function show_photo_gallery_setting_area()
    global $fields_photo_gallery_setting_area, $post;
    // Use nonce for verification
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="show_custom_meta_box_extra_product_tab_nonce" value="' . wp_create_nonce(basename(__FILE__)) . '" />';
    // Begin the field table and loop
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    foreach ($fields_photo_gallery_setting_area as $field) {
        if (isset($field['dependency'])) {
            dependency($field['id'], $field['dependency']);
        // get value of this field if it exists for this post
        $meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, $field['id'], true);
        // begin a table row with
        echo '<tr class="' . $field['id'] . '_field"> 

						<th><label for="' . $field['id'] . '">' . $field['label'] . '</label></th> 
        switch ($field['type']) {
            case 'numeric':
                echo '<input type="number" name="' . $field['id'] . '" id="' . $field['id'] . '" value="' . $meta . '" size="30" class="width_170" pattern="[-+]?[0-9]*[.,]?[0-9]+" value="1" title="Only Digits!" class="input-text qty text" />';
                echo '
									<br /><span class="description">' . $field['desc'] . '</span>';
            case 'select':
                echo '<select name="' . $field['id'] . '" id="' . $field['id'] . '" style="width: 170px;">';
                foreach ($field['options'] as $option) {
                    echo '<option ' . selected($meta, $option['value'], 0) . ' value="' . $option['value'] . '">' . $option['label'] . '</option>';
                echo '</select><br /><span class="description">' . __($field['desc'], EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN) . '</span>';
            case 'repeatable_photo':
                $image = PL_URL . '/images/image.png';
                echo '<a class="custom-repeatable-add-image button" href="#"><i class="fa fa-plus-square" ></i></a> 
								<ul id="' . $field['id'] . '-repeatable" class="custom_repeatable">';
                $i = 0;
                if ($meta) {
                    foreach ($meta as $row) {
                        echo '<li>';
                        $image = '';
                        if ($row) {
                            $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($row, array(100, 100));
                            $image = $image[0];
                        echo '
													<span class="sort hndle sort-line"><i class="fa fa-arrows" ></i></span>
													<a class="repeatable-remove-image button" href="#"><i class="fa fa-minus-square" ></i></a>
													<br />
													<p class="form-field" style="margin-top:10px">
														<input name="' . $field['id'] . '[' . $i . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" type="hidden" class="custom_upload_image_photo" value="' . (isset($row) ? $row : '') . '" /> 
														<input name="btn_' . $field['id'] . '[' . $i . ']" class="custom_upload_image_button_photo_new button" type="button" value="' . __('Choose Image', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN) . '" style="width: auto" /> 
														<button type="button" class="remove_image_button_photo button">' . __('Remove Image', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN) . '</button>
														<img src="' . (isset($image) ? $image : '') . '" class="custom_preview_image_photo uploader_image_preview" alt="" />
                        echo '<hr>
                    //end foreach
                } else {
                    echo '<li>
											<span class="sort hndle sort-line"><i class="fa fa-arrows" ></i></span>
											<a class="repeatable-remove-image button" href="#"><i class="fa fa-minus-square" ></i></a>
											<br />
											<p class="form-field" style="margin-top:10px">
												<input name="' . $field['id'] . '[' . $i . ']" id="' . $field['id'] . '" type="hidden" class="custom_upload_image_photo" /> 
												<input name="btn_' . $field['id'] . '[' . $i . ']" class="custom_upload_image_button_photo_new button" type="button" value="' . __('Choose Image', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN) . '" style="width: auto" /> 
												<button type="button" class="remove_image_button_photo button">' . __('Remove Image', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN) . '</button>
												<img src="' . (isset($image) ? $image : '') . '" class="custom_preview_image_photo uploader_image_preview" alt="" />
                    echo '<hr>
                    $image = '';
                echo '</ul>';
        //end switch
        echo '</td></tr>';
    // end foreach
    echo '</table>';
    // end table
// Select
woocommerce_wp_select(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_width', 'label' => __('Content Width', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('Enter Sticky Content Width.', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'desc_tip' => 'true', 'value' => $custom_tab_options['public_fields'][$public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_width'], 'options' => array('pw-content-1' => '2:3', 'pw-content-2' => '1:2', 'pw-content-3' => '1:3', 'pw-content-4' => '1:4', 'pw-content-full' => __('Full', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN))));
$dependency = array('parent_id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_enabled', 'value' => 'true');
dependency($public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_width', $dependency);
// Number Field
woocommerce_wp_text_input(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_height', 'label' => __('Content Height (Pixel)', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('Enter Sticky Content Height.', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'type' => 'number', 'value' => $custom_tab_options['public_fields'][$public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_height'], 'custom_attributes' => array('step' => 'any', 'min' => '0')));
$dependency = array('parent_id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_enabled', 'value' => 'true');
dependency($public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_height', $dependency);
// Select
woocommerce_wp_select(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_position', 'label' => __('Sticky Button Position', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('Choose Sticky Position', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'desc_tip' => 'true', 'value' => $custom_tab_options['public_fields'][$public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_position'], 'options' => array('pw-left-stick' => __('Left Side', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'pw-right-stick' => __('Right Side', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN))));
$dependency = array('parent_id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_enabled', 'value' => 'true');
dependency($public_perfix . 'tab_sticky_position', $dependency);
if ($product_tab_use_all == 'on') {
    woocommerce_wp_checkbox(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_content_changed', 'label' => __('Content Changed', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('If You Change Below Content, Please Check This Features', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'value' => $custom_tab_options['public_fields'][$public_perfix . 'tab_content_changed'], 'cbvalue' => 'yes'));
Beispiel #3
$dependency = array('parent_id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_type', 'value' => 'grid');
dependency($public_perfix . 'tab_image_effect', $dependency);
// Select
woocommerce_wp_select(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_icon_effect', 'label' => __('Grid Icon Effect', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('Choose Gallery Grid Icon Effect', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'value' => @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_icon_effect'], 'options' => array('wt-dropup' => __('Dropdown', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt-dropdown' => __('DropUp', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt-scale-eff' => __('Scale', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN))));
$dependency = array('parent_id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_type', 'value' => 'grid');
dependency($public_perfix . 'tab_icon_effect', $dependency);
// Number Field
woocommerce_wp_text_input(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_height', 'label' => __('Slider Height (Pixel)', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'placeholder' => '', 'description' => __('Enter Photo Slider Height.', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'type' => 'number', 'desc_tip' => 'true', 'value' => @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_height'], 'custom_attributes' => array('step' => 'any', 'min' => '0')));
$dependency = array('parent_id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_type', 'value' => 'slider');
dependency($public_perfix . 'tab_height', $dependency);
    <p class="form-field">
        <div class="custom_tab_options" >
$i = 0;
$image = PL_URL . '/images/image.png';
                <a class="repeatable-add-image button" href="#"><i class="fa fa-plus-square" ></i></a>
                <ul id="custom_repeatables" class="custom_repeatable"><?php 
$meta = $custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_posts'];
if ($meta) {
    foreach ($meta as $row) {
Beispiel #4
				<div class="options_group custom_tab_options <?php 
echo $public_perfix . 'tab_content_field';
" " style="width:90%;margin-right: 5px;float:right">
					<label for="video_products_url"><?php 
					<p class="form-field product_field_type" >
$content = @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_content'];
$editor_id = $public_perfix . 'tab_content';
wp_editor($content, $editor_id);
$dependency = array('parent_id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_type', 'value' => 'embed');
dependency($public_perfix . 'tab_content', $dependency);

