function displayheader($pop = 0)
    $link = pathlink($pop);
    global $showclansearch;
    global $statstitle;
    global $logoheight;
    global $template;
    global $stylepicker;
    global $currentconfignumber;
    global $coddb;
    global $t;
    global $hide_menu_header;
    global $main_width;
    // variables for tabcontrol (playerstats tabs)
    global $ptab_backgroundColor;
    global $ptab_selectedBgColor;
    global $ptab_mouseOverColor;
    global $ptab_borderColor;
    global $ptab_borderSize;
    global $ptab_borderStyle;
    global $ptab_font;
    global $ptab_textAlign;
    global $ptab_fontSize;
    global $ptab_fontWeight;
    global $ptab_Color;
    global $text;
    if (isset($_SESSION['template'])) {
        $template = $_SESSION['template'];
    $xlrpath = pathlink($pop);
    $csspath = $xlrpath . "templates/" . $template . "/style.css";
    $loadercsspath = $xlrpath . "templates/loader.css";
    // Include existing php dynamic css?
    $temp = abs_pathlink($pop) . "templates/" . $template . "/style-css.php";
    if (file_exists($temp)) {
        $template_dyn_css = $xlrpath . "templates/" . $template . "/style-css.php?config=" . $currentconfignumber;
    } else {
        $template_dyn_css = 'None';
    // Is logob1.png used?
    if (file_exists(abs_pathlink($pop) . "templates/" . $template . "/logob1.png")) {
        $logob1 = "<td height=\"40\" align=\"left\" style=\"background-image:url(" . $xlrpath . "templates/" . $template . "/logob1.png);\" width=\"150\">&nbsp;</td>";
    } else {
        $logob1 = "<td height=\"40\" align=\"left\" width=\"150\">&nbsp;</td>";
    // Lets get the holiday templates
    if (file_exists("templates/holidaypack/")) {
        $xlrpath = GetFileDir($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        if (date("d.m") == "25.12" || date("d.m") == "26.12") {
            $csspath = $xlrpath . "templates/holidaypack/xmas.css";
            $template_dyn_css = "";
            $template = "holidaypack";
        } elseif (date("d.m") == "31.12" || date("d.m") == "01.01") {
            $csspath = $xlrpath . "templates/holidaypack/ny.css";
            $template_dyn_css = "";
            $template = "holidaypack";
        } elseif (date("d.m") == "31.10") {
            $csspath = $xlrpath . "templates/holidaypack/halloween.css";
            $template_dyn_css = "";
            $template = "holidaypack";
    // Do we have template specific settings?
    $templateconfig = "templates/" . $template . "/config.php";
    if (file_exists($templateconfig)) {
        include $templateconfig;
    $main_width = $main_width ? $main_width : 800;
    // Tabcontrol variables for playerstats tabs
    $ptab_Color = $ptab_Color ? $ptab_Color : "#000000";
    $ptab_backgroundColor = $ptab_backgroundColor ? $ptab_backgroundColor : "#999999";
    $ptab_selectedBgColor = $ptab_selectedBgColor ? $ptab_selectedBgColor : "#CCCCCC";
    $ptab_mouseOverColor = $ptab_mouseOverColor ? $ptab_mouseOverColor : "#CCCCCC";
    $ptab_borderColor = $ptab_borderColor ? $ptab_borderColor : "black";
    $ptab_borderSize = $ptab_borderSize ? $ptab_borderSize : "1px";
    $ptab_borderStyle = $ptab_borderStyle ? $ptab_borderStyle : "solid";
    $ptab_font = $ptab_font ? $ptab_font : "Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
    $ptab_textAlign = $ptab_textAlign ? $ptab_textAlign : "center";
    $ptab_fontSize = $ptab_fontSize ? $ptab_fontSize : "14px";
    $ptab_fontWeight = $ptab_fontWeight ? $ptab_fontWeight : "normal";
    // set up visitor counter
    // Generate required pagecode (header)
    echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">";
    echo "<html>\n";
    echo "<head>\n";
    echo "<title>XLRstats for B3 (</title>\n";
    echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . $text["charset"] . "\">\n";
    echo "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" . $xlrpath . "favicon.ico\">\n";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $xlrpath . "lib/autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.css\" />\n";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $xlrpath . "lib/jquery-boxy/boxy.css\" media=\"screen\" />\n";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $xlrpath . "lib/tooltip/boxover.css\" media=\"screen\" />\n";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $xlrpath . "lib/tabber/tabber.css\" media=\"screen\" />\n";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $csspath . "\" media=\"screen\" />\n";
    echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $loadercsspath . "\" media=\"screen\" />\n";
