/** * Log a certain user in. */ function _drush_login($drush_user) { global $user; $user = user_load(is_numeric($drush_user) ? array('uid' => $drush_user) : array('name' => $drush_user)); if (empty($user)) { if (is_numeric($drush_user)) { drush_die(t('Could not login with user ID #%user.', array('%user' => $drush_user))); } else { drush_die(t('Could not login with user account `%user\'.', array('%user' => $drush_user))); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
<?php #!/usr/bin/env drush // Example of execution: // drush scr --root=/home/drupal/kms.test/site/htdocs ping.php --script-path=/home/drupal/kms.test/site/scripts/ftp_permissions // Check if we can bootstrap. $self = drush_sitealias_get_record('@self'); if (empty($self)) { drush_die("I can't bootstrap from the current location.", 0); } $ftp_script_hosts = array('loadftp1.kmsext.dk', 'loadftp2.kmsext.dk'); // Run the ftp thing. kms_permissions_ftp_scan_store_structure(); $i = 1; // Trigger external script. foreach ($ftp_script_hosts as $host) { if (variable_get('kms_ftp_perm_change_' . $i)) { exec(sprintf('ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/updateftpservers %s', $host), $message, $exit_code); if ($exit_code != 1) { variable_set('kms_ftp_perm_change_' . $i, FALSE); // Set variable to false, // as script should revisit the view and update things accordingly. watchdog('Permissions FTP', 'Ftp cron script ran successfully'); } } $i++; }