static function _init_global()
     global $_G;
     include_once ROOT_PATH . 'inc/config/db.config.php';
     $_G = array('uid' => 0, 'adminid' => 0, 'siteurl' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/', 'clientip' => get_client_ip(), 'referer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'host' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'username' => '', 'is_show' => false, 'cpmsg' => false, 'login_img' => '', 'cache_type' => 'auto', 'today' => dgmdate(TIMESTAMP, 'd'), 'dateline' => dgmdate(TIMESTAMP, 'dt'), 'authkey' => $_config[authkey], 'inajax' => intval($_GET['inajax']) > 0 ? true : false, 'id' => isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] > 0 ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0, 'aid' => isset($_GET['aid']) && $_GET['aid'] > 0 ? intval($_GET['aid']) : 0, 'fid' => isset($_GET['fid']) && $_GET['fid'] > 0 ? intval($_GET['fid']) : 0, 'cate' => $_GET['cate'] > 0 ? intval($_GET['cate']) : 0, 'page' => $_GET['page'] > 0 ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1, 'page_end' => '', 'qq_zone' => 0, 'mobile' => false, 'pad' => false, '_config' => $_config, 'goods_sql' => array(), 'memory_list' => array(), 'goods_cache' => array(), 'member' => array(), 'user' => array(), 'setting' => array(), 'api_list' => array(), 'channel' => array(), 'channels' => array(), 'friend_link' => array(), 'goods' => array(), 'pics_type' => array(), 'pics' => array(), 'ad' => array(), 'table' => array(), 'showpage' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'description' => '', 'TOP' => NULL);
     if (DEBUG) {
         $_G['starttime'] = microtime(true);
         $_G['runtime'] = 0;
     $cache = $_config['cache_type'];
     if ($cache == 'auto') {
         if (TAE) {
             $cache = 'baichuan';
         } else {
             if (class_exists('Memcache')) {
                 $cache = 'memcache';
             } else {
                 $cache = 'file';
     $_G['cache_type'] = $cache;
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest') {
         $_G[inajax] = 1;
     $_G['siteurl'] = get_siteurl();
     $_G['siteurl2'] = $_G['siteurl'];
     //$host = explode('.',$_G[host]);
     //$len = count($host)-2;
     //$_G[domain] = $host[$len] .'.'. end($host);
Beispiel #2
 function viewthread_sidetop_output($a)
     global $_G, $postlist;
     if ($a["template"] == "viewthread") {
         $aid = $_G['forum_thread']['authorid'];
         $return = array();
         $tid = $_G['tid'];
         if ($postlist && $aid) {
             foreach ($postlist as $value) {
                 if ($value['first']) {
                     $amu_query = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table("plugin_dsuampper") . " WHERE uid= '{$aid}'");
                     if ($amu_query) {
                         $today = $this->vars['today'];
                         $lasttime = dgmdate($query['lasttime'], 'Ymd', $this->vars['offset']);
                     if (!$amu_query['addup'] || $today != $lasttime) {
                         $addup = $amu_query['addup'] ? $amu_query['addup'] : 0;
                         $return[0] = '<dl class="pil cl"><dt><a href="plugin.php?id=dsu_amupper:list" target="_blank" class="xi2">' . lang('plugin/dsu_amupper', 'vw') . '</a></dt><dd>' . $addup . '</dd></dl>';
                     if ($amu_query && $today == $lasttime) {
                         $addup = $amu_query['addup'] ? $amu_query['addup'] : 0;
                         $return[0] = '<dl class="pil cl"><dt><a href="plugin.php?id=dsu_amupper:list" target="_blank" class="xi2">' . lang('plugin/dsu_amupper', 'vw') . '</a></dt><dd><b>' . $addup . '</b></dd></dl>';
     } else {
         $return = array();
     return $return;
Beispiel #3
 function usesubmit()
     global $_G;
     if (empty($_G['gp_tid'])) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_info_nonexistence'));
     $thread = getpostinfo($_G['gp_tid'], 'tid', array('fid', 'authorid', 'dateline', 'subject'));
     $firstsofa = DB::result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . DB::table('forum_threadmod') . " WHERE magicid='" . $this->magic['magicid'] . "' AND tid='{$_G['gp_tid']}'");
     if ($firstsofa >= 1) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_info_sofaexistence'), '', array(), array('login' => 1));
     $sofamessage = lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_text', array('actor' => $_G['member']['username'], 'time' => dgmdate(TIMESTAMP), 'magicname' => $this->magic['name']));
     $dateline = $thread['dateline'] + 1;
     insertpost(array('fid' => $thread['fid'], 'tid' => $_G['gp_tid'], 'first' => '0', 'author' => $_G['username'], 'authorid' => $_G['uid'], 'dateline' => $dateline, 'message' => $sofamessage, 'useip' => $_G['clientip'], 'usesig' => '1'));
     DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " SET replies=replies+1, moderated='1' WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
     DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " SET posts=posts+1, todayposts=todayposts+1 WHERE fid='{$post['fid']}'", 'UNBUFFERED');
     usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']);
     updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', 0, 'tid', $_G['gp_tid']);
     updatemagicthreadlog($_G['gp_tid'], $this->magic['magicid']);
     if ($thread['authorid'] != $_G['uid']) {
