Beispiel #1
function dashboard_archives()
    list($req_archive_id, $arch_action, $last_only, $period) = GET('archive_id, arch_action, last_only, period');
    // Do make archive
    if (request_type('POST')) {
        // Archives actions
        if ($req_archive_id) {
            // Delete
            if ($arch_action == 'rm') {
                db_archive_meta_update($req_archive_id, 0, 0, 0);
                $req_archive_id = 0;
                cn_throw_message("Archive deleted", 'e');
            } elseif ($arch_action == 'extr') {
                if (!db_extract_archive($req_archive_id)) {
                    cn_throw_message("Archive not extracted correctly", 'e');
                } else {
                    $req_archive_id = 0;
                    cn_throw_message("Archive extracted");
            } else {
                cn_throw_message('@SYSINFO: Unrecognized request', 'e');
        } else {
            if ($last_only) {
                $date_f = ctime() - $period * 3600 * 24;
                $date_t = ctime();
            } else {
                list($_fd, $_fm, $_fy) = GET('from_date_day, from_date_month, from_date_year', 'POST');
                list($_td, $_tm, $_ty) = GET('to_date_day, to_date_month, to_date_year', 'POST');
                $date_f = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($_fm), intval($_fd), intval($_fy));
                $date_t = mktime(23, 59, 59, intval($_tm), intval($_td), intval($_ty));
            $cc = db_make_archive($date_f, $date_t);
            if ($cc) {
                cn_throw_message(i18n('Archive created (%1 articles)', $cc));
            } else {
                cn_throw_message('There is nothing to archive', 'e');
    // --- archives
    $arch_list = db_get_archives();
    // ---- fetch active ---
    $ids = db_index_load();
    $st = key($ids);
    $ed = key($ids);
    list($f_date_d, $f_date_m, $f_date_y) = make_postponed_date($st);
    list($t_date_d, $t_date_m, $t_date_y) = make_postponed_date($ed);
    cn_assign('arch_list, archive_id', $arch_list, $req_archive_id);
    cn_assign('f_date_d, f_date_m, f_date_y, t_date_d, t_date_m, t_date_y', $f_date_d, $f_date_m, $f_date_y, $t_date_d, $t_date_m, $t_date_y);
    echoheader('-@dashboard/style.css', 'Arhives');
    echo exec_tpl('dashboard/archives');
Beispiel #2
$_ds = array('{select=year:from}' => array('from_date_year', $_yf), '{select=mon:from}' => array('from_date_month', $_mf), '{select=day:from}' => array('from_date_day', $_df), '{select=year:to}' => array('to_date_year', $_yt), '{select=mon:to}' => array('to_date_month', $_mt), '{select=day:to}' => array('to_date_day', $_dt));
foreach ($_ds as $id => $opt) {
    $form = str_replace($id, '<select name="' . $opt[0] . '" class="cn_' . $opt[0] . '">' . $opt[1] . '</select>', $form);
echo $form;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($dosearch) {
    $mc_start = microtime(true);
    // Remove parameters for go to news from searchbox
    $_static_qr = 'dosearch,archives,search,from_date_year,from_date_month,from_date_day,to_date_year,to_date_month,to_date_day,search_st,number,archive,template';
    $st = -1;
    $_next_link = FALSE;
    $_number = $number;
    $archive_id = 0;
    // get archive list
    $_list_archives = db_get_archives();
    $news = db_index_load('');
    $c_time = ctime();
    $itemid = 0;
    if (strlen($search) < 3) {
        echo "<div>Too short request!</div>";
    } else {
        $block = '';
        $found = 0;
        do {
            // repeat, while data exists
            while ($news) {
                // pop top element
Beispiel #3
function edit_news_action_list()
    // init
    list($source, $archive_id, $per_page, $sort, $dir, $YS, $MS, $DS, $page) = GET('source, archive_id, per_page, sort, dir, year, mon, day, page', 'GET,POST');
    list($add_category, $add_user, $rm_cat, $rm_user, $cat_filter) = GET('add_category_filter, add_user_filter, rm_category_filter, rm_user_filter, cat_filter', 'GET');
    // defaults
    $has_next = FALSE;
    $page = intval($page);
    $ctime = ctime();
    $nocat = FALSE;
    if ($per_page == 0) {
        $per_page = 25;
    if ($sort == '') {
        $sort = 'date';
    if ($sort == 'date' && !$dir) {
        $dir = 'd';
    if ($dir == '') {
        $dir = 'a';
    // --- changes in acp filters ---
    list($cfilter, $ufilter) = cn_cookie_unpack('filter_cat, filter_user');
    if ($add_category) {
        $sp = spsep($add_category);
        foreach ($sp as $id) {
            if (test_cat($id)) {
                $cfilter[$id] = $id;
