Beispiel #1
 public function define_execution()
     global $DB;
     $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->get_courseid()), '*', MUST_EXIST);
     if ($DB->record_exists('enrol', array('courseid' => $this->get_courseid(), 'enrol' => 'manual'))) {
         // Something already added instances, do not add default instances.
         $plugins = enrol_get_plugins(true);
         foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
     } else {
         // Looks like a newly created course.
         enrol_course_updated(true, $course, null);
Beispiel #2
 * Update a course.
 * Please note this functions does not verify any access control,
 * the calling code is responsible for all validation (usually it is the form definition).
 * @param object $data  - all the data needed for an entry in the 'course' table
 * @param array $editoroptions course description editor options
 * @return void
function update_course($data, $editoroptions = NULL)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    $data->timemodified = time();
    $oldcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $data->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
    $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $oldcourse->id);
    if ($editoroptions) {
        $data = file_postupdate_standard_editor($data, 'summary', $editoroptions, $context, 'course', 'summary', 0);
    if (!isset($data->category) or empty($data->category)) {
        // prevent nulls and 0 in category field
    $movecat = (isset($data->category) and $oldcourse->category != $data->category);
    if (!isset($data->visible)) {
        // data not from form, add missing visibility info
        $data->visible = $oldcourse->visible;
    if ($data->visible != $oldcourse->visible) {
        // reset the visibleold flag when manually hiding/unhiding course
        $data->visibleold = $data->visible;
    } else {
        if ($movecat) {
            $newcategory = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id' => $data->category));
            if (empty($newcategory->visible)) {
                // make sure when moving into hidden category the course is hidden automatically
                $data->visible = 0;
    // Update with the new data
    $DB->update_record('course', $data);
    $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $data->id));
    if ($movecat) {
        $newparent = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $course->category);
        context_moved($context, $newparent);
    // Test for and remove blocks which aren't appropriate anymore
    // Save any custom role names.
    save_local_role_names($course->id, $data);
    // update enrol settings
    enrol_course_updated(false, $course, $data);
    add_to_log($course->id, "course", "update", "edit.php?id={$course->id}", $course->id);
    // Trigger events
    events_trigger('course_updated', $course);
Beispiel #3
 * Update a course.
 * Please note this functions does not verify any access control,
 * the calling code is responsible for all validation (usually it is the form definition).
 * @param object $data  - all the data needed for an entry in the 'course' table
 * @param array $editoroptions course description editor options
 * @return void
function update_course($data, $editoroptions = NULL)
    global $DB;
    $data->timemodified = time();
    $oldcourse = course_get_format($data->id)->get_course();
    $context = context_course::instance($oldcourse->id);
    if ($editoroptions) {
        $data = file_postupdate_standard_editor($data, 'summary', $editoroptions, $context, 'course', 'summary', 0);
    if ($overviewfilesoptions = course_overviewfiles_options($data->id)) {
        $data = file_postupdate_standard_filemanager($data, 'overviewfiles', $overviewfilesoptions, $context, 'course', 'overviewfiles', 0);
    // Check we don't have a duplicate shortname.
    if (!empty($data->shortname) && $oldcourse->shortname != $data->shortname) {
        if ($DB->record_exists_sql('SELECT id from {course} WHERE shortname = ? AND id <> ?', array($data->shortname, $data->id))) {
            throw new moodle_exception('shortnametaken', '', '', $data->shortname);
    // Check we don't have a duplicate idnumber.
