Beispiel #1
function sn_mm_points_change($user_id, $change_type, $metamatter, $comment = false, $already_changed = false, &$result)
    global $debug, $mm_change_legit, $user, $config;
    if (!$user_id || !($metamatter = floatval($metamatter))) {
        return false;
    $mm_change_legit = true;
    $sn_data_metamatter_db_name = pname_resource_name(RES_METAMATTER);
    if ($already_changed) {
        $result = -1;
    } else {
        $metamatter_total = $metamatter > 0 ? $metamatter : 0;
        db_user_set_by_id($user_id, "`{$sn_data_metamatter_db_name}` = `{$sn_data_metamatter_db_name}` + '{$metamatter}'" . ($metamatter > 0 ? ", `immortal` = IF(`metamatter_total` + '{$metamatter_total}' >= {$config->player_metamatter_immortal}, NOW(), `immortal`), `metamatter_total` = `metamatter_total` + '{$metamatter_total}'" : ''));
        $result = db_affected_rows();
    if ($result) {
        $page_url = db_escape($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
        if (is_array($comment)) {
            $comment = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $comment);
        $comment = db_escape($comment);
        $row = db_user_by_id($user_id, false, 'username');
        $row['username'] = db_escape($row['username']);
        doquery("INSERT INTO {{log_metamatter}} SET\n      `user_id` = {$user_id},\n      `username` = '{$row['username']}',\n      `reason` = {$change_type},\n      `amount` = {$metamatter},\n      `comment` = '{$comment}',\n      `page` = '{$page_url}'\n    ;");
        $result = db_insert_id();
        if ($user['id'] == $user_id) {
            $user['metamatter'] += $metamatter;
    } else {
        $debug->warning("Error adjusting Metamatter for player ID {$user_id} (Player Not Found?) with {$metamatter}. Reason: {$comment}", 'Metamatter Change', 402);
    $mm_change_legit = false;
    return $result;
Beispiel #2
 * Add a news item
 * @param integer $p_project_id   A project identifier.
 * @param integer $p_poster_id    The user id of poster.
 * @param integer $p_view_state   View state.
 * @param boolean $p_announcement Whether article is an announcement.
 * @param string  $p_headline     News Headline.
 * @param string  $p_body         News Body.
 * @return integer news article id
function news_create($p_project_id, $p_poster_id, $p_view_state, $p_announcement, $p_headline, $p_body)
    if (is_blank($p_headline)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    if (is_blank($p_body)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    $t_query = 'INSERT INTO {news}
	    		  ( project_id, poster_id, date_posted, last_modified,
	    		    view_state, announcement, headline, body )
				    ( ' . db_param() . ',
				      ' . db_param() . ',
				      ' . db_param() . ',
				      ' . db_param() . ',
				      ' . db_param() . ',
				      ' . db_param() . ',
				      ' . db_param() . ',
				      ' . db_param() . '
    db_query($t_query, array((int) $p_project_id, (int) $p_poster_id, db_now(), db_now(), (int) $p_view_state, $p_announcement, $p_headline, $p_body));
    $t_news_id = db_insert_id(db_get_table('news'));
    return $t_news_id;
Beispiel #3
function email_queue_add($p_email_data)
    $t_email_data = email_queue_prepare_db($p_email_data);
    # email cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($t_email_data->email)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # subject cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($t_email_data->subject)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # body cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($t_email_data->body)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    $t_email_table = config_get('mantis_email_table');
    $c_email = $t_email_data->email;
    $c_subject = $t_email_data->subject;
    $c_body = $t_email_data->body;
    $c_metadata = serialize($t_email_data->metadata);
    $query = "INSERT INTO {$t_email_table}\r\n\t\t\t\t    ( email,\r\n\t\t\t\t      subject,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t  body,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t  submitted,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t  metadata)\r\n\t\t\t\t  VALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t    ( '{$c_email}',\r\n\t\t\t\t      '{$c_subject}',\r\n\t\t\t\t      '{$c_body}',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t  " . db_now() . ",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t  '{$c_metadata}'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t)";
    return db_insert_id($t_email_table);
Beispiel #4
 function install($module)
     global $db, $messageStack;
     $error = false;
     if (!db_field_exists(TABLE_INVENTORY, 'catalog')) {
         // setup new tab in table inventory
         $result = $db->Execute("select id FROM " . TABLE_EXTRA_TABS . " WHERE tab_name='ZenCart'");
         if ($result->RecordCount() == 0) {
             $sql_data_array = array('module_id' => 'inventory', 'tab_name' => 'ZenCart', 'description' => 'ZenCart Catalog', 'sort_order' => '49');
             db_perform(TABLE_EXTRA_TABS, $sql_data_array);
             $tab_id = db_insert_id();
         } else {
             $tab_id = $result->fields['id'];
         gen_add_audit_log(ZENCART_LOG_TABS . TEXT_ADD, 'zencart');
         // setup extra fields for inventory
         $sql_data_array = array('module_id' => 'inventory', 'tab_id' => $tab_id, 'entry_type' => 'check_box', 'field_name' => 'catalog', 'description' => ZENCART_CATALOG_ADD, 'sort_order' => 10, 'use_in_inventory_filter' => '1', 'params' => serialize(array('type' => 'check_box', 'select' => '0', 'inventory_type' => 'ai:ci:ds:sf:ma:ia:lb:mb:ms:mi:ns:sa:sr:sv:si:')));
         db_perform(TABLE_EXTRA_FIELDS, $sql_data_array);
         $db->Execute("alter table " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " add column catalog enum('0','1') default '0'");
         $sql_data_array = array('module_id' => 'inventory', 'tab_id' => $tab_id, 'entry_type' => 'text', 'field_name' => 'category_id', 'description' => ZENCART_CATALOG_CATEGORY_ID, 'sort_order' => 20, 'use_in_inventory_filter' => '1', 'params' => serialize(array('type' => 'text', 'length' => '64', 'default' => '', 'inventory_type' => 'ai:ci:ds:sf:ma:ia:lb:mb:ms:mi:ns:sa:sr:sv:si:')));
         db_perform(TABLE_EXTRA_FIELDS, $sql_data_array);
         $db->Execute("alter table " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " add column category_id varchar(64) default ''");
