echo LABEL_jeraquico;
        <select id="<?php 
echo FORM_LABEL_jeraquico;
" name="<?php 
echo FORM_LABEL_jeraquico;
         <optgroup label="<?php 
echo FORM_LABEL_jeraquico;
echo doSelectForm(array("1#{$si}", "2#{$no}"), $array_vocabulario[polijerarquia]);

        <label for="URIt" accesskey="u"><?php 
        <input id="URIt"
function HTMLformInstall($lang_install)
    global $install_message;
    require_once T3_ABSPATH . 'common/include/config.tematres.php';
    require_once T3_ABSPATH . 'common/include/fun.gral.php';
    global $CFG;
    $arrayLang = array();
    foreach ($CFG["ISO639-1"] as $langs) {
        array_push($arrayLang, "{$langs['0']}#{$langs['1']}");
    $rows = '<form class="form-horizontal" id="formulaire" name="formulaire" method="post" action="install.php">
		<!-- Form Name -->
		<legend>' . ucfirst(LABEL_lcDatos) . '</legend>
		<!-- Text input-->
		<div class="form-group">
		  <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="title">' . ucfirst(LABEL_Titulo) . '</label>
		  <div class="col-md-5">
		  <input id="title" name="title" placeholder="' . ucfirst(LABEL_Titulo) . '" class="form-control input-md" required="" type="text">

		<!-- Text input-->
		<div class="form-group">
		  <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="author">' . ucfirst(LABEL_Autor) . '</label>
		  <div class="col-md-5">
		  <input id="author" name="author" placeholder="' . ucfirst(LABEL_Autor) . '" class="form-control input-md" required="" type="text">

		<!-- Select Basic -->
		<div class="form-group">
		  <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="lang">' . LABEL_Idioma . '</label>
		  <div class="col-md-4">
		    <select id="lang" name="lang" class="form-control">
				' . doSelectForm($arrayLang, $lang_install) . '

		<!-- Form Name -->
		<legend>' . ucfirst(MENU_NuevoUsuario) . '</legend>
		<!-- Text input-->
		<div class="form-group">
		  <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="name">' . ucfirst(LABEL_nombre) . '</label>
		  <div class="col-md-4">
		  <input id="name" name="name" placeholder="' . ucfirst(LABEL_nombre) . '" class="form-control input-md" required="" type="text">

		<!-- Text input-->
		<div class="form-group">
		  <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="s_name">' . ucfirst(LABEL_apellido) . '</label>
		  <div class="col-md-4">
		  <input id="s_name" name="s_name" placeholder="' . ucfirst(LABEL_apellido) . '" class="form-control input-md" required="" type="text">

		<!-- Text input-->
		<div class="form-group">
		  <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="mail">' . ucfirst(LABEL_mail) . '</label>
		  <div class="col-md-4">
		  <input id="mail" name="mail" placeholder="' . ucfirst(LABEL_mail) . '" class="form-control input-md" required="" type="email">

		<!-- Password input-->
		<div class="form-group">
		  <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="mdp">' . ucfirst(LABEL_pass) . '</label>
		  <div class="col-md-4">
		    <input id="mdp" name="mdp"  data-minlength="4" placeholder="' . ucfirst(LABEL_pass) . '" class="form-control input-md" required="" type="password">
				<span class="help-block">' . ucfirst(sprintf(MSG_lengh_error, 4)) . '</span>

		<!-- rePassword input-->
		<div class="form-group">
		  <label class="col-md-4 control-label" for="password">' . ucfirst(LABEL_repass) . '</label>
		  <div class="col-md-4">
		    <input id="password" name="password" data-match="#mdp" data-match-error="' . ucfirst(MSG_repass_error) . '"  placeholder="' . ucfirst(LABEL_repass) . '" class="form-control input-md" required="" type="password">
				<div class="help-block with-errors"></div>

		<!-- Button -->
		<div class="form-group">
		<div class="text-center">
		    <button type="submit" name="send" id="singlebutton" name="singlebutton" class="btn btn-primary">' . ucfirst(LABEL_Enviar) . '</button>

