private function show_mails($mails, $column) { $this->output->open_tag("mailbox", array("column" => $column)); foreach ($mails as $mail) { $mail["subject"] = truncate_text($mail["subject"], 55); if ($this->mobile) { $mail["timestamp"] = date_string("Y-m-d", $mail["timestamp"]); } else { $mail["timestamp"] = date_string("l, j F Y H:i:s", $mail["timestamp"]); } $mail["read"] = $mail["read"] == YES ? "read" : "unread"; $this->output->record($mail, "mail"); } $this->output->close_tag(); }
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: birth.php Module: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Author: Quoc Viet [aFeLiOn] Begin: 2006-04-02 Comment: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!defined('IN_EPS')) { exit; } $cur_time = time(); $today_str = date_string($cur_time + $eps_user['timezone'], false); $tomorrow_str = date_string($cur_time + $eps_user['timezone'] + 86400 * 2, false); @(include EPS_CACHE_DIR . 'cache_birth.php'); if (empty($eps_births) || !isset($eps_births['date']) || $eps_births['date'] != $today_str) { $eps_births = array('date' => $today_str, 'today' => array(), 'tomor' => array()); $result = $epsclass->db->query("SELECT name,DATE_FORMAT(birth,'%m%d') as date FROM " . TBL_K48HTD . " WHERE DATE_FORMAT(birth,'%m%d')='{$today_str}' OR DATE_FORMAT(birth,'%m%d')='{$tomorrow_str}'") or error('Unable to fetch student\'s birthday', __FILE__, __LINE__, $epsclass->db->error()); if ($epsclass->db->num_rows($result)) { while ($cur_std = $epsclass->db->fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($cur_std['date'] == $today_str) { $eps_births['today'][] = $cur_std['name']; } else { $eps_births['tomor'][] = $cur_std['name']; } } } $epsclass->db->free_result($result); create_file('<?php' . "\n" . '$eps_births = ' . var_export($eps_births, true) . ';' . "\n" . '?>', 'cache_birth.php', EPS_CACHE_DIR);
<?php /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: w_o_t_d.php Module: WORD OF THE DAY Author: Quoc Viet [aFeLiOn] Begin: 2006-03-11 Comment: Get From -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!defined('IN_EPS')) { exit; } $wotd_link = ''; $wotd_diff = -36000; @(include EPS_CACHE_DIR . 'cache_wotd.php'); $now_string = date_string(time() + $wotd_diff); if (!isset($wotd) || empty($wotd['desc']) || $wotd['date'] != $now_string) { $epsclass->load_class('class_xml'); $epsclass->xml->load_file($wotd_link); $wotd_rss = $epsclass->xml->get_rss(); $wotd = empty($wotd_rss) ? array() : array('date' => $now_string, 'link' => $wotd_rss['item']['link'], 'title' => html_clean($wotd_rss['item']['title']), 'desc' => preg_replace('#^(.+?):#i', '<strong>$1</strong>:', html_clean($wotd_rss['item']['description']))); create_file('<?php' . "\n" . '$wotd = ' . var_export($wotd, true) . ';' . "\n" . '?>', 'cache_wotd.php', EPS_CACHE_DIR); } $smarty->assign('wotd', $wotd); $smarty->display('module/w_o_t_d.tpl'); unset($wotd_link, $wotd_diff, $now_string, $wotd_rss, $wotd);
public function to_output() { $this->output->add_css("banshee/poll.css"); if (($poll = $this->get_active_poll()) == false) { return false; } $today = strtotime("today 00:00:00"); $poll_open = $poll["end"] >= $today && $this->user_may_vote($poll["id"]); $this->output->open_tag("active_poll", array("can_vote" => show_boolean($poll_open))); $this->output->add_tag("question", $poll["question"]); $this->output->add_tag("end_date", date_string("d F", $poll["end"])); $query = "select * from poll_answers where poll_id=%d order by answer"; if (($answers = $this->db->execute($query, $poll["id"])) != false) { if ($poll_open == false) { $votes = 0; foreach ($answers as $answer) { $votes += (int) $answer["votes"]; } } $this->output->open_tag("answers", $poll_open ? array() : array("votes" => $votes)); $poll_id = 0; foreach ($answers as $answer) { if ($poll_open) { $this->output->add_tag("answer", $answer["answer"], array("id" => $poll_id++)); } else { unset($answer["poll_id"]); $answer["percentage"] = $votes > 0 ? round(100 * (int) $answer["votes"] / $votes) : 0; $this->output->record($answer, "answer"); } } $this->output->close_tag(); } $this->output->close_tag(); return true; }
?> <!-- Display a list of pending bookings --> <h4 style="text-align:center"> Pending Bookings (and dates submitted)</h4> <form style="text-align:center" name="chooseBooking" action="viewBookings.php" target="_blank"> <select name="bookingid"> <?php // Grab a list of all pending bookings $pendingBookings = retrieve_all_pending_dbBookings(date("y-m-d")); if ($pendingBookings) { // Make each booking id a menu item foreach ($pendingBookings as $booking) { echo "<option value='" . $booking->get_id() . "'>"; $person = retrieve_dbPersons(substr($booking->get_id(), 8)); if ($person) { echo $person->get_first_name() . " " . $person->get_last_name() . " (" . date_string(substr($booking->get_id(), 0, 8)) . ")"; } else { echo $booking->get_id(); } echo "</option>"; } // Then add a button echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"View Booking\"/>"; } ?> </select></form> <!-- Have an option for saving the room log --> <?php // This only appears if the room log is valid if ($roomLog instanceof RoomLog && ("today" == $_GET['date'] || date("y-m-d") == $_GET['date'])) {
