Beispiel #1
 public function main()
     if ($this->Message->text == 'dubs') {
         $no = mt_rand(0, 9);
         Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "`" . str_repeat($no, 9) . "`");
         return true;
     $q = explode("d", trim($this->Message->text));
     if (count($q) == 2 && is_numeric($q[0]) && is_numeric($q[1])) {
         $no = intval($q[0]);
         $sides = intval($q[1]);
         if ($no < 0 || $sides < 0 || $no > 50 || $sides > 999999999) {
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "naw brah");
             return false;
         $out = array_map("mt_rand", array_fill(0, $no, 1), array_fill(0, $no, $sides));
         $out = implode(", ", $out);
         Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "`" . $out . "`");
     } else {
         $out = mt_rand(0, 999999999);
         $dubs = array(9 => "nines", 8 => "eights", 7 => "sevens", 6 => "sixes", 5 => "quints", 4 => "quads", 3 => "trips", 2 => "dubs");
         foreach ($dubs as $key => $value) {
             $test = substr(strval($out), 0 - $key);
             if (preg_match('/^(.)\\1*$/', $test)) {
                 $text = str_repeat(emoji(0x1f389), $key - 1) . "`" . sprintf('%09d', $out) . "`" . "\nnice " . $value . " brah" . str_repeat("!", $key - 1);
                 Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $text);
                 return true;
         Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "`" . sprintf('%09d', $out) . "`");
     return true;
Beispiel #2
 public function main()
     $Vote = new Vote($this->db);
     $user_vote_total = $Vote->getVoteTotalForUserInChat($this->Message->User, $this->Message->Chat->id);
     $user_vote_from = $Vote->getUserVotesInChat($this->Message->User, $this->Message->Chat->id);
     $out = "You're on *{$user_vote_total}*. ";
     if (count($user_vote_from) > 0) {
         $out .= "You've voted as follows:";
         $thumbs_up = emoji(0x1f44d);
         $thumbs_down = emoji(0x1f44e) . emoji(0x1f3ff);
         foreach ($user_vote_from as $userVote) {
             $emoji = $userVote->vote == VoteType::Up ? $thumbs_up : $thumbs_down;
             $out .= "\n`   `• " . $emoji . " *" . ($userVote->voted_for ? $userVote->voted_for->getName() : 'uhoh') . "* ";
     } else {
         $out .= "You haven't cast any votes.";
     $out .= "\nYou can see the voting leaderboard with /vote";
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
Beispiel #3
 public function main()
     if ($this->isParam() && $this->noParams() > 2) {
         $params = explode(' to ', $this->getAllParams(), 2);
         if (count($params) == 2) {
             try {
                 $date_due = Carbon::parse($params[0]);
                 $reminder = new Reminder();
                 $reminder->construct($this->Message->User->user_id, $this->Message->Chat->id, Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), $date_due->toDateTimeString(), $params[1]);
                 $ReminderControl = new Control($this->db);
                 $diff = $date_due->diffForHumans(Carbon::now(), true);
                 $out = emoji(0x23f2) . " Okay, I've scheduled a reminder in *{$diff}*.";
                 if ($date_due->diffInMinutes(Carbon::now()) < 60) {
                     $out .= "\n\nBy the way, I only send out notifications once a minute.";
                 Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
                 return true;
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // nada
     $out = emoji(0x270d) . " Like this fam: " . "\n" . "\n`   `• `/remind` *+2 hours* `to` *pick up the milk*" . "\n`   `• `/remind` *2:25PM 26th April* `to` *look out the window*" . "\n`   `• `/remind` *tomorrow 5PM* `to` *go outside*" . "\n`   `• `/remind` *monday 2AM* `to` *go to sleep*" . "\n" . "\nMy timezone is *GMT+8*, and it's now *" . date('g:i A') . "* on the *" . date('jS') . "*.";
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
