require_once 'includes/'; if (isset($_GET['projid'])) { $projid = $_GET['projid']; $projinfo = getProjInfoFromId($projid); $name = $projinfo[0]; $owner = $projinfo[1]; escapes('projid', $projid); escapes('name', $name); escapes('owner', $owner); $isNews = isNews($projid); emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Projects -> Edit: ' . $name, '/pb/'); if ($name == '') { errAndDie('Project not found.'); } } else { emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Edit Project [ERROR]', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); errAndDie('Required Information not specified.'); } if ($userType != ADMIN && $userType != SITEADMIN) { errAndDie('Sorry, only admins/siteadmins may edit projects.'); } if ($userType == ADMIN && $owner != $userName) { errAndDie('Sorry, you may only edit your own project.'); } mysqlSetup(); $sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM `pb_projects`" . " WHERE `id` = '{$mprojid}'"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); ?> <h2>Edit Project: <?php
<?php require_once 'includes/'; if (isset($_GET['projid'])) { $projid = $_GET['projid']; $projinfo = getProjInfoFromId($projid); $name = $projinfo[0]; $owner = $projinfo[1]; escapes('projid', $projid); escapes('name', $name); escapes('owner', $owner); $isNews = isNews($projid); emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Posts -> New Post', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?projid={$urlprojid}"); if ($name == '') { print '<h3>Project not found.</h3>'; emitBottom(); die; } } else { errAndDie('Project not specified.'); } if ($userType == VISITOR) { errAndDie('Sorry, visitors may not post.'); } if ($isNews && ($userType != ADMIN && $userType != SITEADMIN)) { errAndDie('Sorry, only admins may create news posts.'); } ?> <h2>New Post for: <?php echo $name; ?>
<?php require_once 'includes/'; if (isset($_GET['name'])) { $name = $_GET['name']; emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Delete User: '******'/pb/'); } else { emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Delete User [ERROR]', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); print '<h3>Required information not specified.</h3>'; emitBottom(); die; } if ($userType != SITEADMIN) { print '<h3>Sorry, only siteadmins may delete users.</h3>'; emitBottom(); die; } if (isset($_GET['confirmed'])) { mysqlSetup(); $mname = mysql_escape_string($name); $sqlquery = "DELETE FROM `pb_users` WHERE `name` = '{$mname}'"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); print '<h3>User Deleted.</h3>'; print "<p><a href=\"accountManagement.php\">Back to Account Management</a></p>"; } else { $urlname = urlencode($name); print "<p><a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?name={$urlname}&confirmed=1\">Delete user '{$name}'.</a></p>"; } emitBottom();
<?php require_once 'includes/'; if (isset($_GET['postid'])) { $postid = $_GET['postid']; escapes('postid', $postid); emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Posts -> Delete', '/pb/'); } else { emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Posts -> Delete [ERROR]', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); errAndDie('Required information not specified.'); } if ($userType == VISITOR) { errAndDie('Sorry, visitors may not delete posts.'); } mysqlSetup(); escapes('userName', $userName); if ($userType == NORMAL) { $sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM `pb_blog` WHERE `id` = '{$mpostid}' AND `user` = '{$muserName}'"; } else { $sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM `pb_blog` WHERE `id` = '{$mpostid}'"; } $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); if (!($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { errAndDie('You are unable to access this post unless you own it or are an admin/siteadmin.'); } if ($userType == ADMIN && $row['projid'] == -1 && $userName != $row['user']) { errAndDie('Admins can only delete their own news posts.'); } $projid = $row['projid']; $isNews = isNews($projid); escapes('projid', $projid);
<?php require_once 'includes/'; emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Account -> Management', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if ($userType == SITEADMIN) { ?> <h2>Site users</h2> <table class="list"> <thead> <tr> <th>User</th> <th>User Type</th> <th>Created</th> <th>Delete User</th> <th>Promote/Demote User</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php mysqlSetup(); $sqlquery = "SELECT `name`,`category`,`created` FROM `pb_users` ORDER BY `name` ASC"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); $rownum = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { print "<tr>"; $style = ''; if ($rownum++ % 2 == 0) { $style = ' class="greyed"'; }
