function kdmail($f) { $this->load('lib/phpmailer/class.phpmailer'); $mail = new PHPMailer(); //$body = $mail->getFile(ROOT.'index.php'); //$body = eregi_replace("[\]",'',$body); $mail->IsSendmail(); // telling the class to use SendMail transport $mail->From = $f["from"]; $mail->FromName = either($f["fromname"], "noticer"); $mail->Subject = either($f["subject"], "hello"); //$mail->AltBody = either($f["altbody"], "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"); // optional, comment out and test $mail->AltBody = either($f["msg"], "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"); // optional, comment out and test if ($f["embedimg"]) { foreach ($f["embedimg"] as $i) { //$mail->AddEmbeddedImage(ROOT."public/images/logo7.png","logo","logo7.png"); $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($i[0], $i[1], $i[2]); } } if ($f["msgfile"]) { $body = $mail->getFile($f["msgfile"]); $body = eregi_replace("[\\]", '', $body); if ($f["type"] == "text") { $mail->IsHTML(false); $mail->Body = $body; } else { $mail->MsgHTML($body); //."<br><img src= \"cid:logo\">"); } } else { if ($f["type"] == "text") { $mail->IsHTML(false); $mail->Body = $f["msg"]; } else { $mail->MsgHTML($f["msg"]); //."<br><img src= \"cid:logo\">"); } } if (preg_match('/\\,/', $f["to"])) { $emails = explode(",", $f["to"]); foreach ($emails as $i) { $mail->AddAddress($i, $f["toname"]); } } else { $mail->AddAddress($f["to"], $f["toname"]); } $mail->AddBCC($this->config["site"]["mail"], "bcc"); if ($f["files"]) { foreach ($f["files"] as $i) { $mail->AddAttachment($i); // attachment } } if (!$mail->Send()) { return "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { return "Message sent!"; } }
function makeURL($URL) { $URL = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:\\+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href=\\1>\\1</a>', $URL); $URL = eregi_replace('([[:space:]()[{}])(www.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:\\+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href=\\1>\\1</a>', $URL); $URL = eregi_replace('([_\\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,3})', '<a href=\\1>\\1</a>', $URL); return $URL; }
function CLT($text) { //convertir url en titre le plus proche $text = trim(Str_ireplace(array('c.html', '/Q.', 'p.html', '.sh', "frontalier74", "frontaliers", "creditimmo", "a74", "s74", "xzxzx", "index", "2007", "_vd", "z/", "y/", "http://", ".fr/"), '', $text), '&? '); $text = Preg_replace("~\\.(shtml|html|php|php5)\$~is", '', $text); $text = Preg_replace("~^/?s\\.~is", '', $text); $text = trim(Preg_Replace("~\\.((ch|co|com|fr|org|biz|info)/?|(shtml|html|htm|php|fla|jpg|bg|K)\$)~", ' ', $text)); $text = Str_ireplace(array('%E0', "%e0", 'à'), 'a', $text); #,"f.","a." $text = Str_ireplace(array("1rachat-credit", "portail-patrimoine"), 'rachat de credit', $text); $text = eregi_replace("(c|p)?.html", '', $text); $text = ereg_replace("_([0-9]+)|^([0-9]+)-|-([0-9]+)|\\.([0-9]+)|\\/([0-9]+)|htm.\$", "", $text); //Les nombes en trop en paramètres .. $text = ucfirst(trim(str_replace(array("%20", "-", "_", "/", ".", ",", '|'), " ", $text))); #ore processing factory $pos = strpos($text, '?', 0); if ($pos > 0) { Preg_match_all("~=([^&]+)~is", $text, $t); $text = substr($text, 0, $pos); if ($t) { $t = $t[1]; $text .= implode(' ', $t); } } return $text; //Supprimer le Get de merde, non, en aucun cas, on le conserve }
/** returnes true if $p_tag is a "<open tag>" @param $p_tag - tag string $p_array - tag array; @return true/false */ function OpenTag($p_tag, $p_array) { $aTAGS =& $this->aTAGS; $aHREF =& $this->aHREF; $maxElem =& $this->iTagMaxElem; if (!eregi("^<([a-zA-Z1-9]{1,{$maxElem}}) *(.*)>\$", $p_tag, $reg)) { return false; } $p_tag = $reg[1]; $sHREF = array(); if (isset($reg[2])) { preg_match_all("|([^ ]*)=[\"'](.*)[\"']|U", $reg[2], $out, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < count($out[0]); $i++) { $out[2][$i] = eregi_replace("(\"|')", "", $out[2][$i]); array_push($sHREF, array($out[1][$i], $out[2][$i])); } } if (in_array($p_tag, $aTAGS)) { return false; } //tag already opened if (in_array("</{$p_tag}>", $p_array)) { array_push($aTAGS, $p_tag); array_push($aHREF, $sHREF); return true; } return false; }
