Beispiel #1
  *connect to folder and give to admin. the profile Admin(builtin)
  * @param int $p_id dossier::id()
 static function synchro_admin($p_id)
     // connect to target
     $cn = new Database($p_id);
     if (!$cn->exist_table("profile_menu")) {
         echo_warning("Dossier invalide");
     // connect to repo
     $repo = new Database();
     $a_admin = $repo->get_array("select use_login from ac_users where\n\t\t\tuse_admin=1 and use_active=1");
     try {
          * synchro global
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($a_admin); $i++) {
             $exist = $cn->get_value("select p_id from profile_user\n\t\t\t\t\twhere user_name=\$1", array($a_admin[$i]['use_login']));
             if ($exist == "") {
                 $cn->exec_sql("insert into profile_user(user_name,p_id) values(\$1,1)", array($a_admin[$i]['use_login']));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Beispiel #2
            $priv = sprintf("action%d", $id);
            if (!isset($_POST[$priv])) {
                $cn->exec_sql("delete from user_sec_act where ua_act_id=\$1", array($id));
            $count = $cn->get_value('select count(*) from user_sec_act where ua_login=$1 ' . ' and ua_act_id=$2', array($sec_User->login, $id));
            if ($_POST[$priv] == 1 && $count == 0) {
                $cn->exec_sql('insert into user_sec_act (ua_login,ua_act_id)' . ' values ($1,$2)', array($sec_User->login, $id));
            if ($_POST[$priv] == 0) {
                $cn->exec_sql('delete from user_sec_act  where ua_login=$1 and ua_act_id=$2', array($sec_User->login, $id));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
// Action == View detail for users
if ($action == "view") {
    $l_Db = sprintf("dossier%d", $gDossier);
    $return = HtmlInput::button_anchor('Retour à la liste', '?&ac=' . $_REQUEST['ac'] . '&' . dossier::get(), 'retour');
    $repo = new Database();
    $User = new User($repo, $_GET['user_id']);
    $admin = 0;
    $access = $User->get_folder_access($gDossier);
    $str = "Aucun accès";
    if ($access == 'R') {
  * Parse a XML file to complete an array of extension objects
  * @brief Create extension from XML.
  * @param type $p_file filename
  * @return array of Extension
 static function read_definition($p_file)
     global $cn;
     $dom = new DomDocument('1.0');
     $xml = simplexml_import_dom($dom);
     $nb_plugin = count($xml->plugin);
     $a_extension = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_plugin; $i++) {
         $extension = new Extension($cn);
         try {
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             if ($ex->getCode() == 1) {
         $extension->me_file = trim($xml->plugin[$i]->root) . '/' . trim($xml->plugin[$i]->file);
         $extension->me_code = trim($xml->plugin[$i]->code);
         $extension->me_description = isset($xml->plugin[$i]->description) ? trim($xml->plugin[$i]->description) : "";
         $extension->me_description_etendue = trim($xml->plugin[$i]->author) ? trim($xml->plugin[$i]->author) : "";
         $extension->me_type = 'PL';
         $extension->me_menu = trim($xml->plugin[$i]->name);
         $extension->me_parameter = 'plugin_code=' . trim($xml->plugin[$i]->code);
         $a_extension[] = clone $extension;
     return $a_extension;
Beispiel #4
 * Find the default module or the first one
 * @global $g_user $g_user
 * @return default module (string)
function find_default_module()
    global $g_user;
    $cn = Dossier::connect();
    $default_module = $cn->get_array("select me_code\n\t    from profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id)\n\t    where\n\t    p_type_display='M' and\n\t    user_name=\$1 and pm_default=1", array($g_user->login));
     * Try to find the smallest order for module
    if (empty($default_module)) {
        $default_module = $cn->get_array("select me_code\n\t    from profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id)\n\t    where\n\t    p_type_display='M' and\n\t    user_name=\$1 order by p_order limit 1", array($g_user->login));
        // if no default try to find the default menu
        if (empty($default_module)) {
            $default_module = $cn->get_array("select me_code\n\t\t\t from profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id)\n\t\t\t   where\n\t\t\t   p_type_display='E' and\n\t\t\t   user_name=\$1 and pm_default=1 ", array($g_user->login));
             * Try to find a default menu by order
            if (empty($default_module)) {
                $default_module = $cn->get_array("select me_code\n\t\t\t\tfrom profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id)\n\t\t\t\twhere\n\t\t\t\tuser_name=\$1 and p_order=(select min(p_order) from profile_menu join profile_user using (p_id)\n\t\t\t\twhere user_name=\$2) limit 1", array($g_user->login, $g_user->login));
             * if nothing found, there is no profile for this user => exit
            if (empty($default_module)) {
                 * If administrateur, then we insert a default profile (1)
                 * for him
                if ($g_user->admin == 1) {
