  * Implements LinkitSearchPluginInterface::fetchResults().
 public function fetchResults($search_string)
     // If the $search_string is not a string, something is wrong and an empty
     // array is returned.
     $matches = array();
     // Get the EntityFieldQuery instance.
     $or = db_or();
     $or->condition('n.title', '%' . db_like($search_string) . '%', 'LIKE');
     $or->condition('bcd.name', '%' . db_like($search_string) . '%', 'LIKE');
     $or->condition('b.biblio_secondary_title', '%' . db_like($search_string) . '%', 'LIKE');
     $or->condition('bkd.word', '%' . db_like($search_string) . '%', 'LIKE');
     $this->query->orderBy('b.biblio_year', 'DESC');
     //ORDER BY created
     // Add the search condition to the query object.
           '%' . db_like($search_string) . '%', 'LIKE')
       ->addTag('linkit_' . $this->plugin['entity_type'] . '_autocomplete');*/
     $matches[] = array(
         'title' => $this->entity_field_label,
         'description' => '',
         'path' => '',
         'group' => '',
         'addClass' => '',
     return $matches;
     /*    // Add access tag for the query.
         // There is also a runtime access check that uses entity_access().
         $this->query->addTag($this->plugin['entity_type'] . '_access');
         // Bundle check.
         if (isset($this->entity_key_bundle) && isset($this->conf['bundles']) ) {
           $bundles = array_filter($this->conf['bundles']);
           if ($bundles) {
             $this->query->propertyCondition($this->entity_key_bundle, $bundles, 'IN');
     // Execute the query.
     $result = $this->query->execute()->fetchAllAssoc('nid');
     /*if (!isset($result[$this->plugin['entity_type']])) {
         return array();
     $ids = array_keys($result);
     // Load all the entities with all the ids we got.
     $entities = entity_load('node', $ids);
     foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) {
         // Check the access againt the definded entity access callback.
         if (entity_access('view', 'node', $entity) === FALSE) {
         $matches[] = array('title' => biblio_remove_brace($this->createLabel($entity)), 'description' => $this->createDescription($entity) . ' <span class="name">' . $result[$key]->name . '</span>  <span class="year">' . $result[$key]->biblio_year . '</span>', 'path' => $this->createPath($entity), 'group' => $this->createGroup($entity), 'addClass' => $this->createRowClass($entity));
     return $matches;
  * Overrides OgSelectionHandler::entityFieldQueryAlter().
  * Add the user's groups along with the rest of the "public" groups.
 public function entityFieldQueryAlter(SelectQueryInterface $query)
     $gids = og_get_entity_groups();
     if (empty($gids['node'])) {
     $conditions =& $query->conditions();
     // Find the condition for the "field_data_field_privacy_settings" query, and
     // the one for the "node.nid", so we can later db_or() them.
     $public_condition = array();
     foreach ($conditions as $key => $condition) {
         if ($key !== '#conjunction' && is_string($condition['field'])) {
             if (strpos($condition['field'], 'field_data_field_og_subscribe_settings') === 0) {
                 $public_condition = $condition;
             if ($condition['field'] === 'node.nid') {
     if (!$public_condition) {
     $or = db_or();
     $or->condition($public_condition['field'], $public_condition['value'], $public_condition['operator']);
     $or->condition('node.nid', $gids['node'], 'IN');
  * Get content changed after the deployment date.
  * @return object[]
  *   Object containing an array of NID and node type.
 public function getLatestContent()
     // EECA subsite case where changed column is having entries equal to 0.
     $or = db_or()->condition('n.created', self::DEPLOYMENT_DATE, '>=')->condition('n.changed', self::DEPLOYMENT_DATE, '>=');
     $query = db_select('node', 'n')->fields('n', ['nid', 'type'])->condition($or);
     return $query->execute()->fetchAll();
Beispiel #4
 * Alter the term DB query.
 * @param SelectQuery $query
 *   The query object ot alter.
function hook_query_rules_autotag_terms_alter($query)
    // Join the original term query from rules_autotag with our field table to
    // exclude terms that should not be tagged.
    $query->leftJoin('field_data_field_dont_autotag', 'fd', "t.tid = fd.entity_id AND fd.entity_type = 'taxonomy_term'");
    $query->condition(db_or()->condition('fd.field_dont_autotag_value', NULL)->condition('fd.field_dont_autotag_value', '1', '<>'));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $form['customer_type'] = array('#type' => 'radios', '#options' => array('search' => t('Search for an existing customer.'), 'create' => t('Create a new customer account.'), 'none' => t('No customer account required.')), '#required' => TRUE, '#default_value' => 'search', '#ajax' => array('callback' => array($this, 'customerSelect'), 'wrapper' => 'uc-order-customer', 'progress' => array('type' => 'throbber')));
     $form['customer'] = array('#prefix' => '<div id="uc-order-customer">', '#suffix' => '</div>', '#tree' => TRUE);
     // Create form elements needed for customer search.
     // Shown only when the 'Search for an existing customer.' radio is selected.
     if (!$form_state->hasValue('customer_type') || $form_state->getValue('customer_type') == 'search') {
         // Container for customer search fields.
         $form['customer'] += array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Customer search'), '#description' => t('Enter full or partial information in one or more of the following fields, then press the "Search" button. Search results will match all the provided information.'));
         // Customer first name.
