Beispiel #1
  * Constructor for the base resource class
  * Constructor for the base resource class.
  * If cmid is set create the cm, course, resource objects.
  * and do some checks to make sure people can be here, and so on.
  * @param cmid   integer, the current course module id - not set for new resources
 function resource_base($cmid = 0)
     global $CFG, $COURSE;
     $this->navlinks = array();
     if ($cmid) {
         if (!($this->cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('resource', $cmid))) {
             error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
         if (!($this->course = get_record("course", "id", $this->cm->course))) {
             error("Course is misconfigured");
         if (!($this->resource = get_record("resource", "id", $this->cm->instance))) {
             error("Resource ID was incorrect");
         $this->strresource = get_string("modulename", "resource");
         $this->strresources = get_string("modulenameplural", "resource");
         if (!$this->cm->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->cm->id))) {
             $pagetitle = strip_tags($this->course->shortname . ': ' . $this->strresource);
             $navigation = build_navigation($this->navlinks, $this->cm);
             print_header($pagetitle, $this->course->fullname, $navigation, "", "", true, '', navmenu($this->course, $this->cm));
             notice(get_string("activityiscurrentlyhidden"), "{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$this->course->id}");
     } else {
         $this->course = $COURSE;
Beispiel #2
  * @param string $db_host
  * @param string $db_username
  * @param string $db_password
  * @param string $db_name
 public function __construct($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name)
     $this->link_id = mysqli_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name);
     if (!$this->link_id) {
         error('Unable to connect to MySQL server. MySQL reported: ' . mysqli_error($this->link_id), __FILE__, __LINE__);
 function _apply_access_policy($object, $action)
     $access_policy =& access_policy::instance();
     if (!$access_policy->save_object_access_for_action($object, $action)) {
         error('access template for action not defined', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . __FUNCTION__, array('action' => $action));
 function static_method($eventdata)
     static $called = 0;
     static $ignorefail = false;
     if ($eventdata == 'status') {
         return $called;
     } else {
         if ($eventdata == 'reset') {
             $called = 0;
             $ignorefail = false;
         } else {
             if ($eventdata == 'fail') {
                 if ($ignorefail) {
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     return false;
             } else {
                 if ($eventdata == 'ignorefail') {
                     $ignorefail = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($eventdata == 'ok') {
                         return true;
     error('Incorrect eventadata submitted: ' . $eventdata);
Beispiel #5
  * Tries to login a user and populates self::$data on success.
  * @param string $login			user login
  * @param string $password		user password
  * @throws Exception if user cannot be logged in
  * @return bool
 public static function login($login, $password)
     try {
         self::$data = API::User()->login(array('user' => $login, 'password' => $password, 'userData' => true));
         if (!self::$data) {
             throw new Exception();
         if (self::$data['gui_access'] == GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_DISABLED) {
             error(_('GUI access disabled.'));
             throw new Exception();
         if (empty(self::$data['url'])) {
             self::$data['url'] = CProfile::get('', 'index.php');
         $result = (bool) self::$data;
         if (isset(self::$data['attempt_failed']) && self::$data['attempt_failed']) {
             CProfile::update('web.login.attempt.failed', self::$data['attempt_failed'], PROFILE_TYPE_INT);
             CProfile::update('web.login.attempt.ip', self::$data['attempt_ip'], PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
             CProfile::update('web.login.attempt.clock', self::$data['attempt_clock'], PROFILE_TYPE_INT);
             $result &= CProfile::flush();
         // remove guest session after successful login
         $result &= DBexecute('DELETE FROM sessions WHERE sessionid=' . zbx_dbstr(get_cookie('zbx_sessionid')));
         if ($result) {
             add_audit_ext(AUDIT_ACTION_LOGIN, AUDIT_RESOURCE_USER, self::$data['userid'], '', null, null, null);