                    $cn->exec_sql('insert into profile_user(user_name,p_id) values ($1,1) ', array($g_user->login));
                    return find_default_module();
                echo_warning(_("Utilisateur n'a pas de profil, votre administrateur doit en configurer un dans CFGSEC"));
        return $default_module[0]['me_code'];
    if (count($default_module) > 1) {
        // return the first module found
        return $default_module[0]['me_code'];
    } elseif (count($default_module) == 1) {
        return $default_module[0]['me_code'];
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_database.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_dossier.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/ac_common.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/constant.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/function_javascript.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_extension.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_html_input.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_iselect.php';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/';
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_user.php';
 * included from do.php +
// find file and check security
global $cn, $g_user;
$ext = new Extension($cn);
if ($ext->search($_REQUEST['plugin_code']) == -1) {
    echo_warning("plugin non trouvé");
if ($ext->can_request($g_user->login) == -1) {
    alert("Plugin non authorisé");
if (!file_exists(NOALYSS_PLUGIN . '/' . trim($ext->me_file))) {
    alert(j(_("Ce fichier n'existe pas ")));
echo '<div class="content">';
require_once NOALYSS_PLUGIN . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . trim($ext->me_file);
Beispiel #6
 function Generate($p_array, $p_filename = "")
     // create a temp directory in /tmp to unpack file and to parse it
     $dirname = tempnam($_ENV['TMP'], 'doc_');
     // Retrieve the lob and save it into $dirname
     $dm_info = "select md_name,md_type,md_lob,md_filename,md_mimetype\n                 from document_modele where md_id=" . $this->md_id;
     $Res = $this->db->exec_sql($dm_info);
     $row = Database::fetch_array($Res, 0);
     $this->d_lob = $row['md_lob'];
     $this->d_filename = $row['md_filename'];
     $this->d_mimetype = $row['md_mimetype'];
     $this->d_name = $row['md_name'];
     $filename = $row['md_filename'];
     $exp = $this->db->lo_export($row['md_lob'], $dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename);
     if ($exp === false) {
         echo_warning(__FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "Export NOK {$filename}");
     $type = "n";
     // if the doc is a OOo, we need to unzip it first
     // and the name of the file to change is always content.xml
     if (strpos($row['md_mimetype'], 'vnd.oasis') != 0) {
         $zip = new Zip_Extended();
         if ($zip->open($filename) === TRUE) {
             $zip->extractTo($dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         } else {
             echo __FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "cannot unzip model " . $filename;
         // Remove the file we do  not need anymore
         $file_to_parse = "content.xml";
         $type = "OOo";
     } else {
         $file_to_parse = $filename;
     // affect a number
     $this->d_number = $this->db->get_next_seq("seq_doc_type_" . $row['md_type']);
     // parse the document - return the doc number ?
     $this->ParseDocument($dirname, $file_to_parse, $type, $p_array);
     // if the doc is a OOo, we need to re-zip it
     if (strpos($row['md_mimetype'], 'vnd.oasis') != 0) {
         $zip = new Zip_Extended();
         $res = $zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::CREATE);
         if ($res !== TRUE) {
             throw new Exception(__FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . "cannot recreate zip");
         $zip->add_recurse_folder($dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
         $file_to_parse = $filename;
     if ($p_filename != "") {
         $this->d_filename = $this->compute_filename($p_filename, $this->d_filename);
     $this->SaveGenerated($dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_to_parse);
     // Invoice
     $ret = '<A class="mtitle" HREF="show_document.php?d_id=' . $this->d_id . '&' . dossier::get() . '">Document g&eacute;n&eacute;r&eacute;</A>';
     return $ret;
Beispiel #7
    // check it isn't a ip address
    if (!isset($parts['host'])) {
        echo_error("There is no host in the URI");
        $proceed = false;
    } elseif (filter_var($parts['host'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
        echo_error("The host '" . $parts['host'] . "' appears to be an IP address. These are not considered persistent. You must use a domain name.");
        $proceed = false;
    } else {
        echo_ok("The host has the domain name of '" . $parts['host'] . "'");
    // warn if we have no path info. There isn't a requirement to have one but
    // it is unlikely people would do it all with subdomains.