         $form['customer']['first_name'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('First name'), '#size' => 24, '#maxlength' => 32);
         // Customer last name.
         $form['customer']['last_name'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Last name'), '#size' => 24, '#maxlength' => 32);
         // Customer e-mail address.
         $form['customer']['email'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('E-mail'), '#size' => 24, '#maxlength' => 96);
         // Customer username.
         $form['customer']['username'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Username'), '#size' => 24, '#maxlength' => 96);
         $form['customer']['search'] = array('#type' => 'button', '#value' => t('Search'), '#limit_validation_errors' => array(), '#submit' => array(), '#ajax' => array('callback' => array($this, 'customerSearch'), 'wrapper' => 'uc-order-customer-results', 'progress' => array('type' => 'throbber')));
         $form['customer']['uid'] = array('#prefix' => '<div id="uc-order-customer-results">', '#suffix' => '</div>');
         // Search for existing customer by e-mail address.
         if ($form_state->getValue('customer')) {
             $query = db_select('users_field_data', 'u')->distinct();
             $query->leftJoin('uc_orders', 'o', 'u.uid = o.uid');
             $query->fields('u', array('uid', 'name', 'mail'))->fields('o', array('billing_first_name', 'billing_last_name'))->condition('u.uid', 0, '>')->condition(db_or()->isNull('o.billing_first_name')->condition('o.billing_first_name', db_like(trim($form_state->getValue(['customer', 'first_name']))) . '%', 'LIKE'))->condition(db_or()->isNull('o.billing_last_name')->condition('o.billing_last_name', db_like(trim($form_state->getValue(['customer', 'last_name']))) . '%', 'LIKE'))->condition(db_or()->condition('o.primary_email', db_like(trim($form_state->getValue(['customer', 'email']))) . '%', 'LIKE')->condition('u.mail', db_like(trim($form_state->getValue(['customer', 'email']))) . '%', 'LIKE'))->condition('u.name', db_like(trim($form_state->getValue(['customer', 'username']))) . '%', 'LIKE')->orderBy('o.created', 'DESC')->range(0, $limit = 11);
             $result = $query->execute();
             $options = array();
             foreach ($result as $user) {
                 $name = '';
                 if (!empty($user->billing_first_name) && !empty($user->billing_last_name)) {
                     $name = $user->billing_first_name . ' ' . $user->billing_last_name . ' ';
                 // Options formatted as "First Last <*****@*****.**> (username)".
                 $options[$user->uid] = $name . '&lt;' . $user->mail . '&gt;' . ' (' . $user->name . ')';
             $max = FALSE;
             if (count($options) == $limit) {
                 $max = TRUE;
             if (!empty($options)) {
                 // Display search results.
                 $form['customer']['uid'] += array('#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Select customer'), '#description' => $max ? t('More than @limit results found. Refine your search to find other customers.', ['@limit' => $limit - 1]) : '', '#options' => $options, '#default_value' => key($options));
             } else {
                 // No search results found.
                 $form['customer']['uid'] += array('#markup' => '<p>' . t('Search returned no results.') . '</p>');
     } elseif ($form_state->getValue('customer_type') == 'create') {
         // Container for new customer information.
         $form['customer'] += array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('New customer details'));
         // Customer e-mail address.
         $form['customer']['email'] = array('#type' => 'email', '#title' => t('Customer e-mail address'), '#size' => 24, '#maxlength' => 96);
         // Option to notify customer.
         $form['customer']['sendmail'] = array('#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('E-mail account details to customer.'));
     $form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
     $form['actions']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Create order'));
     return $form;
Beispiel #6
 public function query()
     $subselect = db_select('comment_field_data', 'c');
     $subselect->addField('c', 'cid');
     $subselect->condition('c.uid', $this->value, $this->operator);
     $entity_id = $this->definition['entity_id'];
     $entity_type = $this->definition['entity_type'];
     $subselect->where("c.entity_id = {$this->tableAlias}.{$entity_id}");
     $subselect->condition('c.entity_type', $entity_type);
     $condition = db_or()->condition("{$this->tableAlias}.uid", $this->value, $this->operator)->exists($subselect);
     $this->query->addWhere($this->options['group'], $condition);
Beispiel #7
 public static function addProjectCondition(&$query, $project_alias = 'p.')
     // we want to deliver all the non-draft projects except for the owner (or colleagues) of these projects
     $myorgs = Organisations::getMyOrganisations();
     if (gettype($query) == 'string') {
         $query .= " AND ({$project_alias}state <> 'draft'" . ($myorgs ? " OR {$project_alias}org_id IN (" . implode($myorgs, ',') . "))" : ")");
     } else {
         if ($myorgs) {
             $query->condition(db_or()->condition("{$project_alias}state", 'draft', '<>')->condition("{$project_alias}org_id", $myorgs, 'IN'));
         } else {
             $query->condition('state', 'draft', '<>');
 public function query()
     // If no filter values are present, then do nothing.
     if (count($this->value) == 0) {
     } elseif (count($this->value) == 1) {
         // Sometimes $this->value is an array with a single element so convert it.
         if (is_array($this->value)) {
             $this->value = current($this->value);
         $operator = '=';
     } else {
         $operator = 'IN';
         # " IN (" . implode(', ', array_fill(0, sizeof($this->value), '%d')) . ")";
     // The normal use of ensureMyTable() here breaks Views.