function encode_blast_email($htmlmessage = NULL, $textmessage = NULL, $message_ID, $fields = NULL) { if ($this->type != 'Email-Admin') { if ($htmlmessage) { $htmlmessage = eregi_replace("\\[USERID\\]", $message_ID, $htmlmessage); if ($fields) { $htmlmessage = merge_fields_email($htmlmessage, $message_ID, $fields); } $htmlmessage .= '<img src="' . $Web_Site . 'http://localhost/amp/ut.php?m=' . $message_ID . '" width="1" height="1" border="0">'; $htmlmessage .= '<br><p align="center"> To unsubscribe please click <a href="' . $Web_Site . 'http://localhost/amp/unsubscribe.php?m=' . $message_ID . '">here</a></p>'; $htmlmessage = ereg_replace("\\[[A-Z\\. ]+\\]", "", $htmlmessage); } if ($textmessage) { //$textmessage = eregi_replace("\[USERID\]",$message_ID,$textmessage,$fields=NULL); if ($fields) { $textmessage = $this->merge_fields_email($textmessage, $message_ID, $fields); } $textmessage .= '\\n_____________________________________________________\\n To unsubscribe go to:\\n ' . $Web_Site . '/unsubscribe.php?m=' . $message_ID; $textmessage = ereg_replace("\\[[A-Z\\. ]+\\]", "", $textmessage); } } else { if ($htmlmessage) { if ($fields) { $htmlmessage = merge_fields_email($htmlmessage, $message_ID, $fields); } $htmlmessage .= '<img src="' . AMP_SITE_URL . '/ut.php?m=' . $message_ID . '" width="1" height="1" border="0">'; $htmlmessage = ereg_replace("\\[[A-Z\\. ]+\\]", "", $htmlmessage); } } $message = array('html' => $htmlmessage, 'text' => $textmessage); return $message; }
public function postProcessForm(&$v, &$fb, &$obj) { $defs = $obj->_getPluginsDef(); $field = $obj->fb_elementNamePrefix . 'filename' . $obj->fb_elementNamePostfix; if (!$_FILES[$field]['tmp_name']) { return; } $filename = $obj->getImageName(); if (!$filename) { $filename = $obj->getOwner()->tableName() . '_' . substr(md5(time() + rand(0, 100)), 0, 10); } $obj->filename = $this->_upFile($obj, $obj->fb_elementNamePrefix . 'filename' . $obj->fb_elementNamePostfix, $defs['otfimage']['path'], $filename); $obj->update(); /** * Clearing cache for this image **/ $filename = eregi_replace('(\\.[^\\.]+)$', '', basename($obj->filename)); $cachefolder = APP_ROOT . 'public/' . $defs['otfimage']['cache'] . '/' . $filename . '/'; foreach (FileUtils::getAllFiles($cachefolder) as $file) { @unlink($file); } /** * Setting as main if none exist */ $main = $obj->getOwner(); $mainImg = $main->getMainImage(); if (!$obj->ismain && !$mainImg->pk()) { $obj->setAsMain(); } }
function get_news() { global $DISABLE_NEWS_GETTER; if ($DISABLE_NEWS_GETTER == 1) { return "nonews"; } $news = @file(""); $news = @implode("", $news); $news = preg_split("/<news>/", $news); @array_shift($news); $newsnum = 0; $return = array(); foreach ($news as $Key => $val) { $i++; $val = eregi_replace("_;", ";", $val); $val = explode(";", $val); $return[$newsnum]['title'] = $val[0]; $return[$newsnum]['author'] = $val[1]; $return[$newsnum]['date'] = $val[2]; $return[$newsnum]['icon'] = $val[3]; $return[$newsnum]['body'] = $val[4]; if ($i > 2) { break; } $newsnum++; } if (count($return) == 0) { $return = "nonews"; } return $return; }
