  * Tests profile info caching in non-English languages.
 function testInstallerTranslationCache()
     require_once 'core/includes/install.inc';
     // Prime the drupal_get_filename() static cache with the location of the
     // testing profile as it is not the currently active profile and we don't
     // yet have any cached way to retrieve its location.
     // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
     drupal_get_filename('profile', 'testing', 'core/profiles/testing/testing.info.yml');
     $info_en = install_profile_info('testing', 'en');
     $info_nl = install_profile_info('testing', 'nl');
     $this->assertFalse(in_array('locale', $info_en['dependencies']), 'Locale is not set when installing in English.');
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('locale', $info_nl['dependencies']), 'Locale is set when installing in Dutch.');
  * Returns the table definition for the URL alias fixtures.
  * @return array
  *   Table definitions.
 public function tableDefinition()
     $tables = array();
     // Prime the drupal_get_filename() cache with the location of the system
     // module as its location is known and shouldn't change.
     // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
     drupal_get_filename('module', 'system', 'core/modules/system/system.info.yml');
     $schema = system_schema();
     $tables['url_alias'] = AliasStorage::schemaDefinition();
     $tables['key_value'] = $schema['key_value'];
     return $tables;
 * Example custom function.
 * This function will be called if the Authcache:ajax JSON object contains
 * { 'funcname' : 'var' } Use hook_authcache_ajax() in your Drupal module
 * to modify the Authcache:ajax JSON object for the cached page.
 * @see modulename
function _authcache_funcname($vars) {
  global $user; // current user

  // For core or contributed modules, it's best to try to include
  // the module file and call the required function. Example:
  include_once dirname(drupal_get_filename('module', 'module_name')) . '/module_name.module';
  return module_name_display_info();

  // You can return an array or a single value. This will be converted into
  // JSON and sent back to the browser. Create a JavaScript function called
  // _authcache_funcname(var) to handle the return value.  See authcache_example.module/.js

  return array(2, 3, 5, 7 => array(11, 17, 19));
   * Verifies that the exception message in the profile step is correct.
  public function testSetUpWithMissingDependencies() {
    // Prime the drupal_get_filename() static cache with the location of the
    // testing profile as it is not the currently active profile and we don't
    // yet have any cached way to retrieve its location.
    // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
    drupal_get_filename('profile', 'testing_missing_dependencies', 'core/profiles/testing_missing_dependencies/testing_missing_dependencies.info.yml');

    $info = drupal_verify_profile([
      'parameters' => ['profile' => 'testing_missing_dependencies'],
      'profile_info' => install_profile_info('testing_missing_dependencies'),

    $message = $info['required_modules']['description']->render();
    $this->assertContains('Missing_module1', $message);
    $this->assertContains('Missing_module2', $message);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getContainerDefinition()
     FileCacheFactory::setConfiguration(array('default' => array('class' => '\\Drupal\\Component\\FileCache\\NullFileCache')));
     $container_builder = new ContainerBuilder();
     $yaml_loader = new YamlFileLoader($container_builder);
     foreach (module_list() as $module) {
         $filename = drupal_get_filename('module', $module);
         $services = dirname($filename) . "/{$module}.services.yml";
         if (file_exists($services)) {
     // Disabled for now.
     // $container_builder->compile();
     $dumper = new PhpArrayDumper($container_builder);
     return $dumper->getArray();
  * Tests that drupal_get_filename() works when the file is not in database.
 function testDrupalGetFilename()
     // drupal_get_profile() is using obtaining the profile from state if the
     // install_state global is not set.
     global $install_state;
     $install_state['parameters']['profile'] = 'testing';
     // Assert that this test is meaningful.
     // Retrieving the location of a module.
     $this->assertIdentical(drupal_get_filename('module', 'system'), 'core/modules/system/system.info.yml');
     // Retrieving the location of a theme.
     $this->assertIdentical(drupal_get_filename('theme', 'stark'), 'core/themes/stark/stark.info.yml');
     // Retrieving the location of a theme engine.