         $sql_data_array = array('module_id' => 'inventory', 'tab_id' => $tab_id, 'entry_type' => 'text', 'field_name' => 'manufacturer', 'description' => ZENCART_CATALOG_MANUFACTURER, 'sort_order' => 30, 'use_in_inventory_filter' => '1', 'params' => serialize(array('type' => 'text', 'length' => '64', 'default' => '', 'inventory_type' => 'ai:ci:ds:sf:ma:ia:lb:mb:ms:mi:ns:sa:sr:sv:si:')));
         db_perform(TABLE_EXTRA_FIELDS, $sql_data_array);
         $db->Execute("alter table " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " add column manufacturer varchar(64) default ''");
         $sql_data_array = array('module_id' => 'inventory', 'tab_id' => $tab_id, 'entry_type' => 'text', 'field_name' => 'ProductModel', 'description' => ZENCART_CATALOG_MODEL, 'sort_order' => 40, 'use_in_inventory_filter' => '1', 'params' => serialize(array('type' => 'text', 'length' => '64', 'default' => '', 'inventory_type' => 'ai:ci:ds:sf:ma:ia:lb:mb:ms:mi:ns:sa:sr:sv:si:')));
         db_perform(TABLE_EXTRA_FIELDS, $sql_data_array);
         $db->Execute("alter table " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " add column ProductModel varchar(64) default ''");
         $sql_data_array = array('module_id' => 'inventory', 'tab_id' => $tab_id, 'entry_type' => 'text', 'field_name' => 'ProductURL', 'description' => ZENCART_CATALOG_URL, 'sort_order' => 50, 'use_in_inventory_filter' => '1', 'params' => serialize(array('type' => 'text', 'length' => '64', 'default' => '', 'inventory_type' => 'ai:ci:ds:sf:ma:ia:lb:mb:ms:mi:ns:sa:sr:sv:si:')));
         db_perform(TABLE_EXTRA_FIELDS, $sql_data_array);
         $db->Execute("alter table " . TABLE_INVENTORY . " add column ProductURL varchar(64) default ''");
         gen_add_audit_log(ZENCART_LOG_FIELDS . TEXT_NEW, 'zencart - catalog');
     return $error;
function write_customer($email, $name, $company, $address, $phone, $fax, $currency)
    global $paypal_sales_type_id, $paypal_tax_group_id, $paypal_salesman, $paypal_area, $paypal_location, $paypal_credit_status, $paypal_shipper;
    global $SysPrefs;
    log_message("Memory, write_customer start:" . memory_get_usage());
    $customer_id = find_customer_by_email($email);
    if (empty($customer_id)) {
        $customer_id = find_customer_by_name($company);
    if (empty($customer_id)) {
        //it is a new customer
        add_customer($company, substr($company, 0, 30), $address, '', $currency, 0, 0, $paypal_credit_status, -1, 0, 0, $SysPrefs->default_credit_limit(), $paypal_sales_type_id, 'PayPal');
        $customer_id = db_insert_id();
        add_branch($customer_id, $company, substr($company, 0, 30), $address, $paypal_salesman, $paypal_area, $paypal_tax_group_id, '', get_company_pref('default_sales_discount_act'), get_company_pref('debtors_act'), get_company_pref('default_prompt_payment_act'), $paypal_location, $address, 0, 0, $paypal_shipper, 'PayPal');
        $selected_branch = db_insert_id();
        $nameparts = explode(" ", $name);
        $firstname = "";
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($nameparts) - 1; $i++) {
            if (!empty($firstname)) {
                $firstname .= " ";
            $firstname .= $nameparts[$i];
        $lastname = $nameparts[count($nameparts) - 1];
        add_crm_person('paypal', $firstname, $lastname, $address, $phone, '', $fax, $email, '', '');
        add_crm_contact('customer', 'general', $selected_branch, db_insert_id());
    } else {
        $selected_branch = 0;
    log_message("Memory, write_customer end:" . memory_get_usage());
    return array($customer_id, $selected_branch);
Beispiel #6
 * Create a new profile for the user, return the ID of the new profile
 * @param int $p_user_id
 * @param string $p_platform
 * @param string $p_os
 * @param string $p_os_build
 * @param string $p_description
 * @return int
function profile_create($p_user_id, $p_platform, $p_os, $p_os_build, $p_description)
    $p_user_id = (int) $p_user_id;
    if (ALL_USERS != $p_user_id) {
    # platform cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($p_platform)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # os cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($p_os)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # os_build cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($p_os_build)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    $t_user_profile_table = db_get_table('user_profile');
    # Add profile
    $query = "INSERT INTO {$t_user_profile_table}\n\t\t\t\t    ( user_id, platform, os, os_build, description )\n\t\t\t\t  VALUES\n\t\t\t\t    ( " . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ' )';
    db_query_bound($query, array($p_user_id, $p_platform, $p_os, $p_os_build, $p_description));
    return db_insert_id($t_user_profile_table);
 * Add to email queue
 * @param EmailData $p_email_data
 * @return int
function email_queue_add($p_email_data)
    $t_email_data = email_queue_prepare_db($p_email_data);
    # email cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($t_email_data->email)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # subject cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($t_email_data->subject)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # body cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($t_email_data->body)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    $t_email_table = db_get_table('mantis_email_table');
    $c_email = $t_email_data->email;
    $c_subject = $t_email_data->subject;
    $c_body = $t_email_data->body;
    $c_metadata = serialize($t_email_data->metadata);
    $query = "INSERT INTO {$t_email_table}\n\t\t\t\t    ( email,\n\t\t\t\t      subject,\n\t\t\t\t\t  body,\n\t\t\t\t\t  submitted,\n\t\t\t\t\t  metadata)\n\t\t\t\t  VALUES\n\t\t\t\t    ( " . db_param() . ",\n\t\t\t\t      " . db_param() . ",\n\t\t\t\t      " . db_param() . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t  " . db_param() . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t  " . db_param() . "\n\t\t\t\t\t)";
    db_query_bound($query, array($c_email, $c_subject, $c_body, db_now(), $c_metadata));
    $t_id = db_insert_id($t_email_table, 'email_id');
    log_event(LOG_EMAIL, "message #{$t_id} queued");
    return $t_id;
Beispiel #8
function create_input_timevalue($user, $name, $nodeid, $time, $value)
    $time = date("Y-n-j H:i:s", $time);
    db_query("INSERT INTO input (userid,name,nodeid,time,value) VALUES ('{$user}','{$name}','{$nodeid}','{$time}','{$value}')");
    $inputid = db_insert_id();
    return $inputid;
Beispiel #9
 * Create a new profile for the user, return the ID of the new profile
 * @param integer $p_user_id     A valid user identifier.
