public function delete($id) { parent::delete($id); event_system(LOG_CAREER_DELETE, LOG_CAREER_ID, $id, api_get_utc_datetime(), api_get_user_id()); }
/** * Updates the group_rel_user table with a given user and group ids * @author Julio Montoya * @param int $user_id * @param int $group_id * @param int $relation_type * * @return bool **/ public static function update_user_role($user_id, $group_id, $relation_type = GROUP_USER_PERMISSION_READER) { $table_group_rel_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_REL_GROUP); if (empty($user_id) || empty($group_id) || empty($relation_type)) { return false; } $group_id = intval($group_id); $user_id = intval($user_id); $sql = "UPDATE {$table_group_rel_user}\n \t\t\t\tSET relation_type = " . intval($relation_type) . "\n \t\t\t\tWHERE\n user_id = {$user_id} AND\n group_id = {$group_id}\n "; Database::query($sql); event_system(LOG_GROUP_PORTAL_USER_UPDATE_ROLE, LOG_GROUP_PORTAL_REL_USER_ARRAY, array('user_id' => $user_id, 'group_id' => $group_id, 'relation_type' => $relation_type)); return true; }
/** * Updates a transaction using the given query parameters * @param array Query parameters * @return bool The result of the transaction row update */ static function update_transaction($params) { //return false; $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION); if (empty($params['id'])) { error_log('No transaction id provided during update_transaction'); return false; } $params['time_update'] = api_get_utc_datetime(); error_log("Transaction updated #{$params['id']} with status_id = {$params['status_id']}"); //Failed - do something else if ($params['status_id'] == MigrationCustom::TRANSACTION_STATUS_FAILED) { //event_system($event_type, $event_value_type, $event_value, $datetime = null, $user_id = null, $course_code = null) { event_system('transaction_error', 'transaction_id', $params['id'], $params['time_update']); } return Database::update($table, $params, array('id = ?' => $params['id'])); }
/** * Delete sessions categories * @author Jhon Hinojosa <*****@*****.**>, from existing code * @param array id_checked * @param bool include delete session * @param bool optional, true if the function is called by a webservice, false otherwise. * @return void Nothing, or false on error * The parameters is a array to delete sessions * */ public static function delete_session_category($id_checked, $delete_session = false, $from_ws = false) { $tbl_session_category = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_CATEGORY); $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); if (is_array($id_checked)) { $id_checked = Database::escape_string(implode(',', $id_checked)); } else { $id_checked = intval($id_checked); } //Setting session_category_id to 0 $sql = "UPDATE $tbl_session SET session_category_id = 0 WHERE session_category_id IN (" . $id_checked . ")"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "SELECT id FROM $tbl_session WHERE session_category_id IN (" . $id_checked . ")"; $result = Database::query($sql); while ($rows = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $session_id = $rows['id']; if ($delete_session) { if ($from_ws) { SessionManager::delete_session($session_id, true); } else { SessionManager::delete_session($session_id); } } } $sql = "DELETE FROM $tbl_session_category WHERE id IN (" . $id_checked . ")"; Database::query($sql); // Add event to system log $user_id = api_get_user_id(); event_system( LOG_SESSION_CATEGORY_DELETE, LOG_SESSION_CATEGORY_ID, $id_checked, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id ); return true; }
switch ($_GET['category']) { case 'Regions': handle_regions(); break; case 'Plugins': // Displaying the extensions: Plugins. // This will be available to all the sites (access_urls). $securityToken = isset($_GET['sec_token']) ? Security::remove_XSS($_GET['sec_token']) : null; if (isset($_POST['submit_dashboard_plugins']) && Security::check_token($securityToken)) { Security::clear_token(); $affected_rows = DashboardManager::store_dashboard_plugins($_POST); if ($affected_rows) { // add event to system log $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $category = $_GET['category']; event_system(LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CHANGE, LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CATEGORY, $category, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id); Display::display_confirmation_message(get_lang('DashboardPluginsHaveBeenUpdatedSucesslly')); } } echo '<script> $(function(){ $("#tabs").tabs(); }); </script>'; echo '<div id="tabs">'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><a href="#tabs-1">' . get_lang('Plugins') . '</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="#tabs-2">' . get_lang('DashboardPlugins') . '</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="#tabs-3">' . get_lang('ConfigureExtensions') . '</a></li>'; echo '</ul>'; echo '<div id="tabs-1">';
public function delete($id) { if (parent::delete($id)) { SessionManager::clear_session_ref_promotion($id); event_system(LOG_PROMOTION_DELETE, LOG_PROMOTION_ID, $id, api_get_utc_datetime(), api_get_user_id()); } else { return false; } }
$sessionAction = new SessionAction(); $selectedDocuments = $sessionAction->get(); if (removeTrailingSlash($sessionAction->getFolder()) == getParentPath($_POST['original_path']) && sizeof($selectedDocuments)) { if (($key = array_search(basename($_POST['original_path']), $selectedDocuments)) !== false) { $selectedDocuments[$key] = $_POST['name']; $sessionAction->set($selectedDocuments); } } elseif (removeTrailingSlash($sessionAction->getFolder()) == removeTrailingSlash($_POST['original_path'])) { $sessionAction->setFolder($_POST['original_path']); } $path = addTrailingSlash(getParentPath($_POST['original_path'])) . $_POST['name']; if (is_file($path)) { include_once CLASS_FILE; $file = new file($path); $fileInfo = $file->getFileInfo(); $fileInfo['mtime'] = date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $fileInfo['mtime']); } else { include_once CLASS_MANAGER; $manager = new manager($path, false); $fileInfo = $manager->getFolderInfo(); $fileInfo['mtime'] = date(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, $fileInfo['mtime']); } event_system(LOG_MY_FOLDER_CHANGE, LOG_MY_FOLDER_PATH, $_POST['original_path']); event_system(LOG_MY_FOLDER_CHANGE, LOG_MY_FOLDER_NEW_PATH, $path); } echo "{"; echo "error:'" . $error . "' "; foreach ($fileInfo as $k => $v) { echo "," . $k . ":'" . $v . "' "; } echo "}";