     $this->assertIdentical(drupal_get_filename('theme_engine', 'phptemplate'), 'core/themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.info.yml');
     // Retrieving the location of a profile. Profiles are a special case with
     // a fixed location and naming.
     $this->assertIdentical(drupal_get_filename('profile', 'standard'), 'core/profiles/standard/standard.info.yml');
     // Searching for an item that does not exist returns NULL.
     $this->assertNull(drupal_get_filename('module', uniqid("", TRUE)), 'Searching for an item that does not exist returns NULL.');
Beispiel #7
  * Tests that drupal_get_filename() works when the file is not in database.
 function testDrupalGetFilename()
     // drupal_get_profile() is using obtaining the profile from state if the
     // install_state global is not set.
     global $install_state;
     $install_state['parameters']['profile'] = 'testing';
     // Rebuild system.module.files state data.
     // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
     // Retrieving the location of a module.
     $this->assertIdentical(drupal_get_filename('module', 'system'), 'core/modules/system/system.info.yml');
     // Retrieving the location of a theme.
     $this->assertIdentical(drupal_get_filename('theme', 'stark'), 'core/themes/stark/stark.info.yml');
     // Retrieving the location of a theme engine.
     $this->assertIdentical(drupal_get_filename('theme_engine', 'twig'), 'core/themes/engines/twig/twig.info.yml');
     // Retrieving the location of a profile. Profiles are a special case with
     // a fixed location and naming.
     $this->assertIdentical(drupal_get_filename('profile', 'testing'), 'core/profiles/testing/testing.info.yml');
     // Generate a non-existing module name.
     $non_existing_module = uniqid("", TRUE);
     // Set a custom error handler so we can ignore the file not found error.
     set_error_handler(function ($severity, $message, $file, $line) {
         // Skip error handling if this is a "file not found" error.
         if (strstr($message, 'is missing from the file system:')) {
             \Drupal::state()->set('get_filename_test_triggered_error', TRUE);
         throw new \ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
     $this->assertNull(drupal_get_filename('module', $non_existing_module), 'Searching for an item that does not exist returns NULL.');
     $this->assertTrue(\Drupal::state()->get('get_filename_test_triggered_error'), 'Searching for an item that does not exist triggers an error.');
     // Restore the original error handler.
function module_list($refresh = FALSE, $sort = FALSE, $fixed_list = NULL)
    static $list, $sorted_list;
    if ($refresh || $fixed_list) {
        $list = array();
        $sorted_list = NULL;
        if ($fixed_list) {
            foreach ($fixed_list as $name => $module) {
                drupal_get_filename('module', $name, $module['filename']);
                $list[$name] = $name;
        } else {
            $result = db_query("SELECT name, filename, throttle FROM {system} WHERE type = 'module' AND status = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC, filename ASC");
            while ($module = db_fetch_object($result)) {
                if (file_exists($module->filename)) {
                    // Determine the current throttle status and see if the module should be
                    // loaded based on server load. We have to directly access the throttle
                    // variables, since throttle.module may not be loaded yet.
                    $throttle = $module->throttle && variable_get('throttle_level', 0) > 0;
                    if (!$throttle) {
                        drupal_get_filename('module', $module->name, $module->filename);
                        $list[$module->name] = $module->name;
    if ($sort) {
        if (!isset($sorted_list)) {
            $sorted_list = $list;
        return $sorted_list;
    return $list;
  * Tests DIC compilation.
 public function testCompileDIC()
     // @todo: write a memory based storage backend for testing.
     $modules_enabled = array('system' => 'system', 'user' => 'user');
     $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
     $this->getTestKernel($request, $modules_enabled);
     // Instantiate it a second time and we should get the compiled Container
     // class.
     $kernel = $this->getTestKernel($request);
     $container = $kernel->getContainer();
     $refClass = new \ReflectionClass($container);
     $is_compiled_container = !$refClass->isSubclassOf('Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\ContainerBuilder');
     // Verify that the list of modules is the same for the initial and the
     // compiled container.
     $module_list = array_keys($container->get('module_handler')->getModuleList());
     $this->assertEqual(array_values($modules_enabled), $module_list);
     // Get the container another time, simulating a "production" environment.
