function install() { $sql = "SELECT mod_directory FROM modules WHERE mod_directory = '{$this->mod_directory}'"; if (db_loadHash($sql, $temp)) { // the module is already installed // TODO: check for older version - upgrade return false; } $sql = 'SELECT max(mod_ui_order) FROM modules'; // We need to account for "pre-installed" modules that are "UI Inaccessible" // in order to make sure we get the "correct" initial value for . // mod_ui_order values of "UI Inaccessible" modules are irrelevant // and should probably be set to 0 so as not to interfere. $sql .= " WHERE mod_name NOT LIKE 'Public'"; $this->mod_ui_order = db_loadResult($sql) + 1; $perms =& $GLOBALS['AppUI']->acl(); $perms->addModule($this->mod_directory, $this->mod_name); // Determine if it is an admin module or not, then add it to the correct set if (!isset($this->mod_admin)) { $this->mod_admin = 0; } if ($this->mod_admin) { $perms->addGroupItem($this->mod_directory, "admin"); } else { $perms->addGroupItem($this->mod_directory, "non_admin"); } if (isset($this->permissions_item_table) && $this->permissions_item_table) { $perms->addModuleSection($this->permissions_item_table); } $this->store(); return true; }
function install() { $sql = "SELECT mod_directory FROM modules WHERE mod_directory = '{$this->mod_directory}'"; if (db_loadHash($sql, $temp)) { // the module is already installed // TODO: check for older version - upgrade return false; } $sql = 'SELECT max(mod_ui_order) FROM modules'; $this->mod_ui_order = db_loadResult($sql) + 1; $perms =& $GLOBALS['AppUI']->acl(); $perms->addModule($this->mod_directory, $this->mod_name); // Determine if it is an admin module or not, then add it to the correct set if (!isset($this->mod_admin)) { $this->mod_admin = 0; } if ($this->mod_admin) { $perms->addGroupItem($this->mod_directory, "admin"); } else { $perms->addGroupItem($this->mod_directory, "non_admin"); } if (isset($this->permissions_item_table) && $this->permissions_item_table) { $perms->addModuleSection($this->permissions_item_table); } $this->store(); return true; }
/** * This global function loads the first row of a query into an object * * If an object is passed to this function, the returned row is bound to the existing elements of <var>object</var>. * If <var>object</var> has a value of null, then all of the returned query fields returned in the object. * @param string The SQL query * @param object The address of variable */ function db_loadObject($sql, &$object, $bindAll = false, $strip = true) { if ($object != null) { $hash = array(); if (!db_loadHash($sql, $hash)) { return false; } bindHashToObject($hash, $object, null, $strip, $bindAll); return true; } else { $cur = db_exec($sql); $cur or exit(db_error()); if ($object = db_fetch_object($cur)) { db_free_result($cur); return true; } else { $object = null; return false; } } }
} $q->addTable('history'); $q->addUpdate('history_item = history_id'); $q->addWhere('history_table = \'history\''); $okMsg = 'History deleted'; } $q->clear(); $AppUI->redirect(); } // pull the history $q->addTable('history'); $q->addQuery('*'); $q->addWhere('history_id =' . $history_id); $sql = $q->prepare(); $q->clear(); db_loadHash($sql, $history); ?> <form name="AddEdit" method="post"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"> <input name="action" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $history_id ? "update" : "add"; ?> "> <tr> <td><img src="./images/icons/tasks.gif" alt="" border="0"></td> <td align="left" nowrap="nowrap" width="100%"><h1><?php echo $AppUI->_($history_id ? 'Edit history' : 'New history'); ?> </h1></td> </tr>