 * @param string  $p_platform    Value for profile platform.
 * @param string  $p_os          Value for profile operating system.
 * @param string  $p_os_build    Value for profile operation system build.
 * @param string  $p_description Description of profile.
 * @return integer
function profile_create($p_user_id, $p_platform, $p_os, $p_os_build, $p_description)
    $p_user_id = (int) $p_user_id;
    if (ALL_USERS != $p_user_id) {
    # platform cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($p_platform)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # os cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($p_os)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # os_build cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($p_os_build)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # Add profile
    $t_query = 'INSERT INTO {user_profile}
				    ( user_id, platform, os, os_build, description )
				    ( ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ' )';
    db_query($t_query, array($p_user_id, $p_platform, $p_os, $p_os_build, $p_description));
    return db_insert_id(db_get_table('user_profile'));
 function newProductBacklog()
     global $agilemantis_au;
     // Check if team-user name fits into MantisBT regulations
     if (!(utf8_strlen($this->name) < 22 && user_is_name_valid($this->name) && user_is_name_unique($this->name))) {
         return null;
     $p_username = $this->generateTeamUser($this->name);
     $p_email = $this->email;
     $p_email = trim($p_email);
     $t_seed = $p_email . $p_username;
     $t_password = auth_generate_random_password($t_seed);
     if (user_is_name_unique($p_username) === true) {
         user_create($p_username, $t_password, $p_email, 55, false, true, 'Team-User-' . $_POST['pbl_name']);
     } else {
         $t_user_id = $this->getUserIdByName($p_username);
         user_set_field($t_user_id, 'email', $p_email);
     $user_id = $this->getLatestUser();
     $agilemantis_au->setAgileMantisUserRights($user_id, 1, 0, 0);
     if ($this->team == 0) {
         $this->team = $this->getLatestUser();
     $t_sql = "INSERT INTO gadiv_productbacklogs (name, description, user_id) VALUES ( " . db_param(0) . ", " . db_param(1) . ", " . db_param(2) . ") ";
     $t_params = array($this->name, $this->description, $user_id);
     db_query_bound($t_sql, $t_params);
     $this->id = db_insert_id("gadiv_productbacklogs");
     $this->user_id = $user_id;
     return $this->id;
function profile_create($p_user_id, $p_platform, $p_os, $p_os_build, $p_description)
    $c_user_id = db_prepare_int($p_user_id);
    $c_platform = db_prepare_string($p_platform);
    $c_os = db_prepare_string($p_os);
    $c_os_build = db_prepare_string($p_os_build);
    $c_description = db_prepare_string($p_description);
    if (ALL_USERS != $p_user_id) {
    # platform cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($c_platform)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # os cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($c_os)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    # os_build cannot be blank
    if (is_blank($c_os_build)) {
        trigger_error(ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR);
    $t_user_profile_table = config_get('mantis_user_profile_table');
    # Add profile
    $query = "INSERT INTO {$t_user_profile_table}\n\t\t\t\t    ( user_id, platform, os, os_build, description )\n\t\t\t\t  VALUES\n\t\t\t\t    ( '{$c_user_id}', '{$c_platform}', '{$c_os}', '{$c_os_build}', '{$c_description}' )";
    return db_insert_id($t_user_profile_table);
Beispiel #12
 * 生成一个新的订单
 * @param $sid	服务(商品)编号
 * @param $amount	服务(商品)价格,如果不指定则使用数据库中记录的价格
 * @return	成功返回订单信息数组,包含 uid, email, orderid 等信息,失败返回 false
function order_new($sid, $amount = -1)
    $user = user_isonline();
    if ($user === false) {
        vpn_log('User is not online, cant create new order');
        return false;
    $sid = (int) $sid;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM service WHERE id={$sid}";
    $res = db_query($sql);
    if ($res == false || db_num_rows($res) == 0) {
        vpn_log('No such service id: ' . $sid);
        return false;
    $arr = db_fetch_array($res);
    $ts = time(NULL);
    $uid = $user['id'];
    if ($amount < 0) {
        $amount = $arr['price'];
        /// 数据库中的金额单位是(分)
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `order` (uid, createtime, amount, serviceid) VALUES ({$uid}, {$ts}, {$amount}, {$sid})";
    $res = db_query($sql);
    if ($res === false) {
        return false;
    $user['orderid'] = db_insert_id();
    return $user;
Beispiel #13
function sn_ube_report_save(&$combat_data)
    // Если уже есть ИД репорта - значит репорт был взят из таблицы. С таким мы не работаем
    if ($combat_data[UBE_REPORT_CYPHER]) {
        return false;
    // Генерируем уникальный секретный ключ и проверяем наличие в базе
    do {
        $combat_data[UBE_REPORT_CYPHER] = sys_random_string(32);
    } while (doquery("SELECT ube_report_cypher FROM {{ube_report}} WHERE ube_report_cypher = '{$combat_data[UBE_REPORT_CYPHER]}' LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE", true));
    // Инициализация таблицы для пакетной вставки информации
