function new_utils_get_new_releases($start_time, &$select, &$from, &$where) { $frsrf = new FRSReleaseFactory(); $select = "SELECT groups.group_name AS group_name, " . "groups.group_id AS group_id, " . "groups.unix_group_name AS unix_group_name, " . "frs_release.release_id AS release_id, " . " AS release_version, " . "frs_release.release_date AS release_date, " . "frs_package.package_id AS package_id "; $from = "FROM groups,frs_package,frs_release "; $where = "WHERE frs_release.release_date > " . db_ei($start_time) . " " . "AND frs_release.package_id = frs_package.package_id " . "AND frs_package.group_id = groups.group_id " . "AND frs_release.status_id=" . $frsrf->STATUS_ACTIVE . " " . "AND groups.is_public=1 "; }
function session_require($req) { global $Language; /* Codendi admins always return true */ if (user_is_super_user()) { return true; } if (isset($req['group']) && $req['group']) { $query = "SELECT user_id FROM user_group WHERE user_id=" . user_getid() . " AND group_id=" . db_ei($req['group']); if (isset($req['admin_flags']) && $req['admin_flags']) { $query .= " AND admin_flags = '" . db_escape_string($req['admin_flags']) . "'"; } if (db_numrows(db_query($query)) < 1 || !$req['group']) { exit_error($Language->getText('include_session', 'insufficient_g_access'), $Language->getText('include_session', 'no_perm_to_view')); } } elseif (isset($req['user']) && $req['user']) { if (user_getid() != $req['user']) { exit_error($Language->getText('include_session', 'insufficient_u_access'), $Language->getText('include_session', 'no_perm_to_view')); } } elseif (isset($req['isloggedin']) && $req['isloggedin']) { if (!user_isloggedin()) { exit_error($Language->getText('include_session', 'required_login'), $Language->getText('include_session', 'login')); } } else { exit_error($Language->getText('include_session', 'insufficient_access'), $Language->getText('include_session', 'no_access')); } }
/** * Copyright (c) Xerox Corporation, Codendi Team, 2001-2009. All rights reserved * * * */ function service_create_service($arr, $group_id, $template, $force_enable = false) { // Convert link to real values // NOTE: if you change link variables here, change them also in src/www/project/admin/servicebar.php and src/www/include/Layout.class.php $link = $arr['link']; $pm = ProjectManager::instance(); if ($template['system']) { $link = str_replace('$projectname', $pm->getProject($group_id)->getUnixName(), $link); $link = str_replace('$sys_default_domain', $GLOBALS['sys_default_domain'], $link); $link = str_replace('$group_id', $group_id, $link); if ($GLOBALS['sys_force_ssl']) { $sys_default_protocol = 'https'; } else { $sys_default_protocol = 'http'; } $link = str_replace('$sys_default_protocol', $sys_default_protocol, $link); } else { //for non-system templates $link = service_replace_template_name_in_link($link, $template, $pm->getProject($group_id)); } $is_used = isset($template['is_used']) ? $template['is_used'] : $arr['is_used']; $server_id = isset($template['server_id']) ? $template['server_id'] : $arr['server_id']; $sql = "INSERT INTO service (group_id, label, description, short_name, link, is_active, is_used, scope, rank, location, server_id, is_in_iframe) VALUES (" . db_ei($group_id) . ", '" . db_es($arr['label']) . "', '" . db_es($arr['description']) . "', '" . db_es($arr['short_name']) . "', '" . db_es($link) . "', " . db_ei($arr['is_active']) . ", " . ($force_enable ? 1 : db_ei($is_used)) . ", '" . db_es($arr['scope']) . "', " . db_ei($arr['rank']) . ", '" . db_es($arr['location']) . "', " . db_ei($server_id) . ", " . db_ei($arr['is_in_iframe']) . ")"; $result = db_query($sql); if ($result) { // activate corresponding references $reference_manager =& ReferenceManager::instance(); if ($arr['short_name'] != "") { $reference_manager->addSystemReferencesForService($template['id'], $group_id, $arr['short_name']); } return true; } else { return false; } }
function svn_data_get_revision_detail($group_id, $commit_id, $rev_id = 0, $order = '') { $order_str = ""; if ($order) { if ($order != 'filename') { // SQLi Warning: no real possibility to escape $order here. // We rely on a proper filtering of user input by calling methods. $order_str = " ORDER BY " . $order; } else { $order_str = " ORDER BY dir, file"; } } //check user access rights $pm = ProjectManager::instance(); $project = $pm->getProject($group_id); $forbidden = svn_utils_get_forbidden_paths(user_getname(), $project->getSVNRootPath()); $where_forbidden = ""; if (!empty($forbidden)) { while (list($no_access, ) = each($forbidden)) { $where_forbidden .= " AND svn_dirs.dir not like '%" . db_es(substr($no_access, 1)) . "%' "; } } // if the subversion revision id is given then it akes precedence on // the internal commit_id (this is to make it easy for users to build // URL to access a revision if ($rev_id) { // To be done -> get the commit ID from the svn-commit table $sql = "SELECT svn_commits.description,, svn_commits.revision, svn_checkins.type,svn_checkins.commitid,svn_dirs.dir,svn_files.file " . "FROM svn_dirs, svn_files, svn_checkins, svn_commits " . "WHERE " . "AND " . "AND " . "AND svn_commits.revision=" . db_ei($rev_id) . " " . "AND svn_commits.group_id=" . db_ei($group_id) . " " . $where_forbidden . $order_str; } else { $sql = "SELECT svn_commits.description,, svn_commits.revision, svn_checkins.type,svn_checkins.commitid,svn_dirs.dir,svn_files.file " . "FROM svn_dirs, svn_files, svn_checkins, svn_commits " . "WHERE " . "AND " . "AND " . "AND" . db_ei($commit_id) . " " . $where_forbidden . $order_str; } $result = db_query($sql); return $result; }