         notification_add($thread['authorid'], 'magic', lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_notification'), array('tid' => $_G['gp_tid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'magicname' => $this->magic['name']));
     showmessage(lang('magic/sofa', 'sofa_succeed'), dreferer(), array(), array('showdialog' => 1, 'locationtime' => 1));
Beispiel #4
 function output()
     global $_G;
     $noticelang = lang('notification', 'reppost_noticeauthor');
     $noticepreg = '/^' . str_replace(array('\\{actor\\}', '\\{subject\\}', '\\{tid\\}', '\\{pid\\}'), array('(.+?)', '(.+?)', '(\\d+)', '(\\d+)'), preg_quote($noticelang, '/')) . '$/';
     $actorlang = '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid={actoruid}">{actorusername}</a>';
     $actorpreg = '/^' . str_replace(array('\\{actoruid\\}', '\\{actorusername\\}'), array('(\\d+)', '(.+?)'), preg_quote($actorlang, '/')) . '$/';
     foreach ($GLOBALS['list'] as $_k => $_v) {
         if (preg_match($noticepreg, $_v['note'], $_r)) {
             list(, $actor, $tid, $pid, $subject) = $_r;
             if (preg_match($actorpreg, $actor, $_r)) {
                 list(, $actoruid, $actorusername) = $_r;
             include_once libfile('function/forum');
             require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
             loadforum(null, $tid);
             if ($pid) {
                 $postlist = $this->post = get_post_by_pid($pid, 'message');
                 $GLOBALS['list'][$_k]['message'] = discuzcode($postlist['message']);
             $GLOBALS['list'][$_k]['dateline'] = dgmdate($GLOBALS['list'][$_k]['dateline']);
             $GLOBALS['list'][$_k]['dbdateline'] = $GLOBALS['list'][$_k]['dateline'];
             $GLOBALS['list'][$_k]['notevar'] = array('tid' => $tid, 'pid' => $pid, 'subject' => $subject, 'actoruid' => $actoruid, 'actorusername' => $actorusername);
     $variable = array('hash' => md5(substr(md5($_G['config']['security']['authkey']), 8) . $_G['uid']), 'list' => mobile_core::getvalues(array_values($GLOBALS['list']), array('/^\\d+$/'), array('id', 'uid', 'type', 'new', 'authorid', 'author', 'note', 'dateline', 'from_id', 'from_idtype', 'from_num', 'style', 'rowid', 'notevar', 'message')), 'count' => $GLOBALS['count'], 'perpage' => $GLOBALS['perpage'], 'page' => intval($GLOBALS['page']));
function build_cache_forumrecommend()
    $data = array();
    $fids = C::t('forum_forum')->fetch_all_fids();
    foreach ($fids as $row) {
        require_once libfile('function/group');
        $recommendlist = C::t('forum_forum')->fetch_all_recommend_by_fid($row['fid']);
        foreach ($recommendlist as $info) {
            $group = array('fid' => $info['fid'], 'name' => $info['name'], 'threads' => $info['threads'], 'lastpost' => $info['lastpost'], 'icon' => $info['icon'], 'membernum' => $info['membernum'], 'description' => $info['description']);
            $group['icon'] = get_groupimg($group['icon'], 'icon');
            $lastpost = array(0, 0, '', '');
            $group['lastpost'] = is_string($group['lastpost']) ? explode("\t", $group['lastpost']) : $group['lastpost'];
            $group['lastpost'] = count($group['lastpost']) != 4 ? $lastpost : $group['lastpost'];
            list($lastpost['tid'], $lastpost['subject'], $lastpost['dateline'], $lastpost['author']) = $group['lastpost'];
            if ($lastpost['tid']) {
                $lastpost['dateline'] = dgmdate($lastpost['dateline'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
                if ($lastpost['author']) {
                    $lastpost['encode_author'] = rawurlencode($lastpost['author']);
                $group['lastpost'] = $lastpost;
            } else {
                $group['lastpost'] = '';
            $data[$row['fid']][] = $group;
    savecache('forumrecommend', $data);
 function global_header_mobile()
     global $_G, $show_message;
     function dsu_signtz()
         dheader('Location: plugin.php?id=dsu_paulsign:sign&mobile=yes');
     $var = $_G['cache']['plugin']['dsu_paulsign'];
     if (defined('IN_dsu_paulsign') || $show_message || defined('IN_dsu_paulsc') || !$_G['uid'] || !$var['ifopen'] || !$var['wap_sign']) {
         return '';
     $tdtime = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, dgmdate($_G['timestamp'], 'n', $var['tos']), dgmdate($_G['timestamp'], 'j', $var['tos']), dgmdate($_G['timestamp'], 'Y', $var['tos'])) - $var['tos'] * 3600;
     $allowmem = memory('check');
     if ($var['ftopen'] && in_array($_G['groupid'], unserialize($var['tzgroupid'])) && !in_array($_G['uid'], explode(",", $var['ban'])) && in_array($_G['groupid'], unserialize($var['groups']))) {
         if ($allowmem && $var['mcacheopen']) {
             $signtime = memory('get', 'dsu_pualsign_' . $_G['uid']);
         if (!$signtime) {
             $qiandaodb = DB::fetch_first("SELECT time FROM " . DB::table('dsu_paulsign') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'");
             $signtime = $qiandaodb['time'];
             $htime = dgmdate($_G['timestamp'], 'H', $var['tos']);
             if ($qiandaodb) {
                 if ($allowmem && $var['mcacheopen']) {
                     memory('set', 'dsu_pualsign_' . $_G['uid'], $qiandaodb['time'], 86400);
                 if ($qiandaodb['time'] < $tdtime) {