    $sql_perform = array('ube_report_player' => array(array('`ube_report_id`', '`ube_report_player_player_id`', '`ube_report_player_name`', '`ube_report_player_attacker`', '`ube_report_player_bonus_attack`', '`ube_report_player_bonus_shield`', '`ube_report_player_bonus_armor`')), 'ube_report_fleet' => array(array('`ube_report_id`', '`ube_report_fleet_player_id`', '`ube_report_fleet_fleet_id`', '`ube_report_fleet_planet_id`', '`ube_report_fleet_planet_name`', '`ube_report_fleet_planet_galaxy`', '`ube_report_fleet_planet_system`', '`ube_report_fleet_planet_planet`', '`ube_report_fleet_planet_planet_type`', '`ube_report_fleet_resource_metal`', '`ube_report_fleet_resource_crystal`', '`ube_report_fleet_resource_deuterium`', '`ube_report_fleet_bonus_attack`', '`ube_report_fleet_bonus_shield`', '`ube_report_fleet_bonus_armor`')), 'ube_report_outcome_fleet' => array(array('`ube_report_id`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_fleet_id`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_resource_lost_metal`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_resource_lost_crystal`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_resource_lost_deuterium`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_resource_dropped_metal`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_resource_dropped_crystal`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_resource_dropped_deuterium`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_resource_loot_metal`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_resource_loot_crystal`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_resource_loot_deuterium`', '`ube_report_outcome_fleet_resource_lost_in_metal`')), 'ube_report_outcome_unit' => array(array('`ube_report_id`', '`ube_report_outcome_unit_fleet_id`', '`ube_report_outcome_unit_unit_id`', '`ube_report_outcome_unit_restored`', '`ube_report_outcome_unit_lost`', '`ube_report_outcome_unit_sort_order`')), 'ube_report_unit' => array(array('`ube_report_id`', '`ube_report_unit_player_id`', '`ube_report_unit_fleet_id`', '`ube_report_unit_round`', '`ube_report_unit_unit_id`', '`ube_report_unit_count`', '`ube_report_unit_boom`', '`ube_report_unit_attack`', '`ube_report_unit_shield`', '`ube_report_unit_armor`', '`ube_report_unit_attack_base`', '`ube_report_unit_shield_base`', '`ube_report_unit_armor_base`', '`ube_report_unit_sort_order`')));
    // Сохраняем общую информацию о бое
    $outcome =& $combat_data[UBE_OUTCOME];
    doquery("INSERT INTO `{{ube_report}}`\n    SET\n      `ube_report_cypher` = '{$combat_data[UBE_REPORT_CYPHER]}',\n      `ube_report_time_combat` = '" . date(FMT_DATE_TIME_SQL, $combat_data[UBE_TIME]) . "',\n      `ube_report_time_spent` = {$combat_data[UBE_TIME_SPENT]},\n\n      `ube_report_combat_admin` = " . (int) $combat_data[UBE_OPTIONS][UBE_COMBAT_ADMIN] . ",\n      `ube_report_mission_type` = {$combat_data[UBE_OPTIONS][UBE_MISSION_TYPE]},\n\n      `ube_report_combat_result` = {$outcome[UBE_COMBAT_RESULT]},\n      `ube_report_combat_sfr` = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_SFR] . ",\n\n      `ube_report_debris_metal` = " . (double) $outcome[UBE_DEBRIS][RES_METAL] . ",\n      `ube_report_debris_crystal` = " . (double) $outcome[UBE_DEBRIS][RES_CRYSTAL] . ",\n\n      `ube_report_planet_id`          = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_ID] . ",\n      `ube_report_planet_name`        = '" . db_escape($outcome[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_NAME]) . "',\n      `ube_report_planet_size`        = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_SIZE] . ",\n      `ube_report_planet_galaxy`      = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_GALAXY] . ",\n      `ube_report_planet_system`      = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_SYSTEM] . ",\n      `ube_report_planet_planet`      = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_PLANET] . ",\n      `ube_report_planet_planet_type` = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_TYPE] . ",\n\n      `ube_report_moon` = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_MOON] . ",\n      `ube_report_moon_chance` = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_MOON_CHANCE] . ",\n      `ube_report_moon_size` = " . (double) $outcome[UBE_MOON_SIZE] . ",\n\n      `ube_report_moon_reapers` = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_MOON_REAPERS] . ",\n      `ube_report_moon_destroy_chance` = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_MOON_DESTROY_CHANCE] . ",\n      `ube_report_moon_reapers_die_chance` = " . (int) $outcome[UBE_MOON_REAPERS_DIE_CHANCE] . "\n  ");
    $ube_report_id = $combat_data[UBE_REPORT_ID] = db_insert_id();
    // Сохраняем общую информацию по игрокам
    foreach ($combat_data[UBE_PLAYERS] as $player_id => &$player_info) {
        $sql_perform['ube_report_player'][] = array($ube_report_id, $player_id, "'" . db_escape($player_info[UBE_NAME]) . "'", (int) $player_info[UBE_ATTACKER], (double) $player_info[UBE_BONUSES][UBE_ATTACK], (double) $player_info[UBE_BONUSES][UBE_SHIELD], (double) $player_info[UBE_BONUSES][UBE_ARMOR]);
    // Всякая информация по флотам
    $unit_sort_order = 0;
    foreach ($combat_data[UBE_FLEETS] as $fleet_id => &$fleet_info) {
        // Сохраняем общую информацию по флотам
        $sql_perform['ube_report_fleet'][] = array($ube_report_id, $fleet_info[UBE_OWNER], $fleet_id, (double) $fleet_info[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_ID], "'" . db_escape($fleet_info[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_NAME]) . "'", (int) $fleet_info[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_GALAXY], (int) $fleet_info[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_SYSTEM], (int) $fleet_info[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_PLANET], (int) $fleet_info[UBE_PLANET][PLANET_TYPE], (double) $fleet_info[UBE_RESOURCES][RES_METAL], (double) $fleet_info[UBE_RESOURCES][RES_CRYSTAL], (double) $fleet_info[UBE_RESOURCES][RES_DEUTERIUM], (double) $fleet_info[UBE_BONUSES][UBE_ATTACK], (double) $fleet_info[UBE_BONUSES][UBE_SHIELD], (double) $fleet_info[UBE_BONUSES][UBE_ARMOR]);
        // Сохраняем итоговую информацию по ресурсам флота - потеряно, выброшено, увезено
        $fleet_outcome_data =& $outcome[UBE_FLEETS][$fleet_id];