</th> <th width="100%"><?php echo $AppUI->_('Comments'); ?> </th> <th></th> </tr> <?php // Pull the task comments $sql = "\nSELECT task_log.*, user_username\nFROM task_log\nLEFT JOIN users ON user_id = task_log_creator\nWHERE task_log_help_desk_id = {$item_id}\nORDER BY task_log_date\n"; $logs = db_loadList($sql); $s = ''; $hrs = 0; // Pull help desk item details $sql = "SELECT item_company_id,item_created_by\n FROM helpdesk_items hi\n WHERE item_id = '{$item_id}'"; db_loadHash($sql, $hditem); $canEdit = hditemEditable($hditem); $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); foreach ($logs as $row) { $task_log_date = intval($row['task_log_date']) ? new CDate($row['task_log_date']) : null; $s .= '<tr bgcolor="white" valign="top">'; $s .= "\n\t<td>"; if ($canEdit) { $s .= "\n\t\t<a href=\"?m=helpdesk&a=view&item_id={$item_id}&tab=1&task_log_id=" . @$row['task_log_id'] . "\">" . "\n\t\t\t" . dPshowImage('./images/icons/stock_edit-16.png', 16, 16, '') . "\n\t\t</a>"; } $s .= "\n\t</td>"; $s .= '<td nowrap="nowrap">' . ($task_log_date ? $task_log_date->format($df) : '-') . '</td>'; $s .= '<td width="30%">' . @$row["task_log_name"] . '</td>'; $s .= '<td width="100">' . $row["user_username"] . '</td>'; $s .= '<td width="100" align="right">' . sprintf("%.2f", $row["task_log_hours"]) . '</td>'; $s .= '<td width="100">' . $task_log_costcodes[$row["task_log_costcode"]] . '</td>';
if (isset($_GET['tab'])) { $AppUI->setState('UserVwTab', $_GET['tab']); } $tab = $AppUI->getState('UserVwTab') !== NULL ? $AppUI->getState('UserVwTab') : 0; // pull data $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('users', 'u'); $q->addQuery('u.*'); $q->addQuery('con.*, company_id, company_name, dept_name, dept_id'); $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'user_contact = contact_id'); $q->addJoin('companies', 'com', 'contact_company = company_id'); $q->addJoin('departments', 'dep', 'dept_id = contact_department'); $q->addWhere('u.user_id = ' . $user_id); $sql = $q->prepare(); $q->clear(); if (!db_loadHash($sql, $user)) { $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Invalid User ID', 'helix-setup-user.png', $m, "{$m}.{$a}"); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=admin', 'users list'); $titleBlock->show(); } else { // setup the title block $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('View User', 'helix-setup-user.png', $m, "{$m}.{$a}"); if ($canRead) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=admin', 'users list'); } if ($canEdit) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=admin&a=addedituser&user_id=' . $user_id, 'edit this user'); } if ($canEdit || $user_id == $AppUI->user_id) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=system&a=addeditpref&user_id=' . $user_id, 'edit preferences'); $titleBlock->addCrumbRight('<a href="#" onclick="popChgPwd();return false">' . $AppUI->_('change password') . '</a>');
if ($denyEdit) { $AppUI->redirect("m=public&a=access_denied"); } require_once $AppUI->getSystemClass('date'); //***START MOD*** pedroa 20050609 require_once $AppUI->getModuleClass('projects'); global $AppUI; //***END MOD $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); $tid = isset($_GET['tid']) ? $_GET['tid'] : 0; $winnow_project = getPermsWhereClause("projects", "projects.project_id"); $winnow_tasks = getPermsWhereClause("tasks", "tasks.task_id"); //pull data // if we have a TID, then we editing an existing row $sql = " \nSELECT task_log.*, project_name, task_name, task_project, project_company \nFROM task_log\nLEFT JOIN tasks ON task_id = task_log_task\nLEFT JOIN projects ON project_id = task_project\nWHERE task_log_id = {$tid} \n\tAND {$winnow_project}\n\tAND {$winnow_tasks}\n"; db_loadHash($sql, $task); $is_new_record = !$tid; $task_found = $task['project_company'] != FALSE; $require_task_info = $is_new_record || $task_found; global $TIMECARD_CONFIG; //Prevent users from editing other ppls timecards. $can_edit_other_timesheets = $TIMECARD_CONFIG['minimum_edit_level'] >= $AppUI->user_type; if (!$can_edit_other_timesheets) { if (isset($_GET['tid']) && (isset($v['task_log_creator']) && $task['task_log_creator'] != $AppUI->user_id || !isset($task['task_log_creator']))) { $AppUI->redirect("m=public&a=access_denied"); } } $AppUI->savePlace(); if (isset($task['task_log_date'])) { $date = new CDate($task['task_log_date']); } else {