     return true;
Beispiel #4
 public function getTileEmoji($reveal = false)
     if ($reveal) {
         if ($this->mine) {
             return emoji(0x1f4a5);
         if ($this->number == 0) {
             return emoji(0x2b1c);
         return emoji(0x30 + $this->number) . emoji(0xfe0f) . emoji(0x20e3);
     if ($this->revealed && $this->mine) {
         return emoji(0x1f4a5);
     if ($this->revealed && $this->number == 0) {
         return emoji(0x2b1c);
     if ($this->revealed) {
         return emoji(0x30 + $this->number) . emoji(0xfe0f) . emoji(0x20e3);
     if ($this->flagged) {
         return emoji(0x1f6a9);
     return emoji(0x2b1b);
Beispiel #5
 public function main()
     $Transact = new Transact($this->db);
     if ($this->noParams() == 2) {
         $user_receiving = Query::getUserMatchingStringOrErrorMessage($this->db, $this->Message->Chat, $this->getParam());
         if (is_string($user_receiving)) {
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $user_receiving);
             return false;
         $Transaction = new Transaction($this->Message->User, $user_receiving, $this->getParam(1), new TransactionType(TransactionType::Manual));
         if ($Feedback = $Transact->Feedback->getFeedback()) {
             $out = emoji("0x1F4E2") . " " . $Feedback . "\n`   `• `" . $user_receiving->getName() . "` now has 💰*" . $user_receiving->getBalance() . "*" . "\n`   `• `You've` got 💰*" . $this->Message->User->getBalance() . "* left.";
             if ($user_receiving->user_id != -1) {
                 $out .= "\n`   `• `The Bank` took 2%, or 💰*" . round($this->getParam(1) * 0.02, 2) . "*";
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
         } else {
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "I'm so sorry brah...");
     } else {
         Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "Like this fam " . emoji("0x1F449") . "  /send richardstallman 10");
     return true;
Beispiel #6
 public function getRecentLogsText()
     $logs = $this->SQL->RetrieveRecentLogs('5');
     $out = "";
     if (!empty($logs)) {
         $logs = array_slice($logs, 0, 4);
         foreach ($logs as $i) {
             $date = date('D jS g:iA', strtotime($i['date']));
             $out .= "\n`" . $date . "` \n` `" . emoji(0x27a1) . " *";
             if ($i->type == TransactionType::Manual) {
                 $out .= $i->user_sending . "* ";
             } elseif ($i->type == TransactionType::TransactionTax || $i->type == TransactionType::AllTax) {
                 $out .= COIN_TAXATION_BODY . "* collected ";
             } elseif ($i->type == TransactionType::RedistributionTax) {
                 $out .= COIN_REDISTRIBUTION_BODY . "* redistributed ";
             if ($i->type == TransactionType::Manual) {
                 $out .= " (" . round($i->amount, 2) . " " . $i->user_receiving->user_name . " tax)";
             } elseif ($i->type == TransactionType::TransactionTax || $i->type == TransactionType::AllTax) {
                 $out .= round($i->amount, 2) . " in tax";
             } elseif ($i->type == TransactionType::RedistributionTax) {
                 $out .= round($i->amount, 2) . " of *" . COIN_TAXATION_BODY . "'s* wealth";
             } elseif (strcmp($i->user_receiving->user_name, COIN_TAXATION_BODY)) {
                 $out .= 'sent ' . round($i->amount, 2) . " to *" . $i->user_receiving->user_name . "*";
             } else {
                 $out .= 'donated ' . round($i->amount, 2) . " to *" . $i->user_receiving->user_name . "*";
     } else {
         $out .= "No recent transactions found.";
     return $out;
Beispiel #7
 public function main()
     $RussianRoulette = new RussianRoulette($this->db, $this->Message->Chat->id, $this->Message->User->user_id);
     $out = emoji(0x1f52b) . " `Revolver reloaded.`" . "\n" . "\nThere are *six* chambers, and *one* bullet." . "\nUse /trigger to play.";
