global $check_token_exists; global $decode_body; $app->get('', $check_token_exists, function ($calendar_id) { get_members($calendar_id); }); $app->post('', $check_token_exists, $decode_body, function ($calendar_id) { add_member($calendar_id); }); $app->group('/:username', function () use($app) { global $check_token_exists; global $decode_body; $app->get('', $check_token_exists, function ($calendar_id, $username) { get_member($username, $calendar_id); }); $app->put('', $check_token_exists, $decode_body, function ($calendar_id, $username) { edit_member($username, $calendar_id); }); $app->delete('', $check_token_exists, function ($calendar_id, $username) { delete_member($username, $calendar_id); }); }); }); $app->group('/events', function () use($app) { global $check_token_exists; global $decode_body; $app->get('', $check_token_exists, function ($calendar_id) { get_events($calendar_id); }); $app->post('', $check_token_exists, $decode_body, function ($calendar_id) { create_event($calendar_id); });
function handle_submit() { // function safe($value){ // return mysql_real_escape_string($value); // } // function safe($value){ // return stripslashes_deep($value); // } //Note: This is done by the ternary statement underneath. if (!array_key_exists('pv_phylum', $_POST)) { $_POST['pv_phylum'] = 'creativus'; } $id = $_POST['member_id']; $submit = array('membername' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_name']), 'title' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_title']), 'dogname' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['dog_name']), 'dogbreed' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['dog_breed']), 'mainimage' => $_POST["mainImg"], 'hoverimage' => $_POST["hoverImg"], 'polaroid1' => $_POST["polaroid1"], 'polaroid2' => $_POST["polaroid2"], 'signature' => $_POST['pv_signature'], 'kingdom' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_kingdom']), 'species' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_species']), 'phylum' => array_key_exists('pv_phylum', $_POST) ? $_POST['pv_phylum'] : 'creativus', 'stimulant' => $_POST['pv_stimulant'], 'response' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_response']), 'lefttopic' => $_POST['pv_leftcat'], 'righttopic' => $_POST['pv_rightcat'], 'stimulus' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_stimulus']), 'location' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_location']), 'fear' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_fear']), 'threewords' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_threewords']), 'ionce' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_ionce']), 'couldntlive' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_couldntlive']), 'turnonthe' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_turnonthe']), 'beaker' => stripslashes_deep($_POST['pv_beaker'])); if (empty($_POST['member_id'])) { if (!($_POST['mainImg'] and $_POST['hoverImg'])) { /*Go forth and*/ die("New selections must include a main image and hover image."); } else { add_new_member($submit); echo "<h3> Update successful. New results will appear on refresh.</h3>"; } } else { if ($_POST['mainImg'] == NULL) { unset($submit['mainImg']); } if ($_POST['hoverImg'] == NULL) { unset($submit['hoverImg']); } if ($_POST['polaroid1'] == NULL) { unset($submit['polaroid1']); } if ($_POST['polaroid2'] == NULL) { unset($submit['polaroid2']); } if ($_POST['pv_signature'] == NULL) { unset($submit['signature']); } if ($_POST['pv_stimulant'] == NULL) { unset($submit['stimulant']); } $submit['id'] = $id; edit_member($submit, $id); echo "<h3> Edit successful. New results will appear on refresh.</h3>"; } /* Handle the details from the table earlier */ if (array_key_exists('deets', $_POST)) { $deets = $_POST['deets']; $ranking = $_POST['ranking']; global $wpdb; global $data_table_name; //delete the previous entries and rewrite $wpdb->delete($data_table_name, array('id' => $id), array('%d')); /* It actually comes out faster to delete the entries from the table and re-enter them all, than to search through the array of both entries to see what's been altered. Our only shot would be if we can find an efficient way to pass an array to PHP from JavaScript. So far hidden forms have worked well enough for normal values, but they often go unnoticed when people edit code. */ $count = 0; foreach ($deets as $index => $deet) { $test = $ranking[$index]; echo "<p>deet {$index} : {$test}</p>"; if ($deet !== "") { $submit = array('id' => $id, 'information' => $deet, 'hierarchy' => $count, 'side' => 0, 'ranking' => $ranking[$index]); $wpdb->insert($data_table_name, $submit); } $count++; } } }