/** * Disables or enables a user * * @param int user_id * @param int Enable or disable * @return void * @assert (-1,0) === false * @assert (1,1) === true */ public static function change_active_state($user_id, $active, $send_email_if_activated = false) { $user_id = intval($user_id); $active = intval($active); $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER); $sql = "UPDATE {$table_user} SET active = '{$active}' WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}';"; Database::query($sql); $log_event = LOG_USER_DEACTIVATED; if ($active == 1) { $log_event = LOG_USER_ACTIVATED; if ($send_email_if_activated) { $user_info = api_get_user_info($user_id); $recipient_name = api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname'], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS); $emailsubject = '[' . api_get_setting('siteName') . '] ' . get_lang('YourReg') . ' ' . api_get_setting('siteName'); $emailbody = get_lang('Dear') . " " . stripslashes($recipient_name) . ",\n\n"; $emailbody .= sprintf(get_lang('YourAccountOnXHasJustBeenApprovedByOneOfOurAdministrators'), api_get_setting('siteName')) . "\n"; $emailbody .= sprintf(get_lang('YouCanNowLoginAtXUsingTheLoginAndThePasswordYouHaveProvided'), api_get_path(WEB_PATH)) . ",\n\n"; $emailbody .= get_lang('HaveFun') . "\n\n"; $emailbody .= get_lang('Problem') . "\n\n" . get_lang('Formula'); $emailbody .= api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname')) . "\n" . get_lang('Manager') . " " . api_get_setting('siteName') . "\nT. " . api_get_setting('administratorTelephone') . "\n" . get_lang('Email') . " : " . api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); MessageManager::send_message_simple($user_id, $emailsubject, $emailbody); } } $user_info = api_get_user_info($user_id); event_system($log_event, LOG_USER_ID, $user_id, api_get_utc_datetime(), api_get_user_id()); event_system($log_event, LOG_USER_OBJECT, $user_info, api_get_utc_datetime(), api_get_user_id()); }
/** * function register_course to create a record in the course table of the main database * @param string $course_sys_code * @param string $course_screen_code * @param string $course_repository * @param string $course_db_name * @param string $tutor_name * @param string $category * @param string $title complete name of course * @param string $course_language lang for this course * @param string $uid uid of owner * @param integer Expiration date in unix time representation * @param array Optional array of teachers' user ID * @return int 0 * @todo use an array called $params instead of lots of params */ static function register_course($params) { global $error_msg, $firstExpirationDelay; $title = $params['title']; $code = $params['code']; $visual_code = $params['visual_code']; $directory = isset($params['directory']) ? $params['directory'] : null; $tutor_name = isset($params['tutor_name']) ? $params['tutor_name'] : null; //$description = $params['description']; $category_code = isset($params['category_code']) ? $params['category_code'] : null; $course_language = isset($params['course_language']) && !empty($params['course_language']) ? $params['course_language'] : api_get_setting('platformLanguage'); $user_id = empty($params['user_id']) ? api_get_user_id() : intval($params['user_id']); $department_name = isset($params['department_name']) ? $params['department_name'] : null; $department_url = isset($params['department_url']) ? $params['department_url'] : null; $disk_quota = isset($params['disk_quota']) ? $params['disk_quota'] : null; if (!isset($params['visibility'])) { $default_course_visibility = api_get_setting('courses_default_creation_visibility'); if (isset($default_course_visibility)) { $visibility = $default_course_visibility; } else { $visibility = COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_PLATFORM; } } else { $visibility = $params['visibility']; } $subscribe = isset($params['subscribe']) ? intval($params['subscribe']) : ($visibility == COURSE_VISIBILITY_OPEN_PLATFORM ? 1 : 0); $unsubscribe = isset($params['unsubscribe']) ? intval($params['unsubscribe']) : 0; $expiration_date = isset($params['expiration_date']) ? $params['expiration_date'] : null; $teachers = isset($params['teachers']) ? $params['teachers'] : null; $status = isset($params['status']) ? $params['status'] : null; $TABLECOURSE = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $TABLECOURSUSER = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); $ok_to_register_course = true; // Check whether all the needed parameters are present. if (empty($code)) { $error_msg[] = 'courseSysCode is missing'; $ok_to_register_course = false; } if (empty($visual_code)) { $error_msg[] = 'courseScreenCode is missing'; $ok_to_register_course = false; } if (empty($directory)) { $error_msg[] = 'courseRepository is missing'; $ok_to_register_course = false; } if (empty($title)) { $error_msg[] = 'title is missing'; $ok_to_register_course = false; } if (empty($expiration_date)) { $expiration_date = api_get_utc_datetime(time() + $firstExpirationDelay); } else { $expiration_date = api_get_utc_datetime($expiration_date); } if ($visibility < 0 || $visibility > 3) { $error_msg[] = 'visibility is invalid'; $ok_to_register_course = false; } if (empty($disk_quota)) { $disk_quota = api_get_setting('default_document_quotum'); } $time = api_get_utc_datetime(); if (stripos($department_url, 'http://') === false && stripos($department_url, 'https://') === false) { $department_url = 'http://' . $department_url; } //just in case if ($department_url == 'http://') { $department_url = ''; } $course_id = 0; if ($ok_to_register_course) { // Here we must add 2 fields. $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $TABLECOURSE . " SET\n code = '" . Database::escape_string($code) . "',\n directory = '" . Database::escape_string($directory) . "',\n course_language = '" . Database::escape_string($course_language) . "',\n title = '" . Database::escape_string($title) . "',\n description = '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('CourseDescription')) . "',\n category_code = '" . Database::escape_string($category_code) . "',\n visibility = '" . $visibility . "',\n show_score = '1',\n disk_quota = '" . intval($disk_quota) . "',\n creation_date = '{$time}',\n expiration_date = '" . $expiration_date . "',\n last_edit = '{$time}',\n last_visit = NULL,\n tutor_name = '" . Database::escape_string($tutor_name) . "',\n department_name = '" . Database::escape_string($department_name) . "',\n department_url = '" . Database::escape_string($department_url) . "',\n subscribe = '" . intval($subscribe) . "',\n unsubscribe = '" . intval($unsubscribe) . "',\n visual_code = '" . Database::escape_string($visual_code) . "'"; Database::query($sql); $course_id = Database::insert_id(); if ($course_id) { $sort = api_max_sort_value('0', api_get_user_id()); $i_course_sort = CourseManager::userCourseSort($user_id, $code); if (!empty($user_id)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $TABLECOURSUSER . " SET\n c_id = '" . Database::escape_string($course_id) . "',\n user_id = '" . intval($user_id) . "',\n status = '1',\n role = '" . Database::escape_string(get_lang('Professor')) . "',\n tutor_id = '0',\n sort = '" . $i_course_sort . "',\n user_course_cat = '0'"; Database::query($sql); } if (!empty($teachers)) { if (!is_array($teachers)) { $teachers = array($teachers); } foreach ($teachers as $key) { //just in case if ($key == $user_id) { continue; } if (empty($key)) { continue; } $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $TABLECOURSUSER . " SET\n course_code = '" . Database::escape_string($code) . "',\n user_id = '" . Database::escape_string($key) . "',\n status = '1',\n role = '',\n tutor_id = '0',\n sort = '" . ($sort + 1) . "',\n user_course_cat = '0'"; Database::query($sql); } } // Adding the course to an URL