function smarty_function_country_options($params, &$smarty)
    global $db;
    $ret = "";
    foreach (db_getCountryList($add_empty = true) as $c => $t) {
        $sel = $c == $params['selected'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
        $ret .= "<option value='" . htmlspecialchars($c) . "' {$sel}>" . htmlspecialchars($t) . "</option>\n";
    return $ret;
add_product_field('trial1_price', 'Trial 1 Price', 'money', 'set 0 for free trial');
add_product_field('rebill_times', 'Recurring Times', 'text', 'Recurring Times. This is the number of payments which<br />
     will occur at the regular rate. If omitted, payment will<br />
     continue to recur at the regular rate until the subscription<br />
     is cancelled.<br />
     NOTE: not for all payment processing this option is working');
add_product_field('authorize_currency', 'PayReady Currency', 'select', 'valid only for PayReady processing.<br /> You should not change it<br /> if you use 
    another payment processors', '', array('options' => array('' => 'USD', 'GBP' => 'GBP', 'EUR' => 'EUR', 'CAD' => 'CAD', 'JPY' => 'JPY')));
global $config;
$config['cc_type_options'] = array('1' => 'VISA', '2' => 'Master Card', '3' => 'American Express', '4' => 'Discover Card');
add_member_field('cc_type', 'Credit Card Type', 'select', '', '', array('options' => $config['cc_type_options']));
add_member_field('cc_street', 'Billing Street Address', 'text', "", '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
add_member_field('cc_city', 'Billing City', 'text', "", '');
add_member_field('cc_state', 'Billing State', 'select', "", '', array('options' => db_getStatesForCountry('US', true)));
add_member_field('cc_zip', 'Billing ZIP', 'text', "", '');
add_member_field('cc_country', 'Billing Country', 'select', "", '', array('options' => db_getCountryList(true)));
add_member_field('cc_name_f', 'Billing First Name', 'text', '');
add_member_field('cc_name_l', 'Billing Last Name', 'text', '');
if ($config['payment']['payready']['wells_fargo']) {
    add_member_field('cc_company', 'Billing Company', 'text', '');
    add_member_field('cc_phone', 'Billing Company', 'text', '');
add_member_field('cc', 'Credit Card # (visible)', 'readonly', "credit card number (read-only)", '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
add_member_field('cc-hidden', 'Credit Card # (crypted)', 'hidden', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
add_member_field('cc-expire', 'Credit Card Expire', 'readonly', 'Expiration date (mmyy)', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
add_paysystem_to_list(array('paysys_id' => 'payready', 'title' => $config['payment']['payready']['title'] ? $config['payment']['payready']['title'] : _PLUG_PAY_PAYRDY_TITLE, 'description' => $config['payment']['payready']['description'] ? $config['payment']['payready']['description'] : _PLUG_PAY_PAYRDY_DESC, 'public' => 1, 'recurring' => 1));
class payment_payready extends payment
    function do_payment($payment_id, $member_id, $product_id, $price, $begin_date, $expire_date, &$vars)
        global $config;
function cc_core_init($plugin)
    global $config, $cc_core;
    // get features array
    $pl =& instantiate_plugin('payment', $plugin);
    $features = $pl->get_plugin_features();
    $cc_core[$plugin] =& $pl;
    add_paysystem_to_list(array('paysys_id' => $plugin, 'title' => $pl->config['title'] ? $pl->config['title'] : $features['title'], 'description' => $pl->config['description'] ? $pl->config['description'] : $features['description'], 'public' => 1, 'recurring' => $features['no_recurring'] ? 0 : 1));
    // add product fields
    if (!$features['no_recurring']) {
        add_product_field('is_recurring', 'Recurring Billing', 'checkbox', 'should user be charged automatically<br />
                     when subscription expires', '');
        add_product_field('trial1_days', 'Trial 1 Duration', 'period', 'Trial 1 duration', 'validate_period');
        add_product_field('trial1_price', 'Trial 1 Price', 'money', 'set 0 for free trial', '');
        add_product_field('trial_group', 'Trial Group', 'text', "If this field is filled-in, user will be unable to order the product<br />\n             twice. It is extermelly useful for any trial product. This field<br />\n             can have different values for different products, then 'trial history'<br />\n             will be separate for these groups of products.<br />\n             If your site offers only one level of membership,<br />\n             just enter \"1\" to this field. \n            ");
        add_product_field('rebill_times', 'Recurring Times', 'text', 'Recurring Times. This is the number of payments which<br />
             will occur including first payment. If omitted, payment will<br />
             continue to recur at the regular rate until the subscription<br />
             is cancelled.<br />
             NOTE: not for all payment processing this option is working');
    if ($features['currency']) {
        add_product_field($plugin . '_currency', $pl->config['title'] . " Currency", 'select', "valid only for {$plugin} payments", '', array('options' => $features['currency']));
    /// add member fields
    add_member_field('cc_country', 'Billing Country', 'select', "", '', array('options' => db_getCountryList(true)));
    add_member_field('cc_street', 'Billing Street Address', 'text', "", '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
    add_member_field('cc_city', 'Billing City', 'text', "", '');
    add_member_field('cc_state', 'Billing State', 'state', "", '', array('options' => array(), 'require_value' => array(array('name' => 'cc_country'))));
    add_member_field('cc_zip', 'Billing ZIP', 'text', "", '');
    if ($features['name_f']) {
        add_member_field('cc_name_f', 'Billing First Name', 'text', '');
        add_member_field('cc_name_l', 'Billing Last Name', 'text', '');
    } elseif ($features['name']) {
        add_member_field('cc_name', 'Billing Name', 'text', '');
    if ($features['company']) {
        add_member_field('cc_company', 'Billing Company', 'text', '');
    if ($features['phone']) {
        add_member_field('cc_phone', 'Billing Phone#', 'text', '');
    if ($features['housenumber']) {
        add_member_field('cc_housenumber', 'Billing Housenumber', 'text', '');
    add_member_field('cc', 'Credit Card # (visible)', 'readonly', 'credit card number', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
    add_member_field('cc-hidden', 'Credit Card # (crypted)', 'hidden', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
    add_member_field('cc-expire', 'Credit Card Expire', 'readonly', 'Expiration date (mmyy)', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
    if ($features['code'] == 2) {
        add_member_field('cc_code', 'Credit Card Code (crypted)', 'hidden', '', '', array('hidden_anywhere' => 1));
    if ($features['province_outside_of_us']) {
        add_member_field('cc_province', 'Billing International Province', 'text', "for international provinces outside of US & Canada include the province name here", '');
    if ($features['maestro_solo_switch']) {
        add_member_field('cc_issuenum', 'Card Issue #', 'text', "is required for Maestro/Solo/Switch credit cards only", '');
        add_member_field('cc_startdate', 'Card Start Date', 'text', "is required for Maestro/Solo/Switch credit cards only", '');
    if ($features['type_options']) {
        add_member_field('cc_type', 'CC Type', 'select', 'credit card type', '', array('options' => $features['type_options']));
    /// setup hooks
    if (!$features['no_recurring']) {
        setup_plugin_hook('get_member_links', $plugin . '_get_member_links');
        setup_plugin_hook('hourly', $plugin . '_rebill');