function formatUrlsInText($text) { //$reg_exUrl = "/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/"; $reg_exUrl = "(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]+)"; if (preg_match_all($reg_exUrl, $text, $matches)) { preg_match_all($reg_exUrl, $text, $matches); $usedPatterns = array(); foreach ($matches[0] as $pattern) { if (!array_key_exists($pattern, $usedPatterns)) { $usedPatterns[$pattern] = true; //$text = str_replace($pattern, "<a class=userContent href='".$pattern."' target='_blank'>".$pattern."</a>", $text); $text = eregi_replace($pattern, "<a class=userContent href='" . $pattern . "' target='_blank'>" . $pattern . "</a>", $text); } } echo nl2br($text); //return $text; } else { $reg_exUrl = "/(^|[^\\/])([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+\\.[\\S]+(\\b|\$))/"; preg_match_all($reg_exUrl, $text, $matches); $usedPatterns = array(); foreach ($matches[0] as $pattern) { if (!array_key_exists($pattern, $usedPatterns)) { $usedPatterns[$pattern] = true; $text = str_replace($pattern, "<a class=userContent href='http:\\/\\/" . $pattern . "' target=_blank>" . $pattern . "</a>", $text); } } echo nl2br($text); //return $text; } }
function generateKML($kml_id, $resdir, $getmapurl, $wmsversion, $layername, $layertitle, $north, $south, $east, $west) { $getmapurl = eregi_replace("&", "&", $getmapurl); //$kml_id=md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); if ($h = fopen($resdir . "/" . $kml_id . ".kml", "w+")) { // $content = $text .chr(13).chr(10); //example for linefeeds $kml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<kml xmlns=\"\">" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<GroundOverlay>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<name>" . $layertitle . " -</name>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<Icon>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<href>" . $getmapurl . "VERSION=" . $wmsversion . "&REQUEST=GetMap&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=512&HEIGHT=512&LAYERS=" . $layername . "&STYLES=&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&BGCOLOR=0xffffff&FORMAT=image/png&</href>" . chr(13) . chr(10); //</href> $kml .= "<RefreshMode>onExpire</RefreshMode>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<viewRefreshMode>onStop</viewRefreshMode>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<viewRefreshTime>1</viewRefreshTime>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<viewBoundScale>0.87</viewBoundScale>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "</Icon>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<LatLonBox>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<north>" . $north . "</north>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<south>" . $south . "</south>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<east>" . $east . "</east>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "<west>" . $west . "</west>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "</LatLonBox>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "</GroundOverlay>" . chr(13) . chr(10); $kml .= "</kml>" . chr(13) . chr(10); if (!fwrite($h, $kml)) { #exit; } fclose($h); } }
function FormatPropertiesForDatabaseInput() { $this->Label = FormatStringForDatabaseInput($this->Label); $this->Contents = FormatStringForDatabaseInput($this->Contents); $this->Contents = eregi_replace("<textarea>", "<textarea>", $this->Contents); $this->Contents = eregi_replace("<//textarea>", "</textarea>", $this->Contents); }
function CCIJavaBabble($myoutput) { global $mycrypto, $myalpha2, $javaencrypt, $preservehead; $s = $myoutput; $s = ereg_replace("\n", "", $s); if ($preservehead) { eregi("(^.+<body[^>]*>)", $s, $chunks); $outputstring = $chunks[1]; eregi_replace($headpart, "", $s); eregi("(</body[^>]*>.*)", $s, $chunks); $outputend = $chunks[1]; eregi_replace($footpart, "", $s); } else { $outputstring = ""; $outputend = ""; } if ($javaencrypt) { $s = strtr($s, $myalpha2, $mycrypto); $s = rawurlencode($s); $outputstring .= "<script>var cc=unescape('{$s}'); "; $outputstring .= "var index = document.cookie.indexOf('" . md5($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]) . "='); " . "var aa = '{$myalpha2}'; " . "if (index > -1) { " . " index = document.cookie.indexOf('=', index) + 1; " . " var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf(';', index); " . " if (endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length; " . " var bb = unescape(document.cookie.substring(index, endstr)); " . "} " . "cc = cc.replace(/[{$myalpha2}]/g,function(str) { return aa.substr(bb.indexOf(str),1) }); document.write(cc);"; } else { $outputstring .= "<script>document.write(unescape('" . rawurlencode($s) . "'));"; } $outputstring .= "</script><noscript>You must enable Javascript in order to view this webpage.</noscript>" . $outputend; return $outputstring; }