                     if ($var['timeopen']) {
                         if (!($htime < $var['stime']) && !($htime > $var['ftime'])) {
                             return dsu_signtz();
                     } else {
                         return dsu_signtz();
             } else {
                 $ttps = DB::fetch_first("SELECT posts FROM " . DB::table('common_member_count') . " WHERE uid='{$_G['uid']}'");
                 if ($var['mintdpost'] <= $ttps['posts']) {
                     if ($var['timeopen']) {
                         if (!($htime < $var['stime']) && !($htime > $var['ftime'])) {
                             return dsu_signtz();
                     } else {
                         return dsu_signtz();
         } else {
             if ($signtime < $tdtime) {
                 if ($var['timeopen']) {
                     if (!($htime < $var['stime']) && !($htime > $var['ftime'])) {
                         return dsu_signtz();
                 } else {
                     return dsu_signtz();
     return '<a href="plugin.php?id=dsu_paulsign:sign">' . lang('plugin/dsu_paulsign', 'name') . '</a>';
 private function _getAnnouncementInfo($res, $id)
     global $_G;
     require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
     $announce = DzForumAnnouncement::getAnnouncementByUid($id);
     if (!count($announce)) {
         $res = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'announcement_nonexistence');
     } else {
         $tempAnnounce = array();
         $tempAnnounce['author'] = $announce['author'];
         $tmp = explode('.', dgmdate($announce['starttime'], 'Y.m'));
         $months[$tmp[0] . $tmp[1]] = $tmp;
         if (!empty($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] != dgmdate($announce['starttime'], 'Ym')) {
         $tempAnnounce['starttime'] = dgmdate($announce['starttime'], 'd');
         $tempAnnounce['endtime'] = $announce['endtime'] ? dgmdate($announce['endtime'], 'd') : '';
         $tempAnnounce['title'] = WebUtils::emptyHtml($announce['subject']);
         $uid = DzCommonMember::getUidByUsername($announce['author']);
         $tempAnnounce['icon'] = UserUtils::getUserAvatar($uid);
         $announceMessage = $announce['type'] == 1 ? "{$announce[message]}" : $announceMessage;
         $announceMessage = nl2br(discuzcode($announce['message'], 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1));
         $announceType = array();
         $announceType['infor'] = WebUtils::emptyHtml($announceMessage);
         $announce['type'] == 1 ? $announceType['type'] = 'url' : ($announceType['type'] = 'text');
         $tempAnnounce['content'] = $announceType;
         $res['body']['list'] = $tempAnnounce;
     return $res;
 public function fetch_all_will_birthday_by_uid($uids)
     $birthlist = array();
     if (!empty($uids)) {
         $uids = explode(',', (string) $uids);
         $uids = dimplode(dintval($uids, true));
         list($s_month, $s_day) = explode('-', dgmdate(TIMESTAMP - 3600 * 24 * 3, 'n-j'));
         list($n_month, $n_day) = explode('-', dgmdate(TIMESTAMP, 'n-j'));
         list($e_month, $e_day) = explode('-', dgmdate(TIMESTAMP + 3600 * 24 * 7, 'n-j'));
         if ($e_month == $s_month) {
             $wheresql = "sf.birthmonth='{$s_month}' AND sf.birthday>='{$s_day}' AND sf.birthday<='{$e_day}'";
         } else {
             $wheresql = "(sf.birthmonth='{$s_month}' AND sf.birthday>='{$s_day}') OR (sf.birthmonth='{$e_month}' AND sf.birthday<='{$e_day}' AND sf.birthday>'0')";
         $query = DB::query("SELECT sf.uid,sf.birthyear,sf.birthmonth,sf.birthday,s.username\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . DB::table('common_member_profile') . " sf\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_member') . " s USING(uid)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE (sf.uid IN ({$uids})) AND ({$wheresql})");
         while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
             $value['istoday'] = 0;
             if ($value['birthmonth'] == $n_month && $value['birthday'] == $n_day) {
                 $value['istoday'] = 1;
             $key = sprintf("%02d", $value['birthmonth']) . sprintf("%02d", $value['birthday']);
             $birthlist[$key][] = $value;
     return $birthlist;
function album_creat_by_id($albumid)
    global $_G, $space;
    preg_match("/^new\\:(.+)\$/i", $albumid, $matchs);
    if (!empty($matchs[1])) {
        $albumname = dhtmlspecialchars(trim($matchs[1]));
        if (empty($albumname)) {
            $albumname = dgmdate($_G['timestamp'], 'Ymd');
        $albumid = album_creat(array('albumname' => $albumname));
    } else {
        $albumid = intval($albumid);
        if ($albumid) {
            $query = DB::query("SELECT albumname,friend FROM " . DB::table('home_album') . " WHERE albumid='{$albumid}' AND uid='{$_G['uid']}'");
            if ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
                $albumname = addslashes($value['albumname']);
                $albumfriend = $value['friend'];
            } else {
                $albumname = dgmdate($_G['timestamp'], 'Ymd');
                $albumid = album_creat(array('albumname' => $albumname));
    return $albumid;
 public function fetch_all_by_bid($bid, $isverified = 1, $start = 0, $limit = 0, $bannedids = array(), $format = true)
     $data = array();
