Beispiel #1
// plugins directory
$apps_path['plug'] = $apps_path['base'] . '/plugin';
$http_path['plug'] = $http_path['base'] . '/plugin';
// themes directories
$apps_path['themes'] = $apps_path['plug'] . '/themes';
$http_path['themes'] = $http_path['plug'] . '/themes';
// insert to global config
$core_config['apps_path'] = $apps_path;
$core_config['http_path'] = $http_path;
// plugins category
$plugins_category = array('tools', 'feature', 'gateway', 'themes', 'language');
$core_config['plugins_category'] = $plugins_category;
// include essential functions
include_once $apps_path['libs'] . "/dba.php";
// connect to database
$dba_object = dba_connect(_DB_USER_, _DB_PASS_, _DB_NAME_, _DB_HOST_, _DB_PORT_);
// set charset to UTF-8
dba_query("SET NAMES utf8");
// get main config
$db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblConfig_main";
$db_result = dba_query($db_query);
$db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
if (isset($db_row)) {
    $web_title = $db_row['cfg_web_title'];
    $email_service = $db_row['cfg_email_service'];
    $email_footer = $db_row['cfg_email_footer'];
    $gateway_number = $db_row['cfg_gateway_number'];
    $gateway_timezone = $db_row['cfg_datetime_timezone'];
    $default_rate = $db_row['cfg_default_rate'];
    $tmp_gateway_module = $db_row['cfg_gateway_module'];
    $tmp_themes_module = $db_row['cfg_themes_module'];
Beispiel #2
// dlr constants
define(DLR_PENDING, 0);
define(DLR_SENT, 1);
define(DLR_FAILED, 2);
define(DLR_DELIVERED, 3);
// time to pause between resend tries
define(RESEND_SLEEP, 90);
// max number of attempts to attempt sending an sms
define(SEND_TRY_MAX, 4);
// very important, do not try to remove it or change it
define("_SECURE_", "1");
// connect to database
include_once "{$apps_path['libs']}/dba.php";
$dba_object = dba_connect($db_param[user], $db_param[pass], $db_param[name], $db_param[host], $db_param[port]);
if (DB::isError($dba_object)) {
    echo "Cannot connect to database '{$db_param['name']}' using user '{$db_param['user']}'. <br/>\n";
    echo "{$dba_object->getMessage}() <br/>\n";
    echo "<br/>\n";
    echo "Something may have gone wrong during setup-- please reconfigure the package or use your admin mysql account to create user '{$db_param['user']}' with password '{$db_param['pass']}; <br/>\n";
// get main config
$db_query = "SELECT * FROM playsms_tblConfig_main";
$db_result = dba_query($db_query);
if ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
    $web_title = $db_row[cfg_web_title];
    $web_url = $db_row[cfg_web_url];
    $email_service = $db_row[cfg_email_service];
    $email_footer = $db_row[cfg_email_footer];