         return $result;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
Beispiel #6
 public static function checkAuthentication($sessionid)
     try {
         if ($sessionid !== null) {
             self::$data = API::User()->checkAuthentication($sessionid);
         if ($sessionid === null || empty(self::$data)) {
             self::$data = API::User()->login(array('user' => ZBX_GUEST_USER, 'password' => '', 'userData' => true));
             if (empty(self::$data)) {
                 throw new Exception();
             $sessionid = self::$data['sessionid'];
         if (self::$data['gui_access'] == GROUP_GUI_ACCESS_DISABLED) {
             error(_('GUI access disabled.'));
             throw new Exception();
         zbx_setcookie('zbx_sessionid', $sessionid, self::$data['autologin'] ? time() + SEC_PER_DAY * 31 : 0);
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
Beispiel #7
 function module_f()
     $input_id = $this->trans_lib->safe("input");
     if (!$input_id) {
     $id = $this->trans_lib->int("id");
     if (!$id) {
     $this->tpl->assign("input_id", $input_id);
     $this->tpl->assign("id", $id);
     $pageurl = $this->url("subject,module");
     $pageurl .= "input=" . rawurlencode($input_id) . "&id=" . $id . "&";
     $this->list_m->set_condition("m.langid='" . $_SESSION["sys_lang_id"] . "'");
     $this->list_m->set_condition("m.module_id='" . $id . "'");
     $pageid = $this->trans_lib->int(SYS_PAGEID);
     $rslist = $this->list_m->get_list($pageid);
     $this->tpl->assign("rslist", $rslist);
     $total_count = $this->list_m->get_count();
     $pagelist = $this->page_lib->page($page_url, $total_count);
     $this->tpl->assign("pagelist", $pagelist);
function fully_interactive($argv)
    if (!is_dir('app')) {
        error("Couldn't find \"app\" folder in path, please run from a Magento sub-directory.");
    $code_pool = trim(input("What code pool?"));
    $package = trim(input("What package?"));
    $module = trim(input("What module?"));
    $path = get_config_path($code_pool, $package, $module);
    echo "Loading: " . $path . "\n";
    $xml = simplexml_load_file($path);
    $xVersion = $xml->modules->{$package . '_' . $module}->version;
    $version = (string) $xVersion;
    echo "Current Version: " . $version . "\n";
    //list($major, $minor, $bugfix) = explode(".", $version);
    $parts = explode(".", $version);
    $index = get_version_index();
    $version_new = implode(".", $parts);
    $xVersion[0] = $version_new;
    $xml = $xml->asXml();
    if (simplexml_load_string($xml)) {
        file_put_contents($path, $xml);
    echo "Updated {$path} to {$version_new}\n";
function _init()
    global $G;
    $G['TITLE'] = TITLE;
    $G['ME'] = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    // initialize display vars
    foreach (array('MESSAGES', 'ERRORS', 'CONTENT') as $v) {
        $G[$v] = "";
    // create the table
    try {
        $db = new bwSQLite3(DB_FILENAME, TABLE_NAME);
        $tn = TABLE_NAME;
        $db->sql_do("drop table if exists {$tn}");
        $db->sql_do("create table {$tn} ( id integer primary key, animal text, sound text )");
        // insert some rows
        $db->sql_do("insert into {$tn} (animal, sound) values (?, ?)", 'cat', 'Purr');
        $db->sql_do("insert into {$tn} (animal, sound) values (?, ?)", 'dog', 'Woof');
        $db->sql_do("insert into {$tn} (animal, sound) values (?, ?)", 'duck', 'Quack');
        $db->sql_do("insert into {$tn} (animal, sound) values (?, ?)", 'bear', 'Grrr');
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
    $G['db'] = $db;
Beispiel #10
	function post_generate(&$code)
		$js = '';

	    $active_tab = $link->attributes['active_tab'];
	    $active_tab = reset($this->tabs);
	  if(!$this->tabs || !$active_tab || !in_array($active_tab, $this->tabs))
			error('INVALID_TABS_DECLARATION', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' .  __FUNCTION__, 
			array('tag' => $this->tag,
					'description' => 'check your tabs settings',
					'file' => $this->source_file,
					'line' => $this->starting_line_no));	  
	  foreach($this->tabs as $id)
	   $js .= "tabs.register_tab_item('{$id}');\n";
    $js .= "tabs.activate('{$active_tab}');\n";          
      <script type='text/javascript'>
        var tabs = new tabs_container();
    parent :: post_generate($code);
Beispiel #11
 public function update($post)
     if (empty($_POST['body'])) {
         error(__("Error"), __("Body can't be blank."));
     $post->update(array("title" => $_POST['title'], "body" => $_POST['body']));
Beispiel #12
 * Comment wall initialisation.