function PreLoad() { global $totalresult, $pageno; if (empty($pageno) || ereg("[^0-9]", $pageno)) { $pageno = 1; } if (empty($totalresult) || ereg("[^0-9]", $totalresult)) { $totalresult = 0; } $this->pageNO = $pageno; $this->totalResult = $totalresult; if (isset($this->tpl->tpCfgs['pagesize'])) { $this->pageSize = $this->tpl->tpCfgs['pagesize']; } $this->totalPage = ceil($this->totalResult / $this->pageSize); if ($this->totalResult == 0) { //$this->isQuery = true; //$this->dsql->Execute('mbdl',$this->sourceSql); //$this->totalResult = $this->dsql->GetTotalRow('mbdl'); $countQuery = eregi_replace("select[ \r\n\t](.*)[ \r\n\t]from", "Select count(*) as dd From", $this->sourceSql); $row = $this->dsql->GetOne($countQuery); $this->totalResult = $row['dd']; $this->sourceSql .= " limit 0," . $this->pageSize; } else { $this->sourceSql .= " limit " . ($this->pageNO - 1) * $this->pageSize . "," . $this->pageSize; } }
function SQL语句解析函数_应用于消息中心($sql, $操作记录编号) { global $db, $MetaTables; //判断自定义表是否存在,如果不存在直接返回 //判断是否是联合全操作,是否有子查询,是否用left //如果有,则表示为手写SQL代码,不是系统生成,则直接返回,不进行过滤 $sql = trim($sql); //转成小写 $sqllower = strtolower($sqllower); //缩进空格 $sql = eregi_replace(" ", " ", $sql); $sql = eregi_replace(" ", " ", $sql); if (substr($sqllower, 0, strlen("insert into")) == "insert into") { $sqlArray = explode('insert into', $sql); $sqlArray = explode('values', $sqlArray[1]); $sqlArray = explode('(', $sqlArray[0]); $Tablename = $sqlArray[0]; 开始处理消息中心('INSERT', $Tablename, $数据字段, $操作记录编号); } if (substr($sqllower, 0, strlen("update")) == "update") { $sqlArray = explode('update', $sql); $sqlArray = explode('set', $sqlArray[1]); $Tablename = TRIM($sqlArray[0]); } if (substr($sqllower, 0, strlen("delete from")) == "delete from") { $sqlArray = explode('delete from', $sql); $sqlArray = explode(' ', $sqlArray[1]); $Tablename = TRIM($sqlArray[0]); 开始处理消息中心('DELETE', $Tablename, $数据字段, $操作记录编号); } }
function ss_clean($usertext) { // if ( eregi ("\"", $tabletext) ) { echo "<p>Yesss!</p>"; } // print "<p>Test: ".eregi ( "<script", $tabletext )." (should give ereg output)</p>"; //What about cases where multiple classes? $pattern = 'spreadsheetCellActive'; $replacement = ''; $usertext = eregi_replace($pattern, $replacement, $usertext); //remove any auto_locked rows or columns $pattern = 'auto_locked'; $replacement = ''; $usertext = eregi_replace($pattern, $replacement, $usertext); //remove any empty class statements $pattern = 'class="([[:space:]]*)"'; $replacement = ''; $usertext = eregi_replace($pattern, $replacement, $usertext); //debug regex -- leave here //echo "pattern: $pattern ".htmlspecialchars(($usertext), ENT_QUOTES); //die; // Disable any attempt inject a script into the database $usertext = eregi_replace("<script", "<DISABLEDscript", $usertext); // Disable any attempt inject php into the database (ajaxed, but be sure) $usertext = eregi_replace("<[\\?]", "<DISABLED?", $usertext); return $usertext; }
function makeClickableLinks($text) { $text = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href="\\1">\\1</a>', $text); $text = eregi_replace('([[:space:]()[{}])(www.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+)', '\\1<a href="http://\\2">\\2</a>', $text); $text = eregi_replace('([_.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+.)+[a-z]{2,3})', '<a href="mailto:\\1">\\1</a>', $text); return $text; }
