Beispiel #1
 echo '<br>';
 echo '<table style="margin-left: 20px; width: 900px;">';
 echo '<tr>';
 echo '<td width="12%" class="bold">';
 echo 'Company Name';
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td width="25%" style="padding-right: 5px">';
 dumpBootTextField("CompanyName", "CompanyName", 10, 50, '', "Company Name");
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td width="2%" class="bold">';
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td width="12%" class="bold">';
 echo 'Established';
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td width="25%">';
 displayYearPulldown("Establishment", $Establishment, true);
 echo '</td>';
 echo '</tr>';
 echo '<tr>';
 echo '<td width="12%" class="bold">';
 echo 'Company Website';
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td width="25%" style="padding-right: 5px;">';
 dumpBootTextField("Website", "Website", 10, 255, '', "'' or ''");
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td width="2%" class="bold" style="padding-right: 10px;">';
 directBlankButton("CheckWebsite", "CheckWebsite", "View", "openBlankWindow()", true);
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td width="12%" class="bold">';
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td width="25%">';
Beispiel #2
if (isset($FounderID) && !empty($FounderID)) {
    $FounderName = getFounderName($FounderID);
    echo '<div class="info">Now viewing information for ' . $FounderName . " FounderID: " . $FounderID . "</div>";
    echo '<br>';
    // add a div tag for the grid
    echo '<div style="margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 15px;" id="FounderEduListDiv"></div>';
    echo '<table id="list"></table>';
    echo '<div id="pager"></div>';
    echo '<form name = "myform" action="FounderEdu.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form" onSubmit="return ValidateForm()">';
    // create the section header
    echo '<div class="row show-grid" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 15px;">';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-2">';
    dumpBootTextField("NewDegreeFrom", "NewDegreeFrom", 10, 30, ' ', "Degree From");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-2">';
    displayYearPulldown("NewGraduatedYr", "-1", true);
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-3">';
    dumpBootTextField("NewMajor", "NewMajor", 10, 30, ' ', "Major");
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="col-sm-2">';
    displayDegreeTypePulldown("NewDegreeType", "0", true);
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    dumpLeavePopupSubmitButton("Update", "Update", "Save", "CleanLeavePage();", true);
    saveExtraParams(array("FounderID", "FounderEduID"));
    echo '</form>';
} else {
    echo '<div class="Err">Error retreiving founder education information</div>';
// finish up the form