function getProject() { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('projects'); $q->addQuery('project_name, project_short_name, project_color_identifier'); $q->addWhere("project_id = '" . $this->task_project . "'"); $sql = $q->prepare(); $q->clear(); $proj = db_loadHash($sql, $projects); return $projects; }
if ($filter != null) { $q->addWhere($filter); } $q->addOrder($name_field); $company_list = array("0" => "") + $q->loadHashList(); ?> <?php if (dPgetParam($_POST, $id_field, 0) != 0) { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable($table_name); $q->addQuery('*'); $q->addWhere("{$id_field}=" . $_POST[$id_field]); $sql = $q->prepare(); $q->clear(); db_loadHash($sql, $r_data); $data_update_script = ""; $update_address = isset($_POST["overwrite_address"]); if ($table_name == "companies") { $update_fields = array(); if ($update_address) { $update_fields = array("company_address1" => "contact_address1", "company_address2" => "contact_address2", "company_city" => "contact_city", "company_state" => "contact_state", "company_zip" => "contact_zip", "company_phone1" => "contact_phone", "company_phone2" => "contact_phone2", "company_fax" => "contact_fax"); } $data_update_script = "opener.setCompany('" . $_POST[$id_field] . "', '" . db_escape($r_data[$name_field]) . "');\n"; } else { if ($table_name == "departments") { $update_fields = array("dept_id" => "contact_department"); if ($update_address) { $update_fields = array("dept_address1" => "contact_address1", "dept_address2" => "contact_address2", "dept_city" => "contact_city", "dept_state" => "contact_state", "dept_zip" => "contact_zip", "dept_phone" => "contact_phone", "dept_fax" => "contact_fax"); } $data_update_script = "opener.setDepartment('" . $_POST[$id_field] . "', '" . db_escape($r_data[$name_field]) . "');\n";
$item_id = dPgetParam($_GET, 'item_id', 0); // Get pagination page if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $AppUI->setState('HelpDeskLogPage', $_GET['page']); } else { $AppUI->setState('HelpDeskLogPage', 0); } $page = $AppUI->getState('HelpDeskLogPage') ? $AppUI->getState('HelpDeskLogPage') : 0; // Get tab state if (isset($_GET['tab'])) { $AppUI->setState('HelpLogVwTab', $_GET['tab']); } $tab = $AppUI->getState('HelpLogVwTab') !== NULL ? $AppUI->getState('HelpLogVwTab') : 0; // Pull data $sql = "SELECT hi.*,\n CONCAT(co.contact_first_name,' ',co.contact_last_name) assigned_to_fullname,\n co.contact_email as assigned_email,\n p.project_id,\n p.project_name,\n p.project_color_identifier,\n c.company_name,\n d.dept_name\n FROM helpdesk_items hi\n LEFT JOIN users u ON u.user_id = hi.item_assigned_to\n LEFT JOIN contacts co ON co.contact_id = u.user_contact\n LEFT JOIN projects p ON p.project_id = hi.item_project_id\n LEFT JOIN companies c ON c.company_id = hi.item_company_id\n LEFT JOIN departments d ON d.dept_id = hi.item_department_id\n WHERE item_id = '{$item_id}'"; if (!db_loadHash($sql, $hditem)) { $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock($AppUI->_('Invalid item id'), 'helpdesk.png', $m, 'ID_HELP_HELPDESK_VIEW'); $titleBlock->addCrumb("?m=helpdesk", 'Home'); $titleBlock->addCrumb("?m=helpdesk&a=list", 'List'); $titleBlock->show(); } else { // Check permissions on this record $canRead = hditemReadable($hditem); $canEdit = hditemEditable($hditem); if (!