Beispiel #1
function BackendBlockNew($coin, $db_block)
    //	debuglog("NEW BLOCK $coin->name $db_block->height");
    $reward = $db_block->amount;
    $total_hash_power = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) from shares where valid and algo='{$coin->algo}'");
    if (!$total_hash_power) {
    $list = dbolist("SELECT userid, sum(difficulty) as total from shares where valid and algo='{$coin->algo}' group by userid");
    foreach ($list as $item) {
        $hash_power = $item['total'];
        if (!$hash_power) {
        $user = getdbo('db_accounts', $item['userid']);
        if (!$user) {
        $amount = $reward * $hash_power / $total_hash_power;
        if (!$user->no_fees) {
            $amount = take_yaamp_fee($amount, $coin->algo);
        $earning = new db_earnings();
        $earning->userid = $user->id;
        $earning->coinid = $coin->id;
        $earning->blockid = $db_block->id;
        $earning->create_time = $db_block->time;
        $earning->amount = $amount;
        $earning->price = $coin->price;
        if ($db_block->category == 'generate') {
            $earning->mature_time = time();
            $earning->status = 1;
        } else {
            // immature
            $earning->status = 0;
        $user->last_login = time();
    $delay = time() - 5 * 60;
    dborun("delete from shares where algo='{$coin->algo}' and time<{$delay}");
Beispiel #2
function BackendProcessList()
    $list = dbolist("show processlist");
    foreach ($list as $item) {
        $conn = getdbo('db_connections', $item['Id']);
        if (!$conn) {
            $conn = new db_connections();
            $conn->id = $item['Id'];
            $conn->user = $item['User'];
            $conn->host = $item['Host'];
            $conn->db = $item['db'];
            $conn->created = time();
        $conn->idle = $item['Time'];
        $conn->last = time();
    $delay = time() - 5 * 60;
    dborun("delete from connections where last<{$delay}");
echo "<th align=right>Last Hour</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Last 24 Hours</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Last 7 Days</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Last 30 Days</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</thead>";
$t1 = time() - 60 * 60;
$t2 = time() - 24 * 60 * 60;
$t3 = time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;
$t4 = time() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60;
$total1 = 0;
$total2 = 0;
$total3 = 0;
$total4 = 0;
$algo = user()->getState('yaamp-algo');
$list = dbolist("SELECT coin_id FROM blocks where category!='orphan' and time>{$t4} and coin_id in (select id from coins where algo=:algo) group by coin_id order by id desc", array(':algo' => $algo));
foreach ($list as $item) {
    $coin = getdbo('db_coins', $item['coin_id']);
    if ($coin->symbol == 'BTC') {
    $res1 = controller()->memcache->get_database_row("history_item1-{$coin->id}-{$algo}", "select count(*) as a, sum(amount*price) as b from blocks where category!='orphan' and time>{$t1} and coin_id={$coin->id} and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
    $res2 = controller()->memcache->get_database_row("history_item2-{$coin->id}-{$algo}", "select count(*) as a, sum(amount*price) as b from blocks where category!='orphan' and time>{$t2} and coin_id={$coin->id} and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
    $res3 = controller()->memcache->get_database_row("history_item3-{$coin->id}-{$algo}", "select count(*) as a, sum(amount*price) as b from blocks where category!='orphan' and time>{$t3} and coin_id={$coin->id} and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
    $res4 = controller()->memcache->get_database_row("history_item4-{$coin->id}-{$algo}", "select count(*) as a, sum(amount*price) as b from blocks where category!='orphan' and time>{$t4} and coin_id={$coin->id} and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
    $total1 += $res1['b'];
    $total2 += $res2['b'];
    $total3 += $res3['b'];
    $total4 += $res4['b'];
    $name = substr($coin->name, 0, 12);
    echo "<tr class='ssrow'>";
$total_invalid = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) * {$target} / {$interval} / 1000 from shares where not valid and time>{$delay} and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
WriteBoxHeader("Miners Version ({$algo})");
//echo "<br><table class='dataGrid2'>";