if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) { $url_id = 1; if (api_get_current_access_url_id() != -1) { $url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id(); } UrlManager::add_course_to_url($course_id, $url_id); } else { UrlManager::add_course_to_url($course_id, 1); } // Add event to the system log. $user_id = api_get_user_id(); event_system(LOG_COURSE_CREATE, LOG_COURSE_CODE, $code, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id, $code); $send_mail_to_admin = api_get_setting('send_email_to_admin_when_create_course'); // @todo Improve code to send to all current portal administrators. if ($send_mail_to_admin == 'true') { $siteName = api_get_setting('siteName'); $recipient_email = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); $recipient_name = api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname')); $iname = api_get_setting('Institution'); $subject = get_lang('NewCourseCreatedIn') . ' ' . $siteName . ' - ' . $iname; $message = get_lang('Dear') . ' ' . $recipient_name . ",\n\n" . get_lang('MessageOfNewCourseToAdmin') . ' ' . $siteName . ' - ' . $iname . "\n"; $message .= get_lang('CourseName') . ' ' . $title . "\n"; $message .= get_lang('Category') . ' ' . $category_code . "\n"; $message .= get_lang('Tutor') . ' ' . $tutor_name . "\n"; $message .= get_lang('Language') . ' ' . $course_language; @api_mail_html($recipient_name, $recipient_email, $subject, $message, $siteName, $recipient_email); } } } return $course_id; }
if ($current_session_id == 0) { $chamiloFolder = '/shared_folder/sf_user_' . api_get_user_id() . $chamiloFolder; } else { $chamiloFolder = '/shared_folder_session_' . $current_session_id . '/sf_user_' . api_get_user_id() . $chamiloFolder; } } } $doc_id = add_document($_course, $chamiloFolder, 'file', $chamiloFileSize, $chamiloFile); //get Chamilo $current_session_id = api_get_session_id(); api_item_property_update($_course, TOOL_DOCUMENT, $doc_id, 'DocumentAdded', api_get_user_id(), api_get_group_id(), null, null, null, $current_session_id); //get Chamilo } // end bridge $obj->close(); foreach ($tem as $k => $v) { $info .= sprintf(", %s:'%s'", $k, $v); } $info .= sprintf(", url:'%s'", getFileUrl($path)); $info .= sprintf(", tipedit:'%s'", TIP_DOC_RENAME); // Log to TRACK_E_DEFAULT event_system(LOG_MY_FOLDER_UPLOAD, LOG_MY_FOLDER_PATH, $fullPath); } else { $error = ERR_FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } } } echo "error:'" . $error . "'"; echo $info; echo "}";
/** * Delete a course * This function deletes a whole course-area from the platform. When the * given course is a virtual course, the database and directory will not be * deleted. * When the given course is a real course, also all virtual courses refering * to the given course will be deleted. * Considering the fact that we remove all traces of the course in the main * database, it makes sense to remove all tracking as well (if stats databases exist) * so that a new course created with this code would not use the remains of an older * course. * * @param string The code of the course to delete * @todo When deleting a virtual course: unsubscribe users from that virtual * course from the groups in the real course if they are not subscribed in * that real course. * @todo Remove globals */ public static function delete_course($code) { $table_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE); $table_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_USER); //$table_course_class = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_CLASS); $table_session_course = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE); $table_session_course_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_COURSE_USER); $table_course_survey = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SHARED_SURVEY); $table_course_survey_question = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SHARED_SURVEY_QUESTION); $table_course_survey_question_option = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SHARED_SURVEY_QUESTION_OPTION); $table_course_rel_url = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_COURSE); $table_stats_hotpots = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_HOTPOTATOES); $table_stats_attempt = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT); $table_stats_exercises = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES); $table_stats_access = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ACCESS); $table_stats_lastaccess = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LASTACCESS); $table_stats_course_access = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_COURSE_ACCESS); $table_stats_online = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ONLINE); $table_stats_default = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DEFAULT); $table_stats_downloads = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DOWNLOADS); $table_stats_links = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LINKS); $table_stats_uploads = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_UPLOADS); $codeFiltered = Database::escape_string($code); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_course} WHERE code='" . $codeFiltered . "'"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) == 0) { return; } $count = 0; if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) { require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'urlmanager.lib.php'; $url_id = 1; if (api_get_current_access_url_id() != -1) { $url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id(); } UrlManager::delete_url_rel_course($code, $url_id); $count = UrlManager::getcountUrlRelCourse($code); } if ($count == 0) { self::create_database_dump($code); if (!self::is_virtual_course_from_system_code($code)) { // If this is not a virtual course, look for virtual courses that depend on this one, if any $virtual_courses = self::get_virtual_courses_linked_to_real_course($code); foreach ($virtual_courses as $index => $virtual_course) { // Unsubscribe all classes from the virtual course /*$sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_class WHERE course_code='".$virtual_course['code']."'"; Database::query($sql);*/ // Unsubscribe all users from the virtual course $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_course_user} WHERE course_code='" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); // Delete the course from the sessions tables $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_session_course} WHERE course_code='" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_session_course_user} WHERE course_code='" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); // Delete the course from the survey tables $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_course_survey} WHERE course_code='" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); /*$sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_survey_user WHERE db_name='".$virtual_course['db_name']."'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_survey_reminder WHERE db_name='".