function ft_split($str) { $str = eregi_replace("[ ]+", " ", $str); $tab = explode(" ", $str); sort($tab, SORT_STRING); return $tab; }
function xmlParse($data, $bList = "") { $bArray = array(); // if any attributes were passed to the function, add them to the array if (strlen($bList) > 0) { $bArray = explode(",", $bList); } // by: - trim space around tags not within $data = eregi_replace(">" . "[[:space:]]+" . "<", "><", $data); // XML functions $p = xml_parser_create(); // by: - meets XML 1.0 specification xml_parser_set_option($p, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parse_into_struct($p, $data, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($p); for ($x = 0; $x < count($vals); $x++) { if (array_key_exists("attributes", $vals[$x])) { foreach ($vals[$x]["attributes"] as $thiskey => $thisvalue) { // if the attribute name exists in the "bList" then re-cast the string to a boolean if (is_string($thisvalue) && array_search($thiskey, $bArray) !== false && (strtolower($thisvalue) == "true" || strtolower($thisvalue) == "false")) { $vals[$x]["attributes"][$thiskey] = strtolower($thisvalue) == "true"; } } } } $i = 0; $tree["xmlChildren"] = array(); $tree["xmlChildren"][] = array('xmlName' => $vals[$i]['tag'], 'xmlAttributes' => getAttributes($vals, $i), 'xmlValue' => getValue($vals, $i), 'xmlChildren' => GetChildren($vals, $i)); return $tree; }
function get_term_from_file($current_file) { include "fse_config.php"; $post_text = implode(" ", file($current_file)); $post_text = eregi_replace("[^_0-9a-z-]", " ", strtolower($post_text)); //explode by blank to generate token list $local_termlist = explode(" ", $post_text); for ($i = 0; $i < count($local_termlist); $i++) { //further striping $local_termlist[$i] = trim($local_termlist[$i]); //trim leading and tailing "-", "_" while (substr($local_termlist[$i], 0, 1) == "-" || substr($local_termlist[$i], 0, 1) == "_") { $local_termlist[$i] = substr($local_termlist[$i], 1); } while (substr($local_termlist[$i], -1) == "-" || substr($local_termlist[$i], -1) == "_") { $local_termlist[$i] = substr($local_termlist[$i], 0, strlen($local_termlist[$i]) - 1); } //if exclude digits, but the term concludes digit(s), then discard //if the term does not contain any a-z character discard if ($fse_exclude_digit && eregi("[0-9]", $local_termlist[$i])) { continue; } if (eregi("[a-z]", $local_termlist[$i]) && strlen($local_termlist[$i]) >= $fse_min_len) { $term_list[] = $local_termlist[$i]; } } sort($term_list); return $term_list; }
/** * 方法重载函数 * * @access public * @param string $function * @param string $args * @return void */ function __call($func, $args) { //获取类名 $sDtoClass = get_class($args[0]); $sDmoClass = eregi_replace("DTO", "DMO", $sDtoClass); //echo $sDmoClass."::<br>"; /* if(substr($sDmoClass, 0,3) != substr($this->childClass, 0,3)) { //echo "没有操作权限"; return false; } */ if (!in_array($func, get_class_methods($sDmoClass))) { //echo "类方法不存在"; return false; } //include_once(CLASS_DIR."/Module/src/_".$sClassName.".class.php"); //include_once(CLASS_DIR."/Module/dev/".$sClassName.".class.php"); $oDMOClass = new $sDmoClass(); if ($args[1]) { return $oDMOClass->{$func}($args[0], $args[1]); } else { return $oDMOClass->{$func}($args[0]); } }
/** * Convert links and emails in a text in html tags * * @return string Converted text */ function html_activate_links(&$str) { $str = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href="\\1" target="_blank">\\1</a>', $str); $str = eregi_replace('([[:space:]()[{}])(www.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]+)', '\\1<a href="http://\\2" target="_blank">\\2</a>', $str); $str = eregi_replace('([_\\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,3})', '<a href="mailto:\\1">\\1</a>', $str); return $str; }
function cleanhex($hex) { $hex = eregi_replace("[^a-fA-F0-9]", "", $hex); $hex = strtoupper($hex); $hex = ltrim($hex, '0'); return $hex; }