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
Beispiel #8
 public function display()
     if ($this->minesweeper->game->state == GameState::Lose) {
         $this->state = 'lose';
     if ($this->minesweeper->game->state == GameState::Win) {
         $this->state = 'win';
     if (strcmp($this->state, 'surrender') === 0) {
         $this->out = "You surrendered. Game over!";
         $this->keyboard = $this->minesweeper->getBoard(true);
         $this->keyboard[] = [['text' => emoji(0x21a9) . " Play again", 'callback_data' => "/minesweeper"]];
     } elseif (strcmp($this->state, 'lose') === 0) {
         $this->out = "Boom! Game over.";
         $this->keyboard = $this->minesweeper->getBoard(true);
         $this->keyboard[] = [['text' => emoji(0x21a9) . " Play again", 'callback_data' => "/minesweeper"]];
     } elseif (strcmp($this->state, 'win') === 0) {
         $this->out = "Victory! You uncovered all the non-mined tiles.";
         $this->keyboard = $this->minesweeper->getBoard(true);
         $this->keyboard[] = [['text' => emoji(0x21a9) . " Play again", 'callback_data' => "/minesweeper"]];
     } elseif (strcmp($this->state, 'reveal_mode') === 0) {
         $this->out = "Click mode: *uncover mine*";
         $this->keyboard = $this->minesweeper->getBoard();
         $this->keyboard[] = [['text' => emoji(0x1f6a9) . " Toggle Flags ON", 'callback_data' => "/minesweeper flag_mode"], ['text' => emoji(0x1f6aa) . " Surrender", 'callback_data' => "/minesweeper surrender"]];
     } else {
         $this->out = "Click mode: *place flag*";
         $this->keyboard = $this->minesweeper->getBoard();
         $this->keyboard[] = [['text' => emoji(0x1f6a9) . " Toggle Flags OFF", 'callback_data' => "/minesweeper reveal_mode"], ['text' => emoji(0x1f6aa) . " Surrender", 'callback_data' => "/minesweeper surrender"]];
Beispiel #9
 protected function emoji($text)
     if (defined('STRICT_TYPES') && CAMEL_CASE == '1') {
         return (string) self::parameters(['text' => DT::STRING])->call(__FUNCTION__)->with($text)->returning(DT::STRING);
     } else {
         return (string) emoji($text);
Beispiel #10
 public function main()
     $Level = new Level();
     $user = $this->Message->User;
     $greetings = array("Arise", "Congratulations");
     if ($Level->buyLevel($user, $this->db)) {
         $out = emoji(0x1f4ef) . " " . $greetings[mt_rand(0, count($greetings) - 1)] . " *" . $user->getName() . "*, you are now a *Level " . $user->level . " " . $user->getTitle() . "*!" . "\nYou may rise to Level " . ($user->level + 1) . " for a price of " . $Level->getLevelPrice($user->level + 1) . " Coin.";
     } else {
         $out = emoji(0x1f44e) . " Sorry, you need " . $Level->getLevelPrice($user->level + 1) . " Coin to rise to Level " . ($user->level + 1) . ".";
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
Beispiel #11
 public function main()
     if ($this->Message->isCallback()) {
         if ($this->isParam() && strcmp($this->getParam(), 'button') === 0) {
             $this->out = emoji(0x1f38c) . " *WINNER!*\n\n*" . $this->Message->User->getName() . "* clicked the button!";
             Telegram::edit_inline_message($this->Message->Chat->id, $this->Message->message_id, $this->out, $this->keyboard);
     } else {
         $this->out = emoji(0x1f3c1) . " *Click the button to win!!*";
         Telegram::talk_inline_keyboard($this->Message->Chat->id, $this->out, $this->keyboard);
     return true;
Beispiel #12
 public function main()
     if ($this->isParam()) {
         $user = Query::getUserMatchingStringOrErrorMessage($this->db, $this->Message->Chat, $this->getParam());
         if (is_string($user)) {
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $user);
             return false;
         Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $user->getNameLevelAndTitle() . " has " . emoji("0x1F4B0") . "*" . $user->getBalance() . "*, brah");