$virtual_course['db_name']."'"; Database::query($sql);*/ // Delete the course from the stats tables $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_hotpots} WHERE exe_cours_id = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_attempt} WHERE course_code = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_exercises} WHERE exe_cours_id = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_access} WHERE access_cours_code = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_lastaccess} WHERE access_cours_code = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_course_access} WHERE course_code = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_online} WHERE course = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_default} WHERE default_cours_code = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_downloads} WHERE down_cours_id = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_links} WHERE links_cours_id = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_uploads} WHERE upload_cours_id = '" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); // Delete the course from the course table $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_course} WHERE code='" . $virtual_course['code'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_course} WHERE code='" . $codeFiltered . "'"; $res = Database::query($sql); $course = Database::fetch_array($res); $course_tables = get_course_tables(); //Cleaning c_x tables if (!empty($course['id'])) { foreach ($course_tables as $table) { $table = Database::get_course_table($table); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table} WHERE c_id = {$course['id']} "; Database::query($sql); } } $course_dir = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $course['directory']; $archive_dir = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH) . $course['directory'] . '_' . time(); if (is_dir($course_dir)) { rename($course_dir, $archive_dir); } } // Unsubscribe all classes from the course /*$sql = "DELETE FROM $table_course_class WHERE course_code='".$code."'"; Database::query($sql);*/ // Unsubscribe all users from the course $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_course_user} WHERE course_code='" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); // Delete the course from the sessions tables $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_session_course} WHERE course_code='" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_session_course_user} WHERE course_code='" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); // Delete from Course - URL $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_course_rel_url} WHERE course_code = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = 'SELECT survey_id FROM ' . $table_course_survey . ' WHERE course_code="' . $codeFiltered . '"'; $result_surveys = Database::query($sql); while ($surveys = Database::fetch_array($result_surveys)) { $survey_id = $surveys[0]; $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table_course_survey_question . ' WHERE survey_id="' . $survey_id . '"'; Database::query($sql); $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table_course_survey_question_option . ' WHERE survey_id="' . $survey_id . '"'; Database::query($sql); $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $table_course_survey . ' WHERE survey_id="' . $survey_id . '"'; Database::query($sql); } // Delete the course from the stats tables $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_hotpots} WHERE exe_cours_id = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_attempt} WHERE course_code = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_exercises} WHERE exe_cours_id = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_access} WHERE access_cours_code = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_lastaccess} WHERE access_cours_code = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_course_access} WHERE course_code = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_online} WHERE course = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_default} WHERE default_cours_code = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_downloads} WHERE down_cours_id = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_links} WHERE links_cours_id = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_stats_uploads} WHERE upload_cours_id = '" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); // Delete the course from the database $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_course} WHERE code='" . $codeFiltered . "'"; Database::query($sql); // delete extra course fields $t_cf = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_FIELD); $t_cfv = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE_FIELD_VALUES); $sql = "SELECT distinct field_id FROM {$t_cfv} WHERE course_code = '{$codeFiltered}'"; $res_field_ids = Database::query($sql); $field_ids = array(); while ($row_field_id = Database::fetch_row($res_field_ids)) { $field_ids[] = $row_field_id[0]; } // Delete from table_course_field_value from a given course_code $sql_course_field_value = "DELETE FROM {$t_cfv} WHERE course_code = '{$codeFiltered}'"; Database::query($sql_course_field_value); $sql = "SELECT distinct field_id FROM {$t_cfv}"; $res_field_all_ids = Database::query($sql); $field_all_ids = array(); while ($row_field_all_id = Database::fetch_row($res_field_all_ids)) { $field_all_ids[] = $row_field_all_id[0]; } if (is_array($field_ids) && count($field_ids) > 0) { foreach ($field_ids as $field_id) { // check if field id is used into table field value if (is_array($field_all_ids)) { if (in_array($field_id, $field_all_ids)) { continue; } else { $sql_course_field = "DELETE FROM {$t_cf} WHERE id = '{$field_id}'"; Database::query($sql_course_field); } } } } // Add event to system log $user_id = api_get_user_id(); event_system(LOG_COURSE_DELETE, LOG_COURSE_CODE, $code, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id, $code); } }
$controller->logout(); } /* Table definitions */ /* Constants and CONFIGURATION parameters */ /** @todo these configuration settings should move to the Chamilo config settings. */ /** Defines wether or not anonymous visitors can see a list of the courses on the Chamilo homepage that are open to the world. */ $_setting['display_courses_to_anonymous_users'] = 'true'; /* LOGIN */ /** * Registers in the track_e_default table (view in important activities in admin * interface) a possible attempted break in, sending auth data through get. * @todo This piece of code should probably move to where the actual login / logout procedure is handled. The real use of this code block should be seriously considered as well. This form should just use a security token and get done with it. */ if (isset($_GET['submitAuth']) && $_GET['submitAuth'] == 1) { $i = api_get_anonymous_id(); event_system(LOG_ATTEMPTED_FORCED_LOGIN, 'tried_hacking_get', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . (empty($_POST['login']) ? '' : '/' . $_POST['login']), null, $i); echo 'Attempted breakin - sysadmins notified.'; session_destroy(); die; } // Delete session neccesary for legal terms if (api_get_setting('allow_terms_conditions') == 'true') { unset($_SESSION['term_and_condition']); } //If we are not logged in and customapages activated if (!api_get_user_id() && CustomPages::enabled()) { if (Request::get('loggedout')) { CustomPages::display(CustomPages::LOGGED_OUT); } else { CustomPages::display(CustomPages::INDEX_UNLOGGED); }