// check version of php if (substr(phpversion(), 0, 1) < 5) { die("Tests skipped (PHP version 5 required)\n"); } $support_dir = "test/support_files"; $plugin_dir = "plugins"; require_once "lib/header.php"; // setup log dir $date = date_string(); $log_directory = "test/logs/{$date}"; mkdir($log_directory); @unlink("test/logs/latest"); symlink($date, "test/logs/latest"); print "Logs in: {$log_directory}\n"; //setup working dir $working_directory = "test/working/" . date_string(); mkdir($working_directory); @unlink("test/working/latest"); symlink($working_directory, "test/working/latest"); mkdir("{$working_directory}/.libs"); // avoid 'File exists' errors print "Working from: {$working_directory}\n"; require_once "lib/startup.php"; require_once "lib/autovars.php"; require_once "reduce/Reduce.php"; if ($opt_clean) { echo "rm -Rf ./test/logs/*\n"; `rm -Rf ./test/logs/*`; echo "rm -Rf ./test/working/*\n"; `rm -Rf ./test/working/*`; exit(0);
$counter[$row["Status"]] = 1; } $t->tro($cr); if ($row["Status"] == "reserved") { $t->td($cr, pp_button(NOR_PP_MODE_REGISTER, "Authors", "Title")); } elseif ($authClass->isAdmin()) { $t->td($cr, pp_button(NOR_PP_MODE_ACCEPT, "Authors", "Title")); } else { $t->td($cr, ""); } $t->td($cr, pp_button(NOR_PP_MODE_EDIT)); $t->td($cr, pp_button($authClass->isAdmin() ? NOR_PP_MODE_DELETE : NOR_PP_MODE_UNRESERVE) . " "); $t->td($cr . " nowrap", $pp_id); $t->td($cr, $field); if ($tabs->active == PP_PENDING || $authClass->isAdmin()) { $t->td($cr, $gecos . "<br>(" . $row["Status"] . " " . date_string($row["Tm"]) . ") "); } $t->td($cr, $title . "<br> " . x("i", $authors)); $t->td($cr, $journal); $t->trc(); break; case "free": if ($authClass->isAdmin() && $row["Status"] == "free") { if (isset($counter["unused"])) { $counter["unused"]++; } else { $counter["unused"] = 1; } $s = "class='unused'"; $t->tro($s); $t->td($s);
function filter_dates($field, $dates) { $filter = null; foreach ($dates as $date) { if ($filter === null) { $filter = ''; } else { $filter .= ' OR '; } if (is_array($date)) { // range of values $first = date_string($date[0]); $last = date_string($date[1]); $filter .= "({$field} BETWEEN '{$first}' AND '{$last}')"; } else { // single value $date = date_string($date); $filter .= "({$field} = '{$date}')"; } } return $filter; }
echo '<br>>>> ' . __('Order children...'); $fam_qry = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM humo_families WHERE fam_tree_id='" . $tree_id . "' AND fam_children!=''"); //while ($famDb=$fam_qry->fetch()){ while ($famDb = $fam_qry->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $child_array = explode(";", $famDb->fam_children); $nr_children = count($child_array); if ($nr_children > 1) { unset($children_array); for ($i = 0; $i < $nr_children; $i++) { $child = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM humo_persons\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE pers_tree_id='" . $tree_id . "' AND pers_gedcomnumber='" . $child_array[$i] . "'"); @($childDb = $child->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)); $child_array_nr = $child_array[$i]; if ($childDb->pers_birth_date) { $children_array[$child_array_nr] = date_string($childDb->pers_birth_date); } elseif ($childDb->pers_bapt_date) { $children_array[$child_array_nr] = date_string($childDb->pers_bapt_date); } else { $children_array[$child_array_nr] = ''; } } asort($children_array); $fam_children = ''; foreach ($children_array as $key => $val) { if ($fam_children != '') { $fam_children .= ';'; } $fam_children .= $key; } if ($famDb->fam_children != $fam_children) { $sql = "UPDATE humo_families SET fam_children='" . $fam_children . "' WHERE fam_id='" . $famDb->fam_id . "'"; $dbh->query($sql);
function get_start_day($day, $start) { global $days; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $date = add_js_timestamp(date_string($start), "D", $i); //Ad one day and see if it is the appropriate Day like MOnday , Tuesday etc... if ($days[$day] == date("l", $date)) { return $date; } } }
//prints the name of each primary guest as a //link to the corresponding viewPerson page $current_guest = retrieve_dbPersons($guest_id); //handles when no guest with the corresponding ID in databse if ($current_guest == false) { echo "Error: This booking contains a guestID for a person not in the database"; } else { echo "<a href = viewPerson.php?id=" . $current_id . " >" . $current_guest->get_first_name() . " " . $current_guest->get_last_name() . " </a>"; } //prints patient name echo '</td>' . '<td align="center" bgcolor=' . $color . '>' . $current_booking->get_patient() . '</td>'; //pulls out date in $date = $current_booking->get_date_in(); //formats date if not "Will Call" if ($date != "Will Call") { $date = date_string($date); } //prints datein and flag echo '<td align="center" bgcolor=' . $color . '>' . $date . '</td>'; echo '<td align="center" bgcolor=' . $color . '>' . $current_booking->get_flag() . '</td>'; //prints links for viewing and editing echo '<td> <a href="viewBookings.php?id=update&bookingid=' . $current_booking->get_id() . '">view</a> <a href="viewBookings.php?id=delete&bookingid=' . $current_booking->get_id() . '">delete</a></td>'; echo "</tr>"; echo "\n"; } } //completes the table echo "</table></p>"; } }