     $container = $this->getTestKernel($request, NULL)->getContainer();
     $refClass = new \ReflectionClass($container);
     $is_compiled_container = !$refClass->isSubclassOf('Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\ContainerBuilder');
     // Verify that the list of modules is the same for the initial and the
     // compiled container.
     $module_list = array_keys($container->get('module_handler')->getModuleList());
     $this->assertEqual(array_values($modules_enabled), $module_list);
     // Test that our synthetic services are there.
     $class_loader = $container->get('class_loader');
     $refClass = new \ReflectionClass($class_loader);
     $this->assertTrue($refClass->hasMethod('loadClass'), 'Container has a class loader');
     // We make this assertion here purely to show that the new container below
     // is functioning correctly, i.e. we get a brand new ContainerBuilder
     // which has the required new services, after changing the list of enabled
     // modules.
     // Add another module so that we can test that the new module's bundle is
     // registered to the new container.
     $modules_enabled['service_provider_test'] = 'service_provider_test';
     $this->getTestKernel($request, $modules_enabled);
     // Instantiate it a second time and we should not get a ContainerBuilder
     // class because we are loading the container definition from cache.
     $kernel = $this->getTestKernel($request, $modules_enabled);
     $container = $kernel->getContainer();
     $refClass = new \ReflectionClass($container);
     $is_container_builder = $refClass->isSubclassOf('Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\ContainerBuilder');
     $this->assertFalse($is_container_builder, 'Container is not a builder');
     // Assert that the new module's bundle was registered to the new container.
     $this->assertTrue($container->has('service_provider_test_class'), 'Container has test service');
     // Test that our synthetic services are there.
     $class_loader = $container->get('class_loader');
     $refClass = new \ReflectionClass($class_loader);
     $this->assertTrue($refClass->hasMethod('loadClass'), 'Container has a class loader');
     // Check that the location of the new module is registered.
     $modules = $container->getParameter('container.modules');
     $this->assertEqual($modules['service_provider_test'], array('type' => 'module', 'pathname' => drupal_get_filename('module', 'service_provider_test'), 'filename' => NULL));
     // Check that the container itself is not among the persist IDs because it
     // does not make sense to persist the container itself.
     $persist_ids = $container->getParameter('persist_ids');
     $this->assertIdentical(FALSE, array_search('service_container', $persist_ids));
$insecure_session_name = substr($sessname, 1);
if (isset($_COOKIE[$sessname]) || isset($_COOKIE[$insecure_session_name])) {
  // Avoid later warnings about session-start :
  // session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent
  // by emptying the session cache headers to send
  // The problem is that DRUPAL_BOOTSRAP_CONFIGURATION does a:
  // ini_set('session.cache_limiter', 'none');
  // So we must do that after that this step is done

// Can't use module_load_include as it's not loaded yet, so fallback to
// drupal_get_filename to find our module.
$path = '/' . dirname(drupal_get_filename('module', 'mongodb'));
require_once  DRUPAL_ROOT . $path .'/mongodb.module';

// --> response is already sent, now back at work. Let's record everything
if (variable_get('mongodb_statistics_count_content_views', 0)) {
  // We are counting content views.
  // A node has been viewed, so update the node's counters.
  $collectionname = variable_get('mongodb_node_counter_collection_name', 'node_counter');
  $collection = mongodb_collection($collectionname);
  $nid = isset($_POST['nid']) ? (int) $_POST['nid'] : 0;
    array('_id' => $nid),
      '$inc' => array(
        'totalcount' => 1,
  * {@inheritdoc}
 function drupalGetFilename($type, $name)
     return \Drupal::root() . '/' . drupal_get_filename($type, $name);
  * Returns a map of all config object names and their folders.
  * The list is based on enabled modules and themes. The active configuration
  * storage is used rather than \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler and
  *  \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandler in order to resolve circular
  * dependencies between these services and \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigInstaller
  * and \Drupal\Core\Config\TypedConfigManager.