// Select
woocommerce_wp_select(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_type', 'label' => __('Display Type', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('Choose Display Type', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'value' => @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_type'], 'options' => array('grid' => __('Grid View', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'carousel' => __('Carousel', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'list' => __('List', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN))));
// Select
woocommerce_wp_select(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_column', 'label' => __('Grid Column', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('Choose Number of Column(s)', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'value' => @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_column'], 'options' => array('wt_col_2_of_2' => __('One Column', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt_col_1_of_2' => __('Two Columns', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt_col_1_of_3' => __('Three Columns', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt_col_1_of_4' => __('Four Columns', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN))));
$dependency = array('parent_id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_type', 'value' => 'grid');
dependency($public_perfix . 'tab_column', $dependency);
// Select
woocommerce_wp_select(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_skin', 'label' => __('Skin', 'extra_product_tab'), 'description' => __('Choose Skin for Grid and Carousel Type', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'value' => @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_skin'], 'options' => array('wt-carskin-light1' => __('Light 1', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt-carskin-light2' => __('Light 2', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt-carskin-dark1' => __('Dark 1', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt-carskin-dark2' => __('Dark 2', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN))));
$dependency = array('parent_id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_type', 'value' => array('grid', 'carousel'));
dependency($public_perfix . 'tab_skin', $dependency);
// Select
woocommerce_wp_select(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_image_effect', 'label' => __('Grid Image Effect', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('Choose Gallery Grid Image Effect', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'value' => @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_image_effect'], 'options' => array('zoomin-eff' => __('Zoom In', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'zoomout-eff' => __('Zoom Out', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'roundright-eff' => __('Rotate Right', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN))));
// Select
woocommerce_wp_select(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_icon_effect', 'label' => __('Grid Icon Effect', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('Choose Grid Icon Effect', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'value' => @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_icon_effect'], 'options' => array('wt-dropup' => __('Dropdown', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt-dropdown' => __('DropUp', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt-scale-eff' => __('Scale', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN))));
Beispiel #6
        <div class="wt-faqcnt ">
          <div class="wt-faqtitle expanded"><h4><?php 
_e('Advanced Setting', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN);
          <div class="wt-faqcontent wt-adminadvanced">
// Select
woocommerce_wp_select(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_type', 'label' => __('Gallery Type', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('Choose Gallery Type', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'value' => @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_type'], 'options' => array('grid' => __('Grid View', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'slider' => __('Slider', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN))));
// Select
woocommerce_wp_select(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_column', 'label' => __('Grid Column', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'description' => __('Choose Number of Column(s)', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'value' => @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_column'], 'options' => array('wt_col_2_of_2' => __('One Column', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'wt_col_1_of_2' => __('Two Columns', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN))));
$dependency = array('parent_id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_type', 'value' => 'grid');
dependency($public_perfix . 'tab_column', $dependency);
// Number Field
woocommerce_wp_text_input(array('id' => $public_perfix . 'tab_height', 'label' => __('Grid/Silder Height (Pixel)', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'placeholder' => '', 'description' => __('Enter Video Grid/Slider Height.', EXTRA_WOO_TABS_TEXTDOMAN), 'type' => 'number', 'desc_tip' => 'true', 'value' => @$custom_tab_options[$public_perfix . 'tab_height'], 'custom_attributes' => array('step' => 'any', 'min' => '0')));

    <p class="form-field">
        <div class="custom_tab_options" >
$i = 0;
$image = PL_URL . '/images/image.png';