     } else {
         Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "You've got " . emoji("0x1F4B0") . "*" . $this->Message->User->getBalance() . "*, brah");
     return true;
Beispiel #13
 public function main()
     $this->out = emoji(0x1f4a2) . " *A great rumbling fills the earth...* " . emoji(0x1f4a2) . "\n";
     if ($this->Message->User->getBalance() > 0 && $this->Message->User->level > 1) {
         $choices = ['loseFreeBets', 'losePopularity', 'loseAllMoney', 'dropOneLevel'];
     } elseif ($this->Message->User->getBalance() > 0 && $this->Message->User->level == 1) {
         $choices = ['loseFreeBets', 'losePopularity', 'loseAllMoney'];
     } elseif ($this->Message->User->getBalance() == 0 && $this->Message->User->level > 1) {
         $choices = ['loseFreeBets', 'losePopularity', 'dropOneLevel'];
     } else {
         $choices = ['loseFreeBets', 'losePopularity'];
     $this->{$choices[mt_rand(0, count($choices) - 1)]}();
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $this->out);
function t_roll($text, $chat_id)
    $out = mt_rand(0, 999999999);
    $dubs = array(9 => "nines", 8 => "eights", 7 => "sevens", 6 => "sixes", 5 => "quints", 4 => "quads", 3 => "trips", 2 => "dubs");
    foreach ($dubs as $key => $value) {
        $test = substr(strval($out), 0 - $key);
        if (preg_match('/^(.)\\1*$/', $test)) {
            $text = str_repeat(emoji(0x1f389), $key - 1) . sprintf('%09d', $out) . "\nnice " . $value . " brah" . str_repeat("!", $key - 1);
            talk($chat_id, $text);
            return true;
    talk($chat_id, sprintf('%09d', $out));
    return true;
Beispiel #15
 public function sendReminders()
     $reminders = $this->SQL->select_reminders();
     $UserDb = new User($this->db);
     /** @var Reminder $reminder */
     foreach ($reminders as $reminder) {
         $date_due = Carbon::parse($reminder->date_due);
         $date_created = Carbon::parse($reminder->date_created);
         if ($date_due->lte(Carbon::now())) {
             $user = $UserDb->getUserFromId($reminder->user_id);
             $out = emoji(0x23f0) . " *" . $user->getName() . "*, your reminder from *" . $date_created->diffForHumans(Carbon::now(), true) . "* ago:" . "\n" . "\n`" . $reminder->content . "`";
             Telegram::talkForced($reminder->chat_id, $out);
Beispiel #16
 public function main()
     $Level = new \GroupBot\Brains\Level\Level();
     if ($this->isParam()) {
         $user = Query::getUserMatchingStringOrErrorMessage($this->db, $this->Message->Chat, $this->getParam());
         if (is_string($user)) {
             $out = $user;
         } else {
             $out = emoji(0x1f4ef) . " Make way for " . $user->getNameLevelAndTitle() . "!";
     } else {
         $user = $this->Message->User;
         $out = emoji(0x1f4ef) . " Greetings " . $user->getNameLevelAndTitle() . "." . "\nYou may rise to level " . ($user->level + 1) . " for a price of " . $Level->getLevelPrice($user->level + 1) . " Coin." . "\nPlease use /buylevel to do this.";
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
Beispiel #17
 * 微信指令 错误回复
 * @return string 
function wx_success($contentStr, $is_json)
    $text_tpl = '<xml>
    $time = time();
    $contentStr = empty($is_json) ? $contentStr : json_encode($contentStr);
    $contentStr = "[得意]:成功咯!\n" . emoji($contentStr);
    $resultStr = sprintf($text_tpl, session('from'), session('to'), $time, $contentStr);
    echo $resultStr;
Beispiel #18
 public function main()
     return true;
     $Radar = new \GroupBot\Brains\Weather\Radar\Radar($this->Message->Chat->id, $this->db);
     $radar_code = 70;
     $image_radius_code = 3;
     if ($this->Message->isCallback()) {
         $key = $this->getParam();
         $radar_code = Radar_Codes::$radar_codes[$key][0];
         if (!$radar_code) {
             Telegram::edit_inline_message($this->Message->Chat->id, $this->Message->message_id, "Something went wrong!", []);
