Beispiel #1
function encode_node($node)
    $literals = [null => 'nil', true => 'true', false => 'false'];
    if (is_literal($node) && isset($literals[$node])) {
        return $literals[$node];
    if (is_character($node)) {
        return encode_character($node);
    if (is_string($node)) {
        return encode_string($node);
    if ($node instanceof Keyword) {
        return ':' . encode_symbol($node);
    if ($node instanceof Symbol) {
        return encode_symbol($node);
    if (is_int($node) || is_float($node)) {
        return $node;
    if ($node instanceof LinkedList) {
        return encode_list($node);
    if ($node instanceof Vector) {
        return encode_vector($node);
    if ($node instanceof Map) {
        return encode_map($node);
    if ($node instanceof Set) {
        return encode_set($node);
    if ($node instanceof Tagged) {
        return encode_tagged($node);
    if (is_array($node)) {
        return !count($node) || isset($node[0]) ? encode_list(new \ArrayIterator($node)) : encode_map(convert_assoc_to_map($node));
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot encode node of type %s.', gettype($node)));
Beispiel #2
$out = "<login>\n";
if ($single_user == "Y") {
    // No login for single-user mode
    $out .= "<error>No login required for single-user mode</error>\n";
} else {
    if ($use_http_auth) {
        // There is no login page when using HTTP authorization
        $out .= "<error>No login required for HTTP authentication</error>\n";
    } else {
        if (!empty($login) && !empty($password)) {
            $login = trim($login);
            if (user_valid_login($login, $password)) {
                user_load_variables($login, "");
                // set login to expire in 365 days
                srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
                $salt = chr(rand(ord('A'), ord('z'))) . chr(rand(ord('A'), ord('z')));
                $encoded_login = encode_string($login . "|" . crypt($password, $salt));
                //SetCookie ( "webcalendar_session", $encoded_login, 0, $cookie_path );
                $out .= "  <cookieName>webcalendar_session</cookieName>\n";
                $out .= "  <cookieValue>{$encoded_login}</cookieValue>\n";
                if ($is_admin) {
                    $out .= "  <admin>1</admin>\n";
            } else {
                $out .= "  <error>Invalid login</error>\n";
echo $out;
echo "</login>\n";
Beispiel #3
 if ($use_http_auth) {
     // There is no login page when using HTTP authorization
 } else {
     if (!empty($login) && !empty($password) && !$logout) {
         if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
             $password = stripslashes($password);
             $login = stripslashes($login);
         $login = trim($login);
         if ($login != addslashes($login)) {
             die_miserable_death('Illegal characters in login ' . '<tt>' . htmlentities($login) . '</tt>');
         if (user_valid_login($login, $password)) {
             user_load_variables($login, '');
             $encoded_login = encode_string($login . '|' . crypt($password));
             // set login to expire in 365 days
             if (!empty($remember) && $remember == 'yes') {
                 SetCookie('webcalendar_session', $encoded_login, time() + 24 * 3600 * 365, $cookie_path);
             } else {
                 SetCookie('webcalendar_session', $encoded_login, 0, $cookie_path);
             // The cookie "webcalendar_login" is provided as a convenience to
             // other apps that may wish to find out what the last calendar
             // login was, so they can use week_ssi.php as a server-side include.
             // As such, it's not a security risk to have it un-encoded since it
             // is not used to allow logins within this app. It is used to
             // load user preferences on the login page (before anyone has
             // logged in) if $REMEMBER_LAST_LOGIN is set to "Y" (in admin.php).
             if (!empty($remember) && $remember == 'yes') {
                 SetCookie('webcalendar_login', $login, time() + 24 * 3600 * 365, $cookie_path);
Beispiel #4
$date = getValue('date');
$return_path = getValue('return_path');
// Was a return path set?
$url = !empty($return_path) ? clean_whitespace($return_path . (!empty($date) ? '?date=' . $date : '')) : 'index.php';
if ($login == '__public__') {
if (!nonuser_load_variables($login, 'temp_')) {
    die_miserable_death(translate('No such nonuser calendar') . ": {$login}");
if (empty($temp_is_public) || $temp_is_public != 'Y') {
// calculate path for cookie
if (empty($PHP_SELF)) {
$cookie_path = str_replace('nulogin.php', '', $PHP_SELF);
// echo "Cookie path: $cookie_path\n";
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    $login = stripslashes($login);
$login = trim($login);
if ($login != addslashes($login)) {
    die_miserable_death(translate('Illegal characters in login') . ' <tt>' . htmlentities($login) . '</tt>.');
// Allow proper login using NUC name
$encoded_login = encode_string($login . '|nonuser');
// set login to expire in 365 days
SetCookie('webcalendar_session', $encoded_login, !empty($remember) && $remember == 'yes' ? 86400 * 365 + time() : 0, $cookie_path);
 if ($r) {
     if ($Fcn != '' && $Fcn != '-' && $Fcn != $cn) {
         list($givenname, $sn) = preg_split('/ /', $Fcn, 2);
         $mod['cn'] = $Fcn;
         $mod['cn'] = $decode_normal ? encode_string($mod['cn'], $k) : $mod['cn'];
         $mod['givenname'] = $givenname;
         $mod['givenname'] = $decode_normal ? encode_string($mod['givenname'], $k) : $mod['givenname'];
         $mod['sn'] = $sn;
         $mod['sn'] = $decode_normal ? encode_string($mod['sn'], $k) : $mod['sn'];
     if ($Fmail != '' && $Fmail != '-' && $Fmail != $mail) {
         $mod['mail'] = $Fmail;
     if ($Fou != '' && $Fou != '-' && $Fou != $ou) {
         $mod['ou'] = $Fou;
         $mod['ou'] = $decode_normal ? encode_string($mod['ou'], $k) : $mod['ou'];
     if ($Ftelephonenumber != '' && $Ftelephonenumber != '-' && $Ftelephonenumber != $telephonenumber) {
         $mod['telephonenumber'] = $Ftelephonenumber;
     if ($Fhomephone != '' && $Fhomephone != '-' && $Fhomephone != $homephone) {
         $mod['homephone'] = $Fhomephone;
     if ($dn != '') {
         if ($config[ldap_debug] == 'true') {
             print "<b>DEBUG(LDAP): ldap_mod_replace(): DN='{$dn}'</b><br>\n";
             print "<b>DEBUG(LDAP): ldap_mod_replace(): Data:";
             print "</b><br>\n";
         @ldap_mod_replace($ds, $dn, $mod);