echo "<thead>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Version</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Count</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Extranonce</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Percent</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Hashrate*</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Reject</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</thead><tbody>";
$error_tab = array(20 => 'Invalid nonce size', 21 => 'Invalid job id', 22 => 'Duplicate share', 23 => 'Invalid time rolling', 24 => 'Invalid extranonce2 size', 25 => 'Invalid share', 26 => 'Low difficulty share');
$versions = dbolist("select version, count(*) as c, sum(subscribe) as s from workers where algo=:algo group by version order by c desc", array(':algo' => $algo));
foreach ($versions as $item) {
    $version = $item['version'];
    $count = $item['c'];
    $extranonce = $item['s'];
    $hashrate = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) * {$target} / {$interval} / 1000 from shares where valid and time>{$delay} and\n\t\tworkerid in (select id from workers where algo=:algo and version='{$version}')", array(':algo' => $algo));
    $invalid = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) * {$target} / {$interval} / 1000 from shares where not valid and time>{$delay} and\n\t\tworkerid in (select id from workers where algo=:algo and version='{$version}')", array(':algo' => $algo));
    $title = '';
    foreach ($error_tab as $i => $s) {
        $invalid2 = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) * {$target} / {$interval} / 1000 from shares where error={$i} and time>{$delay} and\n\t\t\tworkerid in (select id from workers where algo=:algo and version='{$version}')", array(':algo' => $algo));
        if ($invalid2) {
            $bad2 = round($invalid2 * 100 / ($hashrate + $invalid2), 2) . '%';
            $title .= "{$bad2} - {$s}\n";
    $percent = $total_hashrate && $hashrate ? round($hashrate * 100 / $total_hashrate, 2) . '%' : '';
Beispiel #5
echo "<table class='dataGrid2'>";
echo "<thead>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th></th>";
echo "<th>Name</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Immature</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Confirmed</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Total</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Value*</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</thead>";
$total_pending = 0;
if ($show_details) {
    $t1 = microtime(true);
    $list = dbolist("select coinid from earnings where userid={$user->id} group by coinid");
    if (!count($list)) {
        echo "<tr><td></td><td colspan=5><i>-none-</i></td></tr>";
    } else {
        // sort by value
        foreach ($list as $item) {
            $coin = getdbo('db_coins', $item['coinid']);
            if (!$coin) {
            $name = substr($coin->name, 0, 12);
            $confirmed = controller()->memcache->get_database_scalar("wallet_confirmed-{$user->id}-{$coin->id}", "select sum(amount) from earnings where status=1 and userid={$user->id} and coinid={$coin->id}");
            $unconfirmed = controller()->memcache->get_database_scalar("wallet_unconfirmed-{$user->id}-{$coin->id}", "select sum(amount) from earnings where status=0 and userid={$user->id} and coinid={$coin->id}");
            $total = $confirmed + $unconfirmed;
            //	$value = bitcoinvaluetoa($total * $coin->price / $refcoin->price);
            $value = bitcoinvaluetoa(yaamp_convert_amount_user($coin, $total, $user));
Beispiel #6

echo "<br><table class='dataGrid'>";
echo "<thead>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Coin</th>";
echo "<th>Market</th>";
echo "<th>Price</th>";
echo "<th>Message</th>";
echo "<th>Deposit</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</thead><tbody>";
$list = dbolist("SELECT as coinid, as marketid FROM coins, markets WHERE coins.installed AND \r\n\ AND (markets.deposit_address IS NULL or (message is not null and message!='')) order by desc");
foreach ($list as $item) {
    $coin = getdbo('db_coins', $item['coinid']);
    $market = getdbo('db_markets', $item['marketid']);
    echo "<tr class='ssrow'>";
    echo "<td><a href='/site/coin?id={$coin->id}'>{$coin->name}</a></td>";
    echo "<td>{$market->name}</td>";
    echo "<td>{$market->price}</td>";
    echo "<td>{$market->message}</td>";
    echo "<td>{$market->deposit_address}</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</tbody></table>";
echo '<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>';
echo '<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>';
Beispiel #7
function BackendStatsUpdate2()
    //	debuglog('----------------------------------');
    //	debuglog(__FUNCTION__);
