  * Retrieve the appropriate EP_HOST
  * Looks at the defined EP_HOST or a backup global should the defined host failed.
  * Priority is given to the EP_HOST constand with the backups only used when needed.
  * @since 1.6
  * @global array $ep_backup_host   array of backup hosts
  * @param bool   $force            Whether to force a new lookup or not
  * @param bool   $use_only_backups Forces the use of only the backup array, no others
  * @return string|WP_Error the host to use or an error
 public function get_ep_host($force = false, $use_only_backups = false)
     global $ep_backup_host;
     // Delete the transient if we want to force a new good host lookup
     if (true === $force) {
     $last_good_host = get_site_transient('ep_last_good_host');
     if ($last_good_host) {
         return $last_good_host;
     // If nothing is defined just return an error
     if (!defined('EP_HOST') && !$ep_backup_host) {
         return new WP_Error('elasticpress', __('No running host available.', 'elasticpress'));
     $hosts = array();
     if (defined('EP_HOST') && false === $use_only_backups) {
         $hosts[] = EP_HOST;
     // If no backups are defined just return the host
     if ($ep_backup_host && is_array($ep_backup_host)) {
         $hosts = array_merge($hosts, $ep_backup_host);
     foreach ($hosts as $host) {
         if (true === ep_elasticsearch_alive($host)) {
             set_site_transient('ep_last_good_host', $host, apply_filters('ep_last_good_host_timeout', 3600));
             return $host;
     return new WP_Error('elasticpress', __('No running host available.', 'elasticpress'));
  * Provide better error messaging for common connection errors
  * @since 0.9.3
 private function _connect_check()
     if (!defined('EP_HOST')) {
         WP_CLI::error(__('EP_HOST is not defined! Check wp-config.php', 'elasticpress'));
     if (false === ep_elasticsearch_alive()) {
         WP_CLI::error(__('Unable to reach Elasticsearch Server! Check that service is running.', 'elasticpress'));
Beispiel #3
  * Provide better error messaging for common connection errors
  * @since 0.9.3
 private function _connect_check()
     $ep_server_url = ep_get_server_url();
     if (!isset($ep_server_url)) {
         \WP_CLI::error(__('The Elasticsearch server URL is not defined! You should be calling "set-host", at least.', 'elasticpress'));
     if (false === ep_elasticsearch_alive()) {
         \WP_CLI::error(__('Unable to reach Elasticsearch Server! Check that service is running.', 'elasticpress'));