Beispiel #1
 private function removeDirectory($directory)
     $result = $this->file_system->checkDir($directory);
     if ($result) {
         $remove = drush_confirm(dt('Do you want to delete directory %directory?', array('%directory' => $directory)));
         if ($remove) {
             $result = $this->file_system->removeDir($directory);
         } else {
             $result = drush_user_abort('Aborting...');
     return $result;
  * Load the desired environments.
  * @param string $env
  *   The environment argument.  May be composite (env1+env2).
  * @return bool
  *   Whether the environments were loaded.
 public function setEnvironments($env)
     $envs = explode('+', $env);
     while (!empty($envs)) {
         $_env = array_shift($envs);
         if (!$this->setEnvironment($_env)) {
             $msg = dt("Unable to locate an environment definition for '@env'.", ['@env' => $_env]);
             if (empty($envs)) {
                 return drush_set_error('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ERROR_MESSAGE', $msg);
             } else {
                 drush_log($msg, 'warning');
                 if (!drush_confirm(dt("Do you want to process the other environments?"))) {
                     return drush_user_abort(dt("Aborting."));
     return TRUE;
  * Select the most appropriate release for a project, based on a strategy.
  * @param Array &$request
  *   A request array.
  *   The array will be expanded with the project type.
  * @param String $restrict_to
  *   One of:
  *     'dev': Forces choosing a -dev release.
  *     'version': Forces choosing a point release.
  *     '': No restriction.
  *   Default is ''.
  * @param String $select
  *   Strategy for selecting a release, should be one of:
  *    - auto: Try to select the latest release, if none found allow the user
  *            to choose.
  *    - always: Force the user to choose a release.
  *    - never: Try to select the latest release, if none found then fail.
  *    - ignore: Ignore and return NULL.
  *   If no supported release is found, allow to ask the user to choose one.
  * @param Boolean $all
  *   In case $select = TRUE this indicates that all available releases will be
  *  offered the user to choose.
  * @return array
  *  The selected release.
 public function selectReleaseBasedOnStrategy($request, $restrict_to = '', $select = 'never', $all = FALSE, $version = NULL)
     if (!in_array($select, array('auto', 'never', 'always', 'ignore'))) {
         return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_UNKNOWN_SELECT_STRATEGY', dt("Error: select strategy must be one of: auto, never, always, ignore", array()));
     $project_release_info = $this->get($request);
     if (!$project_release_info) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($select != 'always') {
         if (isset($request['version'])) {
             $release = $project_release_info->getSpecificRelease($request['version']);
             if ($release === FALSE) {
                 return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_COULD_NOT_FIND_VERSION', dt("Could not locate !project version !version.", array('!project' => $request['name'], '!version' => $request['version'])));
         if ($restrict_to == 'dev') {
             // If you specified a specific release AND --dev, that is either
             // redundant (okay), or contradictory (error).
             if (!empty($release)) {
                 if ($release['version_extra'] != 'dev') {
                     return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_COULD_NOT_FIND_VERSION', dt("You requested both --dev and !project version !version, which is not a '-dev' release.", array('!project' => $request['name'], '!version' => $request['version'])));
             } else {
                 $release = $project_release_info->getDevRelease();
                 if ($release === FALSE) {
                     return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_NO_DEV_RELEASE', dt('There is no development release for project !project.', array('!project' => $request['name'])));
         // If there was no specific release requested, try to identify the most appropriate release.
         if (empty($release)) {
             $release = $project_release_info->getRecommendedOrSupportedRelease();
         if ($release) {
             return $release;
         } else {
             $message = dt('There are no stable releases for project !project.', array('!project' => $request['name']));
             if ($select == 'never') {
                 return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_NO_STABLE_RELEASE', $message);
             drush_log($message, 'warning');
             if ($select == 'ignore') {
                 return NULL;
     // At this point the only chance is to ask the user to choose a release.
     if ($restrict_to == 'dev') {
         $filter = 'dev';
     } elseif ($all) {
         $filter = 'all';
     } else {
         $filter = '';
     $releases = $project_release_info->filterReleases($filter, $version);
     $options = array();
     foreach ($releases as $release) {
         $options[$release['version']] = array($release['version'], '-', gmdate('Y-M-d', $release['date']), '-', implode(', ', $release['release_status']));
     $choice = drush_choice($options, dt('Choose one of the available releases for !project:', array('!project' => $request['name'])));
     if (!$choice) {
         return drush_user_abort();
     return $releases[$choice];
Beispiel #4
  * Initialize local Drush configuration
  * Enrich the bash startup file with completion and aliases.