$canRead && !$canEdit) { $AppUI->redirect("m=public&a=access_denied"); } $name = $hditem['item_requestor']; $assigned_to_name = $hditem["item_assigned_to"] ? $hditem["assigned_to_fullname"] : ""; $assigned_email = $hditem["assigned_email"]; $sql = "\n\tSELECT \n\t\thelpdesk_item_watchers.user_id, \n\t\tCONCAT(contact_first_name, ' ', contact_last_name) as name,\n\t\tcontact_email\n\tFROM \n\t\thelpdesk_item_watchers\n\t\tLEFT JOIN users ON helpdesk_item_watchers.user_id = users.user_id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN contacts ON user_contact = contact_id\n\tWHERE \n\t\titem_id = " . $item_id . "\n\tORDER BY contact_last_name, contact_first_name";
$q->addQuery('CONCAT( contact_first_name, \' \', contact_last_name)'); $q->addTable('users'); $q->leftJoin('contacts', 'c', 'user_contact = contact_id'); $q->addOrder('contact_first_name, contact_last_name'); $users = $q->loadHashList(); $q->clear(); $q->addQuery('project_id, project_name'); $q->addTable('projects'); $projects = $q->loadHashList(); $projects[0] = '[All]'; //Pull contact information $q->clear(); $q->addQuery('*'); $q->addTable('risks'); $q->addWhere('risk_id = ' . $risk_id); if (!db_loadHash($q->prepare(), $risk) && $risk_id > 0) { $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Invalid Risk ID', 'folder5.png', $m, "{$m}.{$a}"); $titleBlock->addCrumb("?m=risks", "Risks list"); $titleBlock->show(); $tasks = array(); } else { if (isset($risk['risk_project'])) { $q->clear(); $q->addQuery('task_id, task_name'); $q->addTable('tasks'); $q->addWhere('task_project = ' . $risk['risk_project']); $tasks = $q->loadHashList(); } else { $tasks = array(); } // setup the title block
function getProject() { $sql = "SELECT project_name, project_short_name, project_color_identifier FROM projects WHERE project_id = '{$this->task_project}'"; $proj = db_loadHash($sql, $projects); return $projects; }
} else { if ($action == "del") { $sql = "DELETE FROM holiday WHERE holiday_id = " . $holiday_id; $okMsg = "Holiday removed"; } } } if (!db_exec($sql)) { $AppUI->setMsg(db_error()); } else { $AppUI->setMsg($okMsg); } $AppUI->redirect(); } // pull the holiday from the database db_loadHash("SELECT * FROM holiday WHERE holiday_id = {$holiday_id}", $holiday); if ($holiday_white == -1) { $holiday_white = $holiday['holiday_white']; } ?> <script language="javascript"> var calendarField = ''; function popCalendar( field ){ calendarField = field; idate = eval( 'document.AddEdit.log_' + field + '.value' ); 'index.php?m=public&a=calendar&dialog=1&callback=setCalendar&date=' + idate, 'calwin', 'width=250, height=220, scollbars=false' ); } function setCalendar( idate, fdate ) { fld_date = eval( 'document.AddEdit.log_' + calendarField ); fld_fdate = eval( 'document.AddEdit.' + calendarField );
if ($action == "del") { $sql = "DELETE FROM journal WHERE journal_id = {$journal_id}"; $okMsg = "journal deleted"; } } } if (!db_exec($sql)) { $AppUI->setMsg(db_error()); } else { $AppUI->setMsg($okMsg); } $AppUI->redirect(); } // pull the journal $sql = "SELECT * FROM journal WHERE journal_id = {$journal_id}"; db_loadHash($sql, $journal); if ($journal["journal_project"]) { $project_id = $journal["journal_project"]; } ?> <form name="AddEdit" method="post"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"> <input name="action" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $journal_id ? "update" : "add"; ?> "> <tr> <td><img src="./images/icons/notepad.gif" alt="" border="0"></td> <td align="left" nowrap="nowrap" width="100%"><h1><?php echo $AppUI->_($journal_id ? 'Edit Note' : 'New Note');
