} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } //invoice_balance } //if ($amount = 0 + $payment) } //foreach } //if ($_POST['form_upay']) } //if ($_POST['form_save']) if ($_POST['form_save'] || $_REQUEST['receipt']) { if ($_REQUEST['receipt']) { $form_pid = $_GET['patient']; $timestamp = decorateString('....-..-.. ..:..:..', $_GET['time']); } // Get details for what we guess is the primary facility. $frow = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM facility " . "ORDER BY billing_location DESC, accepts_assignment DESC, id LIMIT 1"); // Get the patient's name and chart number. $patdata = getPatientData($form_pid, 'fname,mname,lname,pubpid'); // Re-fetch payment info. $payrow = sqlQuery("SELECT " . "SUM(amount1) AS amount1, " . "SUM(amount2) AS amount2, " . "MAX(method) AS method, " . "MAX(source) AS source, " . "MAX(dtime) AS dtime, " . "MAX(user) AS user, " . "MAX(encounter) as encounter " . "FROM payments WHERE " . "pid = ? AND dtime = ?", array($form_pid, $timestamp)); // Create key for deleting, just in case. $ref_id = $_REQUEST['radio_type_of_payment'] == 'copay' ? $session_id : $payment_id; $payment_key = $form_pid . '.' . preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $timestamp) . '.' . $ref_id; // get facility from encounter $tmprow = sqlQuery("\n SELECT facility_id\n FROM form_encounter\n WHERE encounter = ?", array($payrow['encounter'])); $frow = sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM facility " . " WHERE id = ?", array($tmprow['facility_id'])); // Now proceed with printing the receipt. ?>
} $trow = sqlQuery("SELECT url FROM documents WHERE id = '{$document}'"); $url = $trow['url']; row_delete("categories_to_documents", "document_id = '{$document}'"); row_delete("documents", "id = '{$document}'"); row_delete("gprelations", "type1 = 1 AND id1 = '{$document}'"); if (substr($url, 0, 7) == 'file://') { @unlink(substr($url, 7)); } } else { if ($payment) { if (!acl_check('admin', 'super')) { die("Not authorized!"); } list($patient_id, $timestamp) = explode(".", $payment); $timestamp = decorateString('....-..-.. ..:..:..', $timestamp); $payres = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM payments WHERE " . "pid = '{$patient_id}' AND dtime = '{$timestamp}'"); while ($payrow = sqlFetchArray($payres)) { if ($payrow['amount1'] != 0) { // Mark the payment as inactive. row_modify("billing", "activity = 0", "pid = '{$patient_id}' AND " . "encounter = '" . $payrow['encounter'] . "' AND " . "code_type = 'COPAY' AND " . "fee = '" . (0 - $payrow['amount1']) . "' AND " . "LEFT(date, 10) = '" . substr($timestamp, 0, 10) . "' AND " . "activity = 1 LIMIT 1"); } if ($payrow['amount2'] != 0) { if ($GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['enabled'] === 2) { $thissrc = ''; if ($payrow['method']) { $thissrc .= $payrow['method']; if ($payrow['source']) { $thissrc .= ' ' . $payrow['source']; } }