collectd_flush($identifiers); $rrd_cmd = $MetaGraphDefs[$type]($host, $plugin, $pinst, $type, $all_tinst, $opts); } else { if (!in_array(is_null($tinst) ? '' : $tinst, $all_tinst)) { return error404($host . '/' . $plugin . (!is_null($pinst) ? '-' . $pinst : '') . '/' . $type . (!is_null($tinst) ? '-' . $tinst : ''), "No rrd file found for graphing"); } collectd_flush(collectd_identifier($host, $plugin, is_null($pinst) ? '' : $pinst, $type, is_null($tinst) ? '' : $tinst)); if (isset($GraphDefs[$type])) { $rrd_cmd = collectd_draw_generic($timespan, $host, $plugin, $pinst, $type, $tinst); } else { $rrd_cmd = collectd_draw_rrd($host, $plugin, $pinst, $type, $tinst); } } if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); printf("Would have executed:\n%s\n", $rrd_cmd); return 0; } else { if ($rrd_cmd) { header('Content-Type: image/png'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=60'); $rt = 0; passthru($rrd_cmd, $rt); if ($rt != 0) { return error500($graph_identifier, "RRD failed to generate the graph: " . $rt); } return $rt; } else { return error500($graph_identifier, "Failed to tell RRD how to generate the graph"); } }
private function store_shorturl() { if (!$this->store_url) { return true; } $query = $this->db_connection->prepare('INSERT INTO shorturls(shorturl, longurl, owner_ip, custom_shorturl) ' . 'VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);'); $query->bind_param('sssi', $this->short_url, $this->long_url, client_ip(), $this->custom_url); if ($query->execute()) { return true; } else { error500('Something has gone wrong! :( ... Try again? Please?'); return false; } }