    if (isset($parts['path'])) {
        echo_ok("The path component is '" . $parts['path'] . "'");
    } else {
        echo_warning("The URI lacks a path component. Are you sure this is what you intended?");
    // they shouldn't have a query string
    // this stops the use of db queries
    if (isset($parts['query'])) {
        echo_error("The URI contains the query string: '" . $parts['query'] . "'. This is not permitted.");
        $proceed = false;
    } else {
        echo_ok("The URI lacks a query string component which is a good thing.");
if ($proceed) {
    echo_ok("Format of URI appears OK. Continuing test.");
<script type="text/javascript">
Beispiel #8
// get default curl handle
$curl = get_curl_handle($uri);
// set other things here
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Accept: text/html"));
echo_info("Requesting HTML by passing 'Accept: text/html' header.");
$response = run_curl_request($curl);
// we either got a 303 redirect or we got a 200 or something else!
$iFrameUri = false;
$requestRdf = false;
if ($response->info['http_code'] == 303) {
    echo_ok("Recieved 303 Redirect HTTP code.");
    echo_ok("Redirect to URI: <a target=\"_new\" href=\"" . $response->info['redirect_url'] . "\">" . $response->info['redirect_url'] . "</a>");
    $iFrameUri = $response->info['redirect_url'];
    $requestRdf = true;
} elseif ($response->info['http_code'] == 302) {
    echo_warning("Recieved 302 Redirect HTTP code. This should be a 303 as we are assuming support for HTTP1.1 ~ 302 is so last century :)");
    echo_ok("Redirect to URI: <a target=\"_new\" href=\"" . $response->info['redirect_url'] . "\">" . $response->info['redirect_url'] . "</a>");
    $iFrameUri = $response->info['redirect_url'];
    $requestRdf = true;
} elseif ($response->info['http_code'] == 200) {
    echo_ok("Recieved 200 OK HTTP code.");
    $iFrameUri = $uri;
} elseif ($response->info['http_code'] == 404) {
    echo_error("Got HTTP response code of 404 Not Found.");
    $iFrameUri = false;
} else {
    echo_error("Unexpected response code: '" . $response->info['http_code'] . "'. Expecting 303 Redirect or 200 OK.");
    $iFrameUri = false;
if ($iFrameUri) {
    echo "<iframe id=\"herbal-html-response\" src=\"{$iFrameUri}\"></iframe>";
Beispiel #9
$p_msg = "";
// Confirm the operations
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $p_msg = $e->getMessage();
        $correct = 1;
    if (!isset($correct)) {
        echo '<div class="content">';
        echo h1(_('Confirmation'), '');
        echo_warning(_("Attention, cette opération n'est pas encore sauvée : vous devez encore confirmer"));
        echo '<form name="form_detail" class="print" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="print" METHOD="POST">';
        echo HtmlInput::hidden('ac', $_REQUEST['ac']);
        echo $Ledger->confirm($_POST);
        echo HtmlInput::submit('confirm', _('Confirmer'));
        echo HtmlInput::submit('correct', _('Corriger'));
        echo '</form>';
        echo '</div>';
// Confirm and save  the operations
// into the database
if (isset($_POST['confirm'])) {
Beispiel #10
// Upgrade the template
$Resdossier = $cn->exec_sql("select mod_id, mod_name from modeledef");
$MaxDossier = $cn->size();
echo "<h2>Mise &agrave; jour mod&egrave;le</h2>";
for ($e = 0; $e < $MaxDossier; $e++) {
    $db_row = Database::fetch_array($Resdossier, $e);
    echo "<h3>Patching " . $db_row['mod_name'] . "</h3>";
    $name = $cn->format_name($db_row['mod_id'], 'mod');
    if ($cn->exist_database($name) > 0) {
        $db = new Database($db_row['mod_id'], 'mod');
    } else {
        echo_warning(_("Modèle inexistant") . " {$name}");
// Upgrade the account_repository
echo "<h2>Mise &agrave; jour Repository</h2>";
$cn = new Database();
if (DEBUG == false) {
$MaxVersion = DBVERSIONREPO - 1;
for ($i = 4; $i <= $MaxVersion; $i++) {
    if ($cn->get_version() <= $i) {
        $cn->execute_script('sql/patch/ac-upgrade' . $i . '.sql');