     // So instead we trick the filter into using the alias of the base table.
     // See http://drupal.org/node/271833
     // If a relationship is set, we must use the alias it provides.
     if (!empty($this->relationship)) {
         $this->tableAlias = $this->relationship;
     } elseif (isset($this->query->table_queue[$this->view->storage->get('base_table')]['alias'])) {
         $this->tableAlias = $this->query->table_queue[$this->view->storage->get('base_table')]['alias'];
     } else {
     // Now build the subqueries.
     $subquery = db_select('taxonomy_index', 'tn');
     $subquery->addField('tn', 'nid');
     $where = db_or()->condition('tn.tid', $this->value, $operator);
     $last = "tn";
     if ($this->options['depth'] > 0) {
         $subquery->leftJoin('taxonomy_term_hierarchy', 'th', "th.tid = tn.tid");
         $last = "th";
         foreach (range(1, abs($this->options['depth'])) as $count) {
             $subquery->leftJoin('taxonomy_term_hierarchy', "th{$count}", "{$last}.parent = th{$count}.tid");
             $where->condition("th{$count}.tid", $this->value, $operator);
             $last = "th{$count}";
     } elseif ($this->options['depth'] < 0) {
         foreach (range(1, abs($this->options['depth'])) as $count) {
             $subquery->leftJoin('taxonomy_term_hierarchy', "th{$count}", "{$last}.tid = th{$count}.parent");
             $where->condition("th{$count}.tid", $this->value, $operator);
             $last = "th{$count}";
     $this->query->addWhere($this->options['group'], "{$this->tableAlias}.{$this->realField}", $subquery, 'IN');
Beispiel #9
 public function query()
     $field = $this->tableAlias . '.' . $this->realField . ' ';
     $or = db_or();
     if (empty($this->value)) {
         $or->condition($field, '***CURRENT_USER***', '<>');
         if ($this->accept_null) {
     } else {
         $or->condition($field, '***CURRENT_USER***', '=');
     $this->query->addWhere($this->options['group'], $or);
Beispiel #10
  * See _node_access_where_sql() for a non-views query based implementation.
 public function query()
     $account = $this->view->getUser();
     if (!$account->hasPermission('administer nodes')) {
         $table = $this->ensureMyTable();
         $grants = db_or();
         foreach (node_access_grants('view', $account) as $realm => $gids) {
             foreach ($gids as $gid) {
                 $grants->condition(db_and()->condition($table . '.gid', $gid)->condition($table . '.realm', $realm));
         $this->query->addWhere('AND', $grants);
         $this->query->addWhere('AND', $table . '.grant_view', 1, '>=');
Beispiel #11
 function op_word($fulltext_field)
     $where = $this->operator == 'word' ? db_or() : db_and();
     // Don't filter on empty strings.
     if (empty($this->value[0])) {
     $value = Unicode::strtolower($this->value[0]);
     $words = preg_split('/ /', $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     foreach ($words as $word) {
         $placeholder = $this->placeholder();
         $where->where("{$fulltext_field} LIKE {$placeholder}", array($placeholder => '% ' . db_like($word) . '%'));
     $this->query->addWhere($this->options['group'], $where);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function convert(TargetInterface $target)
     $indexer = $target->getIndexer('function');
     // @FIXME This is not working (returns empty result set)...don't know why.
     $alter_hooks = $indexer->getQuery()->condition(db_or()->condition('id', $target->id() . '_form_alter')->condition('id', db_like($target->id() . '_form_%_alter'), 'LIKE'))->execute();
     foreach ($alter_hooks as $alter_hook) {
         /** @var \Pharborist\Functions\FunctionDeclarationNode $function */
         $function = $indexer->get($alter_hook->id);
         $parameters = $function->getParameters();
         if (sizeof($parameters) > 1) {
Beispiel #13
 public function query($group_by = FALSE)
     // Use the table definition to correctly add this user ID condition.
     if ($this->table != 'comment_field_data') {
         $subselect = $this->database->select('comment_field_data', 'c');
         $subselect->addField('c', 'cid');
         $subselect->condition('c.uid', $this->argument);
         $entity_id = $this->definition['entity_id'];
         $entity_type = $this->definition['entity_type'];
         $subselect->where("c.entity_id = {$this->tableAlias}.{$entity_id}");
         $subselect->condition('c.entity_type', $entity_type);
         $condition = db_or()->condition("{$this->tableAlias}.uid", $this->argument, '=')->exists($subselect);
         $this->query->addWhere(0, $condition);
Beispiel #14
 public function query($group_by = FALSE)
     if (!empty($this->options['break_phrase'])) {
         $tids = new \stdClass();
         $tids->value = $this->argument;
         $tids = $this->breakPhrase($this->argument, $tids);
         if ($tids->value == array(-1)) {
             return FALSE;
         if (count($tids->value) > 1) {
             $operator = 'IN';
         } else {
             $operator = '=';
         $tids = $tids->value;
     } else {
         $operator = "=";
         $tids = $this->argument;
     // Now build the subqueries.
