Beispiel #1
<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Mary Audio Tag</title>

  <h1>MaryTTS Audio embeded</h1>

$input = "this is my nice text";
$locale = "en_US";
embedMaryTTS($input, $locale);
function embedMaryTTS($input, $locale)
    $baseUrl = '';
    //$baseUrl = '';
    //$key = getenv('HMAC_SECRET');
    //$key = getenv('MARYTTS_HMAC_SECRET');
    $keyBytes = base64_decode($key);
    //$stringToSign = $input . $locale . $expires;
    $stringToSign = $input . $locale;
    $signatureBytes = hash_hmac("sha256", $stringToSign, $keyBytes, true);
    $signature = base64_encode($signatureBytes);
    $src = $baseUrl . '?';
    $src .= "text=" . urlencode($input);
    $src .= "&locale=" . urlencode($locale);
    $src .= "&signature=" . urlencode($signature);
    echo 'signatureBytes: ', $signatureBytes, '<br>';
Beispiel #2
<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Mary Audio Tag</title>

  <h3>Mary Jetty Embedded</h3>

$input = "we are only boys and girls";
$locale = "en_US";
// can't be null since paramOrDefault valuse in java is empty
$voice = null;
embedMaryTTS($input, $locale, $voice);
function embedMaryTTS($input, $locale, $voice)
    $baseUrl = '';
    //$baseUrl = '';
    //$baseUrl = '';
    //$baseUrl = '';
    //$baseUrl = '';
    //$baseUrl = '';
    //$baseUrl = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']:8080;
    $key = getenv('MARYTTS_HMAC_SECRET');
    $keyBytes = base64_decode($key);
    //$stringToSign = $input . $locale . $expires;
    //$stringToSign = $input . $locale;
    $stringToSign = $input;
    $signatureBytes = hash_hmac("sha256", $stringToSign, $keyBytes, true);