<?php require_once 'includes/'; emitTop('Peanut Butter -> News', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); mysqlSetup(); $sqlquery = "SELECT `title`,`user`,`added`,`modified`,`text`,`id` FROM `pb_blog` " . " WHERE `projid` = '-1' ORDER BY `modified` DESC LIMIT 10"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); if (isset($_GET['start'])) { escapes('start', $_GET['start']); } else { escapes('start', 0); } print "<h3>News:</h3>\n"; if ($count > NUM_ENTRIES) { $showCount = NUM_ENTRIES; } else { $showCount = $count; } print "<h3>Posts " . ($start + 1) . "-" . ($start + $showCount) . "</h3>\n"; print "<p>"; $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if ($userType == ADMIN || $userType == SITEADMIN) { print '<a href="postNew.php?projid=-1">New Post</a> '; print '<a href="postManagement.php?projid=-1">Manage Posts</a><br /><br />'; } /*** ** Set up links for "newest" "previous" and "next", based upon where we are ** in the results **/ if (!$start) {
<?php require_once 'includes/'; if (isset($_GET['projid'])) { $projid = $_GET['projid']; $projinfo = getProjInfoFromId($projid); $name = $projinfo[0]; $owner = $projinfo[1]; escapes('projid', $projid); escapes('name', $name); escapes('owner', $owner); $isNews = isNews($projid); emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Posts -> Save Post for: ' . $name, '/pb/'); if ($name == '') { print '<h3>Project not found.</h3>'; emitBottom(); die; } } else { errAndDie('Project not specified.'); } if ($userType == VISITOR) { errAndDie('Sorry, visitors may not post.'); } if ($isNews && ($userType != ADMIN && $userType != SITEADMIN)) { errAndDie('Sorry, only admins/siteadmins may post news events.'); } if (!isset($_POST['text']) || !isset($_POST['title'])) { errAndDie('Missing data.'); } mysqlSetup();
require_once 'includes/'; if (isset($_GET['projid'])) { $projid = $_GET['projid']; $projinfo = getProjInfoFromId($projid); $name = $projinfo[0]; $owner = $projinfo[1]; escapes('projid', $projid); escapes('name', $name); escapes('owner', $owner); $isNews = isNews($projid); emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Projects -> Info: ' . $name, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?projid={$urlprojid}"); if ($name == '') { errAndDie('Project not found.'); } } else { emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Projects -> Info [ERROR]', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); errAndDie('Project id not specified.'); } mysqlSetup(); $sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM `pb_projects` WHERE `id` = '{$mprojid}'"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $name = $row['name']; ?> <h2><?php echo $name; if ($userType == SITEADMIN || $userType == ADMIN && $row['owner'] == $userName) { print " <a href=\"projectEdit.php?projid={$urlprojid}\">Edit</a>"; print " <a href=\"projectDelete.php?projid={$urlprojid}\">Delete</a>"; } ?>
if (!($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))) { $keyerr = 1; } else { $keywords = $row[0]; $keyowner = $row[1]; $_SESSION['keyname'] = $keyname; $_SESSION['owner'] = $keyowner; $_SESSION['words'] = $keywords; $sqlquery = "UPDATE `pb_searches` SET `lastused` = NOW() WHERE `name` " . " = '{$mKeyname}' LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_close(); } } session_write_close(); emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Projects -> Overview', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $noStatus = TRUE; $statusSelected = array(); foreach ($statusEnum as $status) { if (isset($_GET[str_replace(' ', '_', $status)])) { $noStatus = FALSE; $statusSelected[] = $status; } } if ($noStatus) { $statusSelected = $statusEnum; } if ($keyerr) { print '<p><em>Keyword search name not found.</em></p>'; } $selOwner = isset($_GET['owner']) ? $_GET['owner'] : '+ALL';
$projid = $_GET['projid']; $projinfo = getProjInfoFromId($projid); $name = $projinfo[0]; $owner = $projinfo[1]; escapes('projid', $projid); escapes('name', $name); escapes('owner', $owner); $isNews = isNews($projid); emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Posts -> Management', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?projid={$urlprojid}"); if ($name == '') { print '<h3>Project not found.</h3>'; emitBottom(); die; } } else { emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Posts -> Management [ERROR]', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); errAndDie('Project not specified.'); } if ($userType != ADMIN && $userType != SITEADMIN) { errAndDie('Sorry, only admins/siteadmins can manage posts.'); } if (!$isNews && $userType == ADMIN && $userName != $owner) { errAndDie('Sorry, admins can only manage posts for their own projects.'); } ?> <h2>Posts for: <?php echo $name; ?> </h2> <?php