    return $rows;
echo FORM_LABEL_Idioma;
" class="col-sm-3 control-label"><?php 
echo ucfirst(LABEL_Idioma);
                <div class="col-sm-9">
                    <select class="form-control" id="<?php 
echo FORM_LABEL_Idioma;
" name="<?php 
echo FORM_LABEL_Idioma;
echo doSelectForm($arrayLang, $arrayNota["lang_nota"]);
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for=""<?php 
echo LABEL_nota;
" class="col-sm-3 control-label"><?php 
echo ucfirst(LABEL_nota);
                    <div class="col-sm-9">
                      <textarea style="width:100%" cols="60" name="<?php 
echo FORM_LABEL_nota;
function HTMLformAltaEquivalenciaTermino($ARRAYTermino)
    $LabelEE = id_EQ . '#' . LABEL_termino_equivalente;
    $LabelIE = id_EQ_PARCIAL . '#' . LABEL_termino_parcial_equivalente;
    $LabelNE = id_EQ_NO . '#' . LABEL_termino_no_equivalente;
    $sql = SQLdatosVocabulario();
    $rows = '<div id="bodyText">';
    $rows .= '<a class="topOfPage" href="javascript: history.go(-1);">' . LABEL_Anterior . '</a>';
    $rows .= '<h1>' . LABEL_EditorTermino . '</h1>';
    $rows .= '  <fieldset>';
    $rows .= '    <legend>' . LABEL_relacion_vocabulario . ' <a href="index.php?tema=' . $ARRAYTermino[idTema] . '">' . $ARRAYTermino[titTema] . '</a></legend>';
    if ($sql[cant] == '1') {
        //No hay vocabularios de referencia, solo vocabulario principal
        $rows .= '<p class="error">' . ucfirst(LABEL_NO_vocabulario_referencia) . '</p>';
    } else {
        //Hay vobularios de referencia
        $array_vocabularios = array();
        while ($array = mysqli_fetch_array($sql[datos])) {
            if ($array[vocabulario_id] !== '1') {
                //vocabularios que no sean el vocabulario principal
                array_push($array_vocabularios, $array[vocabulario_id] . '#' . $array[titulo]);
        $rows .= '<form class="formdiv" name="alta_t" action="index.php" method="post" onsubmit="return checkrequired(this)">';
        $rows .= LABEL_Termino . ':<br/>';
        $rows .= '<textarea rows="2" cols="50" name="' . FORM_LABEL_termino . '" id="' . FORM_LABEL_termino . '"></textarea>';
        $rows .= '<label for="ref_vocabulario_id" accesskey="t">';
        $rows .= FORM_LABEL_nombre_vocabulario . '*</label>';
        $rows .= '<select id="ref_vocabulario_id" name="ref_vocabulario_id">';
        $rows .= '<optgroup label="' . FORM_LABEL_nombre_vocabulario . '">';
        $rows .= doSelectForm($array_vocabularios, "");
        $rows .= '</optgroup>';
        $rows .= '</select><br/>';
        $rows .= '<label for="tipo_equivalencia" accesskey="e">';
        $rows .= FORM_LABEL_tipo_equivalencia . '*</label>';
        $rows .= '<select id="tipo_equivalencia" name="tipo_equivalencia">';
        $rows .= '<optgroup label="' . FORM_LABEL_tipo_equivalencia . '">';
        $rows .= doSelectForm(array("{$LabelEE}", "{$LabelIE}", "{$LabelNE}"), "");
        $rows .= '</optgroup>';
        $rows .= '</select><br/>';
        $rows .= '<div class="submit_form" align="center">';
        $rows .= '<input type="submit"  name="boton" value="' . LABEL_Enviar . '"/>';
        $rows .= ' | <input type="button"  name="cancelar" type="button" onClick="location.href=\'index.php?tema=' . $ARRAYTermino[idTema] . '\'" value="' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cancelar) . '"/>';
        $rows .= '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN"  name="id_termino_eq" value="' . $ARRAYTermino[idTema] . '" />';
        $rows .= '</div>';
        $rows .= '</form>';
    $rows .= '  </fieldset>';
    $rows .= '</div>';
    return $rows;
    $rows .= '<div class="form-group">
			           <label for="dia" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . ucfirst(LABEL_Fecha) . '</label>
			                    <div class="col-sm-9">
													<select id="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaDia . '" name="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaDia . '">
														<optgroup label="' . LABEL_dia . '">
													' . doSelectForm($array_dia, $fecha_crea["dia"]) . '
													<select id="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaMes . '" name="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaMes . '">
														<optgroup label="' . LABEL_mes . '">
													' . doSelectForm($array_mes, $fecha_crea["mes"]) . '
													<select id="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaAno . '" name="' . FORM_LABEL_FechaAno . '">
														<optgroup label="' . LABEL_ano . '">
													' . doSelectForm($array_ano, $fecha_crea["ano"]) . '
    $rows .= '<div class="form-group">
			           <label for="dccontributor" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . ucfirst(LABEL_Contributor) . '</label>
			                    <div class="col-sm-9">
			                        <input type="text"
															placeholder="' . LABEL_Contributor . '"
															value="' . $ARRAYfetchValues["dc:contributor"]["value"] . '">
Beispiel #6
function HTMLformExport()
    $LABEL_jtxt = MENU_ListaSis . ' (txt)';
    $LABEL_abctxt = MENU_ListaAbc . ' (txt)';
    $rows .= '<h1>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Admin) . '</h1><fieldset>';
    $rows .= '    <legend>' . ucfirst(LABEL_export) . '</legend>';
    $rows .= '<form class="formdiv" name="export" action="xml.php" method="get">';
    $rows .= '<label for="dis">' . ucfirst(FORM_LABEL_format_export) . '</label><br />';
    $rows .= '<select id="dis" name="dis">';
    $rows .= '<optgroup label="' . FORM_LABEL_format_export . '">';