     $subquery = db_select('taxonomy_index', 'tn');
     $subquery->addField('tn', 'nid');
     $where = db_or()->condition('tn.tid', $tids, $operator);
     $last = "tn";
     if ($this->options['depth'] > 0) {
         $subquery->leftJoin('taxonomy_term_hierarchy', 'th', "th.tid = tn.tid");
         $last = "th";
         foreach (range(1, abs($this->options['depth'])) as $count) {
             $subquery->leftJoin('taxonomy_term_hierarchy', "th{$count}", "{$last}.parent = th{$count}.tid");
             $where->condition("th{$count}.tid", $tids, $operator);
             $last = "th{$count}";
     } elseif ($this->options['depth'] < 0) {
         foreach (range(1, abs($this->options['depth'])) as $count) {
             $subquery->leftJoin('taxonomy_term_hierarchy', "th{$count}", "{$last}.tid = th{$count}.parent");
             $where->condition("th{$count}.tid", $tids, $operator);
             $last = "th{$count}";
     $this->query->addWhere(0, "{$this->tableAlias}.{$this->realField}", $subquery, 'IN');
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function entityQueryAlter(SelectInterface $query)
     if (\Drupal::currentUser()->hasPermission('administer users')) {
         // In addition, if the user is administrator, we need to make sure to
         // match the anonymous user, that doesn't actually have a name in the
         // database.
         $conditions =& $query->conditions();
         foreach ($conditions as $key => $condition) {
             if ($key !== '#conjunction' && is_string($condition['field']) && $condition['field'] === 'users_field_data.name') {
                 // Remove the condition.
                 // Re-add the condition and a condition on uid = 0 so that we end up
                 // with a query in the form:
                 // WHERE (name LIKE :name) OR (:anonymous_name LIKE :name AND uid = 0)
                 $or = db_or();
                 $or->condition($condition['field'], $condition['value'], $condition['operator']);
                 // Sadly, the Database layer doesn't allow us to build a condition
                 // in the form ':placeholder = :placeholder2', because the 'field'
                 // part of a condition is always escaped.
                 // As a (cheap) workaround, we separately build a condition with no
                 // field, and concatenate the field and the condition separately.
                 $value_part = db_and();
                 $value_part->condition('anonymous_name', $condition['value'], $condition['operator']);
                 $value_part->compile(Database::getConnection(), $query);
                 $or->condition(db_and()->where(str_replace('anonymous_name', ':anonymous_name', (string) $value_part), $value_part->arguments() + array(':anonymous_name' => user_format_name(user_load(0))))->condition('base_table.uid', 0));
     // Add the filter by role option.
     if (!empty($this->fieldDefinition->getSetting('handler_settings')['filter'])) {
         $filter_settings = $this->fieldDefinition->getSetting('handler_settings')['filter'];
         if ($filter_settings['type'] == 'role') {
             $tables = $query->getTables();
             $base_table = $tables['base_table']['alias'];
             $query->join('users_roles', 'ur', $base_table . '.uid = ur.uid');
             $query->condition('ur.rid', $filter_settings['role']);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getQuery()
     $query = parent::getQuery();
     // Add a query for meter_category.
     $field = field_info_field('field_group_node');
     $table_name = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $query->leftJoin($table_name, 'gn', "message.mid = gn.entity_id AND gn.entity_type='message'");
     $query->innerJoin('field_data_field_node', 'fn', "message.mid = fn.entity_id AND fn.entity_type='message'");
     $query->innerJoin('node', 'node', "fn.field_node_target_id = node.nid");
     // Show only publish content in active stream.
     $query->condition('node.status', 1);
     if (!empty($request['topics'])) {
         // Join related to Articles tables to get V&V activities with user's
         // topics of interest.
         $query->innerJoin('field_data_c4m_vocab_topic', 'crt', "node.nid = crt.entity_id AND crt.entity_type='node'");
     $query->addField('gn', 'field_group_node_target_id', 'group_node');
     if (!empty($request['group'])) {
         if (empty($request['hide_articles'])) {
             $or = db_or();
             $or->condition('gn.field_group_node_target_id', $request['group'], is_array($request['group']) ? 'IN' : '=');
             if (!empty($request['topics'])) {
                 $and = db_and();
                 $and->condition('node.type', 'article');
                 $and->condition('crt.c4m_vocab_topic_tid', $request['topics'], is_array($request['topics']) ? 'IN' : '=');
             } else {
         } else {
             $query->condition('gn.field_group_node_target_id', $request['group'], is_array($request['group']) ? 'IN' : '=');
     return $query;
Beispiel #17
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getSupportedLanguagePairs(TranslatorInterface $translator)
     if (!empty($this->language_pairs)) {
         return $this->language_pairs;
     $roles = user_roles(TRUE, 'provide translation services');
     $query = db_select('field_data_tmgmt_translation_skills', 'ts');
     $query->join('users', 'u', 'u.uid = ts.entity_id AND u.status = 1');
     $query->addField('ts', 'tmgmt_translation_skills_language_from', 'source_language');
     $query->addField('ts', 'tmgmt_translation_skills_language_to', 'target_language');
     $query->condition('ts.deleted', 0);
     $query->condition('ts.entity_type', 'user');
     if (!in_array(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, array_keys($roles))) {
         $query->join('users_roles', 'ur', 'ur.uid = u.uid AND ur.rid');
         $or_conditions = db_or()->condition('ur.rid', array_keys($roles), 'IN')->condition('u.uid', 1);
     foreach ($query->execute()->fetchAll() as $item) {