    if (!empty($data->idnumber) && $oldcourse->idnumber != $data->idnumber) {
        if ($DB->record_exists_sql('SELECT id from {course} WHERE idnumber = ? AND id <> ?', array($data->idnumber, $data->id))) {
            throw new moodle_exception('courseidnumbertaken', '', '', $data->idnumber);
    if (!isset($data->category) or empty($data->category)) {
        // prevent nulls and 0 in category field
    $changesincoursecat = $movecat = (isset($data->category) and $oldcourse->category != $data->category);
    if (!isset($data->visible)) {
        // data not from form, add missing visibility info
        $data->visible = $oldcourse->visible;
    if ($data->visible != $oldcourse->visible) {
        // reset the visibleold flag when manually hiding/unhiding course
        $data->visibleold = $data->visible;
        $changesincoursecat = true;
    } else {
        if ($movecat) {
            $newcategory = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id' => $data->category));
            if (empty($newcategory->visible)) {
                // make sure when moving into hidden category the course is hidden automatically
                $data->visible = 0;
    // Update with the new data
    $DB->update_record('course', $data);
    // make sure the modinfo cache is reset
    // update course format options with full course data
    course_get_format($data->id)->update_course_format_options($data, $oldcourse);
    $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $data->id));
    if ($movecat) {
        $newparent = context_coursecat::instance($course->category);
    $fixcoursesortorder = $movecat || isset($data->sortorder) && $oldcourse->sortorder != $data->sortorder;
    if ($fixcoursesortorder) {
    // purge appropriate caches in case fix_course_sortorder() did not change anything
    if ($changesincoursecat) {
    // Test for and remove blocks which aren't appropriate anymore
    // Save any custom role names.
    save_local_role_names($course->id, $data);
    // update enrol settings
    enrol_course_updated(false, $course, $data);
    // Trigger a course updated event.
    $event = \core\event\course_updated::create(array('objectid' => $course->id, 'context' => context_course::instance($course->id), 'other' => array('shortname' => $course->shortname, 'fullname' => $course->fullname)));
    $event->set_legacy_logdata(array($course->id, 'course', 'update', 'edit.php?id=' . $course->id, $course->id));
    if ($oldcourse->format !== $course->format) {
        // Remove all options stored for the previous format
        // We assume that new course format migrated everything it needed watching trigger
        // 'course_updated' and in method format_XXX::update_course_format_options()
        $DB->delete_records('course_format_options', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'format' => $oldcourse->format));
Beispiel #4
 * Process the group tag. This defines a Moodle course.
 * @param string $tagconents The raw contents of the XML element
 function process_group_tag($tagcontents)
     global $DB;
     // Get configs
     $truncatecoursecodes = $this->get_config('truncatecoursecodes');
     $createnewcourses = $this->get_config('createnewcourses');
     $createnewcategories = $this->get_config('createnewcategories');
     // Process tag contents
     $group = new stdClass();
     if (preg_match('{<sourcedid>.*?<id>(.+?)</id>.*?</sourcedid>}is', $tagcontents, $matches)) {
         $group->coursecode = trim($matches[1]);
     if (preg_match('{<description>.*?<long>(.*?)</long>.*?</description>}is', $tagcontents, $matches)) {
         $group->description = trim($matches[1]);
     if (preg_match('{<description>.*?<short>(.*?)</short>.*?</description>}is', $tagcontents, $matches)) {
         $group->shortName = trim($matches[1]);
     if (preg_match('{<description>.*?<full>(.*?)</full>.*?</description>}is', $tagcontents, $matches)) {
         $group->fulldescription = trim($matches[1]);
     if (preg_match('{<org>.*?<orgunit>(.*?)</orgunit>.*?</org>}is', $tagcontents, $matches)) {
         $group->category = trim($matches[1]);
     $recstatus = $this->get_recstatus($tagcontents, 'group');
     //echo "<p>get_recstatus for this group returned $recstatus</p>";
     if (!(strlen($group->coursecode) > 0)) {
         $this->log_line('Error at line ' . $line . ': Unable to find course code in \'group\' element.');
     } else {
         // First, truncate the course code if desired
         if (intval($truncatecoursecodes) > 0) {
             $group->coursecode = $truncatecoursecodes > 0 ? substr($group->coursecode, 0, intval($truncatecoursecodes)) : $group->coursecode;
         /* -----------Course aliasing is DEACTIVATED until a more general method is in place---------------
                // Second, look in the course alias table to see if the code should be translated to something else
                 if($aliases = $DB->get_field('enrol_coursealias', 'toids', array('fromid'=>$group->coursecode))){
                     $this->log_line("Found alias of course code: Translated $group->coursecode to $aliases");
                     // Alias is allowed to be a comma-separated list, so let's split it
                     $group->coursecode = explode(',', $aliases);
         // For compatibility with the (currently inactive) course aliasing, we need this to be an array
         $group->coursecode = array($group->coursecode);
         // Third, check if the course(s) exist
         foreach ($group->coursecode as $coursecode) {
             $coursecode = trim($coursecode);
             if (!$DB->get_field('course', 'id', array('idnumber' => $coursecode))) {
                 if (!$createnewcourses) {
                     $this->log_line("Course {$coursecode} not found in Moodle's course idnumbers.");
                 } else {
                     // Set shortname to description or description to shortname if one is set but not the other.