    $rows .= doSelectForm(array("jtxt#{$LABEL_jtxt}", "txt#{$LABEL_abctxt}", "zline#Zthes", "rfile#Skos-Core", "rxtm#TopicMap", "BSfile#BS8723", "siteMap#SiteMap", "rsql#SQL (Backup)"), "{$_GET['dis']}");
    $rows .= '</optgroup>';
    $rows .= '</select>';
    $rows .= '<div class="submit_form" align="center">';
    $rows .= '<br /><input type="submit"  name="boton" value="' . LABEL_Guardar . '"/>';
    $rows .= ' | <input type="button"  name="cancelar" type="button" onClick="location.href=\'admin.php\'" value="' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cancelar) . '"/>';
    $rows .= '</div>';
    $rows .= '</form>';
    $rows .= '  </fieldset>';
    return $rows;
function HTMLformUserRelations()
    if ($_POST['rr_value'] != '' and $_POST['t_relacion'] != '' and $_POST['rr_code'] != '' and $_POST['rr_id'] == '') {
        $arrayValues = array("rr_value" => $_POST['rr_value'], "t_relacion" => $_POST['t_relacion'], "rr_ord" => $_POST['rr_ord'], "rr_code" => $_POST['rr_code']);
        $task = abm_userRelations("A", $arrayValues);
        if ($task[cant] > 0) {
            echo "<script>javascript:alert('" . ucfirst(LABEL_saved) . "');</script>";
    if ($_POST['doAdminR'] == 'modUserRelations') {
        $arrayValues = array("rr_value" => $_POST['rr_value'], "t_relacion" => $_POST['t_relacion'], "rr_ord" => $_POST['rr_ord'], "rr_code" => $_POST['rr_code']);
        $task = abm_userRelations("M", $arrayValues, $_POST['rr_id']);
        if ($task[cant] > 0) {
            echo "<script>javascript:alert('" . ucfirst(LABEL_saved) . "');</script>";
        $_POST['rr_value'] = '';
        $_POST['t_relation'] = '';
        $_POST['rr_code'] = '';
        $_POST['rr_ord'] = '';
        $_POST['ac'] = '';
    if ($_POST['doAdminR'] == 'deleteUserRelations') {
        $task = abm_userRelations("B", array(), $_POST['rr_id']);
    $sql = SQLtypeRelations(0, 0, true);
    $LABEL_RT = TR_acronimo;
    $LABEL_BT = TG_acronimo . '/' . TE_acronimo;
    $LABEL_UP = UP_acronimo . '/' . USE_termino;
    $arrayLABEL = array("2" => $LABEL_RT, "3" => $LABEL_BT, "4" => $LABEL_UP);
    $rows .= '<form id="morerelations" name="morerelations" method="POST" action="admin.php?vocabulario_id=list#morerelations">';
    $rows .= '<input type="hidden" name="doAdminR" id="doAdminR" value=""> ';
    $rows .= '<input type="hidden" name="rr_id" id="rr_id"> ';
    $rows .= '<div class="table-responsive"> ';
    $rows .= '<h3>' . ucfirst(LABEL_relationEditor) . ' </h3>';
    $rows .= '<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed table-hover"  summary="' . ucfirst(LABEL_relationEditor) . '">';
    $rows .= '<thead>';
    $rows .= '<tr>';
    $rows .= ' <th>' . ucfirst(LABEL_relationSubType) . '</th>';
    $rows .= '<th>' . ucfirst(LABEL_relationSubTypeLabel) . ':</th>';
    $rows .= '<th>' . ucfirst(LABEL_relationSubTypeCode) . '</th>';
    $rows .= '<th>' . ucfirst(orden) . '</th>';
    $rows .= '<th></th>';
    $rows .= '</tr>';
    $rows .= '<tr>';
    $rows .= '<th class="izq">';
    $rows .= '<select id="t_relacion" name="t_relacion">';
    $rows .= doSelectForm(array("3#{$LABEL_BT}", "4#{$LABEL_UP}", "2#{$LABEL_RT}"), "{$_GET['t_relation']}");
    $rows .= '</select>';
    $rows .= '<th class="izq"><input type="text" name="rr_value" id="rr_value"/></td>';
    $rows .= '<th class="izq"><input type="text" name="rr_code" size="2" maxlength="2" id="rr_code"/></td>';
    $rows .= '<th class="izq"><input type="text" name="rr_ord" size="2" maxlength="2" id="rr_ord"/></td>';
    $rows .= '<th><a onclick="enviaRel()" href="#"><strong>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Enviar) . '</strong></a></td>';
    $rows .= '</tr>';
    $rows .= ' </thead>';
    $rows .= ' <tbody>';
    while ($array = $sql->FetchRow()) {
        $i = ++$i;
        $rows .= '<tr>';
        $rows .= '<td>' . $arrayLABEL[$array["t_relation"]] . '</td>';
        $rows .= ' <td class="izq"><a title="' . $array["rr_value"] . '"  href="javascript:recargaeditRel(\'' . $array["rr_value"] . '\',\'' . $array["t_relation"] . '\',\'' . $array["rr_code"] . '\',\'' . $array["rel_rel_id"] . '\',\'' . $array["rr_ord"] . '\')">' . $array["rr_value"] . '</a></td>';
        $rows .= '<td>' . $array["rr_code"] . '</td>';
        $rows .= '<td>' . $array["rr_ord"] . '</td>';
        $rows .= $array["cant"] > 0 ? '<td>' . $array["cant"] . '</td>' : '<td><a onclick=preparaborradoRel(\'' . $array["rel_rel_id"] . '\') title="' . ucfirst(borrar) . '" href="#")><strong>' . ucfirst(LABEL_relationDelete) . '</strong></a></td>';
        $rows .= '</tr>';
    $rows .= ' </tbody>';
    $rows .= '<tfoot>';
    $rows .= '<tr><td colspan="5">' . $i . '</th></tr>';
    $rows .= '</tfoot>';
    $rows .= '</table></div> ';
    $rows .= '</form>';
    return $rows;
function HTMLformURI4term($ARRAYtermino)
    //SEND_KEY to prevent duplicated
    $_SESSION['SEND_KEY'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
    $SQLURIdefinition = SQLURIdefinition();
    if (SQLcount($SQLURIdefinition) > 0) {
        while ($ARRAYURIdefinition = $SQLURIdefinition->FetchRow()) {
            $arraySelectURItype[] = $ARRAYURIdefinition["uri_type_id"] . '#' . $ARRAYURIdefinition["uri_value"];
        $rows .= '<div class="container" id="bodyText">';
        $rows .= '<a class="topOfPage" href="index.php?tema=' . $ARRAYtermino["idTema"] . '" title="' . LABEL_Anterior . '">' . LABEL_Anterior . '</a>';
        $rows .= '<form class="" role="form" name="altaURI" id="altaURI" action="index.php" method="post">';
        $rows .= '	<div class="row">
		    <div class="col-sm-12">
		        <legend>' . ucfirst(LABEL_URIEditor) . ' <a href="index.php?tema=' . $ARRAYtermino["idTema"] . '">' . $ARRAYtermino["titTema"] . '</a></legend>
		    <!-- panel  -->