    // include the php dynamic css
    if ($template_dyn_css != 'None') {
        echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $template_dyn_css . "\" media=\"screen\" />\n";
    // echo "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"".$xlrpath."lib/sorttable/sorttable.js\"></script>\n";
    echo "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"" . $xlrpath . "lib/jquery-1.2.6.min.js\"></script>\n";
    echo "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"" . $xlrpath . "lib/jquery-boxy/jquery.boxy.js\"></script>\n";
    echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . $xlrpath . "lib/autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.js\"></script>\n";
    echo "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"" . $xlrpath . "lib/tooltip/boxover.js\"></script>\n";
    echo "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\" src=\"" . $xlrpath . "lib/tabber/tabber.js\"></script>\n";
    echo "<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
    echo "<!--\n";
    /* IE6+7 hacks for the border. IE7 should support this natively but fails in conjuction with modal blackout bg. */
    /* NB: these must be absolute paths or URLs to your images */
    echo ".boxy-wrapper .top-left { #background: none; #filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" . $xlrpath . "lib/jquery-boxy/images/boxy-nw.png'); }\n";
    echo ".boxy-wrapper .top-right { #background: none; #filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" . $xlrpath . "lib/jquery-boxy/images/boxy-ne.png'); }\n";
    echo ".boxy-wrapper .bottom-right { #background: none; #filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" . $xlrpath . "lib/jquery-boxy/images/boxy-se.png'); }\n";
    echo ".boxy-wrapper .bottom-left { #background: none; #filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" . $xlrpath . "lib/jquery-boxy/images/boxy-sw.png'); }\n";
    echo "-->\n";
    echo "</style>\n";
    // Freelanders Autocomplete script insertion
    echo "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\">\n";
    echo "<!--\n";
    include "lib/autocomplete/localdata.php";

$().ready(function() {  
  $("#searchplayer").autocomplete(players, {
    minChars: 3,
    width: 195,
    scrollHeight: 200,
    selectFirst: false,
    matchContains: true,
    autoFill: false,
    formatItem: function(row, i, max) {
    echo "//-->\n";
    echo "</script>\n";
    // Courgette's web2 worldmap script insertion
    echo "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\">\n";
    echo "<!--\n";
  $("<div id=\"web2worldmap\">"
  +"<iframe src=\"lib/worldmap/?config=<?php 
    echo $currentconfignumber;
\"  scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\" width=\"550\" height=\"300\"></iframe></div>").appendTo('body').hide();
    .boxy({title: 'World map'});});
    echo "//-->\n";
    echo "</script>\n";
    // We need this to be in the header for our stylepicker
    if ($stylepicker != "0") {
        echo "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\">\n";
        echo "<!--\n";
        echo "function XLR_stylePicker(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0\n";
        echo "  eval(targ+\".location='\"+\"?style=\"+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+\"'\");\n";
        echo "  if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;\n";
        echo "}\n";
        echo "//-->\n";
        echo "</script>\n";
    // We need this to be in the header for our configpicker
    echo "<script type=\"text/JavaScript\">\n";
    echo "<!--\n";
    echo "function XLR_configPicker(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0\n";
    echo "  eval(targ+\".location='\"+\"?config=\"+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+\"'\");\n";
    echo "  if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;\n";
    echo "}\n";
    echo "function XLR_reloadPage(init) {  //reloads the window if Nav4 resized\n";
    echo "  if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName==\"Netscape\")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) {\n";
    echo "    document.XLR_pgW=innerWidth; document.XLR_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=XLR_reloadPage; }}\n";
    echo "  else if (innerWidth!=document.XLR_pgW || innerHeight!=document.XLR_pgH) location.reload();\n";
    echo "}\n";
    echo "XLR_reloadPage(true);\n";
    echo "//-->\n";
    echo "</script>\n";
    echo "</head>\n";
    echo "<body bgcolor=\"#333333\">\n";