function commentwall_init()
    global $CFG, $db, $function, $metatags, $template;
    // Add meta tags
    $metatags .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}mod/commentwall/commentwall.js\"><!-- commentwall js --></script>";
    // Define some templates
    templates_add_context('commentwallobject', 'mod/commentwall/template');
    templates_add_context('commentwallfooter', 'mod/commentwall/footer');
    templates_add_context('css', 'mod/commentwall/css');
    // Set up the database
    $tables = $db->Metatables();
    if (!in_array($CFG->prefix . "commentwall", $tables)) {
        if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . "mod/commentwall/{$CFG->dbtype}.sql")) {
            modify_database($CFG->dirroot . "mod/commentwall/{$CFG->dbtype}.sql");
            //reload system
        } else {
            error("Error: Your database ({$CFG->dbtype}) is not yet fully supported by the Elgg commentwall. See the mod/commentwall directory.");
    // Add configuration options
    $function['userdetails:edit:details'][] = $CFG->dirroot . "mod/commentwall/lib/commentwall_settings.php";
Beispiel #13
 function add()
     $this->system->add_breadcrumb('Data resources', '_cpanel/admin/resources/data');
     $this->system->add_breadcrumb('Tambah resources');
     if (isset($_POST['save_resources'])) {
         $name = trim($_POST['name']);
         if ($name == '') {
             $data['msg'] = error("Resources name is required");
         } else {
             $is_available = $this->adodb->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sys_resources WHERE `name` = '{$name}'");
             if ($is_available > 0) {
                 $data['msg'] = error("Resources for \"{$name}\" is available on DB. Please use another name");
             } else {
                 $parent_id = (int) $_POST['parent_id'];
                 $insert = $this->adodb->Execute("INSERT INTO sys_resources SET parent_id = '{$parent_id}',`name` = '{$name}'");
                 if ($insert) {
                     $data['msg'] = success("New resources has been saved successfully");
     $data['resources'] = array_resources();
     $data['module'] = "_cpanel";
     $data['page'] = "layout_add_resources";
     $this->load->view($this->layout_content, $data);
Beispiel #14
function tex_filter_get_executable($debug = false)
    global $CFG;
    $error_message1 = "Your system is not configured to run mimeTeX. You need to download the appropriate<br />" . "executable for you " . PHP_OS . " platform from <a href=\"\">" . "</a>, or obtain the C source<br /> " . "from <a href=\"\">" . "</a>, compile it and " . "put the executable into your<br /> moodle/filter/tex/ directory.";
    $error_message2 = "Custom mimetex is not executable!<br /><br />";
    if (PHP_OS == "WINNT" || PHP_OS == "WIN32" || PHP_OS == "Windows") {
        return "{$CFG->dirroot}/filter/tex/mimetex.exe";
    $custom_commandpath = "{$CFG->dirroot}/filter/tex/mimetex";
    if (file_exists($custom_commandpath)) {
        if (is_executable($custom_commandpath)) {
            return $custom_commandpath;
        } else {
            error($error_message2 . $error_message1);
    switch (PHP_OS) {
        case "Linux":
            return "{$CFG->dirroot}/filter/tex/mimetex.linux";
        case "Darwin":
            return "{$CFG->dirroot}/filter/tex/mimetex.darwin";
        case "FreeBSD":
            return "{$CFG->dirroot}/filter/tex/mimetex.freebsd";
Beispiel #15
 function index_f()
     $id = $this->trans_lib->int("id");
     if (!$id) {
         error($this->lang["download_error"], $this->url());
     $rs = $this->upfile_m->get_one($id);
     if (!file_exists(ROOT . $rs["filename"]) || !$rs["filename"] || !is_file(ROOT . $rs["filename"])) {
         error($this->lang["download_empty"], $this->url());
     $filesize = filesize(ROOT . $rs["filename"]);
     if (!$rs["title"]) {
         $rs["title"] = $rs["filename"];
     $tmpname = str_replace("." . $rs["ftype"], "", $rs["title"]);
     $tmpname = $tmpname . "." . $rs["ftype"];
     header("Date: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $rs["postdate"]) . " GMT");
     header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $rs["postdate"]) . " GMT");
     header("Content-Encoding: none");
     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . rawurlencode($tmpname));
     header("Content-Length: " . $filesize);
     header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
Beispiel #16
  * Called to define this moodle form
  * @return void
 public function definition()
     global $DB;
     $mform =& $this->_form;
     $course = $this->_customdata['course'];
     $cm = $this->_customdata['cm'];