                     $nodescription = !isset($group->description);
                     $noshortname = !isset($group->shortName);
                     if ($nodescription && $noshortname) {
                         // If neither short nor long description are set let if fail
                         $this->log_line("Neither long nor short name are set for {$coursecode}");
                     } else {
                         if ($nodescription) {
                             // If short and ID exist, then give the long short's value, then give short the ID's value
                             $group->description = $group->shortName;
                             $group->shortName = $coursecode;
                         } else {
                             if ($noshortname) {
                                 // If long and ID exist, then map long to long, then give short the ID's value.
                                 $group->shortName = $coursecode;
                     // Create the (hidden) course(s) if not found
                     $courseconfig = get_config('moodlecourse');
                     // Load Moodle Course shell defaults
                     $course = new stdClass();
                     $course->fullname = $group->description;
                     $course->shortname = $group->shortName;
                     if (!empty($group->fulldescription)) {
                         $course->summary = format_text($group->fulldescription, FORMAT_HTML);
                     $course->idnumber = $coursecode;
                     $course->format = $courseconfig->format;
                     $course->visible = $courseconfig->visible;
                     $course->numsections = $courseconfig->numsections;
                     $course->hiddensections = $courseconfig->hiddensections;
                     $course->newsitems = $courseconfig->newsitems;
                     $course->showgrades = $courseconfig->showgrades;
                     $course->showreports = $courseconfig->showreports;
                     $course->maxbytes = $courseconfig->maxbytes;
                     $course->groupmode = $courseconfig->groupmode;
                     $course->groupmodeforce = $courseconfig->groupmodeforce;
                     $course->enablecompletion = $courseconfig->enablecompletion;
                     $course->completionstartonenrol = $courseconfig->completionstartonenrol;
                     // Insert default names for teachers/students, from the current language
                     // Handle course categorisation (taken from the field if present)
                     if (strlen($group->category) > 0) {
                         // If the category is defined and exists in Moodle, we want to store it in that one
                         if ($catid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('name' => $group->category))) {
                             $course->category = $catid;
                         } else {
                             if ($createnewcategories) {
                                 // Else if we're allowed to create new categories, let's create this one
                                 $newcat = new stdClass();
                                 $newcat->name = $group->category;
                                 $newcat->visible = 0;
                                 $catid = $DB->insert_record('course_categories', $newcat);
                                 $course->category = $catid;
                                 $this->log_line("Created new (hidden) category, #{$catid}: {$newcat->name}");
                             } else {
                                 // If not found and not allowed to create, stick with default
                                 $this->log_line('Category ' . $group->category . ' not found in Moodle database, so using default category instead.');
                                 $course->category = 1;
                     } else {
                         $course->category = 1;
                     $course->timecreated = time();
                     $course->startdate = time();
                     // Choose a sort order that puts us at the start of the list!
                     $course->sortorder = 0;
                     $courseid = $DB->insert_record('course', $course);
                     // Setup default enrolment plugins
                     $course->id = $courseid;
                     enrol_course_updated(true, $course, null);
                     // Setup the blocks
                     $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid));
                     $section = new stdClass();
                     $section->course = $course->id;
                     // Create a default section.
                     $section->section = 0;
                     $section->summaryformat = FORMAT_HTML;
                     $section->id = $DB->insert_record("course_sections", $section);
                     add_to_log(SITEID, "course", "new", "view.php?id={$course->id}", "{$course->fullname} (ID {$course->id})");
                     $this->log_line("Created course {$coursecode} in Moodle (Moodle ID is {$course->id})");
             } else {
                 if ($recstatus == 3 && ($courseid = $DB->get_field('course', 'id', array('idnumber' => $coursecode)))) {
                     // If course does exist, but recstatus==3 (delete), then set the course as hidden
                     $DB->set_field('course', 'visible', '0', array('id' => $courseid));
         // End of foreach(coursecode)
Beispiel #5
 * Update a course.
