', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
 function ct_alcools_delete()
     global $conn, $Language;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Table object (t_alcools)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["t_alcools"])) {
         $GLOBALS["t_alcools"] = new ct_alcools();
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["t_alcools"];
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'delete', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 't_alcools', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
Beispiel #25
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     $this->TokenTimeout = ew_SessionTimeoutTime();
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (sub_category)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["sub_category"]) || get_class($GLOBALS["sub_category"]) == "csub_category") {
         $GLOBALS["sub_category"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["sub_category"];
     $KeyUrl = "";
     if (@$_GET["scat_id"] != "") {
         $this->RecKey["scat_id"] = $_GET["scat_id"];
         $KeyUrl .= "&amp;scat_id=" . urlencode($this->RecKey["scat_id"]);
     $this->ExportPrintUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=print" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportHtmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=html" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportExcelUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=excel" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportWordUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=word" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportXmlUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=xml" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportCsvUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=csv" . $KeyUrl;
     $this->ExportPdfUrl = $this->PageUrl() . "export=pdf" . $KeyUrl;
     // Table object (category)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['category'])) {
         $GLOBALS['category'] = new ccategory();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'view', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'sub_category', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect($this->DBID);
     // Export options
     $this->ExportOptions = new cListOptions();
     $this->ExportOptions->Tag = "div";
     $this->ExportOptions->TagClassName = "ewExportOption";
     // Other options
     $this->OtherOptions['action'] = new cListOptions();
     $this->OtherOptions['action']->Tag = "div";
     $this->OtherOptions['action']->TagClassName = "ewActionOption";
     $this->OtherOptions['detail'] = new cListOptions();
     $this->OtherOptions['detail']->Tag = "div";
     $this->OtherOptions['detail']->TagClassName = "ewDetailOption";
Beispiel #26
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     global $UserTable, $UserTableConn;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     $this->TokenTimeout = ew_SessionTimeoutTime();
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["nos_roster_admin"])) {
         $GLOBALS["nos_roster_admin"] = new cnos_roster_admin();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'logout', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
     // User table object (nos_roster_admin)
     if (!isset($UserTable)) {
         $UserTable = new cnos_roster_admin();
         $UserTableConn = Conn($UserTable->DBID);
Beispiel #27
 function cZipCode_view()
     global $conn;
     // Initialize table object
     $GLOBALS["ZipCode"] = new cZipCode();
     // Initialize other table object
     $GLOBALS['AdminInfo'] = new cAdminInfo();
     // Intialize page id (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'view', TRUE);
     // Initialize table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'ZipCode', TRUE);
     // Open connection to the database
     $conn = ew_Connect();
Beispiel #28
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language;
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (messages)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["messages"]) || get_class($GLOBALS["messages"]) == "cmessages") {
         $GLOBALS["messages"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["messages"];
     // Table object (account)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['account'])) {
         $GLOBALS['account'] = new caccount();
     // User table object (account)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["UserTable"])) {
         $GLOBALS["UserTable"] = new caccount();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'update', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'messages', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
Beispiel #29
 function __construct()
     global $conn, $Language, $UserAgent;
     // User agent
     $UserAgent = ew_UserAgent();
     $GLOBALS["Page"] =& $this;
     // Language object
     if (!isset($Language)) {
         $Language = new cLanguage();
     // Parent constuctor
     // Table object (socios)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["socios"])) {
         $GLOBALS["socios"] =& $this;
         $GLOBALS["Table"] =& $GLOBALS["socios"];
     // Table object (usuario)
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['usuario'])) {
         $GLOBALS['usuario'] = new cusuario();
     // Page ID
     if (!defined("EW_PAGE_ID")) {
         define("EW_PAGE_ID", 'edit', TRUE);
     // Table name (for backward compatibility)
     if (!defined("EW_TABLE_NAME")) {
         define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'socios', TRUE);
     // Start timer
     if (!isset($GLOBALS["gTimer"])) {
         $GLOBALS["gTimer"] = new cTimer();
     // Open connection
     if (!isset($conn)) {
         $conn = ew_Connect();
// Turn on output buffering
include "ewcfg0.php";
include "ewmysql6.php";
include "phpfn6.php";
include "userfn6.php";
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
// Date in the past
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
// Always modified
header("Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
// HTTP/1.1
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
// HTTP/1.0
$conn = ew_Connect();
if (@$_POST["a_edit"] != "") {
    $rno = $_POST["rno"];
    $ReportCode = trim($_POST["ReportCode"]);
    $ReportDesc = trim($_POST["ReportDesc"]);
    $UserID = trim($_POST["UserID"]);
    $page = $_POST["page"];
    $sSql = "UPDATE report_code_desc SET ReportCode='" . $ReportCode . "',ReportDesc='" . $ReportDesc . "',UserID='" . $UserID . "' ";
    $sSql .= "WHERE ReportCodeDescNo=" . $rno;
    //echo $sSql;
    // Go to URL if specified
    header("Location: report_code_desc_list.php?page=" . $page);
} else {