        $sql_perform['ube_report_outcome_fleet'][] = array($ube_report_id, $fleet_id, (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_RESOURCES_LOST][RES_METAL], (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_RESOURCES_LOST][RES_CRYSTAL], (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_RESOURCES_LOST][RES_DEUTERIUM], (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_CARGO_DROPPED][RES_METAL], (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_CARGO_DROPPED][RES_CRYSTAL], (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_CARGO_DROPPED][RES_DEUTERIUM], (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_RESOURCES_LOOTED][RES_METAL], (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_RESOURCES_LOOTED][RES_CRYSTAL], (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_RESOURCES_LOOTED][RES_DEUTERIUM], (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_RESOURCES_LOST_IN_METAL][RES_METAL]);
        // Сохраняем результаты по юнитам - потеряно и восстановлено
        foreach ($fleet_info[UBE_COUNT] as $unit_id => $unit_count) {
            if ($fleet_outcome_data[UBE_UNITS_LOST][$unit_id] || $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_DEFENCE_RESTORE][$unit_id]) {
                $sql_perform['ube_report_outcome_unit'][] = array($ube_report_id, $fleet_id, $unit_id, (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_DEFENCE_RESTORE][$unit_id], (double) $fleet_outcome_data[UBE_UNITS_LOST][$unit_id], $unit_sort_order);
    // Сохраняем информацию о раундах
    $unit_sort_order = 0;
    foreach ($combat_data[UBE_ROUNDS] as $round => &$round_data) {
        foreach ($round_data[UBE_FLEETS] as $fleet_id => &$fleet_data) {
            foreach ($fleet_data[UBE_COUNT] as $unit_id => $unit_count) {
                $sql_perform['ube_report_unit'][] = array($ube_report_id, $fleet_data[UBE_FLEET_INFO][UBE_OWNER], $fleet_id, $round, $unit_id, $unit_count, (int) $fleet_data[UBE_UNITS_BOOM][$unit_id], $fleet_data[UBE_ATTACK][$unit_id], $fleet_data[UBE_SHIELD][$unit_id], $fleet_data[UBE_ARMOR][$unit_id], $fleet_data[UBE_ATTACK_BASE][$unit_id], $fleet_data[UBE_SHIELD_BASE][$unit_id], $fleet_data[UBE_ARMOR_BASE][$unit_id], $unit_sort_order);
    // Пакетная вставка данных
    foreach ($sql_perform as $table_name => $table_data) {
        if (count($table_data) < 2) {
        foreach ($table_data as &$record_data) {
            $record_data = '(' . implode(',', $record_data) . ')';
        $fields = $table_data[0];
        doquery("INSERT INTO {{{$table_name}}} {$fields} VALUES " . implode(',', $table_data));
    return $combat_data[UBE_REPORT_CYPHER];
Beispiel #14
function create_feed($userid, $name, $NoOfDataFields, $datatype)
    // Check if feed of given name by the user already exists
    $feedid = get_feed_id($userid, $name);
    if ($feedid != 0) {
        return $feedid;
    $result = db_query("INSERT INTO feeds (name,status,datatype) VALUES ('{$name}','0','{$datatype}')");
    // Create the feed entry
    $feedid = db_insert_id();
    if ($feedid > 0) {
        db_query("INSERT INTO feed_relation (userid,feedid) VALUES ('{$userid}','{$feedid}')");
        // Create a user->feed relation
        $feedname = "feed_" . $feedid;
        // Feed name
        if ($NoOfDataFields == 1) {
            // Create a table with one data field
            $result = db_query("CREATE TABLE {$feedname} (\n\t  time INT UNSIGNED, data float,\n        INDEX ( `time` ))");
        if ($NoOfDataFields == 2) {
            // Create a table with two data fields
            $result = db_query("CREATE TABLE {$feedname} (\n\t  time INT UNSIGNED, data float, data2 float,\n        INDEX ( `time` ))");
        return $feedid;
        // Return created feed id
    } else {
        return 0;
Beispiel #15
function handle_submit(&$selected_id)
    global $path_to_root, $Ajax, $auto_create_branch;
    if (!can_process()) {
    if ($selected_id) {
        update_customer($_POST['customer_id'], $_POST['CustName'], $_POST['cust_ref'], $_POST['address'], $_POST['tax_id'], $_POST['curr_code'], $_POST['dimension_id'], $_POST['dimension2_id'], $_POST['credit_status'], $_POST['payment_terms'], input_num('discount') / 100, input_num('pymt_discount') / 100, input_num('credit_limit'), $_POST['sales_type'], $_POST['notes']);
        update_record_status($_POST['customer_id'], $_POST['inactive'], 'debtors_master', 'debtor_no');
        // in case of status change
        display_notification(_("Customer has been updated."));
    } else {
        //it is a new customer
        add_customer($_POST['CustName'], $_POST['cust_ref'], $_POST['address'], $_POST['tax_id'], $_POST['curr_code'], $_POST['dimension_id'], $_POST['dimension2_id'], $_POST['credit_status'], $_POST['payment_terms'], input_num('discount') / 100, input_num('pymt_discount') / 100, input_num('credit_limit'), $_POST['sales_type'], $_POST['notes']);
        $selected_id = $_POST['customer_id'] = db_insert_id();
        if (isset($auto_create_branch) && $auto_create_branch == 1) {
            add_branch($selected_id, $_POST['CustName'], $_POST['cust_ref'], $_POST['address'], $_POST['salesman'], $_POST['area'], $_POST['tax_group_id'], '', get_company_pref('default_sales_discount_act'), get_company_pref('debtors_act'), get_company_pref('default_prompt_payment_act'), $_POST['location'], $_POST['address'], 0, 0, $_POST['ship_via'], $_POST['notes']);
            $selected_branch = db_insert_id();
            add_crm_person($_POST['CustName'], $_POST['cust_ref'], '', $_POST['address'], $_POST['phone'], $_POST['phone2'], $_POST['fax'], $_POST['email'], '', '');
            add_crm_contact('cust_branch', 'general', $selected_branch, db_insert_id());
        display_notification(_("A new customer has been added."));
        if (isset($auto_create_branch) && $auto_create_branch == 1) {
            display_notification(_("A default Branch has been automatically created, please check default Branch values by using link below."));
Beispiel #16
function bannerlist_insert()
    global $Translation;
    // mm: can member insert record?