 * Please note this functions does not verify any access control,
 * the calling code is responsible for all validation (usually it is the form definition).
 * @param object $data  - all the data needed for an entry in the 'course' table
 * @param array $editoroptions course description editor options
 * @return void
function update_course($data, $editoroptions = NULL)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    $data->timemodified = time();
    $oldcourse = course_get_format($data->id)->get_course();
    $context = context_course::instance($oldcourse->id);
    if ($editoroptions) {
        $data = file_postupdate_standard_editor($data, 'summary', $editoroptions, $context, 'course', 'summary', 0);
    if ($overviewfilesoptions = course_overviewfiles_options($data->id)) {
        $data = file_postupdate_standard_filemanager($data, 'overviewfiles', $overviewfilesoptions, $context, 'course', 'overviewfiles', 0);
    if (!isset($data->category) or empty($data->category)) {
        // prevent nulls and 0 in category field
    $changesincoursecat = $movecat = (isset($data->category) and $oldcourse->category != $data->category);
    if (!isset($data->visible)) {
        // data not from form, add missing visibility info
        $data->visible = $oldcourse->visible;
    if ($data->visible != $oldcourse->visible) {
        // reset the visibleold flag when manually hiding/unhiding course
        $data->visibleold = $data->visible;
        $changesincoursecat = true;
    } else {
        if ($movecat) {
            $newcategory = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id' => $data->category));
            if (empty($newcategory->visible)) {
                // make sure when moving into hidden category the course is hidden automatically
                $data->visible = 0;
    // Update with the new data
    $DB->update_record('course', $data);
    // make sure the modinfo cache is reset
    // update course format options with full course data
    course_get_format($data->id)->update_course_format_options($data, $oldcourse);
    $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $data->id));
    if ($movecat) {
        $newparent = context_coursecat::instance($course->category);
        context_moved($context, $newparent);
    // purge appropriate caches in case fix_course_sortorder() did not change anything
    if ($changesincoursecat) {
    // Test for and remove blocks which aren't appropriate anymore
    // Save any custom role names.
    save_local_role_names($course->id, $data);
    // update enrol settings
    enrol_course_updated(false, $course, $data);
    add_to_log($course->id, "course", "update", "edit.php?id={$course->id}", $course->id);
    // Trigger events
    events_trigger('course_updated', $course);
    if ($oldcourse->format !== $course->format) {
        // Remove all options stored for the previous format
        // We assume that new course format migrated everything it needed watching trigger
        // 'course_updated' and in method format_XXX::update_course_format_options()
        $DB->delete_records('course_format_options', array('courseid' => $course->id, 'format' => $oldcourse->format));
Beispiel #6
  * Process the group tag. This defines a Moodle course.
  * @param string $tagcontents The raw contents of the XML element
 protected function process_group_tag($tagcontents)
     global $DB;
     // Get configs.
     $truncatecoursecodes = $this->get_config('truncatecoursecodes');
     $createnewcourses = $this->get_config('createnewcourses');
     $createnewcategories = $this->get_config('createnewcategories');
     // Process tag contents.
     $group = new stdClass();
     if (preg_match('{<sourcedid>.*?<id>(.+?)</id>.*?</sourcedid>}is', $tagcontents, $matches)) {
         $group->coursecode = trim($matches[1]);
     if (preg_match('{<description>.*?<long>(.*?)</long>.*?</description>}is', $tagcontents, $matches)) {
         $group->long = trim($matches[1]);
     if (preg_match('{<description>.*?<short>(.*?)</short>.*?</description>}is', $tagcontents, $matches)) {
         $group->short = trim($matches[1]);
     if (preg_match('{<description>.*?<full>(.*?)</full>.*?</description>}is', $tagcontents, $matches)) {
         $group->full = trim($matches[1]);
     if (preg_match('{<org>.*?<orgunit>(.*?)</orgunit>.*?</org>}is', $tagcontents, $matches)) {
         $group->category = trim($matches[1]);
     $recstatus = $this->get_recstatus($tagcontents, 'group');
     if (empty($group->coursecode)) {
         $this->log_line('Error: Unable to find course code in \'group\' element.');
     } else {
         // First, truncate the course code if desired.
         if (intval($truncatecoursecodes) > 0) {
             $group->coursecode = $truncatecoursecodes > 0 ? substr($group->coursecode, 0, intval($truncatecoursecodes)) : $group->coursecode;
         // For compatibility with the (currently inactive) course aliasing, we need this to be an array.
