Beispiel #1
 //loop through all ships
 foreach ($ship_types as $ship_class => $ship_stats) {
     if ($ship_class == 1) {
         //skip ship type 1
         continue 1;
     //list selected ships only
     if ($ship_stats['tcost'] > 0 && $shipno == -2 || $ship_stats['tcost'] <= 0 && $shipno == -1 || $shipno > 1) {
         $ship_stats['cost'] = number_format($ship_stats['cost']);
         $ship_stats['tcost'] = number_format($ship_stats['tcost']);
         $out_str .= $table_str;
         //popup needs different table made
         $img_txt = "<tr><td colspan=2><center><a href=./images/ships/ship_{$ship_stats['type_id']}.jpg target='_blank'><img border=0 height=120 width=160 src='./images/ships/ship_{$ship_stats['type_id']}_tn.jpg' /></a></center></td></tr>";
         $out_str .= "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center' bgcolor='#555555'><b>{$ship_stats['name']}</b> ({$ship_stats['class_abbr']}) </td></tr>{$img_txt}";
         $out_str .= quick_row("<b>" . $cw['size'] . "</b>", discern_size($ship_stats['size']));
         $out_str .= quick_row("<b>" . $cw['type'] . "</b>", "{$ship_stats['type']}");
         $out_str .= quick_row("<b>" . $cw['fighters'] . "</b>", "{$ship_stats['fighters']}/{$ship_stats['max_fighters']}");
         $out_str .= quick_row("<b>" . $cw['max_shields'] . "</b>", "{$ship_stats['max_shields']}");
         $out_str .= quick_row("<b>" . $cw['armour'] . "</b>", "{$ship_stats['max_armour']}");
         $out_str .= quick_row("<b>" . $cw['cargo_bays'] . "</b>", "{$ship_stats['cargo_bays']}");
         if ($GAME_VARS['alternate_play_1'] == 1) {
             $out_str .= quick_row("<b>" . $cw['mining_rate'] . ": " . $cw['metal'] . "</b>", "{$ship_stats['mine_rate_metal']}");
             $out_str .= quick_row("<b>" . $cw['mining_rate'] . ": " . $cw['fuel'] . "</b>", "{$ship_stats['mine_rate_fuel']}");
         } else {
             $quick_maths = $ship_stats['mine_rate_metal'] + $ship_stats['mine_rate_fuel'];
             $out_str .= quick_row("<b>" . $cw['mining_rate'] . "</b>", "{$quick_maths}");
         if ($GAME_VARS['ship_warp_cost'] < 0) {
             $out_str .= quick_row("<b>" . $cw['move_cost'] . " (</b>" . $cw['turns'] . "<b>)</b>", "{$ship_stats['move_turn_cost']}");
Beispiel #2
 !isset($ships['config']) ? $ships['config'] = "" : 1;
 #reset cloaked ship info.
 $cloak_str_start = "";
 $cloak_str_end = "";
 #player is able to see only non-cloaked ships, unless conditions are met.
 if (!config_check("ls", $ships) && !config_check("hs", $ships) || $ships['clan_id'] == $user['clan_id'] && $user['clan_id'] > 0 || config_check("ls", $ships) && config_check("sc", $ships) || $user['login_id'] == 1) {
     $error_str .= print_name($ships);
     #sets some cloak text into a string, if a ship is cloaked.
     if (config_check("ls", $ships) || config_check("hs", $ships)) {
         $cloak_str_start = "<b class=cloak>";
         $cloak_str_end = "</b>";
     $error_str .= "{$cloak_str_start}\t{$ships['ship_name']} ({$ships['class_name']} w/ <b>{$ships['fighters']}</b> " . $cw['fighters'] . ")" . $cloak_str_end;
 } elseif (config_check("hs", $ships) && !config_check("sc", $ships)) {
     #hs without scanner
     $error_str .= "<b class=cloak>::::: " . discern_size($ships['size']) . " " . $cw['disturbance_detected'] . ":::::</b>";
 } elseif (config_check("hs", $ships) && config_check("sc", $ships)) {
     # hs, with scanner.
     $error_str .= "<b>" . $cw['unknown_owner'] . "</b><b class=cloak> {$ships['ship_name']} ({$ships['class_name']} w/ <b>{$ships['fighters']}</b> " . $cw['fighters'] . ")</b>";
 } elseif (config_check("hs", $ships) && config_check("sc", $ships)) {
     # ls, no scanner.
     $error_str .= sprintf($st[60], $ships[class_name]);
 if ($ships['clan_id'] == $user['clan_id'] && $user['clan_id'] > 0 && $GAME_VARS['clan_fleet_attacking'] == 1) {
     $error_str .= " - " . $cw['can_fleet'] . ": <b>{$ships['clan_fleet_id']}</b>";
 //attack link won't be shown if:
 //player cannot attack
 //target is admin
 //is a clanmate
 //target in safe_turns
Beispiel #3
$ship = dbr(1);
//nothing found, so almost certainly not the players own ship.
if (empty($ship)) {
$text = sprintf($st[84], $ship[ship_name]);
$text .= make_table(array("", ""));
$text .= quick_row($cw['name'], $ship['ship_name']);
$text .= quick_row($cw['type'], $ship['class_name']);
$text .= quick_row($cw['location'], $cw['sys'] . " # {$ship['location']}");
$text .= quick_row($cw['fleet'] . " #", $ship['fleet_id']);
$text .= quick_row("", "");
$text .= quick_row($cw['fighters'], "{$ship['fighters']}/{$ship['max_fighters']}");
$text .= quick_row($cw['shields'], "{$ship['shields']}/{$ship['max_shields']}");
$text .= quick_row($cw['armour'], "{$ship['armour']}/{$ship['max_armour']}");
$text .= quick_row($cw['size'], discern_size($ship['size']));
$text .= quick_row($cw['cargo_bays'], bay_storage($ship));
if ($GAME_VARS['alternate_play_1'] == 1) {
    $text .= quick_row($cw['mining_rate'] . ": " . $cw['metal'], $ship['mine_rate_metal']);
    $text .= quick_row($cw['mining_rate'] . ": " . $cw['fuel'], $ship['mine_rate_fuel']);
} else {
    $quick_maths = $ship['mine_rate_metal'] + $ship['mine_rate_fuel'];
    $text .= quick_row($cw['mining_rate'], $quick_maths);
$text .= quick_row($cw['speed_move_cost'], $ship['move_turn_cost']);
$text .= quick_row("", "");
$text .= quick_row($cw['upgrade_pods'], $ship['upgrade_slots']);
$text .= quick_row($cw['specials'], config_list(0, $ship['config']));
$text .= quick_row("# " . $cw['offensive_turrets'], $ship['num_ot']);
$text .= quick_row("# " . $cw['defensive_turrets'], $ship['num_dt']);
$text .= quick_row("# " . $cw['plasma_turrets'], $ship['num_pc']);