if ($dept_id > 0) { // pull data $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('companies', 'com'); $q->addTable('departments', 'dep'); $q->addQuery('dep.*, company_name'); $q->addQuery('con.contact_first_name'); $q->addQuery('con.contact_last_name'); $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'u.user_id = dep.dept_owner'); $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'u.user_contact = con.contact_id'); $q->addWhere('dep.dept_id = ' . $dept_id); $q->addWhere('dep.dept_company = company_id'); $sql = $q->prepare(); $q->clear(); } if (!db_loadHash($sql, $dept)) { $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Invalid Department ID', 'users.gif', $m, $m . '.' . $a); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=companies', 'companies list'); $titleBlock->show(); } else { if ($dept_id <= 0) { echo $AppUI->_('Please choose a Department first!'); } else { $company_id = $dept['dept_company']; if (!$min_view) { // setup the title block $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('View Department', 'users.gif', $m, $m . '.' . $a); if ($canEdit) { $titleBlock->addCell(); $titleBlock->addCell('<form action="?m=departments&a=addedit&company_id=' . $company_id . '&dept_parent=' . $dept_id . '" method="post">' . '<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('new department') . '" />' . '</form>'); }
function getDepartmentDetails() { $result = array('dept_id' => 0, 'dept_name' => ''); if (!$this->contact_department) { return $result; } $sql = "select dept_id, dept_name from departments"; $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('departments'); $q->addQuery('dept_id, dept_name'); if ($this->is_alpha($this->contact_department)) { $q->addWhere("dept_name = '" . $this->contact_department . "'"); } else { $q->addWhere("dept_id = '" . $this->contact_department . "'"); } $sql = $q->prepare(); $q->clear(); db_loadHash($sql, $result); return $result; }
$roles_arr = array(); foreach ($roles as $role) { $roles_arr[$role['id']] = $role['name']; } $roles_arr = arrayMerge(array(0 => ''), $roles_arr); $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('users', 'u'); $q->addQuery('u.*'); $q->addQuery('con.*, company_id, company_name, dept_name'); $q->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'user_contact = contact_id'); $q->addJoin('companies', 'com', 'contact_company = company_id'); $q->addJoin('departments', 'dep', 'dept_id = contact_department'); $q->addWhere('u.user_id = ' . $user_id); $sql = $q->prepare(); $q->clear(); if (!db_loadHash($sql, $user) && $user_id > 0) { $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Invalid User ID', 'helix-setup-user.png', $m, "{$m}.{$a}"); $titleBlock->addCrumb("?m=admin", "users list"); $titleBlock->show(); } else { if ($user_id == 0) { $user['contact_id'] = 0; } // pull companies $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('companies'); $q->addQuery('company_id, company_name'); $q->addOrder('company_name'); $companies = arrayMerge(array(0 => ''), $q->loadHashList()); // setup the title block $ttl = $user_id > 0 ? "Edit User" : "Add User";
$dept_id = isset($_GET['dept_id']) ? $_GET['dept_id'] : 0; $company_id = isset($_GET['company_id']) ? $_GET['company_id'] : 0; // check permissions for this department $canEdit = !getDenyEdit($m, $dept_id); if (!$canEdit) { $AppUI->redirect("m=public&a=access_denied"); } // pull data for this department $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('departments', 'dep'); $q->addQuery('dep.*, company_name'); $q->addJoin('companies', 'com', 'com.company_id = dep.dept_company'); $q->addWhere('dep.dept_id = ' . $dept_id); $sql = $q->prepare(); $q->clear(); if (!db_loadHash($sql, $drow) && $dept_id > 0) { $titleBlock = new CTitleBlock('Invalid Department ID', 'users.gif', $m, "{$m}.