     if ($bid = dintval($bid, true)) {
         $addsql = $bannedids = dintval($bannedids, true) ? ' AND id NOT IN (' . dimplode($bannedids) . ')' : '';
         $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE ' . DB::field('bid', $bid) . ' AND isverified=%d' . $addsql . ' ORDER BY stickgrade DESC, displayorder DESC, verifiedtime DESC, dataid DESC ' . DB::limit($start, $limit), array($this->_table, $isverified));
         while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
             if ($format) {
                 $value['fields'] = unserialize($value['fields']);
                 $value['fields']['timestamp'] = $value['fields']['dateline'];
                 $value['fields']['dateline'] = dgmdate($value['fields']['dateline']);
                 $value['pic'] = $value['pic'] !== STATICURL . 'image/common/nophoto.gif' ? $value['pic'] : '';
                 if ($value['pic'] && $value['picflag'] == '1') {
                     $value['pic'] = getglobal('setting/attachurl') . $value['pic'];
                 } elseif ($value['picflag'] == '2') {
                     $value['pic'] = getglobal('setting/ftp/attachurl') . $value['pic'];
                 $value['dateline'] = dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u');
                 $value['verifiedtime'] = dgmdate($value['verifiedtime'], 'u');
             $data[$value['id']] = $value;
     return $data;
Beispiel #11
function getattach_row($attach, &$attachs, &$imgattachs)
    global $_G;
    $attach['filename'] = cutstr($attach['filename'], $_G['setting']['allowattachurl'] ? 25 : 30);
    $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']);
    $attach['dateline'] = dgmdate($attach['dateline']);
    $attach['filetype'] = attachtype($attach['ext'] . "\t" . $attach['filetype']);
    if ($attach['isimage'] < 1) {
        if ($attach['isimage']) {
            $attach['url'] = $attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl'];
            $attach['width'] = $attach['width'] > 300 ? 300 : $attach['width'];
        if ($attach['pid']) {
            $attachs['used'][] = $attach;
        } else {
            $attachs['unused'][] = $attach;
    } else {
        $attach['url'] = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . '/forum';
        $attach['width'] = $attach['width'] > 300 ? 300 : $attach['width'];
        if ($attach['pid']) {
            $imgattachs['used'][] = $attach;
        } else {
            $imgattachs['unused'][] = $attach;
 function sanree_brand_mobile()
     if ($this->chkwap()) {
         define('IN_SANREE_MOBILE', TRUE);
         $GLOBALS['curtime'] = dgmdate(TIMESTAMP);
 function huxcity()
     global $_G;
     $citysetting = $_G['cache']['plugin']['huxcity'];
     $uid = $_G['uid'];
     $username = $_G['username'];
     if (($citysetting['powtobbs'] == '1' || $citysetting['bantobbs'] == '1') && $uid) {
         $uidnum = C::t('#huxcity#hux_city_user')->fetch_by_uid($uid, 'power,bantime');
         if (!$uidnum) {
             $setarr = array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => $username, 'power' => 100, 'regtime' => TIMESTAMP);
         } else {
             $userpow = $uidnum['power'];
     if ($citysetting['powtobbs'] == '1' && $uid && $uidnum && $userpow <= 0) {
         $nopow_msg = lang('plugin/huxcity', 'no_pow');
         $pow_yes = lang('plugin/huxcity', 'pow_yes');
         $pow_no = lang('plugin/huxcity', 'pow_no');
         include template('huxcity:powtobbs');
         return $return;
     } elseif ($citysetting['bantobbs'] == '1' && $uid && $uidnum && $uidnum['bantime'] != 0) {
         $ban_msg = lang('plugin/huxcity', 'baned') . dgmdate($uidnum['bantime']);
         $ban_yes = lang('plugin/huxcity', 'ban_yes');
         $ban_no = lang('plugin/huxcity', 'ban_no');
         include template('huxcity:bantobbs');
         return $returnb;
     } else {
         return '';
function build_cache_forumrecommend()
    $data = array();
    $query = DB::query("SELECT fid FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " WHERE type<>'group' AND status<>3");
    while ($row = DB::fetch($query)) {
        require_once libfile('function/group');
        $squery = DB::query("SELECT f.fid,, f.threads, f.lastpost, ff.icon, ff.membernum, ff.description FROM " . DB::table('forum_forum') . " f LEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_forumfield') . " ff ON ff.fid=f.fid WHERE recommend='{$row['fid']}'");
        while ($group = DB::fetch($squery)) {
            $group['icon'] = get_groupimg($group['icon'], 'icon');
            $lastpost = array(0, 0, '', '');
            $group['lastpost'] = is_string($group['lastpost']) ? explode("\t", $group['lastpost']) : $group['lastpost'];
            $group['lastpost'] = count($group['lastpost']) != 4 ? $lastpost : $group['lastpost'];
            list($lastpost['tid'], $lastpost['subject'], $lastpost['dateline'], $lastpost['author']) = $group['lastpost'];
            if ($lastpost['tid']) {
                $lastpost['dateline'] = dgmdate($lastpost['dateline'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
                if ($lastpost['author']) {
                    $lastpost['encode_author'] = rawurlencode($lastpost['author']);
                $group['lastpost'] = $lastpost;
            } else {
                $group['lastpost'] = '';