<?php require_once 'includes/'; emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Searches -> REMOVE', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if ($userType != ADMIN && $userType != SITEADMIN) { print '<h3>Sorry, only admins/siteadmins can remove searches.</h3>'; emitBottom(); die; } if (!isset($_GET['age'])) { errAndDie('No age specified.'); } $age = mysql_escape_string($_GET['age']); $urlage = urlencode($_GET['age']); if (isset($_GET['confirm'])) { mysqlSetup(); $sqlquery = "DELETE FROM `pb_searches` WHERE `lastused` < SUBDATE(NOW(),{$age})"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); print "<h3>Searches removed.</h3>"; print '<a href="projectManagement.php">Back to Project Management</a>'; } else { mysqlSetup(); $sqlquery = "SELECT `name`,`owner`,`lastused` FROM `pb_searches` WHERE " . "`lastused` < SUBDATE(NOW(),{$age}) ORDER BY `name` ASC"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); $es = ''; if ($count != 1) { $es = 'es'; } print "<h3>{$count} search{$es} older than {$age} days:</h3>\n"; if ($count) {
<?php require_once 'includes/'; session_start('login'); unset($_SESSION['loggedIn']); unset($_SESSION['userName']); unset($_SESSION['userType']); session_write_close(); emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Logged Out', '/pb/'); ?> <h2>You have been logged out.</h2> <?php if (isset($_GET['refer'])) { print '<p><a href="' . $_GET['refer'] . '">Back to last page</a></p>'; } ?> <a href="/pb/">Main Page</a> <?php emitBottom();
<?php require_once 'includes/'; emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Searches -> New/Edit', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if ($userType == VISITOR) { errAndDie('Sorry, you must be registered to make searches.'); } if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { errAndDie('No search specified.'); } escapes('id', $_GET['id']); if (isset($_POST['savesearch'])) { mysqlSetup(); if (!isset($_POST['keywords']) || !isset($_POST['keyname']) || $_POST['keywords'] == '' || $_POST['keyname'] == '') { print '<h3>Missing information.</h3>'; } else { escapes('keywords', $_POST['keywords']); escapes('keyname', $_POST['keyname']); escapes('username', $userName); mysqlSetup(); $sqlquery = "UPDATE `pb_searches` SET `name` = '{$mkeyname}', `owner` = " . "'{$musername}', `terms` = '{$mkeywords}', `lastused` = NOW() WHERE " . "`id` = '{$mid}' LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); print '<h3>Search has been saved.</h3>'; print '<a href="projectManagement.php">Back to Project Management</a>'; emitBottom(); die; } } ?> <h3>Enter keywords, separated by commas:</h3>
<?php require_once 'includes/'; emitTop('Peanut Butter -> New Project', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if ($userType != ADMIN && $userType != SITEADMIN) { print '<h3>Sorry, only admins/siteadmins may create new projects.</h3>'; emitBottom(); die; } ?> <h2>New Project</h2> <form name="projectNew" method="post" action="projectSave.php"> <table> <tr> <th>Name:</th> <td><input type="text" size="80" name="name" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Desciption:</th> <td><textarea name="description" cols="80" rows="10"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Keywords:</th> <td><input type="text" size="80" name="keywords" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Status:</th> <td> <select name="status">
<?php require_once 'includes/'; if (isset($_GET['name']) && isset($_GET['type'])) { $name = $_GET['name']; $type = $_GET['type']; emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Change User: '******'/pb/'); } else { emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Change User [ERROR]', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); print '<h3>Required information not specified.</h3>'; emitBottom(); die; } if ($userType != SITEADMIN) { print '<h3>Sorry, only siteadmins may change user privileges.</h3>'; emitBottom(); die; } if ($type == 'promote') { mysqlSetup(); $mname = mysql_escape_string($name); $sqlquery = "UPDATE `pb_users` SET `category` = '" . ADMIN . "' WHERE `name` = '{$mname}'"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); print '<h3>User promoted.</h3>'; print "<p><a href=\"accountManagement.php\">Back to Account Management</a></p>"; mysql_close(); } elseif ($type == 'demote') { mysqlSetup(); $mname = mysql_escape_string($name); $sqlquery = "UPDATE `pb_users` SET `category` = '" . NORMAL . "' WHERE `name` = '{$mname}'"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