     $modcontext = $this->_customdata['modcontext'];
     $sessionid = $this->_customdata['sessionid'];
     if (!($sess = $DB->get_record('attcontrol_sessions', array('id' => $sessionid)))) {
         error('No such session in this course');
     $dhours = floor($sess->duration / HOURSECS);
     $dmins = floor(($sess->duration - $dhours * HOURSECS) / MINSECS);
     $defopts = array('maxfiles' => EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'noclean' => true, 'context' => $modcontext);
     $data = array('sessiondate' => $sess->sessdate, 'durtime' => array('hours' => $dhours, 'minutes' => $dmins), 'description' => $sess->description);
     $mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('changesession', 'attcontrol'));
     $mform->addElement('static', 'olddate', get_string('olddate', 'attcontrol'), userdate($sess->sessdate, get_string('strftimedmyhm', 'attcontrol')));
     $mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'sessiondate', get_string('newdate', 'attcontrol'));
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++) {
         $hours[$i] = sprintf("%02d", $i);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i += 5) {
         $minutes[$i] = sprintf("%02d", $i);
     $durselect[] =& $mform->createElement('select', 'hours', '', $hours);
     $durselect[] =& $mform->createElement('select', 'minutes', '', $minutes, false, true);
     $mform->addGroup($durselect, 'durtime', get_string('duration', 'attcontrol'), array(' '), true);
     $mform->addElement('textarea', 'description', get_string("description", "attcontrol"), 'wrap="virtual" rows="10" cols="100"');
     $submit_string = get_string('update', 'attcontrol');
     $this->add_action_buttons(true, $submit_string);
  function initialize_cart_handler(&$handler)
    if($handler === null)
        case 'session':
          include_once(LIMB_DIR . '/core/model/shop/handlers/session_cart_handler.class.php');
          $this->_cart_handler =& new session_cart_handler($this->_cart_id);

        case 'db':
          include_once(LIMB_DIR . '/core/model/shop/handlers/db_cart_handler.class.php');
          $this->_cart_handler =& new db_cart_handler($this->_cart_id);

          error('unknown default cart handler type',
          __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' .  __FUNCTION__,
          array('type' => CART_DEFAULT_HANDLER_TYPE));

      $this->_cart_handler =& $handler;
Beispiel #18
* Add a question to a quiz
* Adds a question to a quiz by updating $quiz as well as the
* quiz and quiz_question_instances tables. It also adds a page break
* if required.
* @return boolean         false if the question was already in the quiz
* @param int $id          The id of the question to be added
* @param object $quiz  The extended quiz object as used by edit.php
*                         This is updated by this function
function quiz_add_quiz_question($id, &$quiz)
    $questions = explode(",", $quiz->questions);
    if (in_array($id, $questions)) {
        return false;
    // remove ending page break if it is not needed
    if ($breaks = array_keys($questions, 0)) {
        // determine location of the last two page breaks
        $end = end($breaks);
        $last = prev($breaks);
        $last = $last ? $last : -1;
        if (!$quiz->questionsperpage or $end - $last - 1 < $quiz->questionsperpage) {
    // add question
    $questions[] = $id;
    // add ending page break
    $questions[] = 0;
    // Save new questionslist in database
    $quiz->questions = implode(",", $questions);
    if (!set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, 'id', $quiz->id)) {
        error('Could not save question list');
    // update question grades
    $questionrecord = get_record("question", "id", $id);
    $quiz->grades[$id] = $questionrecord->defaultgrade;
    quiz_update_question_instance($quiz->grades[$id], $id, $quiz->instance);
    return true;
Beispiel #19
  * Returns the user information for 'external' users. In this case the
  * attributes provided by Shibboleth
  * @return array $result Associative array of user data
 function get_userinfo($username)
     // reads user information from shibboleth attributes and return it in array()
     global $CFG;
     // Check whether we have got all the essential attributes
     if (empty($_SERVER[$this->config->user_attribute])) {
         error(get_string('shib_not_all_attributes_error', 'auth', "'" . $this->config->user_attribute . "' ('" . $_SERVER[$this->config->user_attribute] . "'), '" . $this->config->field_map_firstname . "' ('" . $_SERVER[$this->config->field_map_firstname] . "'), '" . $this->config->field_map_lastname . "' ('" . $_SERVER[$this->config->field_map_lastname] . "') and '" . $this->config->field_map_email . "' ('" . $_SERVER[$this->config->field_map_email] . "')"));