  * @return array
  *   An array mapping config object names with directories.
 protected function getAllFolders()
     if (!isset($this->folders)) {
         $this->folders = array();
         $this->folders += $this->getCoreNames();
         $install_profile = Settings::get('install_profile');
         $profile = drupal_get_profile();
         $extensions = $this->configStorage->read('core.extension');
         // @todo Remove this scan as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
         $listing = new ExtensionDiscovery(\Drupal::root());
         if (!empty($extensions['module'])) {
             $modules = $extensions['module'];
             // Remove the install profile as this is handled later.
             $profile_list = $listing->scan('profile');
             if ($profile && isset($profile_list[$profile])) {
                 // Prime the drupal_get_filename() static cache with the profile info
                 // file location so we can use drupal_get_path() on the active profile
                 // during the module scan.
                 // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
                 drupal_get_filename('profile', $profile, $profile_list[$profile]->getPathname());
             $module_list_scan = $listing->scan('module');
             $module_list = array();
             foreach (array_keys($modules) as $module) {
                 if (isset($module_list_scan[$module])) {
                     $module_list[$module] = $module_list_scan[$module];
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($module_list);
         if (!empty($extensions['theme'])) {
             $theme_list_scan = $listing->scan('theme');
             foreach (array_keys($extensions['theme']) as $theme) {
                 if (isset($theme_list_scan[$theme])) {
                     $theme_list[$theme] = $theme_list_scan[$theme];
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($theme_list);
         if ($this->includeProfile) {
             // The install profile can override module default configuration. We do
             // this by replacing the config file path from the module/theme with the
             // install profile version if there are any duplicates.
             if (isset($profile)) {
                 if (!isset($profile_list)) {
                     $profile_list = $listing->scan('profile');
                 if (isset($profile_list[$profile])) {
                     $profile_folders = $this->getComponentNames(array($profile_list[$profile]));
                     $this->folders = $profile_folders + $this->folders;
     return $this->folders;
Beispiel #13
  * {@inheritdoc}
 function drupalGetFilename($type, $name)
     return DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_filename($type, $name);
Beispiel #14
 * Example of customized block info being returned
 * @see authcache_example.module
function _authcache_authcache_example($vars) {
  include_once './includes/common.inc';
  drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_PATH); // Use FULL if needed for additional functions

  include_once dirname(drupal_get_filename('module', 'authcache_example')) . '/authcache_example.module';
  return authcache_example_display_block_0();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function listExtensionConfig($extension) {
   // Convert to Component object if it is a string
   if (is_string($extension)) {
     $pathname = drupal_get_filename('module', $extension);
     $extension = new Extension(\Drupal::root(), 'module', $pathname);
   return array_keys($this->extensionStorage->getComponentNames([
     $this->getExtensionName($extension) => $extension,
Beispiel #16
  * Returns a map of all config object names and their folders.
  * @return array
  *   An array mapping config object names with directories.
 protected function getAllFolders()
     if (!isset($this->folders)) {
         $this->folders = array();
         $this->folders += $this->getCoreNames();
         // Perform an ExtensionDiscovery scan as we cannot use drupal_get_path()
         // yet because the system module may not yet be enabled during install.
         // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
         $listing = new ExtensionDiscovery(\Drupal::root());
         if ($profile = drupal_get_profile()) {
             $profile_list = $listing->scan('profile');
             if (isset($profile_list[$profile])) {
                 // Prime the drupal_get_filename() static cache with the profile info
                 // file location so we can use drupal_get_path() on the active profile
                 // during the module scan.
                 // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
                 drupal_get_filename('profile', $profile, $profile_list[$profile]->getPathname());
                 $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames(array($profile_list[$profile]));
         // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
         $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($listing->scan('module'));
         $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($listing->scan('theme'));
     return $this->folders;
  * Sets up unit test environment.
  * Unlike DrupalWebTestCase::setUp(), DrupalUnitTestCase::setUp() does not
  * install modules because tests are performed without accessing the database.
  * Any required files must be explicitly included by the child class setUp()
  * method.
 protected function setUp()
     global $conf;
     // Store necessary current values before switching to the test environment.