{$a}"); $titleBlock->addCrumb("?m=companies", "companies list"); if ($company_id) { $titleBlock->addCrumb("?m=companies&a=view&company_id={$company_id}", "view this company"); } $titleBlock->show(); } else { ##echo $sql.db_error();## $company_id = $dept_id ? $drow['dept_company'] : $company_id; // check if valid company $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('companies', 'com'); $q->addQuery('company_name'); $q->addWhere('com.company_id = ' . $company_id); $sql = $q->prepare();
$m = $AppUI->checkFileName(dPgetParam($_GET, 'm', getReadableModule())); $denyEdit = getDenyEdit($m); if ($denyEdit) { $AppUI->setMsg('Access denied', UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect(); } require_once $AppUI->getSystemClass('date'); require_once $AppUI->getModuleClass('helpdesk'); $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); $tid = isset($_GET['tid']) ? $_GET['tid'] : 0; //pull data // if we have a TID, then we editing an existing row $sql = " \r\nSELECT task_log.*, item_id, item_project_id, item_title, item_company_id \r\nFROM task_log\r\nLEFT JOIN helpdesk_items ON task_log_help_desk_id = item_id\r\nWHERE task_log_id = {$tid} \r\nAND " . getItemPerms() . "\r\n"; //echo "<pre>$sql</pre>"; //echo '<pre>';print_r($sql);echo '</pre>'; db_loadHash($sql, $helpdeskItemTask); $is_new_record = !$tid; $helpdeskItemTask_found = $helpdeskItemTask['item_id'] != FALSE; $require_task_info = $is_new_record || $helpdeskItemTask_found; //echo '<pre>';print_r($helpdeskItemTask);echo '</pre>'; global $TIMECARD_CONFIG; //Prevent users from editing other ppls timecards. $can_edit_other_timesheets = $TIMECARD_CONFIG['minimum_edit_level'] >= $AppUI->user_type; if (!$can_edit_other_timesheets) { if (isset($_GET['tid']) && (isset($helpdeskItemTask['task_log_creator']) && $helpdeskItemTask['task_log_creator'] != $AppUI->user_id)) { $AppUI->setMsg('Access denied', UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect(); } } $AppUI->savePlace(); if (isset($helpdeskItemTask['task_log_date'])) {
function notify($assignees, $update = false, $clash = false) { global $AppUI, $locale_char_set, $dPconfig; $mail_owner = $AppUI->getPref('MAILALL'); $assignee_list = explode(",", $assignees); $owner_is_assigned = in_array($this->event_owner, $assignee_list); if ($mail_owner && !$owner_is_assigned && $this->event_owner) { array_push($assignee_list, $this->event_owner); } // Remove any empty elements otherwise implode has a problem foreach ($assignee_list as $key => $x) { if (!$x) { unset($assignee_list[$key]); } } if (!count($assignee_list)) { return; } $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('users', 'u'); $q->addTable('contacts', 'con'); $q->addQuery('user_id, contact_first_name,contact_last_name, contact_email'); $q->addWhere('u.user_contact = con.contact_id'); $q->addWhere("user_id in (" . implode(',', $assignee_list) . ")"); $users = $q->loadHashList('user_id'); $date_format = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); $time_format = $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT'); $fmt = $date_format . ' ' . $time_format; $start_date =& new CDate($this->event_start_date); $end_date =& new CDate($this->event_end_date); $mail =& new Mail(); $type = $update ? $AppUI->_('Updated') : $AppUI->_('New'); $subject_title = $clash ? $AppUI->_('Requested Event') : $type . " " . $AppUI->_('Event'); $mail->Subject($subject_title . ": " . $this->event_title, $locale_char_set); $mail->From('"' . $AppUI->user_first_name . " " . $AppUI->user_last_name . '" <' . $AppUI->user_email . '>'); $body = ''; if ($clash) { $body .