/** * This function displays a wiki entry * @author Patrick Cool <*****@*****.**>, Ghent University * @author Juan Carlos Raña Trabado * @param string $newtitle * @return string html code **/ public function display_wiki_entry($newtitle) { $tbl_wiki = $this->tbl_wiki; $tbl_wiki_conf = $this->tbl_wiki_conf; $condition_session = $this->condition_session; $groupfilter = $this->groupfilter; $page = $this->page; $session_id = api_get_session_id(); $course_id = api_get_course_int_id(); if ($newtitle) { $pageMIX = $newtitle; //display the page after it is created } else { $pageMIX = $page;//display current page } $filter = null; if (isset($_GET['view']) && $_GET['view']) { $_clean['view'] = Database::escape_string($_GET['view']); $filter =' AND"'.$_clean['view'].'"'; } //first, check page visibility in the first page version $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$tbl_wiki.' WHERE c_id = '.$course_id.' AND reflink="'.Database::escape_string($pageMIX).'" AND '.$groupfilter.$condition_session.' ORDER BY id ASC'; $result=Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); $KeyVisibility=$row['visibility']; // second, show the last version $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$tbl_wiki.' w INNER JOIN '.$tbl_wiki_conf.' wc ON (wc.page_id = w.page_id AND wc.c_id = w.c_id) WHERE w.c_id = '.$course_id.' AND w.reflink = "'.Database::escape_string($pageMIX).'" AND w.session_id = '.$session_id.' AND w.'.$groupfilter.' '.$filter.' ORDER BY id DESC'; $result = Database::query($sql); $row = Database::fetch_array($result); // we do not need a while loop since we are always displaying the last version //log users access to wiki (page_id) if (!empty($row['page_id'])) { event_system(LOG_WIKI_ACCESS, LOG_WIKI_PAGE_ID, $row['page_id']); } //update visits if ($row['id']) { $sql='UPDATE '.$tbl_wiki.' SET hits=(hits+1) WHERE c_id = '.$course_id.' AND id='.$row['id'].''; Database::query($sql); } // if both are empty and we are displaying the index page then we display the default text. if ($row['content']=='' AND $row['title']=='' AND $page=='index') { if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true) || api_is_platform_admin() || GroupManager::is_user_in_group(api_get_user_id(), api_get_group_id())) { //Table structure for better export to pdf $default_table_for_content_Start='<table align="center" border="0"><tr><td align="center">'; $default_table_for_content_End='</td></tr></table>'; $content = $default_table_for_content_Start.sprintf(get_lang('DefaultContent'),api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH)).$default_table_for_content_End; $title=get_lang('DefaultTitle'); } else { return self::setMessage(Display::display_normal_message(get_lang('WikiStandBy'), false, true)); } } else { $content = Security::remove_XSS($row['content']); $title = Security::remove_XSS($row['title']); } //assignment mode: identify page type $icon_assignment = null; if ($row['assignment']==1) { $icon_assignment = Display::return_icon('wiki_assignment.png', get_lang('AssignmentDescExtra'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL); } elseif($row['assignment']==2) { $icon_assignment = Display::return_icon('wiki_work.png', get_lang('AssignmentWork'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL); } //task mode $icon_task = null; if (!empty($row['task'])) { $icon_task=Display::return_icon('wiki_task.png', get_lang('StandardTask'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL); } //Show page. Show page to all users if isn't hide page. Mode assignments: if student is the author, can view if ($KeyVisibility == "1" || api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true) || api_is_platform_admin() || ($row['assignment']==2 && $KeyVisibility=="0" && (api_get_user_id()==$row['user_id'])) ) { echo '<div id="wikititle">'; $protect_page = null; $lock_unlock_protect = null; // page action: protecting (locking) the page if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true) || api_is_platform_admin()) { if (self::check_protect_page()==1) { $protect_page = Display::return_icon('lock.png', get_lang('PageLockedExtra'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL); $lock_unlock_protect='unlock'; } else { $protect_page = Display::return_icon('unlock.png', get_lang('PageUnlockedExtra'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL); $lock_unlock_protect='lock'; } } if ($row['id']) { echo '<span style="float:right;">'; echo '<a href="index.php?action=showpage&actionpage='.$lock_unlock_protect.'&title='.api_htmlentities(urlencode($page)).'">'.$protect_page.'</a>'; echo '</span>'; } $visibility_page = null; $lock_unlock_visibility = null; //page action: visibility if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true) || api_is_platform_admin()) { if (self::check_visibility_page() == 1) { $visibility_page= Display::return_icon('visible.png', get_lang('ShowPageExtra'),'', ICON_SIZE_SMALL); $lock_unlock_visibility='invisible'; } else { $visibility_page= Display::return_icon('invisible.png', get_lang('HidePageExtra'),'', ICON_SIZE_SMALL); $lock_unlock_visibility='visible'; } } if ($row['id']) { echo '<span style="float:right;">'; echo '<a href="index.php?action=showpage&actionpage='.$lock_unlock_visibility.'&title='.api_htmlentities(urlencode($page)).'">'.$visibility_page.'</a>'; echo '</span>'; } //page action: notification if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit()) { if (self::check_notify_page($page)==1) { $notify_page= Display::return_icon('messagebox_info.png', get_lang('NotifyByEmail'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL); $lock_unlock_notify_page='unlocknotify'; } else { $notify_page= Display::return_icon('mail.png', get_lang('CancelNotifyByEmail'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL); $lock_unlock_notify_page='locknotify'; } } echo '<span style="float:right;">'; echo '<a href="index.php?action=showpage&actionpage='.$lock_unlock_notify_page.'&title='.api_htmlentities(urlencode($page)).'">'.$notify_page.'</a>'; echo '</span>'; //ONly available if row['id'] is set if ($row['id']) { //page action: export to pdf echo '<span style="float:right;">'; echo '<form name="form_export2PDF" method="get" action="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'wiki/index.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'" >'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="export_to_pdf">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="wiki_id" value="'.$row['id'].'">'; echo '<input type="image" src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'icons/22/pdf.png" border ="0" title="'.get_lang('ExportToPDF').'" alt="'.get_lang('ExportToPDF').'" style=" width:22px; border:none; margin-top: -9px">'; echo '</form>'; echo '</span>'; // Page action: copy last version to doc area if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(false,true) || api_is_platform_admin()) { echo '<span style="float:right;">'; echo '<form name="form_export2DOC" method="get" action="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'wiki/index.php?'