case 'create_playlist': createPlaylist($_POST['playlistTitle'], $_POST['playlistDescription']); break; case 'delete_playlist': deletePlaylist($_POST['playlistTitle']); break; case 'update_playlist': updatePlaylist($_POST['newPlaylistTitle'], $_POST['newPlaylistDescription'], $_POST['oldPlaylistTitle']); break; case strcmp(substr($operation, 0, 7), 'search_') == 0: // initialize search specific information $searchType = substr($operation, 7); searchVideos($searchType, $_POST['searchTerm'], $_POST['startIndex'], $_POST['maxResults']); break; case 'show_video': echoVideoPlayer($_POST['videoId']); break; default: unsupportedOperation($_POST); break; } /** * Perform a search on youtube. Passes the result feed to echoVideoList. * * @param string $searchType The type of search to perform. * If set to 'owner' then attempt to authenticate. * @param string $searchTerm The term to search on. * @param string $startIndex Start retrieving search results from this index. * @param string $maxResults The number of results to retrieve. * @return void */
/* * The main controller logic of the YouTube video browser demonstration app. */ $queryType = $_POST['queryType']; if ($queryType === null) { /* display the entire interface */ include 'interface.html'; } else if ($queryType == 'show_video') { /* display an individual video */ if (array_key_exists('videoId', $_POST)) { $videoId = $_POST['videoId']; echoVideoPlayer($videoId); } else if (array_key_exists('videoId', $_GET)) { $videoId = $_GET['videoId']; echoVideoPlayer($videoId); } else { echo 'No videoId found.'; exit; } } else { /* display a list of videos */ $searchTerm = $_POST['searchTerm']; $startIndex = $_POST['startIndex']; $maxResults = $_POST['maxResults']; $yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube(); $query = $yt->newVideoQuery(); $query->setQuery($searchTerm); $query->setStartIndex($startIndex); $query->setMaxResults($maxResults);
function searchYoutubeVideoDetail($id, $type) { $retval = array(); $data = array(); $data = echoVideoPlayer($id); $retval['status'] = 'OK'; $retval['statusmsg'] = 'OK'; $retval['data'] = $data; return $retval; }