Beispiel #1
 * Dispay the replies of a comment
 * @param integer Comment ID
 * @param array Template params
 * @param integer Level
function display_comment_replies($comment_ID, $params = array(), $level = 1)
    global $CommentReplies;
    $params = array_merge(array('comment_template' => '', 'preview_block_start' => '', 'preview_start' => '<div class="bComment" id="comment_preview">', 'preview_end' => '</div>', 'preview_block_end' => '', 'comment_start' => '<div class="bComment">', 'comment_end' => '</div>', 'comment_error_start' => '<div class="bComment" id="comment_error">', 'comment_error_end' => '</div>', 'link_to' => 'userurl>userpage', 'author_link_text' => 'login'), $params);
    if (isset($CommentReplies[$comment_ID])) {
        // This comment has the replies
        foreach ($CommentReplies[$comment_ID] as $Comment) {
            // Loop through the replies:
            if (!empty($Comment->ID)) {
                // Comment from DB
                skin_include($params['comment_template'], array('Comment' => &$Comment, 'comment_start' => str_replace('>', ' style="margin-left:' . 20 * $level . 'px">', $params['comment_start']), 'comment_end' => $params['comment_end'], 'link_to' => $params['link_to'], 'author_link_text' => $params['author_link_text']));
            } else {
                // PREVIEW comment
                skin_include($params['comment_template'], array('Comment' => &$Comment, 'comment_block_start' => $Comment->email_is_detected ? '' : $params['preview_block_start'], 'comment_start' => str_replace('>', ' style="margin-left:' . 20 * $level . 'px">', $Comment->email_is_detected ? $params['comment_error_start'] : $params['preview_start']), 'comment_end' => $Comment->email_is_detected ? $params['comment_error_end'] : $params['preview_end'], 'comment_block_end' => $Comment->email_is_detected ? '' : $params['preview_block_end'], 'author_link_text' => $params['author_link_text']));
            // Display the rest replies recursively
            display_comment_replies($Comment->ID, $params, $level + 1);
             // Store the replies in a special array
             if (!isset($CommentReplies[$Comment->in_reply_to_cmt_ID])) {
                 $CommentReplies[$Comment->in_reply_to_cmt_ID] = array();
             $CommentReplies[$Comment->in_reply_to_cmt_ID][] = $Comment;
             // Skip dispay a comment reply here in order to dispay it after parent comment by function display_comment_replies()
         // ------------------ COMMENT INCLUDED HERE ------------------
         skin_include($params['comment_template'], array('Comment' => &$Comment, 'comment_start' => $params['comment_start'], 'comment_end' => $params['comment_end'], 'author_link_text' => $params['author_link_text'], 'link_to' => $params['link_to']));
         // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic
         // /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
         // ---------------------- END OF COMMENT ---------------------
         if ($Blog->get_setting('threaded_comments')) {
             // Display the comment replies
             display_comment_replies($Comment->ID, $params);
     // End of comment list loop.
     echo $params['comment_list_end'];
     if ($Blog->get_setting('paged_comments')) {
         // Prev/Next page navigation
         $CommentList->page_links(array('page_url' => url_add_tail($Item->get_permanent_url(), '#comments')));
     // Restore "redir" param
     // _______________________________________________________________
     // Display count of comments to be moderated:
     $Item->feedback_moderation('feedbacks', '<div class="moderation_msg"><p>', '</p></div>', '', T_('This post has 1 feedback awaiting moderation... %s'), T_('This post has %d feedbacks awaiting moderation... %s'));
     // _______________________________________________________________
Beispiel #3
 * Dispay the replies of a comment
 * @param integer Comment ID
 * @param array Template params
 * @param integer Level
function display_comment_replies($comment_ID, $params = array(), $level = 1)
    global $CommentReplies;
    $params = array_merge(array('comment_template' => '', 'preview_block_start' => '', 'preview_start' => '<div class="bComment" id="comment_preview">', 'preview_end' => '</div>', 'preview_block_end' => '', 'comment_start' => '<div class="bComment">', 'comment_end' => '</div>', 'comment_error_start' => '<div class="bComment" id="comment_error">', 'comment_error_end' => '</div>', 'link_to' => 'userurl>userpage', 'author_link_text' => 'name'), $params);
    if (isset($CommentReplies[$comment_ID])) {
        // This comment has the replies
        foreach ($CommentReplies[$comment_ID] as $Comment) {
            // Loop through the replies:
            if (empty($Comment->ID)) {
                // Get html tag of the comment block of preview
                $comment_start = $Comment->email_is_detected ? $params['comment_error_start'] : $params['preview_start'];
            } else {
                // Get html tag of the comment block of existing comment
                $comment_start = $params['comment_start'];
            // Set margin left for each sub level comment
            $attrs = ' style="margin-left:' . 20 * $level . 'px"';
            if (strpos($comment_start, 'class="') === false) {
                // Add a class attribute for the replied comment
                $attrs .= ' class="replied_comment"';
            } else {
                // Add a class name for the replied comment
                $comment_start = str_replace('class="', 'class="replied_comment ', $comment_start);
            $comment_start = str_replace('>', $attrs . '>', $comment_start);
            if (!empty($Comment->ID)) {
                // Comment from DB
                skin_include($params['comment_template'], array_merge($params, array('Comment' => &$Comment, 'comment_start' => $comment_start)));
            } else {
                // PREVIEW comment
                skin_include($params['comment_template'], array_merge($params, array('Comment' => &$Comment, 'comment_block_start' => $Comment->email_is_detected ? '' : $params['preview_block_start'], 'comment_start' => $comment_start, 'comment_end' => $Comment->email_is_detected ? $params['comment_error_end'] : $params['preview_end'], 'comment_block_end' => $Comment->email_is_detected ? '' : $params['preview_block_end'], 'author_link_text' => $params['author_link_text'])));
            // Display the rest replies recursively
            display_comment_replies($Comment->ID, $params, $level + 1);