Beispiel #1
                    $sumCoordsX = 0;
                    $sumCoordsY = 0;
                    $sumClicks = 0;
                    foreach ($weights as $k => $w) {
                        $sumCoordsX += (int) $coordsX[$k][$j];
                        $sumCoordsY += (int) $coordsY[$k][$j];
                        $sumClicks += (int) $clicks[$k][$j];
                    $avgCoordsX[] = round($sumCoordsX / $users);
                    $avgCoordsY[] = round($sumCoordsY / $users);
                    $avgClicks[] = round($sumClicks / $users);
                // only one iteration is needed
            $coordsX = implode(",", $avgCoordsX);
            $coordsY = implode(",", $avgCoordsY);
            $clicks = implode(",", $avgClicks);
            if (count($JSON) > 1) {
                $JSON[] = '{' . '"id": 0,     ' . '"xcoords": [' . $coordsX . '], ' . '"ycoords": [' . $coordsY . '], ' . '"clicks":  [' . $clicks . '], ' . '"wprev": ' . $viewportWidth . ', ' . '"hprev": ' . $viewportHeight . ',' . '"avg":     true, ' . '}';
        // end displayAvgTrack
        // now set page that matches the given cache id (via GET)
        $cache = db_select(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_CACHE, "file,url", "id = '" . $pgid . "'");
        $htmlFile = $cache['file'];
        $url = $cache['url'];
    } else {
        die_msg("No tracking data");

if (empty($_POST)) {
// server settings are required - relative path to smt2 root dir
require '../../../config.php';
// protect extension from being browsed by anyone
require SYS_DIR . 'logincheck.php';
// only the root user can delete logs
if (!is_root()) {
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $logQuery = "id='" . (int) $_GET['id'] . "'";
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['cid'])) {
        $logQuery = "client_id='" . $_GET['cid'] . "'";
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['pid'])) {
            $pageId = (int) $_GET['pid'];
            $logQuery = "cache_id='" . $pageId . "'";
            // delete cached file
            $cacheQuery = "id='" . $pageId . "'";
            $page = db_select(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_CACHE, "file", $cacheQuery);
            if (is_file(CACHE_DIR . $page['file'])) {
                unlink(CACHE_DIR . $page['file']);
            // now delete cache log
            db_delete(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_CACHE, $cacheQuery);
Beispiel #3

require dirname(__FILE__) . '/class.trail.php';
if (isset($id)) {
    $ut = new UserTrail($clientId);
    $visits = $ut->getData();
    $trails = array();
    if (!count($visits)) {
        die_msg("Log #{$id} not found");
    foreach ($visits as $v) {
        $trails[] = $v["id"];
    // make it FlashVar friendly
    $trails = implode(",", $trails);
    $currTrailId = $id;
} else {
    // multiuser video
    $trails = null;
    $currTrailId = $pgid;
// videos can be linked to specific time
$deftime = "00:00";
$start = isset($_GET['start']) ? $_GET['start'] : $deftime;
$end = isset($_GET['end']) ? $_GET['end'] : $deftime;
// user object for tracking data
$cdata_user = '******' . json_encode('[' . implode(",", $JSON) . ']') . ',