     $this->originalFileDirectory = variable_get('file_public_path', conf_path() . '/files');
     // Reset all statics so that test is performed with a clean environment.
     // Generate temporary prefixed database to ensure that tests have a clean starting point.
     $this->databasePrefix = Database::getConnection()->prefixTables('{simpletest' . mt_rand(1000, 1000000) . '}');
     // Create test directory.
     $public_files_directory = $this->originalFileDirectory . '/simpletest/' . substr($this->databasePrefix, 10);
     file_prepare_directory($public_files_directory, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY | FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONS);
     $conf['file_public_path'] = $public_files_directory;
     // Clone the current connection and replace the current prefix.
     $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo('default');
     Database::renameConnection('default', 'simpletest_original_default');
     foreach ($connection_info as $target => $value) {
         $connection_info[$target]['prefix'] = array('default' => $value['prefix']['default'] . $this->databasePrefix);
     Database::addConnectionInfo('default', 'default', $connection_info['default']);
     // Set user agent to be consistent with web test case.
     $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = $this->databasePrefix;
     // If locale is enabled then t() will try to access the database and
     // subsequently will fail as the database is not accessible.
     $module_list = module_list();
     if (isset($module_list['locale'])) {
         // Transform the list into the format expected as input to module_list().
         foreach ($module_list as &$module) {
             $module = array('filename' => drupal_get_filename('module', $module));
         $this->originalModuleList = $module_list;
         module_list(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, $module_list);
     $this->setup = TRUE;
  * Returns a map of all config object names and their folders.
  * The list is based on installed modules and themes. The active
  * configuration storage is used rather than
  * \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler and
  * \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandler in order to resolve circular
  * dependencies between these services and
  * \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigInstaller and
  * \Drupal\Core\Config\TypedConfigManager.
  * NOTE: This code is copied from ExtensionInstallStorage::getAllFolders() with
  * the following changes (Notes in CHANGED below)
  *   - Load all modules whether installed or not
  * @return array
  *   An array mapping config object names with directories.
 public function getAllFolders()
     if (!isset($this->folders)) {
         $this->folders = array();
         $this->folders += $this->getCoreNames();
         $install_profile = Settings::get('install_profile');
         $profile = drupal_get_profile();
         $extensions = $this->configStorage->read('core.extension');
         // @todo Remove this scan as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
         $listing = new ExtensionDiscovery(\Drupal::root());
         // CHANGED START: Add profile directories for any bundles that use a profile.
         $profile_directories = [];
         if ($profile) {
             $profile_directories[] = drupal_get_path('profile', $profile);
         if ($this->includeProfile) {
             // Add any profiles used in bundles.
             /** @var \Drupal\features\FeaturesAssignerInterface $assigner */
             $assigner = \Drupal::service('features_assigner');
             $bundles = $assigner->getBundleList();
             foreach ($bundles as $bundle_name => $bundle) {
                 if ($bundle->isProfile()) {
                     // Register the profile directory.
                     $profile_directory = 'profiles/' . $bundle->getProfileName();
                     if (is_dir($profile_directory)) {
                         $profile_directories[] = $profile_directory;
         // CHANGED END
         if (!empty($extensions['module'])) {
             // CHANGED START: Find ANY modules, not just installed ones.
             //$modules = $extensions['module'];
             $module_list_scan = $listing->scan('module');
             $modules = $module_list_scan;
             // CHANGED END
             // Remove the install profile as this is handled later.
             $profile_list = $listing->scan('profile');
             if ($profile && isset($profile_list[$profile])) {
                 // Prime the drupal_get_filename() static cache with the profile info
                 // file location so we can use drupal_get_path() on the active profile
                 // during the module scan.