		    <div class="col-lg-7">
		        <div class="panel panel-default">
		            <div class="panel-body form-horizontal">

		            <div class="form-group">
								<label for="uri_type_id" class="col-sm-3 control-label accesskey="u">' . ucfirst(LABEL_URItype) . '</label>
		                <div class="col-sm-9">
		                    <select class="form-control" id="uri_type_id" name="uri_type_id">
		                    ' . doSelectForm($arraySelectURItype, "") . '
		                <div class="form-group">
		                    <label for="uri" class="col-sm-3 control-label">' . ucfirst(LABEL_URI2termURL) . '</label>
		                    <div class="col-sm-9">
		                        <input type="text" class="form-control"  type="url" required autofocus id="uri" name="uri"/>

		                <div class="form-group">
		                    <div class="col-sm-12 text-right">
		                     <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="' . LABEL_Enviar . '"/>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Enviar) . '</button>
		                      <button type="button" class="btn btn" name="cancelar" type="button" onClick="location.href=\'index.php?tema=' . $ARRAYtermino["idTema"] . '\'" value="' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cancelar) . '"/>' . ucfirst(LABEL_Cancelar) . '</button>
		    </div> <!-- / panel  -->';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden"  name="ks" id="ks" value="' . $_SESSION["SEND_KEY"] . '"/>';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden"  name="tema_id" value="' . $ARRAYtermino["idTema"] . '" />';
        $rows .= '<input type="hidden"  name="taskURI" value="addURI" />';
        $rows .= '</form>';
    $rows .= '</div>';
    return $rows;
Beispiel #9
echo LABEL_Idioma;
				<select id="<?php 
echo FORM_LABEL_Idioma;
" name="<?php 
echo FORM_LABEL_Idioma;
				<optgroup label="<?php 
echo LABEL_Idioma;
echo doSelectForm($arrayLang, $arrayNota[lang_nota]);

<!--                         <label for="<?php 
echo LABEL_nota;
" accesskey="n"><?php 
echo LABEL_nota;
*</label> -->
			<textarea cols="60" name="<?php