         $this->language_pairs[] = array('source_language' => $item->source_language, 'target_language' => $item->target_language);
     return $this->language_pairs;
Beispiel #18
 *Gets the url for the next image to display by retrieving a random entry from the manifest entries table
 *Used when operating within Drupal when question subsetting is in place
 *nodeid is the node id for the current question
 *threshold is the number of answers required before the manifest entry is considered no longer to be a candidate
function getNextDbImageId($nodeid, $threshold = 1)
    try {
        $query = db_select("yesno_manifest_entries", "m")->fields("m", array("url", "objectid"))->condition(db_or()->condition("s.responsecount", $threshold, "<")->isNull("s.responsecount"))->condition("m.nodeid", $nodeid);
        $query->leftJoin("yesno_response_summaries", "s", "m.objectidhash = s.objectidhash and m.nodeid = s.nodeid");
        //Count the available candidates
        $numcandidates = $query->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField();
        if ($numcandidates > 0) {
            //Pick a random number within the range of available candidates
            $ix = mt_rand(1, $numcandidates) - 1;
            //Get the data for the selected row
            $result = $query->range($ix, 1)->execute()->fetchAssoc();
            $r = json_encode(array(status => 1, "url" => $result["url"], "objectid" => $result["objectid"]));
        } else {
            //This indicates that the task is complete
            $r = json_encode(array(status => 2));
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        $r = json_encode(array(status => 0, message => "Problem looking up next image! Reason: {$e->getMessage()}"));
    echo $r;
 public function entityFieldQueryAlter(SelectQueryInterface $query)
     if (user_access('administer users')) {
         // In addition, if the user is administrator, we need to make sure to
         // match the anonymous user, that doesn't actually have a name in the
         // database.
         $conditions =& $query->conditions();
         foreach ($conditions as $key => $condition) {
             if ($key !== '#conjunction' && is_string($condition['field']) && $condition['field'] === 'users.name') {
                 // Remove the condition.
                 // Re-add the condition and a condition on uid = 0 so that we end up
                 // with a query in the form:
                 //    WHERE (name LIKE :name) OR (:anonymous_name LIKE :name AND uid = 0)
                 $or = db_or();
                 $or->condition($condition['field'], $condition['value'], $condition['operator']);
                 // Sadly, the Database layer doesn't allow us to build a condition
                 // in the form ':placeholder = :placeholder2', because the 'field'
                 // part of a condition is always escaped.
                 // As a (cheap) workaround, we separately build a condition with no
                 // field, and concatenate the field and the condition separately.
                 $value_part = db_and();
                 $value_part->condition('anonymous_name', $condition['value'], $condition['operator']);
                 $value_part->compile(Database::getConnection(), $query);
                 $or->condition(db_and()->where(str_replace('anonymous_name', ':anonymous_name', (string) $value_part), $value_part->arguments() + array(':anonymous_name' => format_username(user_load(0))))->condition('users.uid', 0));
Beispiel #20
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function entityQueryAlter(SelectInterface $query)
     // Bail out early if we do not need to match the Anonymous user.
     $handler_settings = $this->configuration['handler_settings'];
     if (isset($handler_settings['include_anonymous']) && !$handler_settings['include_anonymous']) {
     if ($this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer users')) {
         // In addition, if the user is administrator, we need to make sure to
         // match the anonymous user, that doesn't actually have a name in the
         // database.
         $conditions =& $query->conditions();
         foreach ($conditions as $key => $condition) {
             if ($key !== '#conjunction' && is_string($condition['field']) && $condition['field'] === 'users_field_data.name') {
                 // Remove the condition.
                 // Re-add the condition and a condition on uid = 0 so that we end up
                 // with a query in the form:
                 // WHERE (name LIKE :name) OR (:anonymous_name LIKE :name AND uid = 0)
                 $or = db_or();
                 $or->condition($condition['field'], $condition['value'], $condition['operator']);
                 // Sadly, the Database layer doesn't allow us to build a condition
                 // in the form ':placeholder = :placeholder2', because the 'field'
                 // part of a condition is always escaped.
                 // As a (cheap) workaround, we separately build a condition with no
                 // field, and concatenate the field and the condition separately.
                 $value_part = db_and();
                 $value_part->condition('anonymous_name', $condition['value'], $condition['operator']);
                 $value_part->compile($this->connection, $query);
                 $or->condition(db_and()->where(str_replace('anonymous_name', ':anonymous_name', (string) $value_part), $value_part->arguments() + array(':anonymous_name' => user_format_name($this->userStorage->load(0))))->condition('base_table.uid', 0));
  * Builds a SELECT query with multiple conditions and fields.
  * The query uses both 'locales_source' and 'locales_target' tables.
  * Note that by default, as we are selecting both translated and untranslated
  * strings target field's conditions will be modified to match NULL rows too.
  * @param array $conditions
  *   An associative array with field => value conditions that may include
  *   NULL values. If a language condition is included it will be used for
  *   joining the 'locales_target' table.