.api_get_cidreq().'" >'; echo '<input type=hidden name="action" value="export2doc">'; echo '<input type=hidden name="doc_id" value="'.$row['id'].'">'; echo '<input type="image" src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'icons/22/export_to_documents.png" border ="0" title="'.get_lang('ExportToDocArea').'" alt="'.get_lang('ExportToDocArea').'" style=" width:22px; border:none; margin-top: -6px">'; echo '</form>'; echo '</span>'; } if (api_is_unoconv_installed()) { echo '<span style="float:right;">'; echo '<a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'wiki/index.php?action=export_to_doc_file&id='.$row['id'].'">'. Display::return_icon('export_doc.png', get_lang('ExportToDoc'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL).'</a>'; echo '</span>'; } } //export to print ?> <script> function goprint() { var a ='','','width=800,height=600');"text/html"); a.document.write(document.getElementById('wikicontent').innerHTML); a.document.close(); a.print(); } </script> <?php echo '<span style="float:right; cursor: pointer;">'; echo Display::return_icon('printer.png', get_lang('Print'),array('onclick' => "javascript: goprint();"),ICON_SIZE_SMALL); echo '</span>'; if (empty($title)) { $title=get_lang('DefaultTitle'); } if (self::wiki_exist($title)) { echo $icon_assignment.' '.$icon_task.' '.api_htmlentities($title); } else { echo api_htmlentities($title); } echo '</div>'; echo '<div id="wikicontent">'. self::make_wiki_link_clickable( self::detect_external_link( self::detect_anchor_link( self::detect_mail_link( self::detect_ftp_link( self::detect_irc_link( self::detect_news_link($content) ) ) ) ) ) ).'</div>'; echo '<div id="wikifooter">'.get_lang('Progress').': '.($row['progress']*10).'% '.get_lang('Rating').': '.$row['score'].' '.get_lang('Words').': '.self::word_count($content).'</div>'; } //end filter visibility }
/** * Creates a new extra field * @param string Field's internal variable name * @param int Field's type * @param string Field's language var name * @param string Field's default value * @param string Optional comma-separated list of options to provide for select and radio * @return int new user id - if the new user creation succeeds, false otherwise */ public static function create_extra_field($fieldvarname, $fieldtype, $fieldtitle, $fielddefault, $fieldoptions = '') { // database table definition $table_field = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD); $table_field_options = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER_FIELD_OPTIONS); // First check wether the login already exists if (self::is_extra_field_available($fieldvarname)) { return api_set_failure('login-pass already taken'); } $sql = "SELECT MAX(field_order) FROM $table_field"; $res = Database::query($sql); $order = 0; if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { $row = Database::fetch_array($res); $order = $row[0] + 1; } $time = time(); $sql = "INSERT INTO $table_field SET field_type = '".Database::escape_string($fieldtype)."', field_variable = '".Database::escape_string($fieldvarname)."', field_display_text = '".Database::escape_string($fieldtitle)."', field_default_value = '".Database::escape_string($fielddefault)."', field_order = '$order', tms = FROM_UNIXTIME($time)"; $result = Database::query($sql); if ($result) { //echo "id returned"; $return = Database::insert_id(); event_system(LOG_USER_FIELD_CREATE, LOG_USER_FIELD_VARIABLE, Database::escape_string($fieldvarname)); } else { //echo "false - failed" ; return false; } if (!empty($fieldoptions) && in_array($fieldtype, array(self::USER_FIELD_TYPE_RADIO, self::USER_FIELD_TYPE_SELECT, self::USER_FIELD_TYPE_SELECT_MULTIPLE, self::USER_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE_SELECT))) { if ($fieldtype == self::USER_FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE_SELECT) { $twolist = explode('|', $fieldoptions); $counter = 0; foreach ($twolist as $individual_list) { $splitted_individual_list = explode(';', $individual_list); foreach ($splitted_individual_list as $individual_list_option) { //echo 'counter:'.$counter; if ($counter == 0) { $list[] = $individual_list_option; } else { $list[] = str_repeat('*', $counter).$individual_list_option; } } $counter++; } } else { $list = explode(';', $fieldoptions); } foreach ($list as $option) { $option = Database::escape_string($option); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table_field_options WHERE field_id = $return AND option_value = '".$option."'"; $res = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { //the option already exists, do nothing } else { $sql = "SELECT MAX(option_order) FROM $table_field_options WHERE field_id = $return"; $res = Database::query($sql); $max = 1; if (Database::num_rows($res) > 0) { $row = Database::fetch_array($res); $max = $row[0] + 1; } $time = time(); $sql = "INSERT INTO $table_field_options (field_id,option_value,option_display_text,option_order,tms) VALUES ($return,'$option','$option',$max,FROM_UNIXTIME($time))"; $res = Database::query($sql); if ($res === false) { $return = false; } } } } return $return; }
<?php /* For licensing terms, see /license.txt */ /** * @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn) * @link * @since 22/April/2007 * */ require_once '../../../../../../inc/'; require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'fckeditor/editor/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/inc/config.php'; $error = ""; $info = ''; if (CONFIG_SYS_VIEW_ONLY || !CONFIG_OPTIONS_COPY) { $error = SYS_DISABLED; } elseif (!isset($_POST['selectedDoc']) || !is_array($_POST['selectedDoc']) || sizeof($_POST['selectedDoc']) < 1) { $error = ERR_NOT_DOC_SELECTED_FOR_COPY; } elseif (empty($_POST['currentFolderPath']) || !isUnderRoot($_POST['currentFolderPath'])) { $error = ERR_FOLDER_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED; } else { require_once CLASS_SESSION_ACTION; $sessionAction = new SessionAction(); $sessionAction->setAction($_POST['action_value']); $sessionAction->setFolder($_POST['currentFolderPath']); $sessionAction->set($_POST['selectedDoc']); $info = ',num:' . sizeof($_POST['selectedDoc']); foreach ($_POST['selectedDoc'] as $doc) { event_system(LOG_MY_FOLDER_COPY, LOG_MY_FOLDER_PATH, $doc); } } echo "{error:'" . $error . "'\n" . $info . "}";