            $data[$row['fid']][] = $group;
    save_syscache('forumrecommend', $data);
Beispiel #15
 function main()
     global $_G;
     if ($_GET['onsubmit'] && check()) {
         foreach ($_GET[ids] as $k => $v) {
             $id = intval($v);
             if ($_GET[del][$k] == 0) {
             if ($_GET['_del_all'] == 1 && $_GET['del'][$k]) {
                 DB::delete(__CLASS__, "id=" . intval($id));
         cpmsg('操作成功', 'success', 'm=' . __CLASS__ . '&a=' . __FUNCTION__);
         return false;
     $size = 30;
     $start = ($_G['page'] - 1) * $size;
     $url = '';
     $and = '';
     if ($_GET['uid']) {
         $uid = intval($_GET[uid]);
         $and .= " AND uid =" . $uid;
         $url .= "&uid=" . $uid;
     if ($_GET['username']) {
         $username = urldecode_utf8(trim($_GET[username]));
         $and .= " AND username ='******'";
         $url .= "&username="******" AND ip ='" . $ip . "'";
         $url .= "&ip=" . $ip;
     if ($_GET['jf_down']) {
         $jf_down = intval($_GET[jf_down]);
         $and .= " AND org_jf >='" . $jf_down . "'";
         $url .= "&jf_down=" . $jf_down;
     if ($_GET['jf_up']) {
         $jf_up = intval($_GET[jf_up]);
         $and .= " AND org_jf <='" . $jf_up . "'";
         $url .= "&jf_up=" . $jf_up;
     if ($_GET[type] && array_key_exists($_GET[type], $_G['setting']['jf_type'])) {
         $type = addslashes(trim($_GET[type]));
         $and .= " AND type='{$type}'";
         $url .= "&type=" . $type;
     $sign_list = DB::fetch_all("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table(__CLASS__) . " where 1 {$and}  ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$start},{$size}");
     $count = getcount(__CLASS__, $and);
     $showpage = multi($count, $size, $_G[page], URL . "m=sign&a=main" . $url);
     foreach ($sign_list as $k => $v) {
         $sign_list[$k][username_url] = urlencode_utf8($v[username]);
         $sign_list[$k][dateline] = dgmdate($v[dateline], 'u');
     $this->add(array('count' => $count, 'sign_list' => $sign_list, 'showpage' => $showpage));
function album_creat_by_id($albumid, $catid = 0)
    global $_G, $space;
    preg_match("/^new\\:(.+)\$/i", $albumid, $matchs);
    if (!empty($matchs[1])) {
        $albumname = dhtmlspecialchars(trim($matchs[1]));
        if (empty($albumname)) {
            $albumname = dgmdate($_G['timestamp'], 'Ymd');
        $albumarr = array('albumname' => $albumname);
        if ($catid) {
            $albumarr['catid'] = $catid;
        $albumid = album_creat($albumarr);
    } else {
        $albumid = intval($albumid);
        if ($albumid) {
            $value = C::t('home_album')->fetch_all_by_uid($_G['uid'], false, 0, 0, $albumid);
            if ($value = $value[0]) {
                $albumname = addslashes($value['albumname']);
                $albumfriend = $value['friend'];
            } else {
                $albumname = dgmdate($_G['timestamp'], 'Ymd');
                $albumarr = array('albumname' => $albumname);
                if ($catid) {
                    $albumarr['catid'] = $catid;
                $albumid = album_creat($albumarr);
    return $albumid;
Beispiel #17
 public static function writelog($file, $log)
     global $_G;
     $yearmonth = dgmdate(TIMESTAMP, 'Ym', $_G['setting']['timeoffset']);
     $logdir = DZZ_ROOT . './data/log/';
     $logfile = $logdir . $yearmonth . '_' . $file . '.php';
     if (@filesize($logfile) > 2048000) {
         $dir = opendir($logdir);
         $length = strlen($file);
         $maxid = $id = 0;
         while ($entry = readdir($dir)) {
             if (strpos($entry, $yearmonth . '_' . $file) !== false) {
                 $id = intval(substr($entry, $length + 8, -4));
                 $id > $maxid && ($maxid = $id);
         $logfilebak = $logdir . $yearmonth . '_' . $file . '_' . ($maxid + 1) . '.php';
         @rename($logfile, $logfilebak);
     if ($fp = @fopen($logfile, 'a')) {
         @flock($fp, 2);
         if (!is_array($log)) {
             $log = array($log);
         foreach ($log as $tmp) {
             fwrite($fp, "<?PHP exit;?>\t" . str_replace(array('<?', '?>'), '', $tmp) . "\n");
 function usesubmit()
     global $_G;
     if (empty($_GET['username'])) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/checkonline', 'checkonline_info_nonexistence'));
     $member = getuserinfo($_GET['username']);
     $online = C::app()->session->fetch_by_uid($member['uid']);
     usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']);
     updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', 0, 'uid', $member['uid']);
     if ($member['uid'] != $_G['uid']) {
         notification_add($member['uid'], 'magic', lang('magic/checkonline', 'checkonline_notification'), array('magicname' => $this->magic['name']), 1);
     if ($online) {
         $time = dgmdate($online['lastactivity'], 'u');
         if ($online['invisible']) {
             showmessage(lang('magic/checkonline', 'checkonline_hidden_message'), '', array('username' => $_GET['username'], 'time' => $time), array('alert' => 'info', 'showdialog' => 1));
         } else {
             showmessage(lang('magic/checkonline', 'checkonline_online_message'), '', array('username' => $_GET['username'], 'time' => $time), array('alert' => 'info', 'showdialog' => 1));
     } else {