         $group->coursecode = array($group->coursecode);
         // Third, check if the course(s) exist.
         foreach ($group->coursecode as $coursecode) {
             $coursecode = trim($coursecode);
             if (!$DB->get_field('course', 'id', array('idnumber' => $coursecode))) {
                 if (!$createnewcourses) {
                     $this->log_line("Course {$coursecode} not found in Moodle's course idnumbers.");
                 } else {
                     // Create the (hidden) course(s) if not found
                     $courseconfig = get_config('moodlecourse');
                     // Load Moodle Course shell defaults.
                     // New course.
                     $course = new stdClass();
                     foreach ($this->coursemappings as $courseattr => $imsname) {
                         if ($imsname == 'ignore') {
                         // Check if the IMS file contains the mapped tag, otherwise fallback on coursecode.
                         if ($imsname == 'coursecode') {
                             $course->{$courseattr} = $coursecode;
                         } else {
                             if (!empty($group->{$imsname})) {
                                 $course->{$courseattr} = $group->{$imsname};
                             } else {
                                 $this->log_line('No ' . $imsname . ' description tag found for ' . $coursecode . ' coursecode, using ' . $coursecode . ' instead');
                                 $course->{$courseattr} = $coursecode;
                     $course->idnumber = $coursecode;
                     $course->format = $courseconfig->format;
                     $course->visible = $courseconfig->visible;
                     $course->newsitems = $courseconfig->newsitems;
                     $course->showgrades = $courseconfig->showgrades;
                     $course->showreports = $courseconfig->showreports;
                     $course->maxbytes = $courseconfig->maxbytes;
                     $course->groupmode = $courseconfig->groupmode;
                     $course->groupmodeforce = $courseconfig->groupmodeforce;
                     $course->enablecompletion = $courseconfig->enablecompletion;
                     // Insert default names for teachers/students, from the current language.
                     // Handle course categorisation (taken from the field if present).
                     if (!empty($group->category)) {
                         // If the category is defined and exists in Moodle, we want to store it in that one.
                         if ($catid = $DB->get_field('course_categories', 'id', array('name' => $group->category))) {
                             $course->category = $catid;
                         } else {
                             if ($createnewcategories) {
                                 // Else if we're allowed to create new categories, let's create this one.
                                 $newcat = new stdClass();
                                 $newcat->name = $group->category;
                                 $newcat->visible = 0;
                                 $catid = $DB->insert_record('course_categories', $newcat);
                                 $course->category = $catid;
                                 $this->log_line("Created new (hidden) category, #{$catid}: {$newcat->name}");
                             } else {
                                 // If not found and not allowed to create, stick with default.
                                 $this->log_line('Category ' . $group->category . ' not found in Moodle database, so using ' . 'default category instead.');
                                 $course->category = $this->get_default_category_id();
                     } else {
                         $course->category = $this->get_default_category_id();
                     $course->timecreated = time();
                     $course->startdate = time();
                     // Choose a sort order that puts us at the start of the list!
                     $course->sortorder = 0;
                     $courseid = $DB->insert_record('course', $course);
                     // Setup default enrolment plugins.
                     $course->id = $courseid;
                     enrol_course_updated(true, $course, null);
                     // Setup the blocks.
                     $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid));
                     // Create default 0-section.
                     course_create_sections_if_missing($course, 0);
                     add_to_log(SITEID, "course", "new", "view.php?id={$course->id}", "{$course->fullname} (ID {$course->id})");
                     $this->log_line("Created course {$coursecode} in Moodle (Moodle ID is {$course->id})");
             } else {
                 if ($recstatus == 3 && ($courseid = $DB->get_field('course', 'id', array('idnumber' => $coursecode)))) {
                     // If course does exist, but recstatus==3 (delete), then set the course as hidden.
                     $DB->set_field('course', 'visible', '0', array('id' => $courseid));