function snippet_data_get_license_from_id($license_id) { $license_id = (int) $license_id; $sql = "SELECT license_name FROM snippet_license WHERE license_id=" . db_ei($license_id); $result = db_query($sql); return db_result($result, 0, 0); }
public function getContent() { $request =& HTTPRequest::instance(); $group_id = $request->get('group_id'); $pm = ProjectManager::instance(); $project = $pm->getProject($group_id); $res_admin = db_query("SELECT user.user_id AS user_id,user.user_name AS user_name, user.realname as realname " . "FROM user,user_group " . "WHERE user_group.user_id=user.user_id AND user_group.group_id=" . db_ei($group_id) . " AND " . "user_group.admin_flags = 'A'"); if (db_numrows($res_admin) > 0) { $user_helper = UserHelper::instance(); $hp = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance(); $em = EventManager::instance(); echo '<span class="develtitle">' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'proj_admins') . ':</span><br />'; while ($row_admin = db_fetch_array($res_admin)) { $display_name = ''; $em->processEvent('get_user_display_name', array('user_id' => $row_admin['user_id'], 'user_name' => $row_admin['user_name'], 'realname' => $row_admin['realname'], 'user_display_name' => &$display_name)); if (!$display_name) { $display_name = $hp->purify($user_helper->getDisplayNameFromUserId($row_admin['user_id'])); } echo '<a href="/users/' . $row_admin['user_name'] . '/">' . $display_name . '</a><br />'; } } echo '<span class="develtitle">' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'proj_members') . ':</span><br />'; // count of developers on this project $res_count = db_query("SELECT user_id FROM user_group WHERE group_id=" . db_ei($group_id)); echo db_numrows($res_count); echo ' <a href="/project/memberlist.php?group_id=' . $group_id . '">[' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'view_members') . ']</a>'; }
function forum_show_nested_messages($thread_id, $msg_id) { global $total_rows, $Language; $sql = "SELECT user.user_name,forum.has_followups,user.realname,user.user_id,forum.msg_id,forum.group_forum_id,forum.subject,forum.thread_id,forum.body,,forum.is_followup_to, forum_group_list.group_id " . "FROM forum,user,forum_group_list WHERE forum.thread_id=" . db_ei($thread_id) . " AND user.user_id=forum.posted_by AND forum.is_followup_to=" . db_ei($msg_id) . " AND forum_group_list.group_forum_id = forum.group_forum_id " . "ORDER BY ASC;"; $result = db_query($sql); $rows = db_numrows($result); $ret_val = ''; if ($result && $rows > 0) { $ret_val .= ' <UL>'; /* iterate and show the messages in this result for each message, recurse to show any submessages */ for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) { // increment the global total count $total_rows++; // show the actual nested message $ret_val .= forum_show_a_nested_message($result, $i) . '<P>'; if (db_result($result, $i, 'has_followups') > 0) { // Call yourself if there are followups $ret_val .= forum_show_nested_messages($thread_id, db_result($result, $i, 'msg_id')); } } $ret_val .= ' </UL>'; } return $ret_val; }
public function searchNotification($tracker_id, $user_id) { $tracker_id = $this->da->escapeInt($tracker_id); $user_id = $this->da->escapeInt($user_id); $sql = "SELECT role_label,event_label,notify \n FROM {$this->table_name}" . "_role AS r, {$this->table_name}" . "_event AS e, {$this->table_name} AS n \n WHERE n.tracker_id=" . db_ei($tracker_id) . " \n AND n.user_id=" . db_ei($user_id) . " \n AND n.role_id=r.role_id \n AND r.tracker_id=" . db_ei($tracker_id) . " \n AND n.event_id=e.event_id \n AND e.tracker_id=" . db_ei($tracker_id); return $this->retrieve($sql); }
function printnode($nodeid, $text, $depth = 0, $delete_ok = false) { global $Language; $purifier = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance(); // print current node, then all subnodes print '<BR>'; for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) { print " "; } html_image('ic/cfolder15.png', array()); print ' ' . $purifier->purify($text) . " "; if ($nodeid != 0) { print ' <A href="trove_cat_edit.php?trove_cat_id=' . $nodeid . '">[' . $Language->getText('admin_trove_cat_list', 'edit') . ']</A> '; } if ($delete_ok) { print ' <A href="trove_cat_delete.php?trove_cat_id=' . $nodeid . '">[' . $Language->getText('admin_trove_cat_list', 'delete') . ']</A> '; } if ($nodeid != 0) { print ' ' . help_button('trove_cat', $nodeid) . "\n"; } $res_child = db_query("SELECT trove_cat_id,fullname,parent FROM trove_cat " . "WHERE parent='" . db_ei($nodeid) . "' ORDER BY fullpath"); while ($row_child = db_fetch_array($res_child)) { $delete_ok = $row_child["parent"] != 0; printnode($row_child["trove_cat_id"], $row_child["fullname"], $depth + 1, $delete_ok); } }