         showmessage(lang('magic/checkonline', 'checkonline_offline_message'), '', array('username' => $_GET['username']), array('alert' => 'info', 'showdialog' => 1));
 function usesubmit()
     global $_G;
     if (empty($_G['gp_username'])) {
         showmessage(lang('magic/checkonline', 'checkonline_info_nonexistence'));
     $member = getuserinfo($_G['gp_username'], array('uid', 'groupid'));
     $online = DB::fetch_first("SELECT action, lastactivity, invisible FROM " . DB::table('common_session') . " WHERE uid='{$member['uid']}'");
     usemagic($this->magic['magicid'], $this->magic['num']);
     updatemagiclog($this->magic['magicid'], '2', '1', '0', 0, 'uid', $member['uid']);
     if ($member['uid'] != $_G['uid']) {
         notification_add($member['uid'], 'magic', lang('magic/checkonline', 'checkonline_notification'), array('magicname' => $this->magic['name']), 1);
     if ($online) {
         $time = dgmdate($online['lastactivity'], 'u');
         if ($online['invisible']) {
             showmessage(lang('magic/checkonline', 'checkonline_hidden_message'), '', array('username' => stripslashes($_G['gp_username']), 'time' => $time), array('showdialog' => 1));
         } else {
             showmessage(lang('magic/checkonline', 'checkonline_online_message'), '', array('username' => stripslashes($_G['gp_username']), 'time' => $time), array('showdialog' => 1));
     } else {
         showmessage(lang('magic/checkonline', 'checkonline_offline_message'), '', array('username' => stripslashes($_G['gp_username'])), array('showdialog' => 1));
Beispiel #20
 function home()
     global $_G;
     $today = dgmdate(TIMESTAMP, 'dt');
     $sign = D(array('table' => 'sign', 'and' => "AND uid = " . $_G[uid] . " AND type ='sign' "), array('url' => 'm=home', 'size' => 10));
     $sign[today] = $today;
     return $sign;
Beispiel #21
 function viewthread_posttop_output()
     global $_G, $postlist;
     if (empty($postlist) || !is_array($postlist)) {
     foreach ($postlist as $posts) {
         $pids[] = $posts['pid'];
         $return[$posts['pid']] = '';
     $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_post') . " WHERE pid in(" . dimplode($pids) . ") AND first=1");
     while ($table = DB::fetch($query)) {
         $tiddb = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('dsu_marcopostview') . " WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}'");
         $thread_view = '<font color=' . $this->view_color . '>' . $_G['forum_thread']['views'] . '</font>';
         if ($tiddb['last_view'] == '&#65288;' . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_6') . '&#65289;') {
             $view = "'" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_1') . "{$tiddb[guest]}" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_2') . "<br/>" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_3') . "{$tiddb[member]}" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_2') . "<br/>" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_4') . "{$tiddb[last_view]}'";
         } else {
             $view = "'" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_1') . "{$tiddb[guest]}" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_2') . "<br/>" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_3') . "{$tiddb[member]}" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_2') . "<br/>" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_4') . "<a href=\\'{$_G['siteurl']}home.php?mod=space&username="******"\\' target=\\'_blank\\'>{$tiddb[last_view]}</a>'";
         if ($tiddb['guest'] + $tiddb['member'] <= 0) {
             $view_info = $thread_view;
         } else {
             $view_info = '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="showDialog(' . $view . ', \'notice\', \'' . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_5') . '\', null, 0)">' . $thread_view . '</a>';
         $_G['forum_thread']['dateline'] = dgmdate($_G['forum_thread']['dateline'], 'dt', $_G['setting']['timeoffset']);
         $find = array("{bbname}", "{author}", "{dateline}", "{view_info}");
         $replace = array($_G['setting']['bbname'], $_G['forum_thread']['author'], $_G['forum_thread']['dateline'], $view_info);
         $view_info = str_replace($find, $replace, $this->your_template);
         if ($this->open == 1) {
             if (!in_array($_G['fid'], $this->forums)) {
                 if (!$tiddb) {
                     DB::query("INSERT INTO " . DB::table('dsu_marcopostview') . " (tid,guest,member,last_view) VALUES ('{$_G['tid']}','0','0','{$_G['username']}')");
                 } else {
                     if ($_G['uid'] && $_G['session']['invisible'] == 0) {
                         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('dsu_marcopostview') . " SET member=member+1,last_view='{$_G['username']}' WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}'");
                     } elseif ($_G['uid'] && $_G['session']['invisible'] == 1) {
                         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('dsu_marcopostview') . " SET member=member+1,last_view='&#65288;" . lang('plugin/dsu_marcopostview', 'class_php_6') . "&#65289;' WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}'");
                     } elseif (!$_G['uid']) {
                         DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('dsu_marcopostview') . " SET guest=guest+1 WHERE tid='{$_G['tid']}'");