public function process_post($action) { switch ($action) { case "login": $status = login_member($this); return $status; break; case "autologin": $status = autologin_member($this); return $status; break; case "reset-password-link": $status = get_reset_password_code($this); if ($status["status_code"] == 200) { $this->first_name = get_team_member_name_by_email($this->email); $this->reset_code = $status["reset_code"]; $this->reset_password_link = json_decode(file_get_contents("env.json"))->website_host . "/reset-password.php?code=" . $this->reset_code . "&email=" . $this->email; send_password_reset_code($this); } return $status; break; case "reset-password": $status = reset_password($this); return $status; break; case "register": $status = register_new_member($this); if ($status["status_code"] == 200) { if ($this->team_id != "" && $this->team_name == get_team_name_by_team_id($this->team_id)) { $this->member_id = get_team_member_id_by_email($this->email); join_team($this); } send_registration_success_email($this); } return $status; break; case "funds": $this->email = get_team_member_email_by_id($this->member_id); $status = post_add_fund($this); send_add_fund_email($this); return $status; break; case "join-team": $this->first_name = get_team_member_name_by_team_member_id($this->member_id); $this->team_name = get_team_name_by_team_id($this->team_id); $this->email = get_team_member_email_by_id($this->member_id); $status = join_team($this); send_join_team_email($this); return $status; break; case "leave-team": $status = leave_team($this); send_leave_team_email($this); return $status; break; case "invite": $this->team_name = get_team_name_by_team_id($this->team_id); if ($this->team_name != "") { $this->invite_team_link = json_decode(file_get_contents("env.json"))->website_host . "/index.php?team-id=" . $this->team_id . "&team-name=" . urlencode($this->team_name); $status = invite_to_team($this); return $status["status_code"]; } else { return 400; } break; case "edit-member": $status = edit_member($this); return $status == true ? 200 : 400; break; default: break; } }
} if (no_symbol_pass($_POST['member_profile_password'])) { $member_profile_errors[] = translate_error('no_symbol_pass'); } */ if (not_match_pass($_POST['member_profile_password'], $_POST['member_profile_repeat_password'])) { $member_profile_errors[] = translate_error('not_match_pass'); } } } if (!count($member_profile_errors)) { if ($_POST['member_profile_password']) { edit_member($_POST['member_profile_email'], $_POST['member_profile_fullname'], $_POST['member_profile_password'], $_POST['member_profile_dob'], $lang_code); email_edit_member($_POST['member_profile_email'], $_POST['member_profile_fullname'], $_POST['member_profile_password'], $_POST['member_profile_dob']); } else { edit_member($_POST['member_profile_email'], $_POST['member_profile_fullname'], load_member()['password'], $_POST['member_profile_dob'], $lang_code); email_edit_member($_POST['member_profile_email'], $_POST['member_profile_fullname'], $email_interfaces['not_changed'][$lang_code], $_POST['member_profile_dob']); } header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . ''); } } ?> <form id="profile_form" method="POST" action=""> <div class="m-input-prepend"> <span class="add-on"><?php echo translate_span('email'); ?> </span> <input type="hidden" name="member_profile_email" value="<?php echo $inputted_email; ?>
<?php require_once 'include.php'; $act = $_REQUEST['act']; if ($act === 'login') { $msg = login(); } elseif ($act === 'logout') { $msg = logout(); } elseif ($act === 'add_member') { $msg = add_member(); } elseif ($act === 'edit_member') { $msg = edit_member(); } elseif ($act === 'add_member_fee') { $msg = add_member_fee(); } elseif ($act === 'add_member_fen') { $msg = add_member_fen(); } elseif ($act === 'add_member_score') { $msg = add_member_score(); } elseif ($act === 'delete_member') { $msg = delete_member(); } elseif ($act === 'add_grade') { $msg = change_grade(1); } elseif ($act === 'minus_grade') { $msg = change_grade(2); } elseif ($act === 'update_month_fee') { $msg = update_month_fee(); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head>