Beispiel #1
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!$this->id_actividad->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->id_actividad->FormValue) && $this->id_actividad->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $Language->Phrase("EnterRequiredField") . " - " . $this->id_actividad->FldCaption());
     if (!ew_CheckEmail($this->mail->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->mail->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckPhone($this->tel->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->tel->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckPhone($this->cel->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->cel->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
Beispiel #2
 function ValidateForm()
     global $Language, $gsFormError;
     // Initialize form error message
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!$this->usuario->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->usuario->FormValue) && $this->usuario->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->usuario->FldCaption(), $this->usuario->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->nombre->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->nombre->FormValue) && $this->nombre->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->nombre->FldCaption(), $this->nombre->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!$this->_email->FldIsDetailKey && !is_null($this->_email->FormValue) && $this->_email->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->_email->FldCaption(), $this->_email->ReqErrMsg));
     if (!ew_CheckEmail($this->_email->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->_email->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckPhone($this->cel->FormValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $this->cel->FldErrMsg());
     if ($this->activo->FormValue == "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, str_replace("%s", $this->activo->FldCaption(), $this->activo->ReqErrMsg));
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsFormError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateForm;
 function ValidateForm()
     global $gsFormError, $Customers;
     // Initialize
     $gsFormError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return $gsFormError == "";
     if (!ew_CheckEmail($Customers->zEmail->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect email - Email";
     if ($Customers->Password->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Password";
     if ($Customers->FirstName->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - First Name";
     if ($Customers->LastName->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Last Name";
     if (!ew_CheckPhone($Customers->ContactPhone->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect phone number - Contact Phone";
     if (!ew_CheckZip($Customers->DeliveryZip->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect ZIP code - Delivery Zip";
     if (!ew_CheckZip($Customers->BillingZip->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect ZIP code - Billing Zip";
     if (!ew_CheckPhone($Customers->BillingPhone->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect phone number - Billing Phone";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($Customers->BillingCardNumber->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Billing Card Number";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($Customers->CIMCustID->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Customer Profile ID";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($Customers->CIMPymtProfID->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Payment Profile ID";
     if (!ew_CheckUSDate($Customers->First_Order_Date->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect date, format = mm/dd/yyyy - First Order Date";
     if (!ew_CheckEuroDate($Customers->Last_Order_Date->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect date, format = dd/mm/yyyy - Last Order Date";
     if ($Customers->Total_Orders->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Total Orders";
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($Customers->Total_Orders->FormValue)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Incorrect integer - Total Orders";
     if ($Customers->WeeklyMeals->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Subscription Weekly Meals";
     if (!ew_CheckRange($Customers->WeeklyMeals->FormValue, 0, 255)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Number must be between 0 and 255 - Subscription Weekly Meals";
     if ($Customers->WeeklyReg->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Subscription Regular Meals";
     if (!ew_CheckRange($Customers->WeeklyReg->FormValue, 0, 255)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Number must be between 0 and 255 - Subscription Regular Meals";
     if ($Customers->WeeklyVeg->FormValue == "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= "Please enter required field - Subscription vegetarian Meals";
     if (!ew_CheckRange($Customers->WeeklyVeg->FormValue, 0, 255)) {
         if ($gsFormError != "") {
             $gsFormError .= "<br>";
         $gsFormError .= "Number must be between 0 and 255 - Subscription vegetarian Meals";
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateForm = $gsFormError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateForm = $ValidateForm && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         $gsFormError .= $gsFormError != "" ? "<br>" : "";
         $gsFormError .= $sFormCustomError;
     return $ValidateForm;
Beispiel #4
 function ValidateSearch()
     global $gsSearchError;
     // Initialize
     $gsSearchError = "";
     // Check if validation required
         return TRUE;
     if (!ew_CheckInteger($this->id->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $this->id->FldErrMsg());
     if (!ew_CheckPhone($this->cel->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue)) {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $this->cel->FldErrMsg());
     // Return validate result
     $ValidateSearch = $gsSearchError == "";
     // Call Form_CustomValidate event
     $sFormCustomError = "";
     $ValidateSearch = $ValidateSearch && $this->Form_CustomValidate($sFormCustomError);
     if ($sFormCustomError != "") {
         ew_AddMessage($gsSearchError, $sFormCustomError);
     return $ValidateSearch;