Beispiel #1
#!/usr/bin/env php
 *   Copyright 2011 Aaron Seigo <*****@*****.**>
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
 *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 *   License along with this program; if not, write to the
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
include_once 'config.php';
include_once "{$common_includePath}/db.php";
$db = SynchrotronDBConnection::copy('write', $synchrotron_dbs['default']);
$db->db_username = $db_writeusername;
$db->db_password = $db_writepassword;
$old_time = time() - 60 * 15;
$db = db_connection('write');
db_query($db, "DELETE FROM accesses WHERE ts < {$old_time};");
Beispiel #2
    if ($db_connection instanceof SynchrotronDBConnection) {
        $synchrotron_dbs[$db_connection->identifier] = $db_connection;
        return true;
    return false;
global $db_localOnly;
$defaultDB = new SynchrotronDBConnection('default');
$defaultDB->db_host = $db_host;
$defaultDB->db_port = $db_port;
$defaultDB->db_name = $db_name;
$defaultDB->db_username = $db_username;
$defaultDB->db_password = $db_password;
$defaultDB->localConnection = $db_localOnly;
 * database connections
function db_connection($identifier = 'default')
    global $synchrotron_dbs;
    $db = $synchrotron_dbs[$identifier];
    if (!$db) {
        $db = SynchrotronDBConnection::Copy($identifier, $synchrotron_dbs['default']);
    if ($db instanceof SynchrotronDBConnection) {
        if (!$db->resource) {
            if ($db->persistent) {
function cloneDatabase($targetdbname)
    $newname = HEURIST_DB_PREFIX . $targetdbname;
    //create new empty database
    if (!db_create($newname)) {
        return false;
    echo_flush("<p>Create Database Structure (tables)</p>");
    if (db_script($newname, HEURIST_DIR . "admin/setup/dbcreate/blankDBStructure.sql")) {
        echo_flush('<p style="padding-left:20px">SUCCESS</p>');
    } else {
        return false;
    // Remove initial values from empty database
    mysql_query('delete from sysIdentification where 1');
    mysql_query('delete from sysTableLastUpdated where 1');
    mysql_query('delete from sysUsrGrpLinks where 1');
    mysql_query('delete from sysUGrps where ugr_ID>=0');
    mysql_query('delete from defLanguages where 1');
    echo_flush("<p>Copy data</p>");
    // db_clone function in /common/php/db_utils.php does all the work
    if (db_clone(DATABASE, $newname)) {
        echo_flush('<p style="padding-left:20px">SUCCESS</p>');
    } else {
        return false;
    //cleanup database to avoid issues with addition of constraints
    //1. cleanup missed trm_InverseTermId
    mysql_query('update defTerms t1 left join defTerms t2 on t1.trm_InverseTermId=t2.trm_ID
        set t1.trm_InverseTermId=null
    where t1.trm_ID>0 and t2.trm_ID is NULL');
    //2. remove missed recent records
    mysql_query('delete FROM usrRecentRecords
        where rre_RecID is not null
    and rre_RecID not in (select rec_ID from Records)');
    //3. remove missed rrc_SourceRecID and rrc_TargetRecID
    mysql_query('delete FROM recRelationshipsCache
        where rrc_SourceRecID is not null
    and rrc_SourceRecID not in (select rec_ID from Records)');
    mysql_query('delete FROM recRelationshipsCache
        where rrc_TargetRecID is not null
    and rrc_TargetRecID not in (select rec_ID from Records)');
    //4. cleanup orphaned details
    mysql_query('delete FROM recDetails
        where dtl_RecID is not null
    and dtl_RecID not in (select rec_ID from Records)');
    //5. cleanup missed references to uploaded files
    mysql_query('delete FROM recDetails
        where dtl_UploadedFileID is not null
    and dtl_UploadedFileID not in (select ulf_ID from recUploadedFiles)');
    $sHighLoadWarning = "<p><h4>Note: </h4>Failure to clone a database may result from high server load. Please try again, and if the problem continues contact the Heurist developers at info heuristnetwork dot org</p>";
    // 4. add contrainsts, procedure and triggers
    echo_flush("<p>Addition of Referential Constraints</p>");
    if (db_script($newname, dirname(__FILE__) . "/../dbcreate/addReferentialConstraints.sql")) {
        echo_flush('<p style="padding-left:20px">SUCCESS</p>');
    } else {
        print $sHighLoadWarning;
        return false;
    echo_flush("<p>Addition of Procedures and Triggers</p>");
    if (db_script($newname, dirname(__FILE__) . "/../dbcreate/addProceduresTriggers.sql")) {
        echo_flush('<p style="padding-left:20px">SUCCESS</p>');
    } else {
        print $sHighLoadWarning;
        return false;
    // 5. remove registration info and assign originID for definitions
    $sourceRegID = 0;
    $res = mysql_query('select sys_dbRegisteredID from sysIdentification where 1');
    if ($res) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
        if ($row) {
            $sourceRegID = $row[0];
    //print "<p>".$sourceRegID."</p>";
    // RESET register db ID
    $query1 = "update sysIdentification set sys_dbRegisteredID=0, sys_hmlOutputDirectory=null, sys_htmlOutputDirectory=null, sys_SyncDefsWithDB=null, sys_MediaFolders=null where 1";
    $res1 = mysql_query($query1);
    if (mysql_error()) {
        //(mysql_num_rows($res1) == 0)
        print "<p><h4>Warning</h4><b>Unable to reset sys_dbRegisteredID in sysIdentification table. (" . mysql_error() . ")<br> Please reset the registration ID manually</b></p>";
    //assign origin ID
    db_register($newname, $sourceRegID);
    // Index new database for Elasticsearch
    //TODO: Needs error report, trap error and warn or abort clone
    // Copy the images and the icons directories
    //TODO: Needs error report, trap error and warn or abort clone
    // Update file path in target database  with absolute paths
    $query1 = "update recUploadedFiles set ulf_FilePath='" . HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . $targetdbname . "/' where ulf_FilePath='" . HEURIST_UPLOAD_ROOT . HEURIST_DBNAME . "/' and ulf_ID>0";
    $res1 = mysql_query($query1);
    if (mysql_error()) {
        //(mysql_num_rows($res1) == 0)
        print "<p><h4>Warning</h4><b>Unable to set database files path to new path</b>" . "<br>Query was:" . $query1 . "<br>Please get your system administrator to fix this problem BEFORE editing the database (your edits will affect the original database)</p>";
    // Success!