$sql = "UPDATE {$user_table} SET active='" . $status . "' WHERE user_id='" . $user_id . "'"; $result = Database::query($sql); //Send and email if account is active if ($status == 1) { $user_info = api_get_user_info($user_id); $recipient_name = api_get_person_name($user_info['firstname'], $user_info['lastname'], null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS); $emailsubject = '[' . api_get_setting('siteName') . '] ' . get_lang('YourReg') . ' ' . api_get_setting('siteName'); $email_admin = api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); $sender_name = api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname'), null, PERSON_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS); $emailbody = get_lang('Dear') . " " . stripslashes($recipient_name) . ",\n\n"; $emailbody .= sprintf(get_lang('YourAccountOnXHasJustBeenApprovedByOneOfOurAdministrators'), api_get_setting('siteName')) . "\n"; $emailbody .= sprintf(get_lang('YouCanNowLoginAtXUsingTheLoginAndThePasswordYouHaveProvided'), api_get_path(WEB_PATH)) . ",\n\n"; $emailbody .= get_lang('HaveFun') . "\n\n"; //$emailbody.=get_lang('Problem'). "\n\n". get_lang('SignatureFormula'); $emailbody .= api_get_person_name(api_get_setting('administratorName'), api_get_setting('administratorSurname')) . "\n" . get_lang('Manager') . " " . api_get_setting('siteName') . "\nT. " . api_get_setting('administratorTelephone') . "\n" . get_lang('Email') . " : " . api_get_setting('emailAdministrator'); $additionalParameters = array('smsType' => ClockworksmsPlugin::ACCOUNT_APPROVED_CONNECT, 'userId' => $user_id); $result = api_mail($recipient_name, $user_info['mail'], $emailsubject, $emailbody, $sender_name, $email_admin, '', $additionalParameters); event_system(LOG_USER_ENABLE, LOG_USER_ID, $user_id); } else { event_system(LOG_USER_DISABLE, LOG_USER_ID, $user_id); } echo $status; } } else { echo '-1'; } break; default: echo ''; } exit;
/** * Set platform language * @param Integer The language id * @return void() */ public static function set_platform_language($language_id) { if (empty($language_id) or intval($language_id) != $language_id) { return false; } $tbl_admin_languages = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_LANGUAGE); $tbl_settings_current = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SETTINGS_CURRENT); $sql_update = "SELECT english_name FROM " . $tbl_admin_languages . " WHERE id='" . Database::escape_string($language_id) . "'"; $result = Database::query($sql_update); $lang = Database::fetch_array($result); $sql_update_2 = "UPDATE " . $tbl_settings_current . " SET selected_value='" . $lang['english_name'] . "' WHERE variable='platformLanguage'"; $result_2 = Database::query($sql_update_2); event_system(LOG_PLATFORM_LANGUAGE_CHANGE, LOG_PLATFORM_LANGUAGE, $lang['english_name']); return $result_2 !== false; }
/** * Cleans the student's results only for the Exercise tool (Not from the LP) * The LP results are NOT deleted by default, otherwise put $cleanLpTests = true * Works with exercises in sessions * @param bool $cleanLpTests * @param string $cleanResultBeforeDate * * @return int quantity of user's exercises deleted */ public function clean_results($cleanLpTests = false, $cleanResultBeforeDate = null) { $table_track_e_exercises = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_EXERCICES); $table_track_e_attempt = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_ATTEMPT); $sql_where = ' AND orig_lp_id = 0 AND orig_lp_item_id = 0'; // if we want to delete results from LP too if ($cleanLpTests) { $sql_where = ""; } // if we want to delete attempts before date $cleanResultBeforeDate // $cleanResultBeforeDate must be a valid UTC-0 date yyyy-mm-dd if (!empty($cleanResultBeforeDate)) { $cleanResultBeforeDate = Database::escape_string($cleanResultBeforeDate); if (api_is_valid_date($cleanResultBeforeDate)) { $sql_where .= " AND exe_date <= '{$cleanResultBeforeDate}' "; } else { return 0; } } $sql = "SELECT exe_id\n FROM {$table_track_e_exercises}\n WHERE\n exe_cours_id = '" . api_get_course_id() . "' AND\n exe_exo_id = " . $this->id . " AND\n session_id = " . api_get_session_id() . " " . $sql_where; $result = Database::query($sql); $exe_list = Database::store_result($result); // deleting TRACK_E_ATTEMPT table // check if exe in learning path or not $i = 0; if (is_array($exe_list) && count($exe_list) > 0) { foreach ($exe_list as $item) { $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_track_e_attempt} WHERE exe_id = '" . $item['exe_id'] . "'"; Database::query($sql); $i++; } } $session_id = api_get_session_id(); // delete TRACK_E_EXERCICES table $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_track_e_exercises}\n WHERE exe_cours_id = '" . api_get_course_id() . "'\n AND exe_exo_id = " . $this->id . "\n {$sql_where}\n AND session_id = " . $session_id . ""; Database::query($sql); event_system(LOG_EXERCISE_RESULT_DELETE, LOG_EXERCISE_ID, $this->id, null, null, api_get_course_id(), $session_id); return $i; }
include_once CLASS_FILE; $file = new file(); //check if all files are allowed to cut or copy foreach ($selectedDocuments as $doc) { if (file_exists($doc) && isUnderRoot($doc)) { if (array_search(getRealPath($doc), $allDocs) === false || CONFIG_OVERWRITTEN) { if (CONFIG_OVERWRITTEN) { $file->delete($doc); } if ($file->copyTo($doc, $_GET['current_folder_path'])) { $finalPath = $destFolderPath . basename($doc); $objFile = new file($finalPath); $tem = $objFile->getFileInfo(); $obj = new manager($finalPath, false); $fileType = $obj->getFileType($finalPath, is_dir($finalPath) ? true : false); event_system(LOG_MY_FOLDER_PASTE, LOG_MY_FOLDER_PATH, $finalPath); foreach ($fileType as $k => $v) { $tem[$k] = $v; } /* foreach ($folderInfo as $k=>$v) { $tem['i_' . $k] = $v; } if($folderInfo['type'] == 'folder' && empty($folderInfo['subdir']) && empty($folderInfo['file'])) { $tem['cssClass'] = 'folderEmpty'; } */ $tem['final_path'] = $finalPath; $tem['path'] = backslashToSlash($finalPath); $tem['type'] = is_dir($finalPath) ? 'folder' : 'file'; $tem['size'] = @transformFileSize($tem['size']);
/** * @param int $exe_id * @param int $user_id * @param string $course_code * @param int $question_id * @todo add session_id for 10 */ function delete_attempt_hotspot($exe_id, $user_id, $course_code, $session_id = 0, $question_id) { $table_track_attempt = Database::get_statistic_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_HOTSPOT); $exe_id = intval($exe_id); $user_id = intval($user_id); $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code); $session_id = intval($session_id); $question_id = intval($question_id); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table_track_attempt}\n WHERE hotspot_exe_id = {$exe_id} AND hotspot_user_id = {$user_id} AND hotspot_course_code = '{$course_code}' AND hotspot_question_id = {$question_id} "; Database::query($sql); event_system(LOG_QUESTION_RESULT_DELETE, LOG_EXERCISE_ATTEMPT_QUESTION_ID, $exe_id . '-' . $question_id, null, null, $course_code, $session_id); }
//get Ajaxfilemanager $chamiloPath = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath) - strlen($fullPath) - 1); //find base_work_dir $course_dir = $_course['path'] . "/document"; //get Chamilo $sys_course_path = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH); //get Chamilo $base_work_dir = $sys_course_path . $course_dir; // sample c:/xampp/htdocs/chamilo2009beta/courses/JUAN2009/document //delete file if (!$is_allowed_to_edit && DocumentManager::check_readonly($_course, api_get_user_id(), $chamiloPath)) { $error = get_lang('CantDeleteReadonlyFiles'); //From Chamilo to Ajaxfilemanager } else { $deleted = DocumentManager::delete_document($_course, $chamiloPath, $base_work_dir); //deleted by Chamilo //$file->delete($doc); // disabled deleted by ajaxfilemanager } } else { $file->delete($doc); //deleted by ajaxfilemanager event_system(LOG_USER_PERSONAL_DOC_DELETED, 'document_path', $doc); event_system(LOG_MY_FOLDER_DELETE, LOG_MY_FOLDER_PATH, $doc); } //////end bridge to Chamilo } } } } } echo "{error:'" . $error . "'}";