  * Copy .drushrc file to ~/.drush
  * @todo: '@package core', @global-options, replacement mechanism for 'bootstrap'
  * @option $edit Open the new config file in an editor.
  * @option $add-path Always add Drush to the \$PATH in the user's .bashrc
  *   file, even if it is already in the \$PATH. Use --no-add-path to skip
  *   updating .bashrc with the Drush \$PATH. Default is to update .bashrc
  *   only if Drush is not already in the \$PATH.
  * @aliases core-init, init
  * @usage core-init --edit
  *   Enrich Bash and open drush config file in editor.
  * @usage core-init --edit --bg
  *   Return to shell prompt as soon as the editor window opens
 public function initializeDrush($options = ['edit' => '', 'add-path' => ''])
     $home = drush_server_home();
     $drush_config_dir = $home . "/.drush";
     $drush_config_file = $drush_config_dir . "/drushrc.php";
     $drush_bashrc = $drush_config_dir . "/drush.bashrc";
     $drush_prompt = $drush_config_dir . "/";
     $drush_complete = $drush_config_dir . "/";
     $examples_dir = DRUSH_BASE_PATH . "/examples";
     $example_configuration = $examples_dir . "/example.drushrc.php";
     $example_bashrc = $examples_dir . "/example.bashrc";
     $example_prompt = $examples_dir . "/";
     $example_complete = DRUSH_BASE_PATH . "/";
     $collection = $this->collectionBuilder();
     // Create a ~/.drush directory if it does not yet exist
     // If there is no ~/.drush/drushrc.php, then copy the
     // example Drush configuration file here
     if (!is_file($drush_config_file)) {
     // Decide whether we want to add our Bash commands to
     // ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile, and create a task to
     // update it with includes of the various files we write,
     // as needed.  If it is, then we will add it to the collection.
     $bashrc = $this->findBashrc($home);
     $taskUpdateBashrc = $this->taskWriteToFile($bashrc)->append();
     // List of Drush bash configuration files, and
     // their source templates.
     $drushBashFiles = [$drush_bashrc => $example_bashrc, $drush_complete => $example_complete, $drush_prompt => $example_prompt];
     // Mapping from Drush bash configuration files
     // to a description of what each one is.
     $drushBashFileDescriptions = [$drush_bashrc => 'Drush bash customizations', $drush_complete => 'Drush completion', $drush_prompt => 'Drush prompt customizations'];
     foreach ($drushBashFiles as $destFile => $sourceFile) {
         // If the destination file does not exist, then
         // copy the example file there.
         if (!is_file($destFile)) {
             $description = $drushBashFileDescriptions[$destFile];
             $collection->progressMessage('Copied {description} to {path}', ['description' => $description, 'path' => $destFile], LogLevel::OK);
             $pattern = basename($destFile);
             $taskUpdateBashrc->appendUnlessMatches("#{$pattern}#", "# Include {$description}.\n" . $this->bashAddition($destFile));
     // If Drush is not in the $PATH, then figure out which
     // path to add so that Drush can be found globally.
     $add_path = $options['add-path'];
     if ((!drush_which("drush") || $add_path) && $add_path !== FALSE) {
         $drush_path = $this->findPathToDrush();
         $drush_path = preg_replace("%^" . preg_quote($home) . "/%", '$HOME/', $drush_path);
         $pattern = "{$drush_path}";
         $taskUpdateBashrc->appendUnlessMatches("#{$pattern}#", "# Path to Drush, added by 'drush init'.\nexport PATH=\"\$PATH:{$drush_path}\"\n\n");
     $openEditor = FALSE;
     if ($taskUpdateBashrc->wouldChange()) {
         if (drush_confirm(dt("Modify !file to include Drush configuration files?", array('!file' => $bashrc)))) {
             $collection->progressMessage('Updated bash configuration file {path}', ['path' => $bashrc], LogLevel::OK);
             $collection->progressMessage('Start a new shell in order to experience the improvements (e.g. `{shell}`).', ['shell' => 'bash'], LogLevel::OK);
             $openEditor = $options['edit'];
         } else {
             return drush_user_abort();
     } else {
         $collection->progressMessage('No code added to {path}', ['path' => $bashrc]);
     $result = $collection->run();
     if ($result->wasSuccessful() && $openEditor) {
         $exec = drush_get_editor();
         drush_shell_exec_interactive($exec, $drush_config_file, $drush_config_file);
     return $result;