= 'You have been invited to an event by ' . $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name . "\n"; $body .= 'However, either you or another intended invitee has a competing event' . "\n"; $body .= $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name . ' has requested that you reply to this message' . "\n"; $body .= 'and confirm if you can or can not make the requested time.' . "\n\n"; } $body .= $AppUI->_('Event') . ":\t" . $this->event_title . "\n"; if (!$clash) { $body .= $AppUI->_('URL') . ":\t" . $dPconfig['base_url'] . "/index.php?m=calendar&a=view&event_id=" . $this->event_id . "\n"; } $body .= $AppUI->_('Starts') . ":\t" . $start_date->format($fmt) . "\n"; $body .= $AppUI->_('Ends') . ":\t" . $end_date->format($fmt) . "\n"; // Find the project name. if ($this->event_project) { $prj = array(); $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('projects', 'p'); $q->addQuery('project_name'); $q->addWhere('p.project_id =' . $this->event_project); $sql = $q->prepare(); $q->clear(); if (db_loadHash($sql, $prj)) { $body .= $AppUI->_('Project') . ":\t" . $prj['project_name'] . "\n"; } } $types = dPgetSysVal('EventType'); $body .= $AppUI->_('Type') . ":\t" . $AppUI->_($types[$this->event_type]) . "\n"; $body .= $AppUI->_('Attendees') . ":\t"; $body_attend = ''; foreach ($users as $user) { $body_attend .= ($body_attend ? ', ' : '') . $user['contact_first_name'] . ' ' . $user['contact_last_name']; } $body .= $body_attend . "\n\n" . $this->event_description . "\n"; $mail->Body($body, $locale_char_set); foreach ($users as $user) { if (!$mail_owner && $user['user_id'] == $this->event_owner) { continue; } $mail->To($user['contact_email'], true); $mail->Send(); } }
function notify($type, $log_id) { global $AppUI, $ist, $ict, $isa; // if (!$this->item_notify || // ($this->item_assigned_to == $AppUI->user_id)) { // return; // } // Pull up the email address of everyone on the watch list $sql = "SELECT contact_email\n FROM \n \thelpdesk_item_watchers\n \tLEFT JOIN users ON helpdesk_item_watchers.user_id = users.user_id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN contacts ON user_contact = contact_id\n WHERE \n \thelpdesk_item_watchers.item_id='{$this->item_id}'"; //if they choose, along with the person who the ticket is assigned to. if ($this->item_notify) { $sql .= " or users.user_id='{$this->item_assigned_to}'"; } $email_list = db_loadHashList($sql); $email_list = array_keys($email_list); //echo $sql."\n"; //print_r($email_list); //if there's no one in the list, skip the rest. if (count($email_list) <= 0) { return; } if (is_numeric($log_id)) { switch ($type) { case STATUS_LOG: $sql = "SELECT status_code, status_comment\n FROM helpdesk_item_status\n WHERE status_id={$log_id}"; break; case TASK_LOG: $sql = "SELECT task_log_name,task_log_description\n FROM task_log\n WHERE task_log_id={$log_id}"; break; } db_loadHash($sql, $log); } foreach ($email_list as $assigned_to_email) { $mail = new Mail(); if ($mail->ValidEmail($assigned_to_email)) { $subject = $AppUI->cfg['page_title'] . " " . $AppUI->_('Help Desk Item') . " #{$this->item_id}"; switch ($type) { case STATUS_LOG: $body = $AppUI->_('Title') . ": {$this->item_title}\n" . $AppUI->_('Call Type') . ": {$ict[$this->item_calltype]}\n" . $AppUI->_('Status') . ": {$ist[$this->item_status]}\n"; if ($log['status_code'] == 0) { $mail->Subject("{$subject} " . $AppUI->_('Created')); } else { $mail->Subject("{$subject} " . $AppUI->_('Updated')); $body .= $AppUI->_('Update') . ": {$isa[$log['status_code']]} {$log['status_comment']}\n"; } $body .