         if ($this->open == 1) {
             if ($this->forums == '') {
                 $return[$table['pid']] = "";
             } elseif (in_array($_G['fid'], $this->forums)) {
                 $return[$table['pid']] = "";
             } else {
                 $return[$table['pid']] = "{$view_info}<br />";
         } else {
             $return[$table['pid']] = "";
         return array_values($return);
Beispiel #22
 function _istoday($time)
     global $_G;
     $time = empty($time) ? 0 : $time;
     $today = dgmdate($_G['timestamp'], 'Ymd', $this->vars['offset']);
     $lastday = dgmdate($time, 'Ymd', $this->vars['offset']);
     $days = $lastday - $today;
     return $days;
Beispiel #23
function get_user_level()
    global $_G;
    $status = 0;
    $name = milu_lang('free_user');
    $file_name = PICK_DIR . '/data/pick_auth.txt';
    $msg_arr = array();
    $vip_show = '<img  border="0" src="' . PICK_URL . '/static/image/vip.gif" /> ' . milu_lang('vip_user') . ' ';
    $msg_arr = get_user_pick_info();
    if ($msg_arr < 0) {
        $status = -1;
        $name = milu_lang('no_query_info');
    $web_qq = get_contents(GET_URL . 'plugin.php?id=pick_user:upgrade&myac=get_qq&tpl=no', array('cache' => 3600 * 24 * 2));
    $msg_arr = unserialize($msg_arr);
    $show_use_time = $exp_dateline ? " " . milu_lang('no_user_dateline') . ":<font style='color:#09C'>" . dgmdate($exp_dateline) . '</font>' : '';
    if ($msg == 'succeed') {
        dsetcookie('pick_auth', $msg, -1);
        $show_use_time = $show_use_time ? $show_use_time : milu_lang('forever_use');
        $name = $vip_show . $show_use_time;
        $status = 1;
    } else {
        if ($msg == 'timeout') {
            $name = milu_lang('no_free_use');
            $status = -2;
        } else {
            if ($msg == 'free' || $msg == 'first') {
                if (VIP) {
                    $status = 2;
                    $name = milu_lang('free_use') . ' ' . $show_use_time;
            } else {
                $status = -3;
                if ($msg == 'error') {
                    $why = milu_lang('lan_network');
                } else {
                    $why = milu_lang('no_conn_server');
                $name = milu_lang('user_no_query') . '  (' . $why . ')';
    if ($status < 0) {
        $show_upgrade = '';
    } else {
        $show_upgrade = VIP ? '<a href="?' . PICK_GO . 'pick_info&ac=pick_check">' . milu_lang('check_new') . '</a>' : '<a href="?' . PICK_GO . 'pick_info&ac=pick_check">' . milu_lang('up_to_vip') . '</a>';
    $re['show_user_name'] = $name;
    $re['show_upgrade'] = $show_upgrade;
    $re['status'] = $status;
    $re['web_qq'] = $web_qq;
    return $re;
function parseattach($attachpids, $attachtags, &$postlist, $skipaids = array())
    global $_G;
    $query = DB::query("SELECT a.*, af.description, l.relatedid AS payed\n\t\tFROM " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " a\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('forum_attachmentfield') . " af ON a.aid=af.aid\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('common_credit_log') . " l ON l.relatedid=a.aid AND l.uid='{$_G['uid']}' AND l.operation='BAC'\n\t\tWHERE IN ({$attachpids})");
    $attachexists = FALSE;
    while ($attach = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $attachexists = TRUE;
        if ($skipaids && in_array($attach['aid'], $skipaids)) {
        $attached = 0;
        $extension = strtolower(fileext($attach['filename']));
        $attach['ext'] = $extension;
        $attach['attachicon'] = attachtype($extension . "\t" . $attach['filetype']);
        $attach['attachsize'] = sizecount($attach['filesize']);
        $attach['attachimg'] = $_G['setting']['attachimgpost'] && $attach['isimage'] && (!$attach['readperm'] || $_G['group']['readaccess'] >= $attach['readperm']) ? 1 : 0;
        if ($attach['price']) {
            if ($_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] && TIMESTAMP - $attach['dateline'] >= $_G['setting']['maxchargespan'] * 3600) {
                DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('forum_attachment') . " SET price='0' WHERE aid='{$attach['aid']}'");
                $attach['price'] = 0;
            } else {
                if (!$_G['uid'] || !$_G['forum']['ismoderator'] && $attach['uid'] != $_G['uid'] && !$attach['payed']) {
                    $attach['unpayed'] = 1;
        $exemptattachpay = $_G['group']['exempt'] & 8 ? 1 : 0;
        $attach['payed'] = $attach['payed'] || $_G['forum']['ismoderator'] || $attach['uid'] == $_G['uid'] ? 1 : 0;
        $attach['url'] = ($attach['remote'] ? $_G['setting']['ftp']['attachurl'] . '/' : $_G['setting']['attachurl']) . 'forum/';
        $attach['dateline'] = dgmdate($attach['dateline'], 'u');
        $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachments'][$attach['aid']] = $attach;
        if (!empty($attachtags[$attach['pid']]) && is_array($attachtags[$attach['pid']]) && in_array($attach['aid'], $attachtags[$attach['pid']])) {
            $findattach[$attach['pid']][] = "/\\[attach\\]{$attach['aid']}\\[\\/attach\\]/i";
            $replaceattach[$attach['pid']][] = attachtag($attach['pid'], $attach['aid'], $postlist);
            $attached = 1;
        if (!$attached) {
            if ($attach['isimage']) {
