function action_default() { global $config; $data = getData(); if (isset($data["ppid"])) { $data = killChild($data); } if (isset($data["curTrack"]) and isset($data["playlist"][$data["curTrack"]])) { $track = $data["playlist"][$data["curTrack"]]; } else { $tmp = $data["playlist"]; $track = array_shift($tmp); $data["curTrack"] = $track["token"]; } doPrint("playing: " . $track["filename"]); # clean up playlist if ($data['partymode'] == 1) { # clean everything up to 3 songs after the current one $x = 0; $num = 0; foreach ($data['playlist'] as $token => $tr) { if ($tr['token'] == $track["token"]) { $num = $x; continue; } $x++; } $num = $num - 3; $num = max(0, $num); for ($x = 0; $x < $num; $x++) { array_shift($data["playlist"]); } } elseif ($data['partymode'] == 2) { # clean everything up to the first song of the cur album $newPlaylist = array(); $found = 0; foreach ($data['playlist'] as $token => $tr) { if ($tr['token'] == $track["token"] or $tr['album'] == $track['album']) { $found = 1; } if ($found == 1) { $newPlaylist[$token] = $tr; } } $data['playlist'] = $newPlaylist; } $data["start"] = time(); $data["length"] = $track["lengths"]; $data["title"] = $track["title"]; $data["artist"] = $track["artist"]; $data["album"] = $track["album"]; $data["track"] = $track["tracknum"]; $data["token"] = $track["token"]; $data["filename"] = $track["filename"]; if (!isset($track["bitrate"])) { $track["bitrate"] = ""; } $data["bitrate"] = $track["bitrate"]; $data["play"] = 1; $data["gmtimestart"] = gmdate("U"); $data["playingPic"] = getPictureForPath(dirname($track["filename"])); if (isset($config["notifyCommand"])) { $tmp = $config["notifyCommand"]; $tmpTrack = $track["tracknum"]; $tmpArtist = $track["artist"]; $tmpTitle = $track["title"]; $tmpArtist = str_replace('\'', '', $tmpArtist); $tmpArtist = str_replace('\\"', '', $tmpArtist); $tmpArtist = str_replace(';', '', $tmpArtist); $tmpTitle = str_replace('\'', '', $tmpTitle); $tmpTitle = str_replace('\\"', '', $tmpTitle); $tmpTitle = str_replace(';', '', $tmpTitle); $tmpTrack = str_replace('\'', '', $tmpTrack); $tmpTrack = str_replace('\\"', '', $tmpTrack); $tmpTrack = str_replace(';', '', $tmpTrack); $tmp = str_replace("%#", $tmpTrack, $tmp); $tmp = str_replace("%T", $tmpTitle, $tmp); $tmp = str_replace("%A", $tmpArtist, $tmp); doPrint("notify: " . $tmp); $output = ""; $rc = 0; exec($tmp, $output, $rc); if ($rc != 0) { doPrint("notify failed: " . join("\n", $output)); } } $data["ppid"] = getmypid(); # most played addFileToHitlist($track["filename"]); if (strpos($track["filename"], "http://") === 0) { doPrint("playing stream"); $options = $config["playStrOpt"]; $playBin = $config["streamBin"]; if (!isset($config["streamUrlPre"])) { $config["streamUrlPre"] = ""; } $track["filename"] = $config["streamUrlPre"] . $track["filename"]; $data["playingStream"] = 1; } else { doPrint("playing normal file"); $tmp = explode(".", $track["filename"]); $ext = "." . array_pop($tmp); if (isset($config["ext"][$ext])) { $playBin = $config["ext"][$ext]["binary"]; $options = $config["ext"][$ext]["option"]; } else { doPrint("Extension {$ext} not supported"); } $data["playingStream"] = 0; } $options[] = $track["filename"]; $data["aktBin"] = $playBin; storeData($data); #$options = array_map("myescapeshellarg", $options); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8"); $options = array_map("escapeshellarg", $options); $data = brokerPlugin("pre_playing_song", $data); doPrint("executing: " . $playBin . " " . join(" ", $options)); system($playBin . " " . join(" ", $options) . ' >> ' . $config["logfile"] . ' 2>&1'); doPrint("finished playing"); $data = getData(); $data = brokerPlugin("post_playing_song", $data); unset($data["ppid"]); unset($data["start"]); unset($data["length"]); unset($data["title"]); unset($data["track"]); unset($data["artist"]); unset($data["album"]); unset($data["aktBin"]); unset($data["playingPic"]); $lastToken = $track["token"]; $track = ""; storeData($data); if ($data["play"]) { $data["play"] = 0; $track = getNextTrack($data["playlist"], $lastToken); if ($track) { $data["curTrack"] = $track; storeData($data); action_default(); } } }