     $attrmap = $this->get_attributes();
     $result = array();
     $search_attribs = array();
     foreach ($attrmap as $key => $value) {
         // Check if attribute is present
         if (!isset($_SERVER[$value])) {
             $result[$key] = '';
         // Make usename lowercase
         if ($key == 'username') {
             $result[$key] = strtolower($this->get_first_string($_SERVER[$value]));
         } else {
             $result[$key] = $this->get_first_string($_SERVER[$value]);
     // Provide an API to modify the information to fit the Moodle internal
     // data representation
     if ($this->config->convert_data && $this->config->convert_data != '' && is_readable($this->config->convert_data)) {
         // Include a custom file outside the Moodle dir to
         // modify the variable $moodleattributes
         include $this->config->convert_data;
     return $result;
Beispiel #20
function enforce($condition, $message = 'Enforcement failed')
    if (!$condition) {
    return $condition;
 function pre_parse()
     if (!array_key_exists('attributes', $this->attributes) || empty($this->attributes['attributes'])) {
         error('MISSINGREQUIREATTRIBUTE', __FILE__ . ' : ' . __LINE__ . ' : ' . __FUNCTION__, array('tag' => $this->tag, 'attribute' => 'attributes', 'file' => $this->source_file, 'line' => $this->starting_line_no));
Beispiel #22
 function definition()
     global $CFG;
     $mform =& $this->_form;
     // this hack is needed for different settings of each subtype
     if (!empty($this->_instance)) {
         if ($res = get_record('resource', 'id', (int) $this->_instance)) {
             $type = $res->type;
         } else {
             error('incorrect assignment');
     } else {
         $type = required_param('type', PARAM_ALPHA);
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'type', $type);
     $mform->setDefault('type', $type);
     require $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/resource/type/' . $type . '/resource.class.php';
     $resclass = 'resource_' . $type;
     $this->_resinstance = new $resclass();
     $mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('general', 'form'));
     //        $mform->addElement('static', 'statictype', get_string('assignmenttype', 'assignment'), get_string('type'.$type,'assignment'));
     $mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('name'), array('size' => '48'));
     $mform->setType('name', PARAM_TEXT);
     $mform->addRule('name', null, 'required', null, 'client');
     $mform->addElement('htmleditor', 'summary', get_string('summary'));
     $mform->setType('summary', PARAM_RAW);
     $mform->setHelpButton('summary', array('summary', get_string('summary'), 'resource'));
     // summary should be optional again MDL-9485
     //$mform->addRule('summary', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client');
     $mform->addElement('header', 'typedesc', get_string('resourcetype' . $type, 'resource'));
     $this->standard_coursemodule_elements(array('groups' => false, 'groupmembersonly' => true, 'gradecat' => false));
Beispiel #23
function updateRegexp(array $regexp, array $expressions)
    try {
        $regexpId = $regexp['regexpid'];
        // check existence
        if (!getRegexp($regexpId)) {
            throw new Exception(_('Regular expression does not exist.'));
        // check required fields
        $dbFields = array('name' => null);
        if (!check_db_fields($dbFields, $regexp)) {
            throw new Exception(_('Incorrect arguments passed to function') . ' [updateRegexp]');
        // check duplicate name
        $dbRegexp = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT re.regexpid' . ' FROM regexps re' . ' WHERE' . zbx_dbstr($regexp['name']) . andDbNode('re.regexpid')));
        if ($dbRegexp && bccomp($regexpId, $dbRegexp['regexpid']) != 0) {
            throw new Exception(_s('Regular expression "%s" already exists.', $regexp['name']));
        rewriteRegexpExpressions($regexpId, $expressions);
        DB::update('regexps', array('values' => $regexp, 'where' => array('regexpid' => $regexpId)));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return false;
    return true;
 public function getEdit($id)
     if (!($row = $this->contract->row($id))) {
         return error(404);
     return $this->layout(['row' => $row]);
Beispiel #25
 function download($id)
     if (!empty($id)) {
         if (!isset($_SESSION['filedownloads'])) {
             $_SESSION['filedownloads'] = 0;
         if ($_SESSION['filedownloads'] >= MAX_FILEDOWNLOADS) {
             $cache_expire = session_cache_expire();