    $step = 15;
    $t = floor(time() / $step / 60) * $step * 60;
    $list = dbolist("select userid, algo from shares where time>{$t} group by userid, algo");
    foreach ($list as $item) {
        $stats = getdbosql('db_hashuser', "time={$t} and algo=:algo and userid=:userid", array(':algo' => $item['algo'], ':userid' => $item['userid']));
        if (!$stats) {
            $stats = new db_hashuser();
            $stats->userid = $item['userid'];
            $stats->time = $t;
            $stats->hashrate = dboscalar("select hashrate from hashuser where algo=:algo and userid=:userid order by time desc limit 1", array(':algo' => $item['algo'], ':userid' => $item['userid']));
            $stats->hashrate_bad = 0;
            $stats->algo = $item['algo'];
        $percent = 20;
        $user_rate = yaamp_user_rate($item['userid'], $item['algo']);
        $stats->hashrate = round(($stats->hashrate * (100 - $percent) + $user_rate * $percent) / 100);
        if ($stats->hashrate < 1000) {
            $stats->hashrate = 0;
        $user_rate_bad = yaamp_user_rate_bad($item['userid'], $item['algo']);
        $stats->hashrate_bad = round(($stats->hashrate_bad * (100 - $percent) + $user_rate_bad * $percent) / 100);
        if ($stats->hashrate_bad < 1000) {
            $stats->hashrate_bad = 0;
    $step = 15;
    $t = floor(time() / $step / 60) * $step * 60;
    $list = dbolist("select distinct jobid from jobsubmits where time>{$t}");
    foreach ($list as $item) {
        $jobid = $item['jobid'];
        $stats = getdbosql('db_hashrenter', "time={$t} and jobid={$jobid}");
        if (!$stats) {
            $stats = new db_hashrenter();
            //	$stats->renterid = ;
            $stats->jobid = $item['jobid'];
            $stats->time = $t;
            $stats->hashrate = dboscalar("select hashrate from hashrenter where jobid=:jobid order by time desc limit 1", array(':jobid' => $jobid));
            $stats->hashrate_bad = 0;
            //dboscalar("select hashrate_bad from hashrenter where jobid=$jobid order by time desc limit 1");
        $percent = 20;
        $job_rate = yaamp_job_rate($jobid);
        $stats->hashrate = round(($stats->hashrate * (100 - $percent) + $job_rate * $percent) / 100);
        if ($stats->hashrate < 1000) {
            $stats->hashrate = 0;
        $job_rate_bad = yaamp_job_rate_bad($jobid);
        $stats->hashrate_bad = round(($stats->hashrate_bad * (100 - $percent) + $job_rate_bad * $percent) / 100);
        if ($stats->hashrate_bad < 1000) {
            $stats->hashrate_bad = 0;
    $t = floor(time() / $step / 60) * $step * 60;
    $d = time() - 24 * 60 * 60;
    $list = getdbolist('db_accounts', "balance>0 or last_login>{$d}");
    foreach ($list as $user) {
        $stats = getdbosql('db_balanceuser', "time={$t} and userid={$user->id}");
        if (!$stats) {
            $stats = new db_balanceuser();
            $stats->userid = $user->id;
            $stats->time = $t;
        // 		$refcoin = getdbo('db_coins', $user->coinid);
        // 		if(!$refcoin) $refcoin = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='BTC'");
        // 		if(!$refcoin->price || !$refcoin->price2) continue;
        // 		$pending1 = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from earnings where coinid=$refcoin->id and status!=2 and userid=$user->id");
        // 		$pending2 = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from earnings where coinid!=$refcoin->id and status!=2 and userid=$user->id");
        $stats->pending = yaamp_convert_earnings_user($user, "status!=2");
        $stats->pending = bitcoinvaluetoa($stats->pending);
        $stats->balance = $user->balance;
        $id = dboscalar("select id from earnings where userid={$user->id} order by id desc limit 100, 1");
        if ($id) {
            dborun("delete from earnings where status=2 and userid={$user->id} and id<{$id}");
Beispiel #8
function BackendRentingPayout()
    //	debuglog(__FUNCTION__);
    $total_cleared = 0;
    foreach (yaamp_get_algos() as $algo) {
        $delay = time() - 5 * 60;
        dborun("delete from jobsubmits where status=2 and algo=:algo and time<{$delay}", array(':algo' => $algo));
        $amount = dboscalar("select sum(amount) from jobsubmits where status=1 and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
        if ($amount < 2.0E-5) {
        dborun("update jobsubmits set status=2 where status=1 and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
        $total_cleared += $amount;
        $block = new db_blocks();
        $block->coin_id = 0;
        $block->time = time();