    // Here is the loader div and script
    echo "<div id=\"loading\" class=\"loading-invisible\">\n";
    echo "  <p><img src=\"./images/loader.gif\"></p>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
<script type="text/javascript">
  document.getElementById("loading").className = "loading-visible";
  var hideDiv = function(){document.getElementById("loading").className = "loading-invisible";};
  var oldLoad = window.onload;
  var newLoad = oldLoad ? function(){;;} : hideDiv;
  window.onload = newLoad;
    // Start opening the MAIN table defining general look
    echo "<div id=\"page-body\"><div class=\"page-body-img\">";
    echo "<div id=\"page-footer\"><div class=\"page-footer-img\">";
    echo "<table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"main\" width=\"" . $main_width . "px\">\n";
    echo "  <tr>\n";
    echo "    <td>\n";
    // Start Logo
    echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
    echo "  <tr valign=\"top\">\n";
    echo "  <td width=\"150\"><a href=\"{$link}\" title=\"XLRstats HomePage\"><img src=\"" . $xlrpath . "templates/" . $template . "/logo1.png\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
    echo "  <td width=\"100%\" colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"" . $xlrpath . "templates/" . $template . "/logo2.png\" border=\"0\"></td>";
    //echo "    <td align=\"right\" valign=\"bottom\" class=\"header\"><span class=\"title\">$statstitle</span></td>\n";
    echo "  </tr>\n";
    echo "<tr height=\"40\">";
    if ($stylepicker == "left" && $template != "holidaypack") {
        echo $logob1;
        echo "</td>";
    } elseif ($stylepicker == "right" && $template != "holidaypack") {
        echo $logob1;
        echo "</td>";
    } else {
        echo $logob1;
    echo "<td align=left style=\"background-image:url(" . $xlrpath . "templates/" . $template . "/menubg.png);\" colspan=2>\n\t\t\t<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td>\n      <font class=\"fontNormal\" size=\"2\">\n\t\t\t<font style=\"font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;\" color=\"#ffffff\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n    ";
    echo "</font></font></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"baseline\">";
    if ($stylepicker == "right" && $template != "holidaypack") {
    } else {
    //echo "&nbsp;";
    echo "</td></tr></table>\n  \t\t</td>\n  \t\t\n  \t\t</td>\n  \t</tr>\n  \t<tr>\n  \t\t<td colspan=3 style=\"background-image:url(" . $xlrpath . "templates/" . $template . "/menubar.png);\"><img src=\"" . $xlrpath . "templates/" . $template . "/menubar.png\" height=\"3px\" border=0></td>\n  \t</tr>\n  \t<tr>\n  \t<td colspan=3>\n  \t\t<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n  \t\t<tr>\n  \t\t\t<td width=550 align=\"left\">\n    \t\t\t\t<form action=\"{$link}?func=search\" method=\"post\" class=\"aliassearch\">\n  \t  \t\t\t<input type=\"text\" id=\"searchplayer\" name=\"input_name\" size=\"30\" />&nbsp; <input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $text["search"] . "\"></input>\n    \t\t\t\t<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"aliases\" value=\"true\">" . $text["incalias"] . "</input>\n      ";
    if ($showclansearch == "1") {
        echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"clansearch\" value=\"true\">" . $text["clantag"] . "</input>";
    echo "  \t\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"B3 game administration bot for cod, urbanterror, and quake3 games\"><div id=\"inea\"><div class=\"opis\">" . $text["poweredby"] . " </div></div></a>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>\n\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n\n\n  ";
    echo "</table>\n";
Beispiel #2
@import url("style.css");

$func = "help";
// load our configs
include "statsconfig.php";
// used functions
include "func-globallogic.php";
// Display header and simple navigationmenu
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="outertable">
    <td><strong>Help section of XLRstats.</strong></td>
    <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" class="innertable">
  XLRstats is a statistics generation and publication plugin for the BigBrotherBot,
      short B3. So it is not a standalone programm, it's a plugin for the platform
      and game independant administration facility for online games called B3
      (more information about B3 can be found at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>)
      As a gamer you should not have to worry about how this works exactly, you