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('bannerlist');
    if (!$arrPerm[1]) {
        return false;
    $data['imgurl'] = makeSafe($_REQUEST['imgurl']);
    if ($data['imgurl'] == empty_lookup_value) {
        $data['imgurl'] = '';
    $data['linkurl'] = makeSafe($_REQUEST['linkurl']);
    if ($data['linkurl'] == empty_lookup_value) {
        $data['linkurl'] = '';
    $data['listdisp'] = makeSafe($_REQUEST['listdisp']);
    if ($data['listdisp'] == empty_lookup_value) {
        $data['listdisp'] = '';
    $data['dldisp'] = makeSafe($_REQUEST['dldisp']);
    if ($data['dldisp'] == empty_lookup_value) {
        $data['dldisp'] = '';
    $data['authdisp'] = makeSafe($_REQUEST['authdisp']);
    if ($data['authdisp'] == empty_lookup_value) {
        $data['authdisp'] = '';
    // hook: bannerlist_before_insert
    if (function_exists('bannerlist_before_insert')) {
        $args = array();
        if (!bannerlist_before_insert($data, getMemberInfo(), $args)) {
            return false;
    $o = array('silentErrors' => true);
    sql('insert into `bannerlist` set       `imgurl`=' . ($data['imgurl'] !== '' && $data['imgurl'] !== NULL ? "'{$data['imgurl']}'" : 'NULL') . ', `linkurl`=' . ($data['linkurl'] !== '' && $data['linkurl'] !== NULL ? "'{$data['linkurl']}'" : 'NULL') . ', `listdisp`=' . ($data['listdisp'] !== '' && $data['listdisp'] !== NULL ? "'{$data['listdisp']}'" : 'NULL') . ', `dldisp`=' . ($data['dldisp'] !== '' && $data['dldisp'] !== NULL ? "'{$data['dldisp']}'" : 'NULL') . ', `authdisp`=' . ($data['authdisp'] !== '' && $data['authdisp'] !== NULL ? "'{$data['authdisp']}'" : 'NULL'), $o);
    if ($o['error'] != '') {
        echo $o['error'];
        echo "<a href=\"bannerlist_view.php?addNew_x=1\">{$Translation['< back']}</a>";
    $recID = db_insert_id(db_link());
    // hook: bannerlist_after_insert
    if (function_exists('bannerlist_after_insert')) {
        $res = sql("select * from `bannerlist` where `bannerid`='" . makeSafe($recID, false) . "' limit 1", $eo);
        if ($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            $data = array_map('makeSafe', $row);
        $data['selectedID'] = makeSafe($recID, false);
        $args = array();
        if (!bannerlist_after_insert($data, getMemberInfo(), $args)) {
            return get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($recID) : $recID;
    // mm: save ownership data
    sql("insert ignore into membership_userrecords set tableName='bannerlist', pkValue='{$recID}', memberID='" . getLoggedMemberID() . "', dateAdded='" . time() . "', dateUpdated='" . time() . "', groupID='" . getLoggedGroupID() . "'", $eo);
    return get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($recID) : $recID;
 function newTeam()
     $t_sql = "INSERT INTO gadiv_teams ( name, description, pb_id, daily_scrum )\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ( " . db_param(0) . "," . db_param(1) . "," . db_param(2) . "," . db_param(3) . " )";
     $t_params = array(htmlspecialchars($this->name), htmlspecialchars($this->description), $this->product_backlog, (int) $this->daily_scrum);
     db_query_bound($t_sql, $t_params);
     $this->id = db_insert_id("gadiv_teams");
     return $this->id;
Beispiel #18
function newsAddNews($add_date, $title, $textToPrePublication, $textToPublication, $textToMail)
    $stamp = microtime();
    $stamp = explode(" ", $stamp);
    $stamp = $stamp[1];
    db_query("insert into " . NEWS_TABLE . " ( add_date, title, textToPrePublication, textToPublication, textToMail, add_stamp ) " . " values( '" . xEscSQL(dtDateConvert($add_date)) . "', '" . xToText(trim($title)) . "', '" . xEscSQL($textToPrePublication) . "', '" . xEscSQL($textToPublication) . "', '" . xEscSQL($textToMail) . "', " . $stamp . " ) ");
    return db_insert_id();
function insertCompany($company_name)
    $q = new DBQuery();
    $q->addInsert('company_name', $company_name);
    return db_insert_id();
Beispiel #20
  * @param string $event
  * @param array $t_bug_data
 public function assignCommand($event, $t_bug_data)
     #$command_ids = gpc_get_int_array( 'command_id');
     $t_bug_id = $t_bug_data->id;
     // delete all existing bug-command associations
     if ($event != 'EVENT_REPORT_BUG_FORM') {
         $delete_query = "DELETE FROM codev_command_bug_table WHERE bug_id=" . db_param();
         $delete_result = db_query_bound($delete_query, array($t_bug_id));
     // === create bug-command associations
     if (isset($_POST['command_id'])) {
         $command_ids = $_POST['command_id'];
         $query = "INSERT INTO `codev_command_bug_table` (`command_id`, `bug_id`) VALUES";
         $separator = "";
         //TODO test if command id is valid !!!!
