static function saveFeedback($data) { $user_id = $GLOBALS['user']->ec_user_id; if ($user_id) { //对于登录用户,获取用户信息 $uinfo = D()->from(ectable('users'))->where(['user_id' => $user_id])->select('user_id,email,user_name,nick_name')->get_one(); if (!empty($uinfo)) { $uinfo_append = ['user_id' => $uinfo['user_id'], 'user_name' => $uinfo['user_name'], 'nick_name' => $uinfo['nick_name']]; if ('' == $data['user_email'] && '' != $uinfo['email']) { $data['user_email'] = $uinfo['email']; } $data = array_merge($data, $uinfo_append); } } $fid = D()->insert(ectable('feedback'), $data, true, true); return $fid; }
/** * 搜索产品库,先搜索产品分类,如果为空则搜索品牌,如果再为空就搜索产品名称 * * @param string $keyword * @param integer $limit * @return array */ static function search($keyword, $limit = 10) { $result_final = []; $keyword = strtolower($keyword); // 先搜索分类名称 $cat_ids = D()->from(ectable('category'))->where("`is_show`=1 AND LOWER(`cat_name`) like '%%%s%%'", $keyword)->select("`cat_id`")->fetch_column('cat_id'); $all_cat_ids = []; if (!empty($cat_ids)) { foreach ($cat_ids as $id) { $all_cat_ids = array_merge($all_cat_ids, [$id], self::getChildCategoryIds($id)); } } $result_cat = []; if (!empty($all_cat_ids)) { $all_cat_ids = array_unique($all_cat_ids); $result_cat = D()->from(ectable('goods'))->where("`cat_id` IN(%s)", implode(',', $all_cat_ids))->order_by("`add_time` DESC")->limit($limit)->select()->fetch_array_all(); } if (empty($result_cat)) { //搜索分类产品结果为空,则继续搜索品牌 $brand_ids = D()->from(ectable('brand'))->where("`is_show`=1 AND LOWER(`brand_name`) like '%%%s%%'", $keyword)->select("`brand_id`")->fetch_column('brand_id'); $result_brand = []; if (!empty($brand_ids)) { $result_brand = D()->from(ectable('goods'))->where("`brand_id` IN(%s)", implode(',', $brand_ids))->order_by("`add_time` DESC")->limit($limit)->select()->fetch_array_all(); } if (empty($result_brand)) { //搜索品牌下的产品结果也为空,则继续搜索产品名称 $result_final = D()->from(ectable('goods'))->where("`goods_name` like '%%%s%%'", $keyword)->order_by("`add_time` DESC")->limit($limit)->select()->fetch_array_all(); } else { $result_final = $result_brand; } } else { $result_final = $result_cat; } return $result_final; }
/** * action 'notify' * 微信支付统一下订单回调 * * @param Request $request * @param Response $response */ public function notify(Request $request, Response $response) { Wxpay::nofify(function ($data, &$msg) { //trace_debug('api_wxpay_notify_data', $data); //trace_debug('api_wxpay_notify_msg', $msg); if ('OK' == $msg) { // 成功合法的订单 // 关注的数据 $openid = $data['openid']; //用户openid $is_subscribe = $data['is_subscribe']; //是否关注公众账号:'Y' or 'N' $total_fee = $data['total_fee']; //订单总金额,单位为分 $bank_type = $data['bank_type']; //付款银行 $transaction_id = $data['transaction_id']; //微信支付订单号 $order_sn = $data['out_trade_no']; //自身订单号 $attach = isset($data['attach']) ? $data['attach'] : ''; //商家自定义数据,原样返回 $time_end = $data['time_end']; //支付完成时间,格式为yyyyMMddHHmmss,如:20141030133525 $time_end = Fn::to_timestamp($time_end); //对日志表"写锁定",避免其他线程进入干扰(这时其他线程对表pay_log的读写都要等待) $ec_paylog = ectable('pay_log'); D()->lock_tables($ec_paylog, DB::LOCK_WRITE, '', TRUE); //检查支付日志表,以确定订单是否存在(之所以用日志表而不是主表order_info,是为了在锁表期间不阻塞到前台访问频繁的主表) $pay_log = D()->from($ec_paylog, DB::WRITABLE)->where(['order_sn' => $order_sn])->select()->get_one(); if (empty($pay_log)) { $msg = '订单号不存在'; D()->unlock_tables(); // 解锁 return false; } $order_id = $pay_log['order_id']; //检查支付金额是否正确 if (intval($pay_log['order_amount'] * 100) != $total_fee) { $msg = '金额不对'; D()->unlock_tables(); // 解锁 return false; } //检查订单状态 if (!$pay_log['is_paid']) { //未付款 //更新pay_log D()->update($ec_paylog, ['is_paid' => 1], ['order_id' => $order_id], true); // 更新完立马解锁 D()->unlock_tables(); //立马修改订单状态为已付款 $updata = ['pay_trade_no' => $transaction_id, 'order_status' => OS_CONFIRMED, 'confirm_time' => simphp_gmtime(), 'pay_status' => PS_PAYED, 'pay_time' => simphp_gmtime($time_end), 'money_paid' => $pay_log['order_amount'], 'order_amount' => 0, 'pay_data2' => json_encode($data)]; D()->update(ectable('order_info'), $updata, ['order_id' => $order_id], true); //记录订单操作记录 Order::order_action_log($order_id, ['action_note' => '用户支付']); //更新订单下所有商品的"订单数" Goods::updateGoodsOrderCntByOrderid($order_id); } else { D()->unlock_tables(); // 解锁 } return true; } return false; }); }
/** * * @param integer $order_id * @return array */ static function info($order_id) { if (empty($order_id)) { return false; } $order_id = intval($order_id); $row = D()->from(ectable('order_info'))->where(['order_id' => $order_id])->select()->get_one(); return $row; }
/** * 获取ecshop数据表的region id * @param string $city * @param string $province * @param string $country * @return number */ public static function getECRegionId($city, $province = '', $country = '') { $theid = 0; if (!empty($city)) { $ectb = ectable('region'); $sql = "SELECT `region_id` FROM {$ectb} WHERE `region_name`='%s' AND "; $row = D()->raw_query($sql . "`region_type`=2", $city)->get_one(); if (empty($row)) { $row = D()->raw_query($sql . "`region_type`=1", $province)->get_one(); if (empty($row)) { $row = D()->raw_query($sql . "`region_type`=0", $country)->get_one(); if (!empty($row)) { $theid = $row['region_id']; } } else { $theid = $row['region_id']; } } else { $theid = $row['region_id']; } } return $theid; }