= $AppUI->_('Link') . ": {$AppUI->cfg['base_url']}/index.php?m=helpdesk&a=view&item_id={$this->item_id}\n" . "\n" . $AppUI->_('Summary') . ":\n" . $this->item_summary; break; case TASK_LOG: $mail->Subject("{$subject} " . $AppUI->_('Task Log') . " " . $AppUI->_('Update')); $body = $AppUI->_('Summary') . ": " . $log['task_log_name'] . "\n" . $AppUI->_('Link') . ": {$AppUI->cfg['base_url']}/index.php?m=helpdesk&a=view&item_id={$this->item_id}\n" . "\n" . $AppUI->_('Comments') . ":\n" . $log['task_log_description']; break; } $body .= "\n\n-- \n" . $AppUI->_('helpdeskSignature'); if ($mail->ValidEmail($AppUI->user_email)) { $email = $AppUI->user_email; } else { $email = "dotproject@" . $AppUI->cfg['site_domain']; } $mail->From("\"{$AppUI->user_first_name} {$AppUI->user_last_name}\" <{$email}>"); $mail->To($assigned_to_email); $mail->Body($body, isset($GLOBALS['locale_char_set']) ? $GLOBALS['locale_char_set'] : ""); $mail->Send(); } } }
$project = new CProject(); $allowedProjects = $project->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'project_id, project_name'); $fileclass = new CFile(); $fileclass->load($file_id); $allowedFiles = $fileclass->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'file_id, file_name'); if (count($allowedFiles) && !array_key_exists($file_id, $allowedFiles)) { $AppUI->redirect('m=public&a=access_denied'); } $q = new DBQuery(); $q->addTable('files'); if ($fileclass->file_project) { $project->setAllowedSQL($AppUI->user_id, $q, 'file_project'); } $q->addWhere('file_id = ' . $file_id); $sql = $q->prepare(); if (!db_loadHash($sql, $file)) { $AppUI->redirect('m=public&a=access_denied'); } /* * DISABLED LINES TO FIX A NEWER BUG 914075 WITH IE 6 (GREGORERHARDT 20040612) // BEGIN extra headers to resolve IE caching bug (JRP 9 Feb 2003) // [] header('Pragma: '); header('Cache-Control: '); header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); //HTTP/1.1 header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false); // END extra headers to resolve IE caching bug */
$user_filter = ""; $sql = "select t.*, p.project_name, u.user_username\n from tasks as t,\n users as u,\n projects as p"; if ($user_id > 0) { $sql .= ", user_tasks as ut"; $user_filter = " and ut.user_id = {$user_id}\n and ut.task_id = t.task_id "; } $sql .= " where task_end_date >= '" . $start_date->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL) . "'\n and task_end_date <= '" . $end_date->format(FMT_DATETIME_MYSQL) . "'\n and p.project_id = t.task_project\n and t.task_dynamic = '0'\n and t.task_owner = u.user_id\n {$projects_filter}\n {$user_filter}\n order by project_name asc, task_end_date asc"; $tasks = db_loadHashList($sql, "task_id"); $first_task = current($tasks); $actual_project_id = 0; $first_task = true; $task_log = array(); echo "<table class='tbl' width='80%'>"; echo "<tr><th>" . $AppUI->_("Task name") . "</th><th>" . $AppUI->_("T.Owner") . "</th><th>" . $AppUI->_("H.Alloc.") . "</th><th>" . $AppUI->_("Task end date") . "</th><th>" . $AppUI->_("Last activity date") . "</th><th>" . $AppUI->_("Done") . "?</th></tr>"; $hrs = $AppUI->_("hrs"); // To avoid calling $AppUI each row foreach ($tasks as $task) { if ($actual_project_id != $task["task_project"]) { echo "<tr><td colspan='6'><b>" . $task["project_name"] . "</b></td>"; $actual_project_id = $task["task_project"]; } $sql = "select *\n from task_log\n where task_log_task = " . $task["task_id"] . "\n order by task_log_date desc\n limit 1"; db_loadHash($sql, $task_log); $done_img = $task["task_percent_complete"] == 100 ? "Yes" : "No"; echo "<tr><td> " . $task["task_name"] . "</td><td>" . $task["user_username"] . "</td><td>" . $task["task_duration"] * $task["task_duration_type"] . " {$hrs}</td><td>" . $task["task_end_date"] . "</td><td>" . $task_log["task_log_date"] . "</td><td align='center'>{$done_img}</td></tr>"; } } ?>