} $qry .= " WHERE FK_member_id = :id"; //print($qry . " ID[" . $memberInfo['PK_member_id'] . "]"); $prep = $db->prepare($qry); if ($prep->execute(array(":id" => $memberInfo['PK_member_id']))) { //die("PERSONAL ID: " . $prep->rowCount()); $info = $prep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $memberInfo['PersonalID'] = $info[$assocString]; } else { $error = $prep->errorInfo(); $errMsgArr[] = $error[2]; $errNum += 1; return outputXML($errNum, $errMsgArr, ''); } $retVal = outputXML($errNum, $errMsgArr, $memberInfo); } else { $errMsgArr[] = 'Login and Password Incorrect'; $errNum += 1; $retVal = outputXML($errNum, $errMsgArr, ''); } } else { $error = $prep->errorInfo(); $errMsgArr[] = $error[2]; $errNum += 1; $retVal = outputXML($errNum, $errMsgArr, ''); } return $retVal; } clean(&$_GET); $output = doService(); print $output;
if (mysql_query($updateQry)) { if (mysql_query($statusQry)) { $retVal = outputXML('1', 'SUCCESSFUL UPDATE!'); } else { $retVal = outputXML('0', mysql_error()); } } else { $retVal = outputXML('0', mysql_error()); } } else { if ($postKey == $AUTH_KEY) { $retVal = outputXML('0', 'UNTRUSTED CLIENTS UNABLE TO UPDATE ACCOUNT INFORMATION'); } else { $retVal = outputXML('0', 'UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS'); } } } else { $retVal = outputXML('0', 'RECEIVED INCORRECT MESSAGE'); } return $retVal; } //8758e4c115ba4669e13a574464488496xolJXj25jlk56LJkk5677LS //AUTH KEY 40fc9157068b426ea62b1134d57be6ce // set up some useful variables $serviceURL = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $serviceMethod = strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); $getArgs = $_GET; $postArgs = $_POST; //don't care about post $retVal = doService($serviceURL, $serviceMethod, 400); print $retVal;
$day = $_POST['day']; $year = $_POST['year']; $appID = $_POST['appID']; if ($errNum == 0) { //set up and insert values into the user table //getting the patient id from the user table //$getPID = $db->prepare("Select * FROM Patient WHERE FK_member_id = (Select PK_member_id From Users where UserName = '******'u'] . "');"); //$succes = $getPID->execute(); //$member = $getPID->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //$pid = $member['PK_PatientID']; $addCoPayPrep = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO Copayment(Amount, Date, FK_AppID) \n VALUES(:amount, :date, :appID);"); //$tableType = ''; //$status = "scheduled"; $date = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day; $time = $hour . ""; $vals = array(':amount' => $amount, ':date' => $date, ':appID' => $appID); $addCoPaytSuccess = $addCoPayPrep->execute($vals); //$needapproval; //$type; if (!$insertApptSuccess) { $errMsgArr[] = 'Add CoPay failed'; $errNum += 1; } $retVal = outputXML($errNum, $errMsgArr, $db); } else { $retVal = outputXML($errNum, $errMsgArr, $db); } return $retVal; } $output = doService($db); print $output;
$target = $_GET['u']; } $qry = "SELECT * FROM Users LEFT JOIN Patient ON Users.PK_member_id = Patient.FK_member_id\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN Insurance ON Insurance.FK_PatientID = Patient.PK_PatientID"; if ($target != "all") { $qry .= " WHERE UserName = :target"; } $patientInfoPrep = $db->prepare($qry); $patientInfoSuccess = $patientInfoPrep->execute(array(":target" => $target)); if (!$patientInfoSuccess) { $errMsgArr[] = "DATABASE ERROR TWO"; $errNum++; } if ($errNum == 0) { $retVal = outputXML($errNum, $errMsgArr, $patientInfoPrep); //print($patientInfoPrep->rowCount()); } else { $retVal = outputXML($errNum, $errMsgArr, ''); } } else { $errMsgArr[] = "Unauthorized to view information"; $errNum++; $retVal = outputXML($errNum, $errMsgArr, ''); } return $retVal; } //8758e4c115ba4669e13a574464488496xolJXj25jlk56LJkk5677LS //AUTH KEY 40fc9157068b426ea62b1134d57be6ce // set up some useful variables $output = doService(300); print $output; //print("SHIT = " . $_GET['u']);
} function doService($url, $method, $getArgs, $postArgs) { $retVal = "METHOD = " . $method; if ($method == 'GET') { if (strtoupper($getArgs['login']) == 'TEST' && strtoupper($getArgs['pw']) == 'TEST') { $retVal = output('OK', '1', 'GET AUTHENTICATION SUCCESS'); } else { $retVal = output('OK', '0', 'GET AUTHENTICATION FAILURE'); } } else { if ($method == 'POST') { if (strtoupper($postArgs['login']) == 'TEST' && strtoupper($postArgs['pw']) == 'TEST') { $retVal = output('OK', '1', 'POST AUTHENTICATION SUCCESS'); } else { $retVal = output('OK', '0', 'POST AUTHENTICATION SUCCESS'); } } else { return 'UNKNOWN METHOD'; } } return $retVal; } // set up some useful variables $serviceURL = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $serviceMethod = strtoupper($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); $getArgs = $_GET; $postArgs = $_POST; $retVal = doService($serviceURL, $serviceMethod, $getArgs, $postArgs); print "<HTML><H2>{$retVal}</H2></HTML>"; return;
<?php require_once 'configREST.php'; //sql connection information require_once 'bootstrapREST.php'; //link information doService(); function doService() { global $db; $errMsgArr = array(); $errNum = 0; //MAKE SURE THEY PASSED US CREDENTIALS if (!isset($_GET['u']) || $_GET['u'] == '') { $errMsgArr[] = "No username provided for authentication"; $errNum++; } if (!isset($_GET['key']) || $_GET['key'] == '') { $errMsgArr[] = "No key provided for authentication"; $errNum++; } if ($errNum != 0) { return outputXML($errNum, $errMsgArr, ''); } //USE CREDENTIALS AND AUTHENTICATE $user = $_GET['u']; $recKey = $_GET['key']; $aid = $_GET['aid']; $userInfoPrep = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName = :user;"); $userInfoSuccess = $userInfoPrep->execute(array(":user" => $user)); $memberInfo = $userInfoPrep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);