require 'includes/database_tables.php';
global $filelayout, $filelayout_count, $filelayout_sql, $langcode, $fileheaders;
$orders_status = $HTTP_GET_VARS['orders_status'];
//elari check default language_id from configuration table DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
$epdlanguage_query = tep_db_query("select languages_id, name from " . TABLE_LANGUAGES . " where code = '" . DEFAULT_LANGUAGE . "'");
if (tep_db_num_rows($epdlanguage_query)) {
    $epdlanguage = tep_db_fetch_array($epdlanguage_query);
    $epdlanguage_id = $epdlanguage['languages_id'];
    $epdlanguage_name = $epdlanguage['name'];
} else {
    echo 'Strange but there is no default language to work... That may not happen, just in case... ';
$langcode = ep_get_languages();
if ($dltype != '') {
    // if dltype is set, then create the filelayout.  Otherwise it gets read from the uploaded file
    ep_create_filelayout($dltype, $orders_status);
    // get the right filelayout for this download
// E N D
if ($download == 'stream' or $download == 'tempfile') {
    $filestring = "";

  $langcode = ep_get_languages();

  if ($dltype != ''){
    // if dltype is set, then create the filelayout.  Otherwise it gets read from the uploaded file
    ep_create_filelayout($dltype); // get the right filelayout for this download

  if ($download == 'stream' or  $download == 'tempfile'){

    $sFile = ''; // this holds the csv file we want to download
    $result = $dbconn->Execute($filelayout_sql);

    // Here we need to allow for the mapping of internal field names to external field names
    // default to all headers named like the internal ones
    // the field mapping array only needs to cover those fields that need to have their name changed
    if ( count($fileheaders) != 0 ){
      $filelayout_header = $fileheaders; // if they gave us fileheaders for the dl, then use them
//####### witalik :zdes' tablicy dlja vhodjaschego fajla (import)
global $default_these;
$default_these = array('v_products_image', 'v_categories_id', 'v_products_price', 'v_products_quantity', 'v_products_weight', 'v_date_avail', 'v_date_added', 'v_instock', 'v_tax_class_title', 'v_manufacturers_name', 'v_manufacturers_id', 'v_products_dim_type', 'v_products_length', 'v_products_width', 'v_products_height');
//elari check default language_id from configuration table DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
$epdlanguage_query = olc_db_query("select languages_id, name from " . TABLE_LANGUAGES . " where code = '" . DEFAULT_LANGUAGE . APOS);
if (olc_db_num_rows($epdlanguage_query)) {
    $epdlanguage = olc_db_fetch_array($epdlanguage_query);
    $epdlanguage_id = $epdlanguage['languages_id'];
    $epdlanguage_name = $epdlanguage['name'];
} else {
    echo 'Strange but there is no default language to work... That may not happen, just in case... ';
$langcode = ep_get_languages();
if ($dltype != '') {
    // if dltype is set, then create the filelayout.  Otherwise it gets read from the uploaded file
    // get the right filelayout for this download
// E N D
if ($download == 'stream' or $download == 'tempfile') {
    $filestring = "";
Beispiel #4
$default_these[] = 'v_products_price';
$default_these[] = 'v_products_quantity';
$default_these[] = 'v_products_weight';
$default_these[] = 'v_status_current';
$default_these[] = 'v_date_avail';
$default_these[] = 'v_date_added';
$default_these[] = 'v_tax_class_title';
$default_these[] = 'v_manufacturers_name';
$default_these[] = 'v_manufacturers_id';
$filelayout = '';
$filelayout_count = '';
$filelayout_sql = '';
$fileheaders = '';
if (!empty($_GET['dltype'])) {
    // if dltype is set, then create the filelayout.  Otherwise it gets read from the uploaded file
    list($filelayout, $filelayout_count, $filelayout_sql, $fileheaders) = ep_create_filelayout($_GET['dltype'], $attribute_options_array, $languages, $custom_fields);
    // get the right filelayout for this download
// E N D
if (!empty($_GET['download']) && ($_GET['download'] == 'stream' or $_GET['download'] == 'activestream' or $_GET['download'] == 'tempfile')) {
    $filestring = "";