/** * Fill the arrays $this->source_refs_datas and $this->target_refs_datas * for the current CrossReferenceFactory */ function fetchDatas() { $sql = "SELECT * \n FROM cross_references \n WHERE (target_gid=" . db_ei($this->entity_gid) . " AND target_id='" . db_ei($this->entity_id) . "' AND target_type='" . db_es($this->entity_type) . "' )\n OR (source_gid=" . db_ei($this->entity_gid) . " AND source_id='" . db_ei($this->entity_id) . "' AND source_type='" . db_es($this->entity_type) . "' )"; $res = db_query($sql); if ($res && db_numrows($res) > 0) { $this->source_refs_datas = array(); $this->target_refs_datas = array(); while ($field_array = db_fetch_array($res)) { $target_id = $field_array['target_id']; $target_gid = $field_array['target_gid']; $target_type = $field_array['target_type']; $target_key = $field_array['target_keyword']; $source_id = $field_array['source_id']; $source_gid = $field_array['source_gid']; $source_type = $field_array['source_type']; $source_key = $field_array['source_keyword']; $user_id = $field_array['user_id']; $created_at = $field_array['created_at']; if ($target_id == $this->entity_id && $target_gid == $this->entity_gid && $target_type == $this->entity_type) { $this->source_refs_datas[] = new CrossReference($source_id, $source_gid, $source_type, $source_key, $target_id, $target_gid, $target_type, $target_key, $user_id); } if ($source_id == $this->entity_id && $source_gid == $this->entity_gid && $source_type == $this->entity_type) { $this->target_refs_datas[] = new CrossReference($source_id, $source_gid, $source_type, $source_key, $target_id, $target_gid, $target_type, $target_key, $user_id); } } } }
function Widget_MySurveys() { $this->Widget('mysurveys'); $no_survey = true; // Get id and title of the survey that will be promoted to user page. default = survey whose id=1 if ($GLOBALS['sys_my_page_survey']) { $developer_survey_id = $GLOBALS['sys_my_page_survey']; } else { $developer_survey_id = "1"; } $survey = SurveySingleton::instance(); $sql = "SELECT * from surveys WHERE survey_id=" . db_ei($developer_survey_id); $result = db_query($sql); $group_id = db_result($result, 0, 'group_id'); $purifier = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance(); $survey_title = $purifier->purify($survey->getSurveyTitle(db_result($result, 0, 'survey_title'))); // Check that the survey is active $devsurvey_is_active = db_result($result, 0, 'is_active'); if ($devsurvey_is_active == 1) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM survey_responses " . "WHERE survey_id='" . db_ei($developer_survey_id) . "' AND user_id='" . db_ei(user_getid()) . "'"; $result = db_query($sql); if (db_numrows($result) < 1) { $no_survey = false; $this->content .= '<a href="/survey/survey.php?group_id=' . $group_id . '&survey_id=' . $developer_survey_id . '">' . $survey_title . '</a>'; } } if ($no_survey) { $this->content .= $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'no_survey'); } }
/** * Delete artifact from artifact_date_reminder_processing table * * @param field_id: the field id * @param artifact_id: the artifact id * @param group_artifact_id: the tracker id * * @return nothing */ function deleteArtifactFromDateReminderProcessing($field_id, $artifact_id, $group_artifact_id) { if ($field_id == 0) { $del = sprintf('DELETE FROM artifact_date_reminder_processing' . ' WHERE artifact_id=%d' . ' AND group_artifact_id=%d', db_ei($artifact_id), db_ei($group_artifact_id)); } else { $del = sprintf('DELETE FROM artifact_date_reminder_processing' . ' WHERE artifact_id=%d' . ' AND field_id=%d' . ' AND group_artifact_id=%d', db_ei($artifact_id), db_ei($field_id), db_ei($group_artifact_id)); } $result = db_query($del); }
function listallchilds($nodeid, &$list) { // list current node and then all subnodes $res_child = db_query("SELECT trove_cat_id, parent, shortname FROM trove_cat " . "WHERE parent='" . db_ei($nodeid) . "'"); while ($row_child = db_fetch_array($res_child)) { $list[] = $row_child['trove_cat_id']; listallchilds($row_child['trove_cat_id'], $list); } }
function cacheFieldsWithNotification($group_artifact_id) { $sql = 'SELECT field_id' . ' FROM artifact_date_reminder_settings' . ' WHERE group_artifact_id = ' . db_ei($group_artifact_id); $res = db_query($sql); if ($res && !db_error($res)) { while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $this->fieldsWithNotification[$row['field_id']] = true; } } }
/** * Record when user log on Codendi * * @param Integer $userId Id of the user * @param Integer $date Date of login (timestamp) * * @return Boolean */ function setLoginDate($userId, $date) { $sql = 'UPDATE plugin_ldap_user' . ' SET login_confirmation_date = ' . db_ei($date) . ' WHERE user_id = ' . db_ei($userId); $updated = $this->update($sql); if (!$updated) { // Try to insert $updated = $this->createLdapUser($userId, $date); } return $updated; }