             return false;
         Telegram::edit_inline_message($this->Message->Chat->id, $this->Message->message_id, "Showing {$radar_code}", []);
     } elseif ($this->isParam()) {
         if (!($radar_code = $Radar->getRadarCodeFromString($this->getParam()))) {
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "Can't find that location, fam");
             return false;
         if (is_array($radar_code)) {
             $keyboard = [];
             $row = [];
             foreach ($radar_code as $name) {
                 $row[] = ['text' => $name[0] . " (" . $name[2] . ")", 'callback_data' => "/radar {$name['2']}"];
             $keyboard[] = $row;
             Telegram::talk_inline_keyboard($this->Message->Chat->id, "Did you mean one of these?", $keyboard);
             return false;
         if ($this->noParams() > 1 && !($image_radius_code = $Radar->getImageRangeFromString($this->getParam(1)))) {
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "can't find that range, fam\nusually there's `128km`, `256km` or `512km` available");
             return false;
     // Acquire lock
     $fp = fopen('/var/www/html/bot/radar/lock', 'r+');
     if (!flock($fp, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
         Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "cool it, m8\n" . emoji(0x1f914) . " i'm thinking");
         return false;
     // Payload
     $Radar->createAndSendRadarGIF($radar_code, $image_radius_code);
     // Release lock
     return true;
Beispiel #19
 public function main()
     $RussianRoulette = new RussianRoulette($this->db, $this->Message->Chat->id, $this->Message->User->user_id);
     if ($RussianRoulette->isLoaded()) {
         if ($RussianRoulette->trigger()) {
             $out = emoji(0x1f4a5) . emoji(0x1f52b) . "\n" . "\n" . emoji(0x2620) . " *" . $this->Message->User->getName() . "* killed themselves." . "\n /reload to play again.";
             Telegram::talkForced($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
             //Telegram::kick($this->Message->Chat->id, $this->Message->User->user_id);
         } else {
             $out = $this->getFace() . emoji(0x1f52b) . " `Click.`";
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
     } else {
         $out = emoji(0x1f449) . " The revolver isn't loaded. Use /reload first.";
         Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
Beispiel #20
 public function t_stats()
     $log = new Logging($this->Message);
     $Coin = new Coin();
     $BlackjackSQL = new SQL();
     $CasinowarSQL = new \GroupBot\Brains\Casinowar\SQL();
     $Level = new Level();
     if ($this->isParam()) {
         $user_id = $log->checkIfUserIsLogged($this->getParam());
         if (!$user_id) {
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "can't find that user, brah");
             return false;
     } else {
         $user_id = $this->Message->User->id;
     $log = $log->getAllUserLogsForChat($user_id);
     $bj_stats = $BlackjackSQL->select_player_stats($user_id);
     $cw_stats = $CasinowarSQL->select_player_stats($user_id);
     $level = $Level->SQL->get_level($user_id);
     $level_title = $Level->getTitle($level);
     $CoinUser = $Coin->SQL->GetUserById($user_id);
     $date = 0;
     foreach ($log->LogsCommand as $cmd) {
         if (strtotime($cmd->last_used) > $date) {
             $last_cmd = $cmd;
             $date = strtotime($cmd->last_used);
     if (!isset($last_cmd)) {
         return false;