        $block->amount = $amount;
        $block->price = 1;
        $block->algo = $algo;
        $block->category = 'generate';
        $total_hash_power = dboscalar("SELECT sum(difficulty) FROM shares where valid and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
        if (!$total_hash_power) {
        $list = dbolist("SELECT userid, sum(difficulty) as total FROM shares where valid and algo=:algo GROUP BY userid", array(':algo' => $algo));
        foreach ($list as $item) {
            $hash_power = $item['total'];
            if (!$hash_power) {
            $user = getdbo('db_accounts', $item['userid']);
            if (!$user) {
            $earning = new db_earnings();
            $earning->userid = $user->id;
            $earning->coinid = 0;
            $earning->blockid = $block->id;
            $earning->create_time = time();
            $earning->price = 1;
            $earning->status = 2;
            // cleared
            $earning->amount = $amount * $hash_power / $total_hash_power;
            if (!$user->no_fees) {
                $earning->amount = take_yaamp_fee($earning->amount, $algo);
            $refcoin = getdbo('db_coins', $user->coinid);
            $value = $earning->amount / ($refcoin && $refcoin->price2 ? $refcoin->price2 : 1);
            //	$value = yaamp_convert_amount_user($coin, $earning->amount, $user);
            $user->last_login = time();
            $user->balance += $value;
        $delay = time() - 5 * 60;
        dborun("delete from shares where algo=:algo and time<{$delay}", array(':algo' => $algo));
    if ($total_cleared > 0) {
        debuglog("total cleared from rental {$total_cleared} BTC");
Beispiel #9
$algo = user()->getState('yaamp-algo');
$target = yaamp_hashrate_constant($algo);
$interval = yaamp_hashrate_step();
$delay = time() - $interval;
echo "<br><table class='dataGrid'>";
echo "<thead>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>Version</th>";
echo "<th>Workers</th>";
echo "<th>Hashrate</th>";
echo "<th>Bad</th>";
echo "<th></th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</thead><tbody>";
$versions = dbolist("select version, count(*) as c from workers where algo=:algo group by version", array(':algo' => $algo));
foreach ($versions as $item) {
    $version = $item['version'];
    $count = $item['c'];
    $hashrate = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) * {$target} / {$interval} / 1000 from shares where valid and time>{$delay} and \r\n\t\tworkerid in (select id from workers where algo=:algo and version=:version)", array(':algo' => $algo, ':version' => $version));
    $invalid = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) * {$target} / {$interval} / 1000 from shares where not valid and time>{$delay} and \r\n\t\tworkerid in (select id from workers where algo=:algo and version=:version)", array(':algo' => $algo, ':version' => $version));
    $percent = $hashrate ? round($invalid * 100 / $hashrate, 3) : 0;
    $hashrate = Itoa2($hashrate) . 'h/s';
    $invalid = Itoa2($invalid) . 'h/s';
    echo "<tr class='ssrow'>";
    echo "<td><b>{$version}</b></td>";
    echo "<td>{$count}</td>";
    echo "<td>{$hashrate}</td>";
    echo "<td>{$invalid}</td>";
    echo "<td align=right>{$percent}%</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
Beispiel #10
        echo "<td></td>";
        echo "<td><a href='/site/blockuser?wallet={$user->username}'>block</a></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
$t = time() - 24 * 60 * 60;
$list = dbolist("select userid from shares where pid is null or pid not in (select pid from stratums) group by userid");
foreach ($list as $item) {
    showUser($item['userid'], 'pid');
$list = dbolist("select id from accounts where balance>0.001 and id not in (select distinct userid from blocks where userid is not null and time>{$t})");
foreach ($list as $item) {
    showUser($item['id'], 'blocks');
$monsters = dbolist("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total, userid FROM workers GROUP BY userid ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 5");
foreach ($monsters as $item) {
    showUser($item['userid'], 'miners');
$monsters = dbolist("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total, workerid FROM shares GROUP BY workerid ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 5");
foreach ($monsters as $item) {
    $worker = getdbo('db_workers', $item['workerid']);
    if (!$worker) {
    showUser($worker->userid, 'shares');
$list = getdbolist('db_accounts', "is_locked");
foreach ($list as $user) {
    showUser($user->id, 'locked');
echo "</tbody></table>";