function getProjectAdmins($groupId) { $admins = array(); $um = UserManager::instance(); $sql = 'SELECT u.user_id FROM user u JOIN user_group ug USING(user_id) WHERE ug.admin_flags="A" AND u.status IN ("A", "R") AND ug.group_id = ' . db_ei($groupId); $res = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $admins[] = $um->getUserById($row['user_id']); } return $admins; }
/** * Search all the links that point to $groupId project * * @param Integer $groupId Group id * @return DataAccessResult */ function searchBackLinks($groupId) { $sql = 'SELECT reverse_name AS link_name, type, groups.group_id, group_name, unix_group_name, uri_plus, link_id, creation_date, master_group_id, target_group_id, link_type.link_type_id FROM plugin_projectlinks_relationship AS rel INNER JOIN plugin_projectlinks_link_type AS link_type USING (link_type_id) INNER JOIN groups ON (groups.group_id = rel.master_group_id) WHERE target_group_id = ' . db_ei($groupId) . ' AND status = "A" ORDER BY name, type, group_name'; return $this->retrieve($sql); }
protected function updateSpecificProperties($row) { $db_update_needed = false; foreach (array('field_base') as $prop) { if (isset($row[$prop]) && $this->{$prop} != $row[$prop]) { $this->{$prop} = $row[$prop]; $db_update_needed = true; } } if ($db_update_needed) { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE plugin_graphontrackers_pie_chart SET\n field_base = '%s'\n WHERE id = %d", db_es($this->field_base), db_ei($this->id)); $res = db_query($sql); return db_affected_rows($res); } return false; }
function send_new_project_email($group_id) { global $Language; $res_grp = db_query("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE group_id='" . db_ei($group_id) . "'"); if (db_numrows($res_grp) < 1) { echo $Language->getText('include_proj_email', 'g_not_exist', $group_id); } $row_grp = db_fetch_array($res_grp); $res_admins = db_query("SELECT user.user_name, FROM user,user_group WHERE " . "user.user_id=user_group.user_id AND user_group.group_id='" . db_ei($group_id) . "' AND " . "user_group.admin_flags='A'"); $nb_recipients = db_numrows($res_admins); if ($nb_recipients < 1) { echo $Language->getText('include_proj_email', 'no_admin', $group_id); } // send one email per admin $nb_mail_failed = 0; $pm = ProjectManager::instance(); while ($row_admins = db_fetch_array($res_admins)) { $server = get_server_url(); $p = $pm->getProject($group_id); $host = $GLOBALS['sys_default_domain']; if ($p && $p->usesService('svn')) { $sf = new ServerFactory(); if ($s =& $sf->getServerById($p->services['svn']->getServerId())) { $host = URL::getHost($s->getUrl(session_issecure())); } } if ($GLOBALS['sys_force_ssl']) { $svn_url = 'https://' . $host; } else { $svn_url = 'http://svn.' . $row_grp['unix_group_name'] . '.' . $host; } $svn_url .= '/svnroot/' . $row_grp['unix_group_name']; // $message is defined in the content file include $Language->getContent('include/new_project_email'); // LJ Uncomment to test //echo $message; return $mail = new Mail(); $mail->setTo($row_admins['email']); $mail->setSubject($GLOBALS['sys_name'] . ' ' . $Language->getText('include_proj_email', 'proj_approve', $row_grp['unix_group_name'])); $mail->setBody($message); $mail->setFrom($GLOBALS['sys_email_admin']); if (!$mail->send()) { $nb_mail_failed++; } } return $nb_mail_failed < $nb_recipients; }
function getAllProject($offset, $limit, $condition, $pattern) { $projects = array(); if (count($condition) > 0) { $statements = '('; $i = 0; $nbConditions = count($condition) - 1; for ($i; $i < $nbConditions; $i++) { $statements .= db_es($condition[$i]) . ' LIKE "%' . db_es($pattern) . '%" OR '; } $statements .= db_es($condition[$i]) . ' LIKE "%' . db_es($pattern) . '%") AND '; } $sql = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS group_name, group_id, unix_group_name, is_public FROM groups WHERE ' . $statements . ' status = "A" ORDER BY register_time DESC LIMIT ' . db_ei($offset) . ', ' . db_ei($limit); $res = db_query($sql); $sql = 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as nb'; $res_numrows = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_array($res_numrows); return array('projects' => $res, 'numrows' => $row['nb']); }
function register_valid($user_id) { $request =& HTTPRequest::instance(); if (!$request->isPost() || !$request->exist('Update')) { return 0; } // check against old pw $res = db_query("SELECT user_pw, status FROM user WHERE status IN ('A', 'R') AND user_id=" . db_ei($user_id)); if (!$res || db_numrows($res) != 1) { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', "Internal error: Cannot locate user in database."); return 0; } $row_pw = db_fetch_array(); if ($row_pw['user_pw'] != md5($request->get('form_oldpw'))) { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', "Old password is incorrect."); return 0; } if ($row_pw['status'] != 'A' && $row_pw['status'] != 'R') { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', "Account must be active to change password."); return 0; } if (!$request->exist('form_pw')) { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', "You must supply a password."); return 0; } if ($request->get('form_pw') != $request->get('form_pw2')) { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', "Passwords do not match."); return 0; } if (!account_pwvalid($request->get('form_pw'), $errors)) { foreach ($errors as $e) { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', $e); } return 0; } // if we got this far, it must be good if (!account_set_password($user_id, $request->get('form_pw'))) { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', "Internal error: Could not update password."); return 0; } return 1; }