     $out = emoji(0x1f4c8) . "*" . $this->Message->Chat->title . "* stats for " . "\n*" . $log->User->first_name . " " . $log->User->last_name . "*, the Level *{$level}* {$level_title}" . "\n`   `•` " . $log->posts_today . "` message" . $this->plural_grammar($log->posts_today) . " sent today" . "\n`   `•` " . $log->posts . "` message" . $this->plural_grammar($log->posts) . " sent ever" . "\n`   `•` " . round(86400 * $log->posts / (strtotime("now") - strtotime("2015-11-19 11:00:00")), 0) . "` messages sent per day, on average" . "\nLast message `(" . date('D jS g:iA', strtotime($log->lastpost_date)) . ")`:" . "\n`   `_" . $log->lastpost . "_" . "\nLast command: `" . $last_cmd->command . "`" . "\n`   `•` " . $last_cmd->uses_today . "` use" . $this->plural_grammar($last_cmd->uses_today) . " today" . "\n`   `•` " . $last_cmd->uses . "` use" . $this->plural_grammar($last_cmd->uses_today) . " ever";
     $last_coin_activity = isset($CoinUser->last_activity) ? date('D jS g:iA', strtotime($CoinUser->last_activity)) : "not recorded";
     $out .= "\n\n" . emoji(0x1f4b2) . "*" . COIN_CURRENCY_NAME . "* stats:" . "\n`   `•` " . $CoinUser->getBalance() . "`" . emoji(0x1f4b0) . " in the bank" . "\n`   `•` " . $Coin->SQL->GetNumberOfTransactionsByUser($CoinUser) . "` outgoing transactions ever" . "\n`   `•`  `Last activity: `" . $last_coin_activity . "`";
     if ($bj_stats) {
         $bj_balance = $bj_stats->coin_won - $bj_stats->coin_lost;
         $out .= "\n\n" . emoji(0x1f0cf) . "*Blackjack* stats:" . "\n`   `•` " . $bj_stats->games_played . "` games ever with `" . $bj_stats->wins . ":" . $bj_stats->losses . ":" . $bj_stats->draws . "` _(W:L:D)_" . "\n`   `•` " . $bj_stats->hits . "` hits, `" . $bj_stats->stands . "` stands, `" . $bj_stats->surrenders . "` surrenders" . "\n`   `•` " . $bj_stats->splits . "` splits, `" . $bj_stats->doubledowns . "` doubledowns, `" . $bj_stats->blackjacks . "` blackjacks" . "\n`   `•` " . round($bj_stats->total_coin_bet, 2) . "`" . emoji(0x1f4b0) . " bet ever, currently " . ($bj_balance == 0 ? "breaking even at `" : ($bj_balance > 0 ? "up `" : "down `")) . round($bj_balance, 2) . "`" . emoji(0x1f4b0);
     if ($cw_stats) {
         $cw_balance = $cw_stats->coin_won - $cw_stats->coin_lost;
         $out .= "\n\n" . emoji(0x1f0cf) . "*Casino war* stats:" . "\n`   `•` " . $cw_stats->games_played . "` games ever with `" . $cw_stats->wins . ":" . $cw_stats->losses . "` _(W:L)_" . "\n`   `•` " . $cw_stats->wars . "` wars and `" . $cw_stats->surrenders . "` surrenders." . "\n`   `•` " . round($cw_stats->total_coin_bet, 2) . "`" . emoji(0x1f4b0) . " bet ever, currently " . ($cw_balance == 0 ? "breaking even at `" : ($cw_balance > 0 ? "up `" : "down `")) . round($cw_balance, 2) . "`" . emoji(0x1f4b0);
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
     return true;
Beispiel #21
 public function createAndSendRadarGIF($radar_code, $image_radius_code)
     $radar_string = BoM::getBoMRadarString($radar_code, $image_radius_code);
     $web_image_paths = BoM::getRadarTransparencies($radar_code, $image_radius_code);
     $file_path = self::getNewLocalFilePath($web_image_paths);
     if (count($web_image_paths) < 2) {
         \GroupBot\Telegram::talk($this->chat_id, emoji(0x274c) . " Something went wrong getting the radar images fam. The radar might be down. Check here to see if it's working: \n \n" . $radar_string . ".loop.shtml#skip");
         return false;
     if (!$this->telegram->sendIfExists($file_path)) {
         $images = ImageProcessing::overlay($web_image_paths, $radar_string);
         ImageProcessing::animate($images, $file_path);
     return true;
Beispiel #22
 public function main()
     if ($this->isParam() && $this->noParams() > 2) {
         $params = explode(' or ', $this->getAllParams());
         if (count($params) > 1) {
             $decision = mt_rand(0, count($params) - 1);
             $out = emoji(0x1f44d) . " *" . $params[$decision] . "*";
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
             return true;
     if (mt_rand(0, 1)) {
         $out = emoji(0x1f44d) . " *Yes!*";
     } else {
         $out = emoji(0x1f44e) . " *No.*";
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
     return true;
Beispiel #23
 public function main()
     $ribbon = emoji(0x1f380);
     $santa = emoji(0x1f385);
     $baub_yellow = emoji(0x1f315);