public function matchAndReplaceText($keyword, $string, $condition = NULL) { /*/if the search Keyword is empty then return with the string , do not go any further */ if (empty($keyword)) { return $string; } /*/omit any html tags if present other wise it will create conflict.*/ $string = strip_tags($string); /*/ to check if the search keyword contains space ,it breaks into the words and search for each words.*/ $keyword = $this->getArrayofStringWithNoSpace($keyword); /*/ above function return string either in array or string. */ if (is_array($keyword)) { /*/ replaces the main string with the all the words return by the array of the above functions .*/ foreach ($keyword as $text) { if (eregi($text, $string)) { $string = eregi_replace($text, "<span class='foundText'>" . $text . "</span>", $string); } } return $string; } else { if (eregi($keyword, $string) and !empty($keyword)) { return eregi_replace($keyword, "<span class='foundText'>" . $keyword . "</span>", $string); } else { return $string; } } }
public function sendMail($address, $send_user, $from, $title, $message) { vendor('mail.mail'); $message = eregi_replace("[\\]", '', $message); // preg_replace('/\\\\/','', $message); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); // 设置PHPMailer使用SMTP服务器发送Email $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; // 设置邮件的字符编码,若不指定,则为'UTF-8' $mail->Port = $this->setting['mail_port']; //端口号 $mail->AddAddress($address); // 添加收件人地址,可以多次使用来添加多个收件人 //$mail->Body=$message; // 设置邮件正文 $mail->MsgHTML($message); //$mail->From=$this->setting['mail_username']; // 设置邮件头的From字段。 $mail->From = $from; // 设置邮件头的From字段。 $mail->FromName = $this->setting['mail_fromname']; // 设置发件人名字 $mail->Subject = $title; // 设置邮件标题 $mail->Host = $this->setting['mail_smtp']; // 设置SMTP服务器。 $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // 设置为“需要验证” //$mail->Username=$this->setting['mail_username']; // 设置用户名和密码。 $mail->Username = $send_user; // 设置用户名和密码。 $mail->Password = $this->setting['mail_password']; // 发送邮件。 return $mail->Send(); }
/** * A parsing function that accepts an json decoded object and * returns a HTML string of the tweets. * @param object $tweetObjects * @return string */ public function parseObject($tweetObjects) { $tweets = ''; date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); foreach ($tweetObjects as $tweet) { // Assign Relative formatted time $tweet->relative_time = $this->distance_of_time_in_words(strtotime($tweet->created_at)) . ' ago'; // Turn links into links $tweet->parsed_text = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href="\\1" target="_blank">\\1</a>', $tweet->text); // Turn twitter @username into links to the users Twitter page $tweet->parsed_text = preg_replace('/(^|\\s)@(\\w+)/', '\\1<a href="\\2">@\\2</a>', $tweet->parsed_text); // Turn #hashtags into searches $tweet->parsed_text = preg_replace('/(^|\\s)#(\\w+)/', '\\1<a href="\\2">#\\2</a>', $tweet->parsed_text); // Link to actual Tweet $tweet->tweet_link = '' . $tweet->user->screen_name . '/status/' . $tweet->id; // Get all the tags in the format string // Nested keys are denoted via parent->child->childofchild etc. preg_match_all('/\\[@(\\w+[->\\w+]*)\\]/i', $this->_tweetFormat, $result); $tweetOutput = $this->_tweetFormat; foreach ($result[1] as $foundkey) { $keys = explode('->', $foundkey); $value = $tweet; //copy tweet object for nested lookup foreach ($keys as $key) { $value = $value->{$key}; //Variable variable } $tweetOutput = str_replace("[@{$foundkey}]", $value, $tweetOutput); } $tweets .= $tweetOutput; } return str_replace('[@tweets]', $tweets, $this->_listFormat); }
public function DbNumber($x) { $x=eregi_replace("[^0-9\.,-]","",$x); $x=str_replace(".","",$x); $x=str_replace(",",".",$x); return $x; }