/** * updateDateFieldReminderSettings - use this to update the date-fields reminder settings in the database. * * @param $field_id The date field concerned by the notification. * @param $group_artifact_id The tracker id * @param $start When will the notification start taking effect, with regards to date occurence (in days) * @param $type What is the type of the notification (after date occurence, before date occurence) * @param $frequency At which frequency (in days) the notification wil occur * @param $recurse How many times the notification mail will be sent * @param $submitter Is submitter notified ? * @param $assignee Is assignee notified ? * @param $cc Is cc notified ? * @param $commenter Is commetner notified ? * * @return true on success, false on failure. */ function updateDateFieldReminderSettings(ArtifactType $at, ArtifactField $field, $group_artifact_id, $start, $notif_type, $frequency, $recurse, $people_notified) { $res = $this->getDateFieldReminderSettings($field->getID(), $group_artifact_id); if ($res && !db_error($res)) { $notified_users = implode(",", $people_notified); if (db_numrows($res) == 0) { // No reminder, create it $insert = 'INSERT INTO artifact_date_reminder_settings' . '(field_id, group_artifact_id, notification_start, notification_type, frequency, recurse, notified_people)' . ' VALUES' . ' (' . db_ei($field->getId()) . ',' . db_ei($group_artifact_id) . ',' . db_ei($start) . ',' . db_ei($notif_type) . ',' . db_ei($frequency) . ',' . db_ei($recurse) . ',"' . db_es($notified_users) . '")'; $inserted = db_query($insert); if ($inserted) { $this->populateProcessingForField($at, $field->getId(), $group_artifact_id); return true; } return false; } else { //update reminder settings $update = sprintf('UPDATE artifact_date_reminder_settings' . ' SET notification_start=%d' . ' , notification_type=%d' . ' , frequency=%d' . ' , recurse=%d' . ' , notified_people="%s"' . ' WHERE group_artifact_id=%d' . ' AND field_id=%d', db_ei($start), db_ei($notif_type), db_ei($frequency), db_ei($recurse), db_es($notified_users), db_ei($group_artifact_id), db_ei($field->getId())); $result = db_query($update); return $result; } } else { return false; } }
/** * TODO : adapt it to the new tracker structure when ready */ function getArtifactKeyword($artifact_id, $group_id) { $sql = "SELECT group_artifact_id FROM artifact WHERE artifact_id= " . db_ei($artifact_id); $result = db_query($sql); if (db_numrows($result) > 0) { $row = db_fetch_array($result); $tracker_id = $row['group_artifact_id']; $project = new Project($group_id); $tracker = new ArtifactType($project, $tracker_id); $tracker_short_name = $tracker->getItemName(); $reference_dao =& $this->_getReferenceDao(); $dar = $reference_dao->searchByKeywordAndGroupId($tracker_short_name, $group_id); if ($dar && $dar->rowCount() >= 1) { return $tracker_short_name; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } }
/** * fetchData - re-fetch the data for this ArtifactFile from the database. * * @param int The file_id. * @return boolean success. */ function fetchData($id) { global $Language; $sql = "SELECT, af.artifact_id, af.description, af.bin_data, af.filename, af.filesize, af.filetype, af.adddate, af.submitted_by, user.user_name, user.realname \n FROM artifact_file af, user \n WHERE (af.submitted_by = user.user_id) and" . db_ei($id); //echo $sql; $res = db_query($sql); if (!$res || db_numrows($res) < 1) { $this->setError('ArtifactFile: ' . $Language->getText('tracker_common_file', 'invalid_id')); return false; } $this->data_array = db_fetch_array($res); db_free_result($res); return true; }
function stats_site_projects($span = 7, $orderby = "ranking", $offset = 0, $projects = 0, $trove_cat = 0) { global $Language; $sql = "SELECT s.month AS month, s.week AS week, AS day, s.group_id AS group_id, " . "g.group_name AS group_name, m.ranking AS ranking, m.percentile AS percentile, SUM(s.downloads) AS downloads, " . "SUM(s.site_views) AS site_views, SUM(s.subdomain_views) AS subdomain_views, " . "SUM(s.msg_posted) AS msg_posted, SUM(s.bugs_opened) AS bugs_opened, " . "SUM(s.bugs_closed) AS bugs_closed, SUM(s.support_opened) AS support_opened, " . "SUM(s.support_closed) AS support_closed, SUM(s.patches_opened) AS patches_opened, " . "SUM(s.patches_closed) AS patches_closed, SUM(s.tasks_opened) AS tasks_opened, " . "SUM(s.tasks_closed) AS tasks_closed, SUM(s.cvs_checkouts) AS cvs_checkouts, " . "SUM(s.cvs_commits) AS cvs_commits, SUM(s.cvs_adds) AS cvs_adds, " . "SUM(s.svn_access_count) AS svn_access_count " . "FROM stats_project AS s,groups AS g,project_metric AS m "; // Get information about the date $span days ago $begin_date = localtime(time() - $span * 86400, 1); $year = $begin_date["tm_year"] + 1900; $month = sprintf("%02d", $begin_date["tm_mon"] + 1); $day = $begin_date["tm_mday"]; $sql .