     $baub_black = emoji(0x1f311);
     $baub_red = emoji(0x1f534);
     $baub_blue = emoji(0x1f535);
     $out = '';
     $out .= $santa . $santa . ".`         `" . emoji(0x2b50) . "\n";
     $out .= $santa . $santa . ".`      `" . $this->tree(2) . "\n";
     $out .= ".`               `" . $this->tree(2) . $baub_blue . "\n";
     $out .= ".`            `" . $this->tree(1) . $baub_red . $this->tree(2) . "\n";
     $out .= ".`         `" . $this->tree(1) . $baub_yellow . $this->tree(1) . $baub_yellow . $this->tree(1) . "\n";
     $out .= ".`      `" . $this->tree(1) . $ribbon . $this->tree(2) . $ribbon . $this->tree(1) . "\n";
     $out .= ".`   `" . $this->tree(3) . $baub_red . $this->tree(1) . $baub_blue . $this->tree(1) . "\n";
     $out .= ".``" . $this->tree(8) . "\n";
     $out .= ".``" . $this->present(8) . "\n";
     $out .= "*M E R R Y  C H R I S T M A S*";
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out);
Beispiel #24
 public function main()
     if ($this->isParam()) {
         if (in_array($this->getParam(), \GroupBot\Brains\Weather\Weather::$locations)) {
             $city = $this->getParam();
         } else {
             Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, "I don't have that city on record, fam.\nTry an Australian capital city.");
             return false;
     } else {
         $city = 'perth';
     $realtime = \GroupBot\Brains\Weather\Weather::realtime($city);
     $uv = \GroupBot\Brains\Weather\Weather::uv_index($city);
     $sunrise = \GroupBot\Brains\Weather\Weather::sunrise($city);
     $forecast = \GroupBot\Brains\Weather\Weather::forecast($city);
     $today = $forecast[Carbon::today()->format('l')];
     $tomorrow = $forecast[Carbon::tomorrow()->format('l')];
     $today_icon = \GroupBot\Brains\Weather\Weather::$icon_map[$today['forecast_icon_code']];
     $tomorrow_icon = \GroupBot\Brains\Weather\Weather::$icon_map[$tomorrow['forecast_icon_code']];
     $out = emoji(0x1f321) . " Weather for *" . $realtime->name . "*, *" . $realtime->state . "*." . "\n" . "\n" . emoji($today_icon) . " *Now:*" . "\n`   `• It's currently *" . $realtime->air_temp . "°C*" . "\n`   `• The UV index is at *" . $uv->value . "* ([" . $uv->description . "](" . "\n" . "\n" . emoji($today_icon) . " *Today:*" . "\n`   `• " . $today['forecast'] . "\n`   `• Maximum of *" . $today['air_temperature_maximum'] . "°C*" . "\n`   `• *" . $today['probability_of_precipitation'] . "* chance of rain" . "\n`   `• Sunrise is at *{$sunrise->sunrise}* today, and sunset at *{$sunrise->sunset}*" . "\n" . "\n" . emoji($tomorrow_icon) . " *Tomorrow:*" . "\n`   `• " . $tomorrow['forecast'] . "\n`   `• Minimum of *" . $tomorrow['air_temperature_minimum'] . "°C*, maximum of *" . $tomorrow['air_temperature_maximum'] . "°C*" . "\n`   `• *" . $tomorrow['probability_of_precipitation'] . "* chance of rain";
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, $out, true);
Beispiel #25
        if ($cw['image'] != "NO") {
            echo '<img src="' . $cw['image'] . '">';
        } else {
            echo '<img src="' . $cw['image_pre'] . '">';
</div><div class="cw_last"><?php 
        if (!empty($cw['last'])) {
            echo $cw['last'] . "<br>";
        // LAST CONECTION (UTC/GMT +1 hour)
</div><div class="cw_status"><?php 
        if (!empty($cw['status'])) {
            echo emoji(urldecode($cw['status'])) . "<br>";
        // STATUS TEXT WITH EMOJI DECODE OR USE urldecode($cw['status']) FOR PLAIN TEXT
    } else {
        if ($cw['result'] == "N") {
            echo '<div class="cw_nowhatsapp">Sorry, that number don\'t uses WhatsApp"</div>';
} else {
    echo "ERROR => " . $cw['error'] . "<br>";
    if ($cw['response'] == '5') {
        echo $cw['timeout'] . "<br>";
 protected function setMenu()
     $clcikmenumodel = M('Clickmenu');
     $menujson = $clcikmenumodel->where(array('id' => I('id')))->getField('postmenu');