         foreach ($command_ids as $command_id) {
             $query = $query . $separator . " (" . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ")";
             $separator = ",";
         $query = $query . ";";
         $result = db_query_bound($query, array($command_id, $t_bug_id));
         // === add to WBS
         // 1) get the wbs_id of this command
         $query2 = "SELECT name, wbs_id FROM codev_command_table WHERE id = " . db_param();
         $result2 = db_query_bound($query2, array($command_id));
         $row2 = db_fetch_array($result2);
         $wbs_id = $row2['wbs_id'];
         $cmd_name = $row2['name'];
         // 2) if wbs_id is null, the root element must be created
         // (this happens only once when upgrading from 0.99.24 or below)
         $order = 1;
         if (is_null($wbs_id)) {
             #echo "Create WBS root element for Command $command_id<br>";
             // add root element
             $query3 = "INSERT INTO codev_wbs_table  (`order`, `expand`, `title`) " . "VALUES (" . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ")";
             $result3 = db_query_bound($query3, array(1, 1, $cmd_name));
             $wbs_id = db_insert_id();
             $query4 = "UPDATE codev_command_table SET wbs_id = " . db_param() . " WHERE id = " . db_param();
             $result4 = db_query_bound($query4, array($wbs_id, $command_id));
             // 2.1) add all existing issues to the WBS
             $query6 = "SELECT bug_id from codev_command_bug_table WHERE command_id = " . db_param() . " ORDER BY bug_id";
             $result6 = db_query_bound($query6, array($command_id));
             while ($row6 = db_fetch_array($result6)) {
                 #echo "add issue $row6->bug_id to command $command_id<br>";
                 $query7 = "INSERT INTO codev_wbs_table  (`root_id`, `parent_id`, `bug_id`, `order`, `expand`) " . "VALUES (" . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ")";
                 #echo "SQL query7 = $query7<br>";
                 $result7 = db_query_bound($query7, array($wbs_id, $wbs_id, $row6['bug_id'], $order, 0));
                 $order += 1;
         } else {
             // 3) add bug_id to the wbs root element
             $query5 = "INSERT INTO codev_wbs_table  (`root_id`, `parent_id`, `bug_id`, `order`, `expand`) " . "VALUES (" . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ", " . db_param() . ")";
             #echo "SQL query5 = $query5<br>";
             $result5 = db_query_bound($query5, array($wbs_id, $wbs_id, $t_bug_id, $order, 0));
  * @param  array           $data
  * @return array|boolean
 public function insert($data)
     $query = "INSERT INTO {$this->table} (bug_id, description) VALUES (" . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ')';
     if (!db_query_bound($query, [$bug_id, $description])) {
         return false;
     return ['id' => db_insert_id($this->table), 'bug_id' => $bug_id, 'description' => $description, 'finished' => false];
 * Migrate the legacy category data to the new category_id-based schema.
function install_category_migrate()
    global $g_db_log_queries;
    $t_bug_table = db_get_table('mantis_bug_table');
    $t_category_table = db_get_table('mantis_category_table');
    $t_project_category_table = db_get_table('mantis_project_category_table');
    // disable query logging (even if it's enabled in config for this)
    if ($g_db_log_queries !== 0) {
        $t_log_queries = $g_db_log_queries;
        $g_db_log_queries = 0;
    } else {
        $t_log_queries = null;
    $query = "SELECT project_id, category, user_id FROM {$t_project_category_table} ORDER BY project_id, category";
    $t_category_result = db_query_bound($query);
    $query = "SELECT project_id, category FROM {$t_bug_table} ORDER BY project_id, category";
    $t_bug_result = db_query_bound($query);
    $t_data = array();
    # Find categories specified by project
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($t_category_result)) {
        $t_project_id = $row['project_id'];
        $t_name = $row['category'];
        $t_data[$t_project_id][$t_name] = $row['user_id'];
    # Find orphaned categories from bugs
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($t_bug_result)) {
        $t_project_id = $row['project_id'];
        $t_name = $row['category'];
        if (!isset($t_data[$t_project_id][$t_name])) {
            $t_data[$t_project_id][$t_name] = 0;
    # In every project, go through all the categories found, and create them and update the bug
    foreach ($t_data as $t_project_id => $t_categories) {
        $t_inserted = array();
        foreach ($t_categories as $t_name => $t_user_id) {
            $t_lower_name = utf8_strtolower(trim($t_name));
            if (!isset($t_inserted[$t_lower_name])) {
                $query = "INSERT INTO {$t_category_table} ( name, project_id, user_id ) VALUES ( " . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ', ' . db_param() . ' )';
                db_query_bound($query, array($t_name, $t_project_id, $t_user_id));
                $t_category_id = db_insert_id($t_category_table);
                $t_inserted[$t_lower_name] = $t_category_id;
            } else {
                $t_category_id = $t_inserted[$t_lower_name];
            $query = "UPDATE {$t_bug_table} SET category_id=" . db_param() . '
						WHERE project_id=' . db_param() . ' AND category=' . db_param();
            db_query_bound($query, array($t_category_id, $t_project_id, $t_name));
    // re-enabled query logging if we disabled it
    if ($t_log_queries !== null) {
        $g_db_log_queries = $t_log_queries;
    # return 2 because that's what ADOdb/DataDict does when things happen properly
    return 2;
Beispiel #23
 protected static function eav_create($name)
     $res = db_query("INSERT INTO %ss (name) VALUES ('%s')", static::subGetClass(), $name);
     if ($res) {
         return db_insert_id();
     } else {
         Error::generate('notice', static::subGetClass() . 'name already taken.');
         return false;
function clone_dashboard($userid, $id)
    // Get content, name and description from origin dashboard
    $result = db_query("SELECT content,name,description FROM dashboard WHERE userid = '{$userid}' AND id='{$id}'");
    $row = db_fetch_array($result);
    // Name for cloned dashboard
    $name = $row['name'] . _(' clone');
    db_query("INSERT INTO dashboard (`userid`,`content`,`name`,`description`) VALUES ('{$userid}','{$row['content']}','{$name}','{$row['description']}')");
    return db_insert_id();
Beispiel #25
function shippers_insert()
    global $Translation;
    if ($_GET['insert_x'] != '') {
        $_POST = $_GET;
    // mm: can member insert record?