                 // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
                 drupal_get_filename('profile', $profile, $profile_list[$profile]->getPathname());
             $module_list = array();
             foreach (array_keys($module_list_scan) as $module) {
                 if (isset($module_list_scan[$module])) {
                     $module_list[$module] = $module_list_scan[$module];
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($module_list);
         if (!empty($extensions['theme'])) {
             $theme_list_scan = $listing->scan('theme');
             foreach (array_keys($extensions['theme']) as $theme) {
                 if (isset($theme_list_scan[$theme])) {
                     $theme_list[$theme] = $theme_list_scan[$theme];
             $this->folders += $this->getComponentNames($theme_list);
         if ($this->includeProfile) {
             // The install profile can override module default configuration. We do
             // this by replacing the config file path from the module/theme with the
             // install profile version if there are any duplicates.
             if (isset($profile)) {
                 if (!isset($profile_list)) {
                     $profile_list = $listing->scan('profile');
                 if (isset($profile_list[$profile])) {
                     $profile_folders = $this->getComponentNames(array($profile_list[$profile]));
                     $this->folders = $profile_folders + $this->folders;
     return $this->folders;
Beispiel #19
  * Returns a list of the install storage items for an extension.
  * @param string $type
  *   Type of extension ('module', etc.).
  * @param string $name
  *   Machine name of extension.
  * @param bool $do_optional
  *   FALSE (default) to list config/install items, TRUE to list
  *   config/optional items.
  * @return string[]
  *   List of config items provided by this extension.
 protected function listProvidedItems($type, $name, $do_optional = FALSE)
     $pathname = drupal_get_filename($type, $name);
     $component = new Extension(\Drupal::root(), $type, $pathname);
     if ($do_optional) {
         $names = $this->extensionOptionalConfigStorage->getComponentNames(array($component));
     } else {
         $names = $this->extensionConfigStorage->getComponentNames(array($component));
     return array_keys($names);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function listExtensionConfig($extension)
     // Convert to Component object if it is a string
     if (is_string($extension)) {
         // In case this is the short form machine name, convert to full form.
         $extension = $this->getAssigner()->getBundle()->getFullName($extension);
         $pathname = drupal_get_filename('module', $extension);
         $extension = new Extension(\Drupal::root(), 'module', $pathname);
     return $this->extensionStorages->listExtensionConfig($extension);
  * Tests uninstalling a module that is a "dependency" of a profile.
 function testUninstallProfileDependency()
     $profile = 'minimal';
     $dependency = 'dblog';
     $this->setSetting('install_profile', $profile);
     // Prime the drupal_get_filename() static cache with the location of the
     // minimal profile as it is not the currently active profile and we don't
     // yet have any cached way to retrieve its location.
     // @todo Remove as part of https://www.drupal.org/node/2186491
     drupal_get_filename('profile', $profile, 'core/profiles/' . $profile . '/' . $profile . '.info.yml');
     $this->enableModules(array('module_test', $profile));
     $data = system_rebuild_module_data();
     // Uninstall the profile module "dependency".
     $result = $this->moduleInstaller()->uninstall(array($dependency));
     $this->assertTrue($result, 'ModuleHandler::uninstall() returns TRUE.');
     $this->assertEqual(drupal_get_installed_schema_version($dependency), SCHEMA_UNINSTALLED, "{$dependency} module was uninstalled.");
     // Verify that the installation profile itself was not uninstalled.
     $uninstalled_modules = \Drupal::state()->get('module_test.uninstall_order') ?: array();
     $this->assertTrue(in_array($dependency, $uninstalled_modules), "{$dependency} module is in the list of uninstalled modules.");
     $this->assertFalse(in_array($profile, $uninstalled_modules), 'The installation profile is not in the list of uninstalled modules.');
Beispiel #22
 *   Minimal statistic logger for jStats.
 *  This file should be placed at the root of your Drupal
 *  installation, next to your index.php file. Doing this
 *  allows to log the hits on your page without fully
 *  bootstraping Drupal, only loading the minimum required
 *  files to be able to access the database.
// Output headers & data and close connection
header("Content-type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8");
header("Expires: Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate");
header("Content-Length: 13");
header("Connection: close");
print "/* jstats */\n";
define('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());
require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
// Manually include common.inc to get access to drupal_write_record.
require_once './includes/common.inc';
// Can't use module_load_include as it's not loaded yet, so fallback to
// drupal_get_filename to find our module.
$path = dirname(drupal_get_filename('module', 'jstats'));
require_once $path . '/jstats.inc';