Author: Zuoshuang Xiang The University Of Michigan He Group Date: June 2008 - March 2013 Purpose: Remote call back of Sparql section. --> <?php //Use curl to do a post request function curl_post_contents($url, $fields) { //open connection $ch = curl_init(); $fields_string = http_build_query($fields); //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, count($fields)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); //execute post $result = curl_exec($ch); //close connection curl_close($ch); return $result; } $fields = array(); foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { $fields[$key] = stripslashes($value); } print curl_post_contents('', $fields);
function json_query($querystring, $endpoint = NULL) { global $settings; $fields = array(); $fields['default-graph-uri'] = ''; $fields['format'] = 'application/sparql-results+json'; $fields['debug'] = 'on'; $fields['query'] = $querystring; if ($endpoint == NULL) { $endpoint = $settings['remote_store_endpoint']; } //error_log($querystring, 3, '/tmp/error.log'); $json = curl_post_contents($endpoint, $fields); $json = json_decode($json); $results = array(); if (isset($json->results->bindings)) { foreach ($json->results->bindings as $binding) { $binding = get_object_vars($binding); $result = array(); foreach ($binding as $key => $value) { $result[$key] = $value->value; } $results[] = $result; } } return $results; }
if (!empty($related_terms)) { foreach ($related_terms as $tmp_iri => $tmp_label) { $querystring = "\r\nCONSTRUCT {\r\n<{$tmp_iri}> <> ?o.\r\n<{$tmp_iri}> <> ?o1\r\n}\r\n\r\nFROM <{$ontology_uri}>"; if (isset($array_imports[$ontology_uri])) { foreach ($array_imports[$ontology_uri] as $import_graph_uri) { $querystring .= "\r\nFROM <{$import_graph_uri}>\r\n"; } } $querystring .= "\r\nWHERE { \r\n{<{$tmp_iri}> <> ?o}\r\nUNION {<{$tmp_iri}> <> ?o1}\r\n}"; $fields = array(); $fields['default-graph-uri'] = $ontology_uri; $fields['format'] = 'application/rdf+xml'; $fields['debug'] = 'on'; $fields['query'] = $querystring; // print("<!--$querystring-->\n"); $rdf = curl_post_contents($server_import, $fields); // print("<!--$rdf-->\n"); if (preg_match_all('/<rdf:Description.*?rdf:Description>/', $rdf, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $line) { $strOutput .= "\n{$line}"; } } } } if (empty($fileNames) && sizeof($str_inputs2) == 1) { $fileName = $finalFile; } else { $fileName = createRandomPassword(); } $tmpOutputURI = "{$fileName}.owl"; if (empty($fileNames) && $outputURI != '' && sizeof($str_inputs2) == 1) {
<rdf:RDF'; foreach ($outputNSs as $NSTmp => $prefixTmp) { $rdf_header .= "\n xmlns:{$prefixTmp}=\"{$NSTmp}\""; } $strOutput = "{$rdf_header} >\n<owl:Ontology rdf:about=\"" . preg_replace('/\\/obo\\//', "/obo/{$o}/about/", $iri) . "\">\n</owl:Ontology>\n{$strOutput}\n</rdf:RDF>"; if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'application/rdf+xml') !== false) { header("Content-type: application/rdf+xml"); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'application/xml') !== false) { header("Content-type: application/xml"); } else { header("Content-type: text/xml"); } $filename = createRandomPassword(); // file_put_contents("/tmp/$", $strOutput); $strOutput = curl_post_contents("", array("ifile" => $strOutput)); // $strOutput = file_get_contents("$"); // $strOutput = file_get_contents("/tmp/$filename.out"); $strOutput = str_replace('<rdf:RDF', '<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/browser/xslt.php?o=' . $o . '&iri=' . myUrlEncode($iri) . '"?> <rdf:RDF', $strOutput); $strOutput = str_replace('</owl:Ontology>', ' <owl:imports rdf:resource="' . $settings['ns_main_original'] . '"/> </owl:Ontology>', $strOutput); print $strOutput; //<owl:imports rdf:resource=\"".$settings['ns_main_original']."\"/> } else { // can not find this term header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 404 Not Found"); include '404.php'; } } else { header("Content-type: text/xml");
function json_query($querystring, $endpoint = NULL) { global $settings; $fields = array(); $fields['default-graph-uri'] = ''; $fields['format'] = 'application/sparql-results+json'; $fields['debug'] = 'on'; $fields['query'] = $querystring; if ($endpoint == NULL) { $endpoint = $settings['remote_store_endpoint']; } // print($querystring); //error_log($querystring, 3, '/tmp/error.log'); $json = curl_post_contents($endpoint, $fields); // print($json); return parse_json_query($json); }
$num_queries = 0; $settings = getSettings($o); $ontology_full_name = $settings['ontology_fullname']; $all_graphs = array($settings['ns_main'] => 1); $strQueryPrint = ''; $iri = myUrlDecode($iri); $querystring = "\nDEFINE sql:describe-mode \"CBD\" \ndescribe <{$iri}>\nFROM <{$settings['ns_main']}>\n"; $strQueryPrint .= $querystring . ' =================================================================== '; $fields = array(); $fields['default-graph-uri'] = ''; $fields['format'] = 'application/rdf+json'; $fields['debug'] = 'on'; $fields['query'] = $querystring; $query_results = curl_post_contents($settings['remote_store_endpoint'], $fields); //virtuoso bug?? $query_results = preg_replace('/\'\\);\\ndocument.writeln\\(\'/', '', $query_results); $term_cbd = json_decode($query_results, true); if (isset($term_cbd[$iri])) { $main_label = getRDFjsonDetail($term_cbd, $iri, $settings['ns_rdfs'] . 'label', array(), false); $a_term_type = preg_split('/, /', getRDFjsonDetail($term_cbd, $iri, $settings['ns_rdf'] . 'type', array(), false)); $term_type = 'Instance'; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($a_term_type); $i++) { if (in_array($a_term_type[$i], array('Class', 'ObjectProperty', 'DatatypeProperty', 'AnnotationProperty'))) { $term_type = $a_term_type[$i]; unset($a_term_type[$i]); break; } } if ($term_type == '') {