  * @param array $options
  *   An associative array of additional options. It may contain any of the
  *   options used by Drupal\locale\StringStorageInterface::getStrings() and
  *   these additional ones:
  *   - 'translation', Whether to include translation fields too. Defaults to
  *     FALSE.
  * @return \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Select
  *   Query object with all the tables, fields and conditions.
 protected function dbStringSelect(array $conditions, array $options = array())
     // Start building the query with source table and check whether we need to
     // join the target table too.
     $query = $this->connection->select('locales_source', 's', $this->options)->fields('s');
     // Figure out how to join and translate some options into conditions.
     if (isset($conditions['translated'])) {
         // This is a meta-condition we need to translate into simple ones.
         if ($conditions['translated']) {
             // Select only translated strings.
             $join = 'innerJoin';
         } else {
             // Select only untranslated strings.
             $join = 'leftJoin';
             $conditions['translation'] = NULL;
     } else {
         $join = !empty($options['translation']) ? 'leftJoin' : FALSE;
     if ($join) {
         if (isset($conditions['language'])) {
             // If we've got a language condition, we use it for the join.
             $query->{$join}('locales_target', 't', "t.lid = s.lid AND t.language = :langcode", array(':langcode' => $conditions['language']));
         } else {
             // Since we don't have a language, join with locale id only.
             $query->{$join}('locales_target', 't', "t.lid = s.lid");
         if (!empty($options['translation'])) {
             // We cannot just add all fields because 'lid' may get null values.
             $query->fields('t', array('language', 'translation', 'customized'));
     // If we have conditions for location's type or name, then we need the
     // location table, for which we add a subquery. We cast any scalar value to
     // array so we can consistently use IN conditions.
     if (isset($conditions['type']) || isset($conditions['name'])) {
         $subquery = $this->connection->select('locales_location', 'l', $this->options)->fields('l', array('sid'));
         foreach (array('type', 'name') as $field) {
             if (isset($conditions[$field])) {
                 $subquery->condition('l.' . $field, (array) $conditions[$field], 'IN');
         $query->condition('s.lid', $subquery, 'IN');
     // Add conditions for both tables.
     foreach ($conditions as $field => $value) {
         $table_alias = $this->dbFieldTable($field);
         $field_alias = $table_alias . '.' . $field;
         if (is_null($value)) {
         } elseif ($table_alias == 't' && $join === 'leftJoin') {
             // Conditions for target fields when doing an outer join only make
             // sense if we add also OR field IS NULL.
             $query->condition(db_or()->condition($field_alias, (array) $value, 'IN')->isNull($field_alias));
         } else {
             $query->condition($field_alias, (array) $value, 'IN');
     // Process other options, string filter, query limit, etc.
     if (!empty($options['filters'])) {
         if (count($options['filters']) > 1) {
             $filter = db_or();
         } else {
             // If we have a single filter, just add it to the query.
             $filter = $query;
         foreach ($options['filters'] as $field => $string) {
             $filter->condition($this->dbFieldTable($field) . '.' . $field, '%' . db_like($string) . '%', 'LIKE');
     if (!empty($options['pager limit'])) {
         $query = $query->extend('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Query\\PagerSelectExtender')->limit($options['pager limit']);
     return $query;
Beispiel #22
   * Construct the "WHERE" or "HAVING" part of the query.
   * As views has to wrap the conditions from arguments with AND, a special
   * group is wrapped around all conditions. This special group has the ID 0.
   * There is other code in filters which makes sure that the group IDs are
   * higher than zero.
   * @param $where
   *   'where' or 'having'.
  protected function buildCondition($where = 'where') {
    $has_condition = FALSE;
    $has_arguments = FALSE;
    $has_filter = FALSE;

    $main_group = db_and();
    $filter_group = $this->groupOperator == 'OR' ? db_or() : db_and();

    foreach ($this->$where as $group => $info) {

      if (!empty($info['conditions'])) {
        $sub_group = $info['type'] == 'OR' ? db_or() : db_and();
        foreach ($info['conditions'] as $clause) {
          if ($clause['operator'] == 'formula') {
            $has_condition = TRUE;
            $sub_group->where($clause['field'], $clause['value']);
          else {
            $has_condition = TRUE;
            $sub_group->condition($clause['field'], $clause['value'], $clause['operator']);

        // Add the item to the filter group.
        if ($group != 0) {
          $has_filter = TRUE;
        else {
          $has_arguments = TRUE;

    if ($has_filter) {

    if (!$has_arguments && $has_condition) {
      return $filter_group;
    if ($has_arguments && $has_condition) {
      return $main_group;
Beispiel #23
 protected function opContainsWord($field)
     $where = $this->operator == 'word' ? db_or() : db_and();
     // Don't filter on empty strings.
     if (empty($this->value)) {
     preg_match_all('/ (-?)("[^"]+"|[^" ]+)/i', ' ' . $this->value, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         $phrase = FALSE;
         // Strip off phrase quotes
         if ($match[2][0] == '"') {
             $match[2] = substr($match[2], 1, -1);
             $phrase = TRUE;
         $words = trim($match[2], ',?!();:-');
         $words = $phrase ? array($words) : preg_split('/ /', $words, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         foreach ($words as $word) {
             $where->condition($field, '%' . db_like(trim($word, " ,!?")) . '%', 'LIKE');
     if (!$where) {
     // previously this was a call_user_func_array but that's unnecessary
     // as views will unpack an array that is a single arg.