    echo "<hr><p>&nbsp;</p><h2>New database '{$targetdbname}' created successfully</h2>";
    print "<p>Please access your new database through this link: <a href='" . HEURIST_BASE_URL . "?db=" . $targetdbname . "' title='' target=\"_new\"><strong>" . $targetdbname . "</strong></a></p>";
    return true;
Beispiel #4
function registerDatabase()
    $heuristDBname = rawurlencode(HEURIST_DBNAME);
    global $dbID, $dbName, $ownerGrpID, $indexdb_user_id, $usrEmail, $usrPassword, $usrName, $usrFirstName, $usrLastName, $dbDescription;
    $serverURL = HEURIST_BASE_URL . "?db=" . $heuristDBname;
    $serverURL = substr($serverURL, 7);
    // to avoid conversion path to localhost if masterindex on the same server
    $usrEmail = rawurlencode($usrEmail);
    $usrName = rawurlencode($usrName);
    $usrFirstName = rawurlencode($usrFirstName);
    $usrLastName = rawurlencode($usrLastName);
    $usrPassword = rawurlencode($usrPassword);
    $dbDescriptionEncoded = rawurlencode($dbDescription);
    $reg_url = HEURIST_INDEX_BASE_URL . "admin/setup/dbproperties/getNextDBRegistrationID.php" . "?db=Heurist_Master_Index&dbReg=" . $heuristDBname . "&dbVer=" . HEURIST_DBVERSION . "&dbTitle=" . $dbDescriptionEncoded . "&usrPassword="******"&usrName=" . $usrName . "&usrFirstName=" . $usrFirstName . "&usrLastName=" . $usrLastName . "&usrEmail=" . $usrEmail . "&serverURL=" . rawurlencode($serverURL);
    //$data = loadRemoteURLContent($reg_url);
    $data = loadRemoteURLContentSpecial($reg_url);
    //without proxy
    if (!$data) {
        die("Unable to contact Heurist master index, possibly due to timeout or proxy setting<br />" . "URL requested: <a href='{$reg_url}'>{$reg_url}</a>");
    if ($data) {
        $dbID = intval($data);
        // correct return of data is just the registration number. we probably need a
        // better formatted return with some tags to ensure we are getting the right thing
    if ($dbID == 0) {
        // Unable to allocate a new database identifier
        $decodedData = explode(',', $data);
        if (count($decodedData) > 0) {
            $msg = $decodedData[1];
        } else {
            $msg = "Problem allocating a database identifier from the Heurist master index, " . "returned the following instead of a registration number:\n" . substr($data, 0, 25) . " ... \nPlease contact <a>Heurist developers</a> for advice";
        echo $msg . "<br />";
    } else {
        if ($dbID == -1) {
            // old title update function, should no longer be called
            $res = mysql_query("update sysIdentification set `sys_dbDescription`='" . mysql_real_escape_string($dbDescription) . "' where 1");
            echo "<div class='input-row'><div class='input-header-cell'>" . "Database description (updated):</div><div class='input-cell'>" . $dbDescription . "</div></div>";
        } else {
            // We have got a new dbID, set the assigned dbID in sysIdentification
            $res = mysql_query("update sysIdentification set `sys_dbRegisteredID`='{$dbID}', " . "`sys_dbDescription`='" . mysql_real_escape_string($dbDescription) . "' where 1");
            if ($res) {
                echo "<div class='input-row'><div class='input-header-cell'>Database:</div>" . "<div class='input-cell'>" . DATABASE . "</div></div>";
                echo "<div class='input-row'><div class='input-header-cell'>" . "Registration successful, database ID allocated is</div>" . "<div class='input-cell'>" . $dbID . "</div></div>";
                echo "<div class='input-row'><div class='input-header-cell'></div>" . "<div class='input-cell'>Basic description: " . $dbDescription . "</div></div>";
                $url = HEURIST_INDEX_BASE_URL . "records/edit/editRecord.html?recID=" . $dbID . "&db=Heurist_Master_Index";
                echo "<div class='input-row'><div class='input-header-cell'>Collection metadata:</div>" . "<div class='input-cell'><a href={$url} target=_blank>Click here to edit</a> " . "(login - if asked - as yourself) </div></div>";
                // Update original DB ID and original db code for all existing record types, fields and terms
                // which don't have them (meaning that they were defined within this database)
                // Record types
                $result = db_register(DATABASE, $dbID);
                if (!$result) {
                    echo "<div class=wrap><div id=errorMsg>Unable to set all values for originating DB information for " . DATABASE . " - one of the update queries failed</div></div>";
                        <script> // automatically call Heurist_Master_Index metadata edit form for this database
                echo $url;
            } else {
                $msg = "<div class=wrap><div id=errorMsg><span>Unable to write database identification record</span>" . "this database might be incorrectly set up<br />" . "Please contact <a>Heurist developers</a> for advice</div></div>";
                echo $msg;
            // unable to write db identification record
    // successful new DB ID