function sendSongToLastFM($data, $nowplaying = 0) { global $config; if (!isset($data["title"]) or empty($data["title"]) or !isset($data["artist"]) or empty($data["artist"]) or !isset($data["album"]) or empty($data["album"])) { return 1; } $length = $data["length"]; $title = $data["title"]; $artist = $data["artist"]; $album = $data["album"]; $track = $data["track"]; // ??? $time = $data["gmtimestart"]; $played_sec = gmdate("U") - $time; if ($nowplaying == 0) { if ($played_sec < 30) { doPrint("lastfm: song must have been played for at least 30 seconds, this one has: " . $played_sec); return 1; } } if ($length < 30) { doPrint("lastfm: songs have to be at least 30 seconds long, this one has: " . $length); return 1; } if ($nowplaying == 0) { doPrint("lastfm: sending last played song"); $cmd = $this->command . ' --album ' . escapeshellarg($album) . ' --artist ' . escapeshellarg($artist) . ' --title ' . escapeshellarg($title) . ' --length ' . escapeshellarg($length) . ' 2>&1'; //.' --time ' .escapeshellarg($time) exec($cmd, $output = array(), $return); if ($return != 0) { doPrint("lastfm: {$cmd}"); doPrint($output); doPrint($return); return 1; } } else { doPrint("lastfm: sending current playing song not implemented yet"); } }
function action_getHitlist() { global $config; #doPrint($_REQUEST); $start = 0; $limit = 20; if (isset($_REQUEST['start']) and is_numeric($_REQUEST['start'])) { $start = $_REQUEST['start']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['limit']) and is_numeric($_REQUEST['limit'])) { $limit = $_REQUEST['limit']; } doPrint("got json hitlist request (" . $start . "/" . $limit . ")"); $songs = file($config["hitlist"]) or die("cannot open hitlist file"); $hitlist = array(); foreach ($songs as $song) { list($num, $track) = explode(",", $song); $hitlist[$num][] = $track; } krsort($hitlist); $newHitlist = array(); $x = 1; foreach ($hitlist as $num => $tracks) { foreach ($tracks as $track) { $newHitlist[] = array("nr" => $x, "file" => $track, "count" => $num); $x++; } } $count = count($newHitlist); $newHitlist = array_slice($newHitlist, $start, $limit); if (count($newHitlist) > 0) { $data = json_encode($newHitlist); echo '({"total":"' . $count . '","results":' . $data . '})'; } else { echo '({"total":"0", "results":""})'; } }
function getAccess($path) { global $config; # check if access control is enabled if ($config["accControl"] == 0) { return 1; } $allowed = 1; if (isset($config["allowedDirs"])) { foreach ($config["allowedDirs"] as $dir => $ips) { if (strpos($path, $dir) !== false) { $allowed = 0; doPrint("path ('" . $path . "') is protected"); if (!isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) { doPrint("remote ip is not set"); } elseif (!in_array($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $ips)) { doPrint("ip: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . " is not allowed"); } else { doPrint("ip: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . " is allowed"); $allowed = 1; } } } } return $allowed; }
<?php include "myOtherScript.php"; print "This was printed from the includeScript.php"; print "<BR>"; doPrint();
function urlSend($url, $post = 0, $retries = 0, $session = "") { global $config; $new_url = $url; if ($session != "") { $new_url = $url . "&s=" . $session; } doPrint("lastfm: url " . $new_url); $ch = curl_init($new_url); curl_setopt($ch, "CURLOPT_USERAGENT", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/"); curl_setopt($ch, "CURLOPT_TIMEOUT", "10"); if (isset($config["lastfm_proxy"]) and !empty($config["lastfm_proxy"])) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $config["lastfm_proxy"]); } if ($post == 1) { $postOpts = preg_replace("/.*?\\?/", "", $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postOpts); } ob_start(); if (!curl_exec($ch)) { $err = curl_error($ch); doPrint("lastfm: Curl Error", "ERROR"); doPrint("lastfm: " . curl_error($ch), "ERROR"); return $err; } $cont = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); curl_close($ch); $con = explode("\n", $cont); if ($con[0] == "BADSESSION") { doPrint("lastfm: session expired, retry(" . $retries . ")"); $data = getData(); unset($data["lastfm_sessionid"]); unset($data["lastfm_nowplaying"]); unset($data["lastfm_submission"]); $data = $this->lastFMHandshake($data); if (isset($data['lastfm_submission']) and isset($data['lastfm_sessionid']) and $retries <= 0) { $retries++; doPrint("lastfm: trying once more"); sleep(2); $this->urlSend($url, $post, $retries, $data["lastfm_sessionid"]); } } if (empty($cont)) { $cont = "UNKNOWN"; } #doPrint("lastfm: Content:"); #doPrint($cont); return $cont; }