/** * Wrapper for the templates * * @author Patrick Cool <*****@*****.**>, Ghent University, Belgium * @author Julio Montoya. * @version August 2008 * @since Dokeos 1.8.6 */ function handle_templates() { $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : null; if ($action != 'add') { echo '<div class="actions" style="margin-left: 1px;">'; echo '<a href="settings.php?category=Templates&action=add">' . Display::return_icon('new_template.png', get_lang('AddTemplate'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM) . '</a>'; echo '</div>'; } if ($action == 'add' || $action == 'edit' && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { add_edit_template(); // Add event to the system log. $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $category = $_GET['category']; event_system(LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CHANGE, LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CATEGORY, $category, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id); } else { if ($action == 'delete' && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { delete_template($_GET['id']); // Add event to the system log $user_id = api_get_user_id(); $category = $_GET['category']; event_system(LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CHANGE, LOG_CONFIGURATION_SETTINGS_CATEGORY, $category, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id); } display_templates(); } }
function lock_all_items($locked) { if (api_get_setting('gradebook_locking_enabled') == 'true') { $this->lock($locked); $evals_to_lock = $this->get_evaluations(); if (!empty($evals_to_lock)) { foreach ($evals_to_lock as $item) { $item->lock($locked); } } $link_to_lock = $this->get_links(); if (!empty($link_to_lock)) { foreach ($link_to_lock as $item) { $item->lock($locked); } } $event_type = LOG_GRADEBOOK_UNLOCKED; if ($locked == 1) { $event_type = LOG_GRADEBOOK_LOCKED; } event_system($event_type, LOG_GRADEBOOK_ID, $this->id); } }
$fpo = fopen($homePath . $menuf . $ext, 'w'); fputs($fpo, $home_menu); fclose($fpo); } } } else { $errorMsg = get_lang('HomePageFilesNotWritable'); } } else { //File does not exist $fp = fopen($homePath . $menuf . '_' . $lang . $ext, 'w'); fputs($fp, $home_menu); fclose($fp); } } event_system(LOG_HOMEPAGE_CHANGED, $action, Text::cut($link_name . ':' . $link_url, 254), api_get_utc_datetime(), api_get_user_id()); break; } //end of switch($action) if (empty($errorMsg)) { header('Location: ' . api_get_self()); exit; } } else { //if POST[formSent] is not set switch ($action) { case 'open_link': // Previously, filtering of GET['link'] was done here but it left // a security threat. Filtering has now been moved outside conditions break; case 'delete_tabs':
/** * Delete sessions categories * @author Jhon Hinojosa <*****@*****.**>, from existing code * @param array id_checked * @param bool include delete session * @param bool optional, true if the function is called by a webservice, false otherwise. * @return void Nothing, or false on error * The parameters is a array to delete sessions **/ public static function delete_session_category($id_checked, $delete_session = false, $from_ws = false) { $tbl_session_category = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_CATEGORY); $tbl_session = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION); if (is_array($id_checked)) { $id_checked = Database::escape_string(implode(',', $id_checked)); } else { $id_checked = intval($id_checked); } //Setting session_category_id to 0 $sql = "UPDATE {$tbl_session} SET session_category_id = 0 WHERE session_category_id IN (" . $id_checked . ")"; Database::query($sql); $sql = "SELECT id FROM {$tbl_session} WHERE session_category_id IN (" . $id_checked . ")"; $result = @Database::query($sql); while ($rows = Database::fetch_array($result)) { $session_id = $rows['id']; if ($delete_session) { if ($from_ws) { SessionManager::delete_session($session_id, true); } else { SessionManager::delete_session($session_id); } } } $sql = "DELETE FROM {$tbl_session_category} WHERE id IN (" . $id_checked . ")"; $rs = Database::query($sql); $result = Database::affected_rows($rs); // Add event to system log $user_id = api_get_user_id(); event_system(LOG_SESSION_CATEGORY_DELETE, LOG_SESSION_CATEGORY_ID, $id_checked, api_get_utc_datetime(), $user_id); // delete extra session fields where field variable is "PERIODO" $t_sf = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_FIELD); $t_sfv = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION_FIELD_VALUES); $sql = "SELECT t_sfv.field_id FROM {$t_sfv} t_sfv, {$t_sf} t_sf WHERE t_sfv.session_id = '{$id_checked}' AND t_sf.field_variable = 'PERIODO' "; $rs_field = Database::query($sql); $field_id = 0; if (Database::num_rows($rs_field) > 0) { $row_field = Database::fetch_row($rs_field); $field_id = $row_field[0]; $sql_delete_sfv = "DELETE FROM {$t_sfv} WHERE session_id = '{$id_checked}' AND field_id = '{$field_id}'"; $rs_delete_sfv = Database::query($sql_delete_sfv); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$t_sfv} WHERE field_id = '{$field_id}' "; $rs_field_id = Database::query($sql); if (Database::num_rows($rs_field_id) == 0) { $sql_delete_sf = "DELETE FROM {$t_sf} WHERE id = '{$field_id}'"; $rs_delete_sf = Database::query($sql_delete_sf); } return true; }
//Chamilo improve security if (CONFIG_SYS_VIEW_ONLY || !CONFIG_OPTIONS_NEWFOLDER) { $error = SYS_DISABLED; } elseif (empty($_POST['new_folder'])) { $error = ERR_FOLDER_NAME_EMPTY; } elseif (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\- ]+\$/", $_POST['new_folder'])) { $error = ERR_FOLDER_FORMAT; } elseif (empty($_POST['currentFolderPath']) || !isUnderRoot($_POST['currentFolderPath'])) { $error = ERR_FOLDER_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED; } elseif (file_exists(addTrailingSlash($_POST['currentFolderPath']) . $_POST['new_folder'])) { $error = ERR_FOLDER_EXISTS; } else { include_once CLASS_FILE; $file = new file(); if ($file->mkdir(addTrailingSlash($_POST['currentFolderPath']) . $_POST['new_folder'], 0775)) { event_system(LOG_MY_FOLDER_CREATE, LOG_MY_FOLDER_PATH, $_POST['currentFolderPath'] . $_POST['new_folder']); include_once CLASS_MANAGER; $manager = new manager(addTrailingSlash($_POST['currentFolderPath']) . $_POST['new_folder'], false); $pathInfo = $manager->getFolderInfo(addTrailingSlash($_POST['currentFolderPath']) . $_POST['new_folder']); //bridge to Chamilo if (!empty($_course['path'])) { //only inside courses $mainPath = '../../../../../../../courses/' . $_course['path'] . '/document/'; //get Chamilo $fullPath = $_POST['currentFolderPath'] . $_POST['new_folder']; //get Ajaxfilemanager $chamiloPath = substr($fullPath, strlen($mainPath) - strlen($fullPath) - 1); $_POST['new_folder'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $_POST['new_folder']); //Restore for interaction with Chamilo. Because fix long names. See: ajaxfilemanager/inc/class.manager.php $chamiloFile = $_POST['new_folder']; //get Ajaxfilemanager