     $this->query->addWhere($this->options['group'], $where);
Beispiel #24
  * Construct the "WHERE" or "HAVING" part of the query.
  * As views has to wrap the conditions from arguments with AND, a special
  * group is wrapped around all conditions. This special group has the ID 0.
  * There is other code in filters which makes sure that the group IDs are
  * higher than zero.
  * @param $where
  *   'where' or 'having'.
 protected function buildCondition($where = 'where')
     $has_condition = FALSE;
     $has_arguments = FALSE;
     $has_filter = FALSE;
     $main_group = db_and();
     $filter_group = $this->groupOperator == 'OR' ? db_or() : db_and();
     foreach ($this->{$where} as $group => $info) {
         if (!empty($info['conditions'])) {
             $sub_group = $info['type'] == 'OR' ? db_or() : db_and();
             foreach ($info['conditions'] as $clause) {
                 // DBTNG doesn't support to add the same subquery twice to the main
                 // query and the count query, so clone the subquery to have two instances
                 // of the same object. - http://drupal.org/node/1112854
                 if (is_object($clause['value']) && $clause['value'] instanceof SelectQuery) {
                     $clause['value'] = clone $clause['value'];
                 if ($clause['operator'] == 'formula') {
                     $has_condition = TRUE;
                     $sub_group->where($clause['field'], $clause['value']);
                 } else {
                     $has_condition = TRUE;
                     $sub_group->condition($clause['field'], $clause['value'], $clause['operator']);
             // Add the item to the filter group.
             if ($group != 0) {
                 $has_filter = TRUE;
             } else {
                 $has_arguments = TRUE;
     if ($has_filter) {
     if (!$has_arguments && $has_condition) {
         return $filter_group;
     if ($has_arguments && $has_condition) {
         return $main_group;
Beispiel #25
  * Prepares the query and calculates the normalization factor.
  * After the query is normalized the keywords are weighted to give the results
  * a relevancy score. The query is ready for execution after this.
  * Error and warning conditions can apply. Call getStatus() after calling
  * this method to retrieve them.
  * @return bool
  *   TRUE if at least one keyword matched the search index; FALSE if not.
 public function prepareAndNormalize()
     $this->executedPrepare = TRUE;
     if (count($this->words) == 0) {
         // Although the query could proceed, there is no point in joining
         // with other tables and attempting to normalize if there are no
         // keywords present.
         $this->status |= SearchQuery::NO_POSITIVE_KEYWORDS;
         return FALSE;
     // Build the basic search query: match the entered keywords.
     $or = db_or();
     foreach ($this->words as $word) {
         $or->condition('i.word', $word);
     // Add keyword normalization information to the query.
     $this->join('search_total', 't', 'i.word = t.word');
     $this->condition('i.type', $this->type)->groupBy('i.type')->groupBy('i.sid')->having('COUNT(*) >= :matches', array(':matches' => $this->matches));
     // Clone the query object to calculate normalization.
     $normalize_query = clone $this->query;
     // For complex search queries, add the LIKE conditions; if the query is
     // simple, we do not need them for normalization.
     if (!$this->simple) {
         $normalize_query->join('search_dataset', 'd', 'i.sid = d.sid AND i.type = d.type AND i.langcode = d.langcode');
         if (count($this->conditions)) {
     // Calculate normalization, which is the max of all the search scores for
     // positive keywords in the query. And note that the query could have other
     // fields added to it by the user of this extension.
     $normalize_query->addExpression('SUM(i.score * t.count)', 'calculated_score');
     $result = $normalize_query->range(0, 1)->orderBy('calculated_score', 'DESC')->execute()->fetchObject();
     if (isset($result->calculated_score)) {
         $this->normalize = (double) $result->calculated_score;
     if ($this->normalize) {
         return TRUE;
     // If the normalization value was zero, that indicates there were no
     // matches to the supplied positive keywords.
     $this->status |= SearchQuery::NO_KEYWORD_MATCHES;
     return FALSE;
Beispiel #26
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function query()
     if (!empty($this->view->live_preview)) {
     // Make sure the id field is included in the results.
     $id_field = $this->view->storage->get('base_field');
     $this->id_field_alias = $this->view->query->addField($this->view->storage->get('base_table'), $id_field);
     $options = $this->getOption('entity_reference_options');
     // Restrict the autocomplete options based on what's been typed already.
     if (isset($options['match'])) {
         $style_options = $this->getOption('style');
         $value = db_like($options['match']) . '%';
         if ($options['match_operator'] != 'STARTS_WITH') {
             $value = '%' . $value;
         // Multiple search fields are OR'd together.
         $conditions = db_or();
         // Build the condition using the selected search fields.
         foreach ($style_options['options']['search_fields'] as $field_id) {
             if (!empty($field_id)) {
                 // Get the table and field names for the checked field.
                 $field_handler = $this->view->field[$field_id];
                 $field_alias = $this->view->query->addField($field_handler->table, $field_handler->realField);
                 $field = $this->view->query->fields[$field_alias];
                 // Add an OR condition for the field.