    $arrPerm = getTablePermissions('shippers');
    if (!$arrPerm[1]) {
        return false;
    $data['CompanyName'] = makeSafe($_POST['CompanyName']);
    if ($data['CompanyName'] == empty_lookup_value) {
        $data['CompanyName'] = '';
    $data['Phone'] = makeSafe($_POST['Phone']);
    if ($data['Phone'] == empty_lookup_value) {
        $data['Phone'] = '';
    if ($data['CompanyName'] == '') {
        echo StyleSheet() . "\n\n<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">" . $Translation['error:'] . " 'Company Name': " . $Translation['field not null'] . '<br><br>';
        echo '<a href="" onclick="history.go(-1); return false;">' . $Translation['< back'] . '</a></div>';
    // hook: shippers_before_insert
    if (function_exists('shippers_before_insert')) {
        $args = array();
        if (!shippers_before_insert($data, getMemberInfo(), $args)) {
            return false;
    $o = array('silentErrors' => true);
    sql('insert into `shippers` set       `CompanyName`=' . ($data['CompanyName'] !== '' && $data['CompanyName'] !== NULL ? "'{$data['CompanyName']}'" : 'NULL') . ', `Phone`=' . ($data['Phone'] !== '' && $data['Phone'] !== NULL ? "'{$data['Phone']}'" : 'NULL'), $o);
    if ($o['error'] != '') {
        echo $o['error'];
        echo "<a href=\"shippers_view.php?addNew_x=1\">{$Translation['< back']}</a>";
    $recID = db_insert_id(db_link());
    // hook: shippers_after_insert
    if (function_exists('shippers_after_insert')) {
        $res = sql("select * from `shippers` where `ShipperID`='" . makeSafe($recID) . "' limit 1", $eo);
        if ($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            $data = array_map('makeSafe', $row);
        $data['selectedID'] = makeSafe($recID);
        $args = array();
        if (!shippers_after_insert($data, getMemberInfo(), $args)) {
            return get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($recID) : $recID;
    // mm: save ownership data
    sql("insert into membership_userrecords set tableName='shippers', pkValue='{$recID}', memberID='" . getLoggedMemberID() . "', dateAdded='" . time() . "', dateUpdated='" . time() . "', groupID='" . getLoggedGroupID() . "'", $eo);
    return get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($recID) : $recID;
function InsertNewItem($variants, $productID)
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO `?#SHOPPING_CART_ITEMS_TABLE` (`productID`) values(?)';
    db_phquery($sql, $productID);
    $itemID = db_insert_id();
    foreach ($variants as $var) {
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO `?#SHOPPING_CART_ITEMS_CONTENT_TABLE` (itemID, variantID) values(?,?)';
        db_phquery($sql, $itemID, $var);
    return $itemID;
 function acquire($ticketId, $staffId)
     global $cfg;
     if (!$ticketId or !$staffId or !$cfg->getLockTime()) {
         return 0;
     //Cleanup any expired locks on the ticket.
     db_query('DELETE FROM ' . TICKET_LOCK_TABLE . ' WHERE ticket_id=' . db_input($ticketId) . ' AND expire<NOW()');
     //TODO: cleanup any other locks owned by the user? (NOT a good idea.. could be working on 2 tickets at once??)
     $sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO ' . TICKET_LOCK_TABLE . ' SET created=NOW() ' . ',ticket_id=' . db_input($ticketId) . ',staff_id=' . db_input($staffId) . ',expire=DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL ' . $cfg->getLockTime() . ' MINUTE) ';
     return db_query($sql) ? db_insert_id() : 0;
Beispiel #28
function add_assembly($p_assembly_number, $p_revision, $m_customer_name, $new_customer, $new_assembly)
    $p_customer_id = add_customer($m_customer_name, $new_customer);
    global $g_mantis_serials_assembly;
    if ($new_assembly == 'true') {
        $query = "INSERT\n\t\t\t\t\tINTO {$g_mantis_serials_assembly}\n\t\t\t\t\t( assembly_id, customer_id, assembly_number, revision )\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t( null, '{$p_customer_id}', '{$p_assembly_number}', '{$p_revision}' )";
        $t_assembly_id = db_insert_id($g_mantis_serials_assembly);
        return $t_assembly_id;
    } else {
        return $new_assembly;
Beispiel #29
function shipsInFleet($f_iShipId, $f_szFleet, $f_iPlanetId = PLANET_ID)
    $iShipsInFleet = db_select_one('fleets f, ships_in_fleets s', 's.amount', 's.fleet_id = AND f.fleetname = \'' . $f_szFleet . '\' AND s.ship_id = ' . (int) $f_iShipId . ' AND f.owner_planet_id = ' . $f_iPlanetId);
    if (false === $iShipsInFleet) {
        $iFleetId = db_select_one('fleets', 'id', 'owner_planet_id = ' . $f_iPlanetId . ' AND fleetname = \'' . $f_szFleet . '\'');
        if (false === $iFleetId) {
            db_insert('fleets', array('owner_planet_id' => $f_iPlanetId, 'fleetname' => $f_szFleet));
            $iFleetId = db_insert_id();
        db_insert('ships_in_fleets', array('fleet_id' => (int) $iFleetId, 'ship_id' => $f_iShipId));
        return 0;
    return (int) $iShipsInFleet;
 function createUpgradedTicket()
     global $cfg;
     //Create a ticket to make the system warm and happy.
     $dept_id = $cfg->getDefaultDeptId();
     $prio_id = $cfg->getDefaultPriorityId();
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TICKET_TABLE . ' SET created=NOW(), status="open", source="Web" ' . " ,priority_id={$prio_id}, dept_id={$dept_id}, topic_id=0 " . ' ,ticketID=' . db_input(Misc::randNumber(6)) . ' ,email="*****@*****.**" ' . ' ,name="osTicket Support" ' . ' ,subject="osTicket Upgraded!"';
     if (db_query($sql, false) && ($tid = db_insert_id())) {
         if (!($msg = file_get_contents(UPGRADE_DIR . 'msg/upgraded.txt'))) {
             $msg = 'Congratulations and Thank you for choosing osTicket!';
         $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TICKET_THREAD_TABLE . ' SET created=NOW()' . ', source="Web" ' . ', thread_type="M" ' . ', ticket_id=' . db_input($tid) . ', title=' . db_input('osTicket Upgraded') . ', body=' . db_input($msg);
         db_query($sql, false);