= "WHERE ( "; if ($span != "All") { $sql .= "( ( month = " . $year . $month . " AND day >= " . $day . " ) OR ( month > " . $year . $month . " ) ) "; } $sql .= "AND ( s.group_id = g.group_id ) "; $sql .= "AND ( s.group_id = m.group_id ) "; if (is_array($projects)) { $sql .= "AND ( s.group_id IN (" . db_ei_implode($projects) . ") ) "; } else { $sql .= "AND g.type = 1 "; } $sql .= " ) "; $sql .= "GROUP BY s.group_id "; $valid_orderby_value = new Rule_WhiteList(stats_site_projects_orderby_values()); if (!$valid_orderby_value->isValid($orderby)) { $orderby = 'ranking'; } if ($orderby == "ranking") { $sql .= "ORDER BY {$orderby} ASC "; } else { $sql .= "ORDER BY {$orderby} DESC "; } if ($offset > 0) { $sql .= "LIMIT " . db_ei($offset) . ",50"; } else { $sql .= "LIMIT 50"; } // Executions will continue until morale improves. $res = db_query($sql); // if there are any rows, we have valid data (or close enough). if (($valid_days = db_numrows($res)) > 1) { $purifier = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance(); print "<P><B>" . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'proj_stats_for') . " "; if ($span == $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'all')) { print $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'all_time'); } else { print $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'past_x_days', $purifier->purify($span)); } print " " . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'sorted_by', $purifier->purify($orderby)); if ($trove_cat > 0) { print " " . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'within_cat', $purifier->purify(stats_trove_cat_to_name($trove_cat))); } if (is_array($projects) && $trove_cat <= 0) { print "<br> " . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'for_group', $purifier->purify(implode(", ", $projects))); } print ". </B></P><BR>"; print '<P><TABLE width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>'; print '<TR valign="top" class="boxitem">' . '<TD><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'proj_name') . '</B></TD>' . '<TD align="right"><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'ranking') . '</B></TD>' . '<TD align="right" COLSPAN="2"><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'page_views') . '</B></TD>' . '<TD align="right"><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'downl') . '</B></TD>' . '<TD align="center" COLSPAN="2"><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'bugs') . '</B></TD>' . '<TD align="center" COLSPAN="2"><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'support') . '</B></TD>' . '<TD align="center" COLSPAN="2"><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'patches') . '</B></TD>' . '<TD align="center" COLSPAN="2"><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'tasks') . '</B></TD>' . '<TD align="center" COLSPAN="3"><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'cvs') . '</B></TD>' . '<TD align="center" COLSPAN="3"><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'svn') . '</B></TD>' . '</TR>' . "\n"; // Build the query string to resort results. $uri_string = "projects.php?span=" . urlencode($span); if ($trove_cat > 0) { $uri_string .= "&trovecatid=" . urlencode($trove_cat); } if ($trove_cat == -1) { $uri_string .= "&projects=" . urlencode(implode(" ", $projects)); } $uri_string .= "&orderby="; print '<TR valign="top" class="boxitem">' . '<TD align="right"> </TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'ranking">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'rank') . '</A></TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'site_views">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'site') . '</A></TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'subdomain_views">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'subdomain') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'downloads">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'total') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'bugs_opened">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'opn') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'bugs_closed">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'cls') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'support_opened">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'opn') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'support_closed">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'cls') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'patches_opened">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'opn') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'patches_closed">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'cls') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'tasks_opened">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'opn') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'tasks_closed">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'cls') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'cvs_checkouts">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'co') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'cvs_commits">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'comms') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'cvs_adds">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'adds') . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"><A HREF="' . $uri_string . 'svn_access_count">' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'access_cnt') . '</TD>' . '</TR>' . "\n"; $i = $offset; $sum = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { print '<TR class="' . util_get_alt_row_color($i) . '">' . '<TD>' . ($i + 1) . '. <A HREF="/project/stats/?group_id=' . $row["group_id"] . '">' . $row["group_name"] . '</A></TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($i + 1) . ' (' . $row["percentile"] . '%) </TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["site_views"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["subdomain_views"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["downloads"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["bugs_opened"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["bugs_closed"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["support_opened"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["support_closed"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["patches_opened"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["patches_closed"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["tasks_opened"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["tasks_opened"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["cvs_checkouts"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["cvs_commits"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["cvs_adds"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($row["svn_access_count"]) . '</TD>' . '</TR>' . "\n"; $i++; $sum = stats_util_sum_array($sum, $row); } if ($trove_cat == -1) { print '<TR><TD COLSPAN="16"> </TD></TR>' . "\n"; print '<TR><TD COLSPAN="16" align="center"></TD></TR>' . "\n"; print '<TR class="' . util_get_alt_row_color($i) . '">' . '<TD><B>' . $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'totals') . '</B></TD>' . '<TD> </TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["site_views"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["subdomain_views"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["downloads"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["bugs_opened"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["bugs_closed"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["support_opened"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["support_closed"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["patches_opened"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["patches_closed"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["tasks_opened"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["tasks_opened"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["cvs_checkouts"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["cvs_commits"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["cvs_adds"]) . '</TD>' . '<TD align="right"> ' . number_format($sum["svn_access_count"]) . '</TD>' . '</TR>' . "\n"; } print '</TABLE>'; } else { echo $Language->getText('stats_site_stats_utils', 'no_valid_data') . "\n"; } }
if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) < 1) { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', $Language->getText('news_admin_index', 'update_err') . ' ' . db_error()); } else { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('info', $Language->getText('news_admin_index', 'newsbyte_deleted')); } } } $GLOBALS['Response']->redirect('/news/admin'); } } news_header(array('title' => $Language->getText('news_admin_index', 'title'))); if ($request->get('approve')) { /* Show the submit form */ $sql = "SELECT groups.unix_group_name,news_bytes.* " . "FROM news_bytes,groups WHERE id=" . db_ei($id) . " " . "AND news_bytes.group_id=groups.group_id "; $result = db_query($sql); if (db_numrows($result) < 1) { exit_error($Language->getText('global', 'error'), $Language->getText('news_admin_index', 'not_found_err')); } $username = user_getname(db_result($result, 0, 'submitted_by')); $news_date = util_timestamp_to_userdateformat(db_result($result, 0, 'date'), true); echo ' <H3>' . $Language->getText('news_admin_index', 'approve') . '</H3> <P> <FORM ACTION="" METHOD="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="for_group" VALUE="' . db_result($result, 0, 'group_id') . '"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="id" VALUE="' . db_result($result, 0, 'id') . '"> <B>' . $Language->getText('news_admin_index', 'submitted_for_group') . ':</B> <a href="/projects/' . strtolower(db_result($result, 0, 'unix_group_name')) . '/">' . $pm->getProject(db_result($result, 0, 'group_id'))->getPublicName() . '</a><BR> <B>' . $Language->getText('news_admin_index', 'submitted_by') . ':</B> <a href="/users/' . $username . '">' . $username . '</a><BR> <B>' . $Language->getText('news_admin_index', 'submitted_on') . ':</B> ' . $news_date . '<BR>