?> <h2>Registration</h2> <h3>You have successfully registered and are now logged in.</h3> <?php } } } elseif (isset($_POST['regName']) || isset($_POST['regPass']) || isset($_POST['regPass2'])) { ?> <p><em>Missing information.</em></p> <?php } if ($printForm) { emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Registration', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?> <h2>Registration</h2> <p>You must register to post comments to projects.</p> <p><em>NOTE: Do <b>not</b> use your Infineon passwords here.</em></p> <form name="registerForm" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> "> <h3>Please enter username and password</h3> <table> <tr>
<?php require_once 'includes/'; emitTop('Peanut Butter -> New Keyword Search', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if ($userType == VISITOR) { print '<h3>Sorry, you must be registered to make searches.</h3>'; emitBottom(); die; } if (isset($_POST['savesearch'])) { mysqlSetup(); if (!isset($_POST['keywords']) || !isset($_POST['keyname']) || $_POST['keywords'] == '' || $_POST['keyname'] == '') { print '<h3>Missing information.</h3>'; } else { $mKeywords = mysql_escape_string($_POST['keywords']); $mKeyname = mysql_escape_string($_POST['keyname']); $mUsername = mysql_escape_string($userName); mysqlSetup(); $sqlquery = "INSERT INTO `pb_searches` (`name`,`owner`,`terms`,`lastused`) " . "VALUES ('{$mKeyname}','{$mUsername}','{$mKeywords}',NOW())"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); print '<h3>Search has been saved.</h3>'; print '<a href="projectOverview.php">Back to Project Overview</a>'; emitBottom(); die; } } ?> <h3>Enter keywords, separated by commas:</h3> <form name="newkeywords" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
</script> <?php emitBottom(); ?> <?php } mysql_close(); } elseif (isset($_POST['loginName']) || isset($_POST['loginPass'])) { ?> <p><em>Missing information.</em></p> <?php } if ($printForm) { emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Login Form', $refer); ?> <form name="loginForm" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> ?refer=<?php echo $refer; ?> "> <h3>Please enter username and password</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Username:</th> <td><input type="text" name="loginName" size="15" /></td> </tr>
<?php require_once 'includes/'; emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Latest Posts', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if (isset($_GET['start'])) { escapes('start', $_GET['start']); } else { escapes('start', 0); } $where = ''; $matchColl = new MatchCollection("AND"); $owner = '+ALL'; $project = '+ALL'; if (isset($_GET['owner']) && $_GET['owner'] != '+ALL') { escapes('owner', $_GET['owner']); $matchColl->addMatch(new Match('user', $mowner)); } if (isset($_GET['project']) && $_GET['project'] != '+ALL') { escapes('project', $_GET['project']); $matchColl->addMatch(new Match('name', $mproject)); } $whereSQL = $matchColl->toSQL(); mysqlSetup(); $sqlquery = "SELECT DISTINCT `user` " . "FROM `pb_blog` ORDER BY `user` ASC"; $result = mysql_query($sqlquery) or die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); ?> <table> <tr> <td> <form name="selectOwner" method="get" action="<?php
<?php require_once 'includes/'; emitTop('Peanut Butter -> Save Project', '/pb/'); if (!isset($_POST['name']) || !isset($_POST['description']) || !isset($_POST['keywords']) || !isset($_POST['status']) || !isset($_POST['progress']) || !isset($_POST['priority'])) { errAndDie('Missing data.'); } $name = $_POST['name']; if (projectExists($name) && !isset($_POST['modified'])) { errAndDie('Project already exists.'); } if ($userType != ADMIN && $userType != SITEADMIN) { errAndDie('Sorry, only admins/siteadmins may save projects.'); } $mName = mysql_escape_string($name); $urlname = urlencode($name); $mOwner = mysql_escape_string($userName); $mDescription = mysql_escape_string($_POST['description']); $mKeywords = mysql_escape_string($_POST['keywords']); $mStatus = mysql_escape_string($_POST['status']); $mProgress = mysql_escape_string($_POST['progress']); $mPriority = mysql_escape_string($_POST['priority']); $mNotes = !isset($_POST['notes']) ? '' : mysql_escape_string($_POST['notes']); $mDeadline = !isset($_POST['deadline']) ? '' : mysql_escape_string($_POST['deadline']); if ($mPriority < 1 || $mPriority > 10) { if ($mPriority > 10) { $mPriority = 10; } elseif ($mPriority < 1) { $mPriority = 1; } print "<h3>'priority' has been changed to: {$mPriority}</h3>";