     $menujson = emoji($menujson);
     $access_token = $this->getToken();
     $url = "" . $access_token;
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $menujson);
     $output = curl_exec($ch);
     $JR = json_decode($output);
     $rea = $JR->errmsg;
     if ($rea['errcode'] == 0) {
         $clcikmenumodel->where(array('id' => I('id')))->save(array('status' => 1));
         $clcikmenumodel->where(array('id' => array('neq', I('id'))))->save(array('status' => 0));
     } else {
         $this->error('设置微信自定义菜单失败!错误代码:' . $rea['errcode'] . '错误提示:' . $rea['errmsg']);
Beispiel #27
    $tmpArr = $acsii = array();
    $s = '';
    $strToArray = str_split($str);
    foreach ($strToArray as $i => $v) {
        if ($i % 2 == 0) {
            if (isset($strToArray[$i + 1])) {
                $s = dechex(ord($strToArray[$i])) . dechex(ord($strToArray[$i + 1]));
                if (in_array($s, $filter)) {
                    $index = $i / 2;
                    if ($index != 0) {
                        $tmpArr = array($index => $s);
                        array_push($acsii, $tmpArr);
                        //will push string index and HEX code.
    $newStr = $str;
    foreach ($acsii as $asi) {
        foreach ($asi as $k => $v) {
            $newStr = str_replace(cnsubstr($str, $k + 1, 1), "\\&\\#" . $v, $newStr);
    return $newStr;
$nis = "你好hello";
echo emoji($nis) . "<hr>";
Beispiel #28
 private function greetUser()
     if ($this->Message->Chat->no_spam_mode) {
         return false;
     if ($this->Message->User->welcome_sent) {
         return false;
     Telegram::talk($this->Message->Chat->id, emoji(0x1f4ef) . " Arise, *" . $this->Message->User->getName() . "*." . "\n\nYou have risen from squalor to become a " . $this->Message->User->getLevelAndTitle() . "." . "\nYou find *" . $this->Message->User->getBalance() . " " . COIN_CURRENCY_NAME . "* in a money bag on your person." . "\n\nBest of luck, brave traveller. Use /help to get started.");
     $this->Message->User->welcome_sent = true;
     return true;
Beispiel #29
 public function main()
     if ($this->Message->isCallback()) {
         $this->players = $this->select_game($this->Message->message_id);
         if ($this->isParam() && strcmp($this->getParam(), 'button') === 0) {
             if (!$this->isPlayerInGame($this->Message->User->user_id)) {
                 $this->buttonClicked($this->Message->message_id, $this->Message->User);
                 Telegram::edit_inline_message($this->Message->Chat->id, $this->Message->message_id, $this->out, $this->keyboard);
     } else {
         $this->out = emoji(0x1f3c1) . " *Click the button to win!!!*";
         Telegram::talk_inline_keyboard($this->Message->Chat->id, $this->out, $this->keyboard);
     return true;
Beispiel #30
  * @param \PDO $db
  * @param Chat $chat
  * @param $name
  * @return \GroupBot\Types\User|string
 public static function getUserMatchingStringOrErrorMessage(\PDO $db, Chat $chat, $name)
     $userSQL = new User($db);
     $userInChat = true;
     if (isset($chat)) {
         if (!($user_receiving = $userSQL->getUsersInChatWithName($chat, $name))) {
             if (!($user_receiving = $userSQL->getUsersWithName($name))) {
                 return emoji("0x1F44E") . " Can't find any users matching `" . $name . "`, brah";
             $userInChat = false;
     } else {
         if (!($user_receiving = $userSQL->getUsersWithName($name))) {
             return emoji("0x1F44E") . " Can't find any users matching `" . $name . "`, brah";
         $userInChat = false;
     if (count($user_receiving) > 1) {
         $out = "There are " . count($user_receiving) . " users matching that name" . ($userInChat ? " in this chat:" : ":");
         foreach ($user_receiving as $user) {
             $out .= "\n`   `•` " . $user->getNameLevelAndTitle();
         $out .= "Please redefine your query";
         return $out;
     return $user_receiving[0];