<?php // ## export sf front page news in RSS require_once 'pre.php'; header("Content-Type: text/xml"); // ## group_id must be specified $res_grp = db_query("SELECT group_id,group_name FROM groups '\n\t.'WHERE access != '" . db_es(Project::ACCESS_PRIVATE) . "' AND status='A' AND group_id=" . db_ei($group_id)); if (db_numrows($res_grp) < 1) { print $Language->getText('export_nitf_sfforums', 'g_id_err'); exit; } else { $row_grp = db_fetch_array($res_grp); } print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE sf_forum SYSTEM "' . get_server_url() . '/exports/sf_forum_0.1.dtd"> '; print "<group name=\"{$row_grp['group_name']}\">"; $res_forum = db_query('SELECT group_forum_id,forum_name FROM forum_group_list ' . 'WHERE group_id=' . $group_id); while ($row_forum = db_fetch_array($res_forum)) { print " <forum name=\"{$row_forum['forum_name']}\">\n"; $res_post = db_query('SELECT forum.msg_id AS msg_id,forum.subject AS subject,' . 'forum.body AS body, AS date,user.user_name AS user_name,' . 'user.realname AS realname FROM forum,user ' . 'WHERE forum.posted_by=user.user_id AND forum.group_forum_id=' . $row_forum[group_forum_id]); // ## item outputs while ($row_post = db_fetch_array($res_post)) { print " <nitf version=\"XMLNews/DTD XMLNEWS-STORY 1.8//EN\">\n"; print " <head>\n"; print " <title>{$row_post['subject']}</title>\n"; print " </head>\n"; print " <body><body.content><block>\n"; print $row_post[body]; print " </block></body.content></body>\n"; print " </nitf>\n";
$usage = (int) $request->exist('truncated_emails'); if ($currentproject->getTruncatedEmailsUsage() != $usage) { $project_manager->setTruncatedEmailsUsage($currentproject, $usage); $update_success = true; } } if (!$update_success) { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', $Language->getText('project_admin_editgroupinfo', 'upd_fail', db_error() ? db_error() : ' ')); } else { $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('info', $Language->getText('project_admin_editgroupinfo', 'upd_success')); } } $project_manager->clearProjectFromCache($currentproject->getID()); $currentproject = $project_manager->getProject($currentproject->getID()); // update info for page $res_grp = db_query("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE group_id='" . db_ei($group_id) . "'"); if (db_numrows($res_grp) < 1) { exit_no_group(); } $row_grp = db_fetch_array($res_grp); $descfieldsvalue = $currentproject->getProjectsDescFieldsValue(); project_admin_header(array('title' => $Language->getText('project_admin_editgroupinfo', 'editing_g_info'), 'group' => $group_id, 'help' => 'project-admin.html#project-public-information')); echo '<FORM action="?group_id=' . $group_id . '" method="post" id="project_info_form">'; $renderer = TemplateRendererFactory::build()->getRenderer(ForgeConfig::get('codendi_dir') . '/src/templates/project/'); if ($user_can_choose_visibility) { $presenter = new ProjectVisibilityPresenter($Language, ForgeConfig::areRestrictedUsersAllowed(), $currentproject->getAccess()); echo $renderer->renderToString('project_visibility', $presenter); } if ($user_can_choose_truncated_emails) { $truncated_mails_impacted_services = array(); $file_service = $currentproject->getService(Service::FILE);
function templateWikiHaveAttachments() { $res = db_query('SELECT count(*) AS nb FROM plugin_phpwiki_attachment' . ' WHERE group_id=' . db_ei($this->template_id)); $tmpl_wiki_attach_exist = db_result($res, 0, 'nb') > 0; return $tmpl_wiki_attach_exist; }
$params = array('title' => $Language->getText('survey_admin_show_questions', 's_quest'), 'pv' => '1', 'group' => $group_id); site_project_header($params); if (!user_isloggedin() || !user_ismember($group_id, 'A')) { echo '<H1>' . $Language->getText('survey_admin_add_question', 'perm_denied') . '</H1>'; survey_footer(array()); exit; } ?> <H2><?php echo $Language->getText('survey_admin_show_questions', 'exist_q'); ?> </H2> <P> <?php echo $Language->getText('survey_admin_show_questions', 'exist_q_comm'); ?> <P> <B><span class="highlight"><?php echo $Language->getText('survey_admin_show_questions', 'q_id'); ?> </span></B> <P> <?php /* Select this survey from the database */ $sql = "SELECT survey_questions.question_id,survey_questions.question, AS question_type_id " . "FROM survey_questions,survey_question_types " . "WHERE AND survey_questions.group_id='" . db_ei($group_id) . "' " . "ORDER BY survey_questions.question_id DESC"; $result = db_query($sql); survey_utils_show_questions($result, false, false); site_project_footer($params);