                 $conditions->condition($field['table'] . '.' . $field['field'], $value, 'LIKE');
         $this->view->query->addWhere(0, $conditions);
     // Add an IN condition for validation.
     if (!empty($options['ids'])) {
         $this->view->query->addWhere(0, $id_field, $options['ids'], 'IN');
Beispiel #27
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function query()
     // Since attachment views don't validate the exposed input, parse the search
     // expression if required.
     if (!$this->parsed) {
     $required = FALSE;
     if (!isset($this->searchQuery)) {
         $required = TRUE;
     } else {
         $words = $this->searchQuery->words();
         if (empty($words)) {
             $required = TRUE;
     if ($required) {
         if ($this->operator == 'required') {
             $this->query->addWhere($this->options['group'], 'FALSE');
     } else {
         $search_index = $this->ensureMyTable();
         $search_condition = db_and();
         // Create a new join to relate the 'search_total' table to our current
         // 'search_index' table.
         $definition = array('table' => 'search_total', 'field' => 'word', 'left_table' => $search_index, 'left_field' => 'word');
         $join = Views::pluginManager('join')->createInstance('standard', $definition);
         $search_total = $this->query->addRelationship('search_total', $join, $search_index);
         // Add the search score field to the query.
         $this->search_score = $this->query->addField('', "{$search_index}.score * {$search_total}.count", 'score', array('function' => 'sum'));
         // Add the conditions set up by the search query to the views query.
         $search_condition->condition("{$search_index}.type", $this->searchType);
         $search_dataset = $this->query->addTable('node_search_dataset');
         $conditions = $this->searchQuery->conditions();
         $condition_conditions =& $conditions->conditions();
         foreach ($condition_conditions as $key => &$condition) {
             // Make sure we just look at real conditions.
             if (is_numeric($key)) {
                 // Replace the conditions with the table alias of views.
                 $this->searchQuery->conditionReplaceString('d.', "{$search_dataset}.", $condition);
         $search_conditions =& $search_condition->conditions();
         $search_conditions = array_merge($search_conditions, $condition_conditions);
         // Add the keyword conditions, as is done in
         // SearchQuery::prepareAndNormalize(), but simplified because we are
         // only concerned with relevance ranking so we do not need to normalize.
         $or = db_or();
         foreach ($words as $word) {
             $or->condition("{$search_index}.word", $word);
         $this->query->addWhere($this->options['group'], $search_condition);
         // Add the GROUP BY and HAVING expressions to the query.
         $matches = $this->searchQuery->matches();
         $placeholder = $this->placeholder();
         $this->query->addHavingExpression($this->options['group'], "COUNT(*) >= {$placeholder}", array($placeholder => $matches));
     // Set to NULL to prevent PDO exception when views object is cached.
     $this->searchQuery = NULL;
Beispiel #28
  * Confirms that we can properly nest conditional clauses.
 function testNestedConditions()
     // This query should translate to:
     // "SELECT job FROM {test} WHERE name = 'Paul' AND (age = 26 OR age = 27)"
     // That should find only one record. Yes it's a non-optimal way of writing
     // that query but that's not the point!
     $query = db_select('test');
     $query->addField('test', 'job');
     $query->condition('name', 'Paul');
     $query->condition(db_or()->condition('age', 26)->condition('age', 27));
     $job = $query->execute()->fetchField();
     $this->assertEqual($job, 'Songwriter', 'Correct data retrieved.');
Beispiel #29
  * Executes a facet query.
 public function execute()
     // Adds OR conditions.
     if (!empty($this->words)) {
         $or = db_or();
         foreach ($this->words as $word) {
             $or->condition('i.word', $word);
     // Build query for keyword normalization.
     $this->join('search_total', 't', 'i.word = t.word');
     $this->condition('i.type', $this->type)->groupBy('i.langcode')->groupBy('value')->groupBy('i.type')->groupBy('i.sid')->having('COUNT(*) >= :matches', array(':matches' => $this->matches));
     // For complex search queries, add the LIKE conditions.
     /*if (!$this->simple) {
       $this->join('search_dataset', 'd', 'i.sid = d.sid AND i.type = d.type');
     // Add conditions to query.
     $this->join('search_dataset', 'd', 'i.sid = d.sid AND i.type = d.type AND i.langcode = d.langcode');
     // Add tag and useful metadata.
     $this->addTag('search_' . $this->type)->addMetaData('normalize', $this->normalize);
     // Adds subquery to group the results in the r table.
     $subquery = db_select($this->query, 'r')->fields('r', array('value'))->groupBy('r.value');
     // Adds COUNT() expression to get facet counts.
     $subquery->addExpression('COUNT(r.value)', 'count');
     $subquery->orderBy('count', 'DESC');
     // Executes the subquery.
     return $subquery->execute();
  * Tests updates with OR conditionals.
 function testOrConditionUpdate()
     $update = db_update('test')->fields(array('job' => 'Musician'))->condition(db_or()->condition('name', 'John')->condition('name', 'Paul'));
     $num_updated = $update->execute();
     $this->assertIdentical($num_updated, 2, 'Updated 2 records.');
     $num_matches = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {test} WHERE job = :job', array(':job' => 'Musician'))->fetchField();
     $this->assertIdentical($num_matches, '2', 'Updated fields successfully.');