             error("Bạn đã download quá nhiều file. Vui lòng đợi {$cache_expire} phút để download file tiếp theo!");
         $this->file->id = $id;
         $data = $this->file->search();
         if (empty($data)) {
             error("File download không tồn tại!");
         $data = $data["file"];
         if ($data["account_share"] != null) {
             $account_id = $_SESSION["account"]["id"];
             if ($account_id != $data["account_share"] && $account_id != $data["account_id"]) {
                 error("Bạn không được phép download file này!");
         $_SESSION['filedownloads'] = $_SESSION['filedownloads'] + 1;
 public function getJsApiTicket()
     if (!empty($_W['account']['jsapi_ticket']) && is_array($_W['account']['jsapi_ticket']) && !empty($_W['account']['jsapi_ticket']['ticket']) && !empty($_W['account']['jsapi_ticket']['expire']) && $_W['account']['jsapi_ticket']['expire'] > TIMESTAMP) {
         return $_W['account']['jsapi_ticket']['ticket'];
     $access_token = $this->getAccessToken();
     if (is_error($access_token)) {
         return $access_token;
     $url = "{$access_token}&type=jsapi";
     $content = ihttp_get($url);
     if (is_error($content)) {
         return error(-1, '调用接口获取微信公众号 jsapi_ticket 失败, 错误信息: ' . $content['message']);
     $result = @json_decode($content['content'], true);
     if (empty($result) || intval($result['errcode']) != 0 || $result['errmsg'] != 'ok') {
         return error(-1, '获取微信公众号 jsapi_ticket 结果错误, 错误信息: ' . $result['errmsg']);
     $record = array();
     $record['ticket'] = $result['ticket'];
     $record['expire'] = TIMESTAMP + $result['expires_in'] - 200;
     $row = array();
     $row['jsapi_ticket'] = iserializer($record);
     pdo_update('account_wechats', $row, array('acid' => $_W['account']['acid']));
     $_W['account']['jsapi_ticket'] = $record;
     return $record['ticket'];
function game_importsnakes_do($newrec)
    if (!insert_record('game_snakes_database', $newrec)) {
        error("Can't insert to table game_snakes_database");
 function autoHookRegistBeforeCommit(&$name, &$email, &$sub, &$com, &$category, &$age, $dest, $isReply, $imgWH, &$status)
     if ($dest !== '' && ($this->MIN_W && $this->MIN_W > $imgWH[2] || $this->MIN_H && $this->MIN_H > $imgWH[3] || $this->MAX_W && $imgWH[2] > $this->MAX_W || $this->MAX_H && $imgWH[3] > $this->MAX_H || $this->MIN_FILESIZE && $this->MIN_FILESIZE > filesize($dest))) {
 public function getPosition($from = 1, $count = 1)
     $console = Console::getInstance();
     $console->operationStart('Collecting search results');
     $this->pageNumber = ceil($from / $this->positionsPerPage);
     if ($count < 1 || $count > 10) {
         $console - error('Count must be in 1-10. ' . $count . ' is setted');
         return false;
     $sites = array();
     $position = 1;
     do {
         $pageResults = $this->getPageResults();
         foreach ($pageResults as $pr) {
             $sitesCount = count($sites);
             $domain = ($domain = String::rebuildUrl($pr->url, false, false, true, false)) ? $domain : $pr->url;
             if (IgnoreList::isInList($domain) || $sitesCount && $sites[$sitesCount - 1]->domain == $domain) {
             $site = new Site();
             $site->name = strip_tags($pr->title);
             $site->position = $position++;
             $site->link = $pr->url;
             $site->domain = $domain;
             $sites[] = $site;
     } while ($sitesCount < $count);
     //$this->pageNumber++ * $this->positionsPerPage < $count // old
     return array_slice($sites, 0, $count);
Beispiel #30
function OpcionesBusqueda($retorno)
    global $action;
    $ot = getTemplate("xulBusquedaAvanzada");
    if (!$ot) {
        error(__FILE__ . __LINE__, "Info: template no encontrado");
        return false;
    $idprov = getSesionDato("FiltraProv");
    $idmarca = getSesionDato("FiltraMarca");
    $idcolor = getSesionDato("FiltraColor");
    $idtalla = getSesionDato("FiltraTalla");
    $idfamilia = getSesionDato("FiltraFamilia");
    $ot->fijar("action", $action);
    $ot->fijar("pagRetorno", $retorno);
    $ot->fijar("comboProveedores", genXulComboProveedores($idprov));
    $ot->fijar("comboMarcas", genXulComboMarcas($idmarca));
    $ot->fijar("comboFamilias", genXulComboMarcas($idfamilia));
    //echo q($idcolor,"color a mostrar en template");
    //echo q(intval($idcolor),"intval color a mostrar en template");
    if (intval($idcolor) >= 0) {
        $ot->fijar("comboColores", genXulComboColores($idcolor));
    } else {
        $ot->fijar("comboColores", genXulComboColores("ninguno"));
    $ot->fijar("comboTallas", genXulComboTallas($idtalla));
    echo $ot->Output();