Beispiel #1
    $next = dol_get_next_week($first_day, $week, $first_month, $first_year);
    $next_year = $next['year'];
    $next_month = $next['month'];
    $next_day = $next['day'];
    // Define firstdaytoshow and lastdaytoshow (warning: lastdaytoshow is last second to show + 1)
    $firstdaytoshow = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $first_month, $first_day, $first_year);
    $lastdaytoshow = dol_time_plus_duree($firstdaytoshow, 7, 'd');
    $max_day_in_month = date("t", dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
    $tmpday = $first_day;
if ($action == 'show_day') {
    $prev = dol_get_prev_day($day, $month, $year);
    $prev_year = $prev['year'];
    $prev_month = $prev['month'];
    $prev_day = $prev['day'];
    $next = dol_get_next_day($day, $month, $year);
    $next_year = $next['year'];
    $next_month = $next['month'];
    $next_day = $next['day'];
    // Define firstdaytoshow and lastdaytoshow (warning: lastdaytoshow is last second to show + 1)
    $firstdaytoshow = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $prev_month, $prev_day, $prev_year);
    $lastdaytoshow = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $next_month, $next_day, $next_year);
//print 'xx'.$prev_year.'-'.$prev_month.'-'.$prev_day;
//print 'xx'.$next_year.'-'.$next_month.'-'.$next_day;
//print dol_print_date($firstdaytoshow,'day');
//print dol_print_date($lastdaytoshow,'day');
$title = $langs->trans("DoneAndToDoActions");
if ($status == 'done') {
    $title = $langs->trans("DoneActions");
Beispiel #2
    $param .= "&type=" . $type;
if ($action == 'show_day' || $action == 'show_week' || $action == 'show_month' || $action != 'show_peruser' || $action != 'show_pertype') {
    $param .= '&action=' . $action;
$param .= "&maxprint=" . $maxprint;
$prev = dol_get_first_day($year, 1);
$prev_year = $year - 1;
$prev_month = $month;
$prev_day = $day;
$first_day = 1;
$first_month = 1;
$first_year = $year;
$week = $prev['week'];
$day = (int) $day;
$next = dol_get_next_day(31, 12, $year);
$next_year = $year + 1;
$next_month = $month;
$next_day = $day;
// Define firstdaytoshow and lastdaytoshow (warning: lastdaytoshow is last second to show + 1)
$firstdaytoshow = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $first_month, $first_day, $first_year);
$lastdaytoshow = dol_time_plus_duree($firstdaytoshow, 7, 'd');
//print $firstday.'-'.$first_month.'-'.$first_year;
//print dol_print_date($firstdaytoshow,'dayhour');
//print dol_print_date($lastdaytoshow,'dayhour');
$max_day_in_month = date("t", dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
$tmpday = $first_day;
$nav = "<a href=\"?year=" . $prev_year . "&amp;month=" . $prev_month . "&amp;day=" . $prev_day . $param . "\">" . img_previous($langs->trans("Previous")) . "</a>\n";
$nav .= " <span id=\"month_name\">" . dol_print_date(dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $first_month, $first_day, $first_year), "%Y") . "</span> \n";
$nav .= "<a href=\"?year=" . $next_year . "&amp;month=" . $next_month . "&amp;day=" . $next_day . $param . "\">" . img_next($langs->trans("Next")) . "</a>\n";
$nav .= " &nbsp; (<a href=\"?year=" . $nowyear . "&amp;month=" . $nowmonth . "&amp;day=" . $nowday . $param . "\">" . $langs->trans("Today") . "</a>)";