    if ($add_user) {
        $sp = spsep($add_user);
        foreach ($sp as $id) {
            $ufilter[$id] = $id;
    if ($rm_cat) {
        $sp = spsep($rm_cat);
        foreach ($sp as $id) {
    if ($rm_user) {
        $sp = spsep($rm_user);
        foreach ($sp as $id) {
    // Add concrete filter
    if ($cat_filter) {
        if ($cat_filter !== '-') {
            $filter = intval($cat_filter);
            if (test_cat($filter)) {
                $cfilter[$filter] = $filter;
        } else {
            $nocat = TRUE;
    cn_cookie_pack('filter_cat, filter_user', $cfilter, $ufilter);
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    $opts = array('source' => $source, 'archive_id' => $archive_id, 'sort' => $sort, 'dir' => $dir, 'start' => $page, 'per_page' => $per_page + 1, 'cfilter' => $cfilter, 'ufilter' => $ufilter, 'nocat' => $nocat, 'nlpros' => TRUE, 'by_date' => "{$YS}-{$MS}-{$DS}");
    list($entries, $rev) = cn_get_news($opts);
    // Detect next exists
    if (count($entries) > $per_page) {
        $has_next = TRUE;
    $meta = array();
    // Load meta-data (and userlist data)
    if ($archive_id && $source == 'archive') {
        $meta = db_index_meta_load("archive-{$archive_id}", TRUE);
    } else {
        $meta = db_index_meta_load($source, TRUE);
    // Meta-data for draft only
    $meta_draft = db_index_meta_load('draft');
    $ptree = isset($meta['locs']) ? $meta['locs'] : false;
    $userlist = $meta['uids'];
    $nprospect = intval($rev['cpostponed']);
    $ndraft = is_array($meta_draft['locs']) ? intval(array_sum($meta_draft['locs'])) : 0;
    $found_rows = isset($meta['locs']) && is_array($meta['locs']) ? intval(array_sum($meta['locs'])) : 0;
    $archives = count(db_get_archives());
    // ---
    // Decode proto tree for list news
    $tree_years = array();
    $tree_mons = array();
    $tree_days = array();
    // Is draft or active (or prospected)
    if ($source !== 'archive') {
        if ($ptree) {
            foreach ($ptree as $nloc => $c) {
                list($Y, $M, $D) = explode('-', $nloc);
                if (isset($tree_years[$Y])) {
                    $tree_years[$Y] += $c;
                } else {
                    $tree_years[$Y] = $c;
                if ($Y == $YS) {
                    if (isset($tree_mons[$M])) {
                        $tree_mons[$M] += $c;
                    } else {
                        $tree_mons[$M] = $c;
                    if ($M == $MS) {
                        $tree_days[$D] = $c;
    } else {
        $found_rows = 0;
        $ptree = db_get_archives();
        // Archive Id exists
        if ($archive_id) {
            $found_rows = $ptree[$archive_id]['c'];
        } else {
            foreach ($ptree as $item) {
                $found_rows += $item['c'];
            $entries = array();
        $nprospect = 0;
    // ----------------------------------------------------
    foreach ($entries as $id => $entry) {
        $can = FALSE;
        $nv_user = db_user_by_name($entry['u']);
        // User not exists, deny, except admins
        if (!$nv_user && !test('Nva')) {
            $can = FALSE;
        } elseif (test('Nvs', $nv_user, TRUE) || test('Nvg', $nv_user) || test('Nva')) {
            $can = test_cat($entry['c']);
        $entries[$id]['user'] = $entry['u'];
        $entries[$id]['date'] = $YS ? date('M, d H:i', $id) : date('M, d Y H:i', $id);
        $entries[$id]['date_full'] = date('Y M d, H:i:s', $id);
        $entries[$id]['user'] = $entry['u'];
        $entries[$id]['comments'] = count($entry['co']);
        $entries[$id]['title'] = $entry['t'];
        $entries[$id]['cats'] = spsep($entry['c']);
        $entries[$id]['is_pros'] = $id > $ctime ? TRUE : FALSE;
        $entries[$id]['can'] = $can;
    // clear differs for cn_url_*
    unset($_GET['add_category_filter'], $_GET['add_user_filter'], $_GET['rm_category_filter'], $_GET['rm_user_filter']);
    // ------
    cn_assign('sort, dir, source, per_page, entries_showed, entries_total, entries, page, userlist, category_filters, user_filters, cat_filter', $sort, $dir, $source, $per_page, count($entries), $found_rows, $entries, $page, $userlist, $cfilter, $ufilter, $cat_filter);
    cn_assign('year_selected, mon_selected, day_selected, TY, TM, TD, ptree', $YS, $MS, $DS, $tree_years, $tree_mons, $tree_days, $ptree);
    cn_assign('nprospect, ndraft, has_next, archives', $nprospect, $ndraft, $has_next, $archives);
    echoheader('editnews@editnews/main.css', 'News list');
    echo exec_tpl('editnews/list');