function clickableurls($text) { $text = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp(s?)://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\\+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href="\\1" target="_blank">\\1</a>', $text); $text = eregi_replace("(^|[ \n\r\t])(www\\.([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+)(/[^/ \n\r]*)*)", '\\1<a href="http://\\2" target="_blank">\\2</a>', $text); $text = eregi_replace("(^|[ \n\r\t])([_\\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,4})", '\\1<a href="mailto:\\2" target="_blank">\\2</a>', $text); return $text; }
function bold_it($i, $name) { $i = eregi_replace("{$name}", "<b>{$name}</b>", $i); $i = strtoupper($i); $i = stripslashes($i); return $i; }
function show_copyright() { global $author_name, $author_user_email, $author_homepage, $license, $download_location, $module_version, $module_description; if ($author_name == "") { $author_name = "N/A"; } if ($author_user_email == "") { $author_user_email = "N/A"; } if ($author_homepage == "") { $author_homepage = "N/A"; } if ($license == "") { $license = "N/A"; } if ($download_location == "") { $download_location = "N/A"; } if ($module_version == "") { $module_version = "N/A"; } if ($module_description == "") { $module_description = "N/A"; } $module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); $module_name = eregi_replace("_", " ", $module_name); echo "<html>\n" . "<body bgcolor=\"#F6F6EB\" link=\"#363636\" alink=\"#363636\" vlink=\"#363636\">\n" . "<title>{$module_name}: Copyright Information</title>\n" . "<font size=\"2\" color=\"#363636\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica\">\n" . "<center><b>Module Copyright © Information</b><br>" . "{$module_name} module for <a href=\"\" target=\"new\">PHP-Nuke</a><br><br></center>\n" . "<img src=\"../../images/arrow.gif\" border=\"0\"> <b>Module's Name:</b> {$module_name}<br>\n" . "<img src=\"../../images/arrow.gif\" border=\"0\"> <b>Module's Version:</b> {$module_version}<br>\n" . "<img src=\"../../images/arrow.gif\" border=\"0\"> <b>Module's Description:</b> {$module_description}<br>\n" . "<img src=\"../../images/arrow.gif\" border=\"0\"> <b>License:</b> {$license}<br>\n" . "<img src=\"../../images/arrow.gif\" border=\"0\"> <b>Author's Name:</b> {$author_name}<br>\n" . "<img src=\"../../images/arrow.gif\" border=\"0\"> <b>Author's Email:</b> {$author_user_email}<br><br>\n" . "<center>[ <a href=\"{$author_homepage}\" target=\"new\">Author's HomePage</a> | <a href=\"{$download_location}\" target=\"new\">Module's Download</a> | <a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onClick=javascript:self.close()>Close</a> ]</center>\n" . "</font>\n" . "</body>\n" . "</html>"; }
public function podarNome() { $nome = $this->getNome(); $nome = eregi_replace('^(estado da |estado de |estado do |estado del |departamento de |departamento del |state of |province of |província de |província da |província do |provincia de |provincia da |provincia do |provincia del )|( department| province)$', '', $nome); $nome = eregi_replace('^(município |município de |cidade de )|( county| condado)$', '', $nome); $this->setNome($nome); }
public function pregstring($data) { $str = trim($data); $str = preg_replace("/\\s+/", " ", $str); //去掉多余回车 $str = preg_replace('/<(li.*?)>(.*?)"/si', "", $str); $str = preg_replace('/<(span class="director".*?)>(.*?)<(\\/span.*?)>/si', "", $str); $str = preg_replace('/<(span class="starts".*?)>(.*?)<(\\/span.*?)>/si', "", $str); $str = preg_replace('/<(span class="showtimes".*?)>(.*?)<(\\/span.*?)>/si', "", $str); $str = eregi_replace("</*[^<>]*>", '', $str); //去掉html格式符号 $str = str_replace(" ", '', $str); //去掉空格替换换行符 $str = str_replace("¥", '', $str); //去掉空格替换换行 $str = str_replace(">", "\n", $str); //去掉多余回车 $str = str_replace("2D", "", $str); //去掉多余回车 $str = str_replace("3D", "", $str); //去掉多余回车 $str = str_replace("4D", "", $str); //去掉多余回车 return $str; }