Beispiel #1
				light_message('<form action="index.php?act=delete&file='.rawurlencode($f).'" method="POST"><div align="center">Are you sure you want to delete '.show_file($f).'?<br><br><input type=submit name="confirm" value="Yes"> <input type=submit name="unconfirm" value="No"></div></form>');
			}else if(empty($_REQUEST['unconfirm']))
				if(@d_remove($f)) light_message($file_str.' has been removed successfully.','index.php?DIR='.urlencode($d_str));
				else light_message($file_str.' could not be removed.'.reason(),'index.php?DIR='.urlencode($d_str));
				header('Location: index.php?DIR='.dirname($f));
			foreach($_POST['files'] as $k=>$v) if(!@d_remove(clean($v))) $error=true;
			if(!$error) light_message('All files were removed successfully.');
			else light_message('There were some problems while removing files.'.reason());
	case 'rename':
		if(empty($_REQUEST['files']) && empty($_REQUEST['file']))
			light_message('Choose at least one file!');
		if(empty($_REQUEST['files']) || sizeof($_REQUEST['files'])==1)
Beispiel #2
 * update_dolphin is a system function for Dolphin.php . You need to specify the function to print errors, if they happen. update_dolphin requires $_REQUEST['act'] to be set to 'upload-new' or 'download-new', and returns NEED_UPLOAD if it needs to show the upload form (it happens if it cannot download the archive from site). The upload form must contain an input field with name "files[]". If all is ok, returns TRUE, otherwise returns string, containing error description or special NEED_UPLOAD. You need to check for TRUE using === operator.
 * @param string $print_err_func
 * @return mixed
function update_dolphin($print_err_func)
	if(IS_DEVELOPER) return 'This operation is not permitted for you';
	ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
	/* disable attempts to download the archive with Dolphin.php by itself */
	if(!CAN_SELFUPDATE) $_REQUEST['act'] = 'upload-new';

	$tmp  =get_tmp_dir();
	if(!$tmp) return 'No suitable temp directory found';
	$tmp = abs_path($tmp);
	$root = abs_path(ROOT);
	if(!$tmp || $tmp == $root || substr($tmp, 0, strlen($root)) == $root)
		/* TODO: write normal answer if $tmp is ROOT or subdirectory of ROOT */
		return 'Update is impossible. '.reason();
	if(empty($_FILES['files']) && $_REQUEST['act']!='download-new')
		return NEED_UPLOAD;
	if($_REQUEST['act']!='download-new') upload_files($tmp);
		$build = file_get_contents(MASTER_SITE.'files/dolphin-build.txt');
		$errtext = 'It seems that your server does not allow outgoing connections for PHP scripts, or '.MASTER_SITE.' is down. Try to upload archive with '.SNAME.' manually.';
		if(!$build) return NEED_UPLOAD;
		if(BUILD >= $build) return 'Your build is up-to-date';
		$dolphin = file_get_contents(MASTER_SITE.'files/');
		if(!$dolphin) return NEED_UPLOAD;
		if(!d_file_put_contents($tmp.'/', $dolphin)) return 'Cannot write '.show_file($tmp.'/','file').' ('.$tmp.'/'.reason();
	$f = $tmp.'/';
	if(!file_exists($f)) return '<b></b> was not found';

	/* note, that we check if extracting is possible _before_ deleting ROOT */
	$e=new PclZip($f);
	//echo '<!--';
	//echo 'file: '.$f.'<br>';
	// some hosters require PHP files and folders with PHP scripts to have special rights, so we need to
	// save rights for some essensial files
	$tochmod = array('','system','index.php','system/download.php','system/preview.php');
	$rights = array();
	foreach($tochmod as $v) $rights[ROOT.'/'.$v] = get_rights(ROOT.'/'.$v);
	//echo 'Removed ROOT.<br>';
	//echo 'Created ROOT.<br>';
	//echo 'ROOT is writable: '.(is_writable(ROOT) ? 'true' : 'false').'<br>';
	//echo 'Changed directory to ROOT.<br>';
	//echo '-->';
	if(!$e->extract('.')) return '<b></b> could not be extracted. Upload the new version <b>via FTP</b>. Here are the contents of your <b>config.php</b>:<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(d_file_get_contents($cfg_old)).'</pre>';
	foreach($rights as $k=>$v) d_chmod($k,$v);
	if(!empty($_POST['save-login']) || $_REQUEST['act']=='download-new')
		/* delete BUILD, VERSION and NAME from config.php, they are now in core.php for compatibilty */
		$conf = d_file_get_contents($cfg_old);
		$conf = preg_replace('/define\\(\'(BUILD|VERSION|NAME)\'.*\\)\\;/sU','',$conf);
		d_file_put_contents(ROOT.'/config.php', $conf);
		$core = d_file_get_contents(ROOT.'/system/core.php');
			$build = "undefined";
			preg_match("/define\\('BUILD'\\,([0-9]+)\\)/is", $core, $m);
			$build = $m[1];
		//echo '<!--Writing new information about build: '.$build.' and '.$version.'<br>-->';
	//echo '<!-- Deleting archive<br> -->';
	if($build!='undefined' && $build > BUILD)
		return true;
	return 'Update did not complete successfully. Please upload the new version <b>via FTP</b>. Here are the contents of your previous <b>config.php</b>:<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(d_file_get_contents($cfg_old)).'</pre>';