                $postlist[$attach['pid']]['imagelist'] .= attachlist($attach);
            } else {
                if (!$_G['forum_skipaidlist'] || !in_array($attach['aid'], $_G['forum_skipaidlist'])) {
                    $postlist[$attach['pid']]['attachlist'] .= attachlist($attach);
    if ($attachexists) {
        foreach ($attachtags as $pid => $aids) {
            if ($findattach[$pid]) {
                $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($findattach[$pid], $replaceattach[$pid], $postlist[$pid]['message'], 1);
                $postlist[$pid]['message'] = preg_replace($findattach[$pid], '', $postlist[$pid]['message']);
    } else {
        updatepost(array('attachment' => '0'), "pid IN ({$attachpids})", true);
Beispiel #25
 function show()
     $id = intval($_GET['id']);
     $idtype = $_GET['idtype'];
     $blog = magic_check_idtype($id, $idtype);
     magicshowtips(lang('magic/downdateline', 'downdateline_info'));
     $time = dgmdate($blog['dateline'], 'Y-m-d H:i');
     $op = 'use';
     include template('home/magic_downdateline');
 public function check()
     global $_G;
     $dateline = C::t('common_cache')->fetch('db_export');
     $dateline = dunserialize($dateline['cachevalue']);
     $dateline = $dateline['dateline'];
     if ($_G['timestamp'] - $dateline > 86400 * 90) {
         $return = array('status' => 1, 'type' => 'header', 'lang' => lang('optimizer', 'optimizer_dbbackup_advice'));
     } else {
         $return = array('status' => 0, 'type' => 'header', 'lang' => lang('optimizer', 'optimizer_dbbackup_lastback') . dgmdate($dateline));
     return $return;
Beispiel #27
 public function check()
     global $_G, $lang;
     loadcache(array('membersplitdata', 'userstats'));
     $membercount = $_G['cache']['userstats']['totalmembers'];
     if ($membercount < 20000) {
         $color = 'green';
         $msg = $lang['membersplit_without_optimization'];
     } else {
         $color = empty($_G['cache']['membersplitdata']) || $_G['cache']['membersplitdata']['dateline'] < TIMESTAMP - 86400 * 10 ? 'red' : 'green';
         $msg = empty($_G['cache']['membersplitdata']) ? $lang['membersplit_has_no_check'] : dgmdate($_G['cache']['membersplitdata']['dateline']);
     return array('status' => $color == 'red' ? 1 : 0, 'type' => 'header', 'lang' => $msg);
Beispiel #28
 function output()
     global $_G;
     foreach ($GLOBALS['list'] as $_k => $_v) {
         if ($_v['lastdateline']) {
             $GLOBALS['list'][$_k]['vdateline'] = dgmdate($_v['lastdateline'], 'u');
         } elseif ($_v['dateline']) {
             $GLOBALS['list'][$_k]['vdateline'] = dgmdate($_v['dateline'], 'u');
     $variable = array('list' => mobile_core::getvalues($GLOBALS['list'], array('/^\\d+$/'), array('plid', 'isnew', 'vdateline', 'subject', 'pmid', 'msgfromid', 'msgfrom', 'message', 'touid', 'tousername')), 'count' => $GLOBALS['count'], 'perpage' => $GLOBALS['perpage'], 'page' => intval($GLOBALS['page']));
     if ($_GET['subop']) {
         $variable = array_merge($variable, array('pmid' => $GLOBALS['pmid']));
Beispiel #29
function credit_payurl($price, &$orderid)
    global $_G;
    $orderid = dgmdate(TIMESTAMP, 'YmdHis') . random(18);
    $args = array('subject' => $_G['setting']['bbname'] . ' - ' . $_G['member']['username'] . ' - ' . lang('forum/misc', 'credit_payment'), 'body' => lang('forum/misc', 'credit_forum_payment') . ' ' . $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$_G['setting']['creditstrans']]['title'] . ' ' . intval($price * $_G['setting']['ec_ratio']) . ' ' . $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$_G['setting']['creditstrans']]['unit'] . ' (' . $_G['clientip'] . ')', 'service' => 'trade_create_by_buyer', 'partner' => DISCUZ_PARTNER, 'notify_url' => $_G['siteurl'] . 'api/trade/notify_credit.php', 'return_url' => $_G['siteurl'] . 'api/trade/notify_credit.php', 'show_url' => $_G['siteurl'], '_input_charset' => CHARSET, 'out_trade_no' => $orderid, 'price' => $price, 'quantity' => 1, 'seller_email' => $_G['setting']['ec_account']);
        $args['service'] = 'create_direct_pay_by_user';
        $args['payment_type'] = '1';
    } else {
        $args['logistics_type'] = 'EXPRESS';
        $args['logistics_fee'] = 0;
        $args['logistics_payment'] = 'SELLER_PAY';
        $args['payment_type'] = 1;
    return trade_returnurl($args);
Beispiel #30
 function common()
     global $_G;
     $start = !empty($_GET['start']) ? $_GET['start'] : 0;
     $limit = !empty($_GET['limit']) ? $_GET['limit'] : 20;
     $variable['data'] = C::t('forum_newthread')->fetch_all_by_fids(dintval(explode(',', $_GET['fids']), true), $start, $limit);
     foreach (C::t('forum_thread')->fetch_all_by_tid(array_keys($variable['data']), 0, $limit) as $thread) {
         $thread['dbdateline'] = $thread['dateline'];
         $thread['dblastpost'] = $thread['lastpost'];
         $thread['dateline'] = dgmdate($thread['dateline'], 'u');
         $thread['lastpost'] = dgmdate($thread['lastpost'], 'u');
         $variable['data'][$thread['tid']] = mobile_core::getvalues($thread, array('tid', 'author', 'authorid', 'subject', 'subject', 'dbdateline', 'dateline', 'dblastpost', 'lastpost', 'lastposter', 'attachment', 'replies', 'readperm', 'views', 'digest'));
     $variable['data'] = array_values($variable['data']);